Chapter 204

“Is there any problem? When the assembly is completed later, your technicians will find out soon after adjusting?” Zheng Yucheng didn’t bother to say to people like Chen Tongan. “They are only responsible for guaranteeing the accuracy of machinery and assembly.”

“This is your equipment.” Chen Tongan heard the dissatisfaction in Zheng Yucheng’s words.

The whole workshop is very quiet. I don’t know when the lights in the workshop have quietly turned on.

“Then who, come over with a lamp, this light won’t work, you can’t see clearly.”

“Then who, pour a glass of water!”

“Then who, give me a squeeze on my shoulders, why are you so incapable of seeing?”

In the entire workshop, except for the occasional voices of the old men, no one was heard speaking.

In the eyes of the nine-level fitter who worked hard, there were only the files in their hands and the parts under the files.

“Director Zheng, it’s already past eight o’clock, or let them rest and eat something?” Chen Degui was a little worried that these old men’s bodies would not be able to hold them.

Zheng Yucheng shook his head and said with a wry smile, “They won’t leave this workshop until they are finished.”

“What about eating?”

“Let the people in the canteen do it well and send it over. Don’t make them too hard and easy to digest. In addition, don’t add too much salt or MSG…” Zheng Yucheng said to Chen Degui, “In addition, let people give it. Get some quilts, some of them are going to rest.”

“This…” Chen Degui was a little embarrassed. “Sleep in here, what should I do if I get cold?”

Get food as required and bring it over, no problem.

“If you don’t bring a cup, they will go to sleep together. If you are really upset, just be next to them and move a bed for them alone.” Zheng Yucheng said.

“Isn’t it?” Chen Tongan couldn’t imagine the living conditions of these people at all.

“Their technology is at a strategic level. At the same time, in their eyes, only the parts and tools in their hands, nothing else. It’s useless to persuade anyone.” Zheng Yucheng sighed.

Outsiders can’t imagine this situation at all.

“In our unit, they have a dedicated workshop, which is twice as large as this workshop. Everyone brings at least two to three skilled workers with level 7 or above to fight. At the same time, there are more than 20 people divided into two shifts to take care of them. Life…” Xie Kai said quietly.

Outsiders simply cannot understand.

If there is a way, such as the top-level processing equipment of foreign countries, there is no need to rely on manpower to slowly consume it, and that will not be the case.

This is why the country attaches so much importance to numerical control systems and numerical control machine tools, why they can get 30 million yuan in funding for just one set of numerical control system, and even more so that they will provide a thousand sets of numerical control systems from one machine department to six. Ten million in funding.

With just one set of numerical control system technology and one thousand sets of numerical control systems, 404 received 90 million in funding, of which 60 million was in profit.

Zheng Yucheng and others didn’t keep guarding all the time. It’s a bitter for the technicians who have been with them. How can they ever think that these old men work so crazy that they don’t go to the cafeteria to eat, sleep in the workshop when they are sleepy, and get up to continue working when they wake up. .

They have to be with them.

“Be prepared for these lithography machines to be repaired, and then use these to reproduce, and then see how the chip performance is.” Xie Kai said to Hou Weigui, Wang Jingzhong and others. “The five-micron and 1-micron production processes are completely different.”

There are nine-level fitters from 404 responsible for the high-precision machining and final assembly of the machinery, and professionals from the Fengcheng Optoelectronics Research Institute are responsible for the commissioning of the entire lithography machine, plus the 691 factory’s own production process to produce 68,000 chips. There is no such a big problem.

Even if the performance is different and the scrap rate is higher, the previous problems should not occur.

While the workshop was intensively repairing second-hand equipment, the technicians of the 691 factory also began intensive preparations.

As the manufacturing process changes, the silicon substrate of the chip will also change, and even the mask must be remanufactured.(Read more @

Until the third day, all the parts and components were all fixed. The German-made lithography machines could be used again. The Swiss-made one had to wait for the microscope to be manufactured because the microscope inside was broken. It takes too long.

“I really can’t believe that the parts they produce are comparable to the original ones!” When the final debugging was completed and various data hands were tested, Chen Tongan was surprised.

“These are just replacement parts, none of them have undergone heat treatment, and the materials are all the same, so we can only determine whether the accuracy can be achieved and cannot be used in production.” Wei Lao said calmly. “Even if the parts we produce have reached progress, in the mass manufacturing process, the accuracy will drop due to constant friction…”

“We know this. Wei Lao, you have worked hard these days.” Zheng Yucheng understood.

Materials and manufacturing processes all determine the accuracy retention time and service life of mechanical parts.

“After the physical and chemical analysis comes out, we will process a batch of spare parts. There is nothing for us. The drawings can be confirmed now, and we will try our best when the process comes.” Liang Lao said.

