Chapter 206

“We continue to drag it now, it is useless. Motorola does not allow us to put it on the mainland for production. On the Xiangjiang side, without technology, the other party will definitely not give the core technical information.” Liu Dongsheng knew that the game board is in the hands of Xie Kai.

Xie Kai will never be produced in Xiangjiang.

He has been to Dongfeng City, and he knows better than anyone what the situation there is.

Tens of thousands of people rely on this stuff to feed themselves.

“They are obviously worried that we will provide chips to the Continental Army.” Liao Dong said.

The use of this chip is more extensive in the military industry.

On the one hand, the mainland got it for research and on the other hand for weapons and equipment. They are all insiders.

“Ding…” Suddenly, the phone in the room rang.

Liao Dong hurried to answer the phone, and for a long time, he said to the expectant people with a weird expression, “Frens is better than that guy and we have time in the morning. Let’s find him.”

“Are they going to agree to our establishment of a factory in the mainland?” A smile appeared on Zheng Quan’s face.

Liu Dongsheng was not so optimistic. “It is very likely that they will still adhere to the original purpose and agree to our production in Xiangjiang and send people to monitor.”

“Will your nephew agree to this?” Liao Dong asked.

Brother Quan looked at the two with a weird expression.

He still hasn’t figured out who developed the game console. He asked Zheng Yucheng, but he didn’t get an answer. He just asked him to keep cooperating with Liu Dongsheng.

Nowadays, the mainland hopes to obtain a large number of high-performance chips such as 86,000 through the production of game consoles.

“Tomorrow, let’s take a look at what the people at Motorola say. What if they figure it out, at least half a million pieces a year, with orders of more than ten million US dollars.” Zheng Quan didn’t know what Motorola’s people were thinking.

If you can contact, you have the opportunity.

“Mr. Florenceby, will those Hong Kong people agree to our request? The price is 40% higher than our ex-factory price… They made it clear from the beginning that they would set up a production plant in mainland China. The cost is lower, and the government preferential treatment is also very large…” The assistant looked at Florenceby with a look of concern.

They offered merchants from Xiangjiang 40% higher than the international market price, and the other party had no intention of counter-offering at all.

Motorola just proposed to set up a production plant in mainland China, which is not acceptable to Motorola.

If it is only a 4-bit or 8-bit processor, this is not a big problem.

16 bits are high performance throughout the world.

Nowadays, no breakthrough has been made in 32-bit processor chips.

“They are not in contact with Intel and other units that can provide the same type of processor.” Florenceby said, “Now we are constantly losing the market. If we can get larger orders, it will be very important for the entire company. have benefits.”

Motorola’s current market in the chip field is constantly being eaten away by companies such as Intel.

Everyone’s new generation chips have not made breakthrough progress.

Although more powerful than Intel’s 8051 microcontroller, Intel continues to invest huge amounts of money to develop higher-performance chips, squeezing the small Motorola 68000 chip market.

Motorola’s main business is the communications industry, and the company’s board of directors is unwilling to provide more funds to develop higher-performance chips.

They are already very satisfied with the 68000 chip.

As people in the chip business department, they can only continue to develop the market and get more orders, so that they can continue to invest in research and development in the chip field.

The next day, before nine o’clock in the morning, Liu Dongsheng followed Zheng Quan and the others to the Motorola headquarters.

Florenceby didn’t arrange for anyone to come and pick them up. It wasn’t until the security guard at the door called him that Zheng Quan and others went directly to his office.

“Mr. Florenceby, thank you very much for taking the time to welcome us.” Zheng Quan’s fluent English surprised Liu Dongsheng.

Liu Dongsheng also speaks English, otherwise he wouldn’t dare to come to the United States to show off.

It’s just that his English is very bad.(Read more @

“Zheng, thank you very much for your patience. After the research and discussion of our company’s board of directors and some special policies of our country, our company cannot agree to your proposal to produce in mainland China.” Florenceby emphasized, “If you Production in Hong Kong will not have any impact on our cooperation.”

“The production cost of Xiangjiang is much higher than that of the mainland. There are too many people on a small island, and the various costs are not comparable to that of mainland China. There is no land, tax or even policy concessions!” Zheng Quan said calmly. “As businessmen, we are chasing the greatest profit.”

“If you insist, we cannot reach a cooperation. We and Intel are the only ones who can provide the high-performance microprocessors you need. Their processors are not suitable for your needs!” Lunsby said. “If you agree, I can call the shots and reduce the price of each chip by 5% as your cost loss.”

Florenceby is very hopeful that the contract can be reached.

He could not even ask whether these guys would secretly provide this high-performance chip to the Continental Army.