They are telling the truth.

In the current repair, since the material has not been heat-treated, it has not analyzed what material was originally used on the equipment, but it is processed with materials that are similar in performance and suitable for these positions based on their experience.

The service life will certainly not be very high.

“Even if it is frequently repaired, it is not a big problem. As long as we can use such a manufacturing process, we can copy it first, and if the number is large, we can continue to study higher manufacturing processes.” Chen Tongan said to Liang Lao.

“Arrange everyone to have a good rest.” Zheng Yucheng told Chen Degui.

These old men haven’t had a good rest these days. Now they wait for the results of physical and chemical analysis to see the materials used in each part, and then make another batch and replace them before they can be fully used.

“The mask has been prepared again…” Hou Weigui reported, asking when to start sample trial production.

The photolithography process needs to go through the steps of cleaning and drying the surface of the silicon wafer, coating the bottom, spin-coating photoresist, soft baking, alignment exposure, post-baking, developing, hard baking, etching, etc. The core of which is the alignment exposure.

Copy the circuit on the sample onto the processed silicon wafer by a photolithography machine, and then develop it to etch away unnecessary parts.

The manufacturing process of the unit that can produce chips is different in the main equipment, but the process is the same.

“How long will it take to produce samples?” Xie Kai cares most about time.

“I can see the integrated circuit board tomorrow morning, but there is no mold for the package…” Hou Weigui said.

The packaging process is also necessary. It is only the circuit board and cannot be used at all.

Dust or something can easily damage this circuit.

“Packaging is not anxious for the time being, as long as we make sure that the performance of the chips we produce is equivalent to 68000.” Xie Kai said.

“Okay.” Hou Weigui nodded, and didn’t leave, but looked at Xie Kai and Zheng Yucheng in embarrassment, as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

“Just say anything.” Zheng Yucheng looked at Hou Weigui, “None of us are unreasonable people.”

“This chip is mainly used in game consoles and exported to the international market. If it is known by Motorola people, it will cause a devastating blow to the entire industry. Their chips are all patented.” Hou Weigui inspected in the United States. Go through the market and understand the market.

China has never cared about patents.

Especially for the military industry system, there is no patent at all.

After all, if you want to apply for a patent, all technical features must be disclosed to the patent office of the country where you applied for it.

“Don’t worry about this, Motorola can’t find us at all. As long as it can be produced, your unit has to start applying for patents in the United States, Japan and other countries!” Xie Kai said with a smile.

“Isn’t this their design?” Hou Weigui was puzzled. “At that time, a lawsuit will be filed…”

“Just rest assured.” Xie Kai said.

“What patents are you applying for? Disclosing the technology to foreign countries? This is the product they have embargoed on us!” Zheng Yucheng said dissatisfiedly.

“The embargo is imposed on us because we don’t have it. Once we have this kind of thing, naturally there will be no embargo value.” Xie Kai said with a smile, “When the time comes, we can produce it and we can completely look abroad. Encapsulated by our packaging factory!”

Xie Kai knows better than anyone that they have gotten a scrapped production line and modified it to the extent that it can be used. It does not mean that a breakthrough will be achieved in China.

“It’s the same as the CNC system? If we have it, they won’t restrict it?” Zheng Yucheng understands a little bit, but doesn’t understand it a little bit.

“We have it, and they continue to block, forcing us to make faster progress…” There is some truth in Xie Kai’s inability to talk to Zheng Yucheng.

Anyway, as long as foreign countries do not block the country and they can get a lot of them, there will be no problem.

High-end chips are too much needed in China.

Early the next morning, Hou Weigui, with bloodshot eyes, took out an integrated circuit similar to the 68000 chip and came to Zheng Yucheng and Xie Kai.

“Tested? How is the performance?” Xie Kai asked.

“According to our inspection, the data processing capacity is about 7% higher than Motorola’s 68000 chip, and the power consumption is reduced by about 11%. The previous heat dissipation problem is lower than expected…” The expression on Hou Weigui’s face is obviously Question this result. “This is not a design drawing of the 68000 chip.”

“Of course not! Many big players have improved the circuit and optimized the design! The number of transistors is not that many!” Xie Kai said triumphantly, but there was no response on the surface. That’s fine. Under the current situation, how much can you provide in a month?”

“If the two lithography machines and other equipment can be used, our silicon wafer supply is sufficient, and we can produce 20,000 such chips per month.”

“Under existing conditions.” Xie Kai just wants to know how much it can produce now.

The demand for high-performance chips in the 404 base is too huge.

Domestic demand is even greater than 404. In fields such as mechanical automation, industrial control, etc., there is no way to miss this thing.

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