At the beginning of the production in Hong Kong, it was said that it was necessary to supervise. With the shrewdness of these Chinese people in Hong Kong, they have every way to get the supervisors.

In fact, Florenceby has already made concessions.

These words can’t be said clearly.

Zheng Quan will not understand even more, even if he understands the other party’s thoughts, he will not agree.

China needs foreign exchange.

And this game console, after their current market research, even if the price is as high as 3,500 US dollars, there will be more than 100,000 orders.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign exchange is a lot of income for China.

They may even become the No. 1 company in the Shenzhen market.

Those are small things, and national interests are above all else.

At least, for Zheng Quan.

“Mr. Florenceby, if your final decision is so, we can only express regret.” Zheng Quan said, shaking his head.

He can hear the other party’s concession, but this concession is far from enough.

“I hope you can consider our proposal more.” When Zheng Quan and the others left, Florenceby said loudly to them.

Zheng Quan said that he would consider it, but did not make any further stops.

“Intel said it refused. The Italian SGS Semiconductor Company and French Thomson Company in Europe expressed interest in our order, but they could only provide 8-bit microprocessors, which could not satisfy our use.” Back to the hotel, Liu Dongsheng expressed the hope to find other companies to provide.

Liao Dong’s words told him that they had not been in vain for more than a month.

“In fact, producing in Xiangjiang is another way.” Liao Dong didn’t know the inside story.

Liu Dongsheng just faintly felt that Xie Kai’s purpose would definitely not be so simple.

A game console originally only needs one chip, but Xie Kai said that it needs two.

As for the internal game console substrate, Liu Dongsheng didn’t bother to disassemble and study it. He didn’t understand it.

Where did the hundreds of thousands of chips go?

Liu Dongsheng didn’t want to think about it.

He would know at a second thought that Xie Kai was in a military base.

“The investment in the production line is at least tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. How to do it? Bank loans? We don’t have any collateral. Our customers are not willing to sign orders before they get the products!” Zheng Quan said, shaking his head.

“I still ask them.” Liu Dongsheng said.

Now, I can only ask Xie Kai.

It is impossible to call Xie Kai directly, but Tian Li told Liu Dongsheng how to send a telegram to the base.

The telegram was not transferred directly to the base, but somewhere in Jiayuguan.

With this telegram, the people at Jiayuguan inquired about base 404 through a confidential phone call. Finally, they learned that Zheng Yucheng and Xie Kai were in the 691 factory. After calling and asking, the telegram was forwarded to the 691 factory.

“Motorola is unwilling to provide it? Let them produce in Xiangjiang?” Zheng Yucheng couldn’t help but become weird when he saw the contents of the telegram.

Does this kid Xie Kai have the ability to be a prophet?

They just finished the chip production here, and the other party said they would not cooperate with the Chinese.

If the other party knew about it, would he vomit blood from anger because he lifted a rock and hit his own foot?

This kind of high-performance chip is sold to the mainland from abroad, and it costs hundreds of dollars each!

Even if it can be exported to the mainland on a large scale, as long as foreign countries do not lift the ban, the price will only be higher, not cheap.

“How do we reply? Let them agree to produce in Xiangjiang?” Zheng Yucheng asked Xie Kai with a smile.

“If you are willing to let Xiangjiang’s company earn the money, it’s okay.” Xie Kai said calmly. “My brother-in-law and his company will definitely be happy to build at most one substrate production line, and assembly and other things that are worthless can be outsourced.”

“Don’t, now we have chips. As long as the first batch is shipped abroad, their chip restrictions will be released.” Zheng Yucheng is definitely not happy.

A game console produces a profit of nearly 1,000, although the price has not yet been finalized.

“Then tell them, we will solve the chip by ourselves, and it will be easy to negotiate with them at that time!” Xie Kai said.

Even if the current base has many sources of income and the expenses are not small, he does not want to be greedy. A game console can give about 1,500 production costs.

As a result, the base will have a profit of about 800 per unit, and 100,000 units will cost nearly 100 million yuan, which can support the development of helicopters.

“Can chips be produced in China?” Zheng Quan was full of disbelief after receiving the reply.

“That’s what the telegram said, let me go back to sign the contract and prepare to build an assembly factory in Shenzhen.” Liu Dongsheng said with a smile, “Let Motorola people beg us in the future! The market share is getting less and less, and it’s bullish! ”

“Then let’s go back?” Zheng Quan was also happy in his heart, “I don’t want to be angry with them!”

“Would you like to inform Motorola and tell them that mainland China has such chip manufacturing?” Liao Dong feared that the world would not be chaotic.

I’ve always been angry with motorcycles, although they didn’t give them much air.

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