Chapter 224

In the middle of the night, a few people discussed this on a dark road, and Xie Kai felt weird.

Going on, these old guys can’t figure out what projects they want to do.

Xie Kai must find the most suitable project for the current development of the base. It is best to get the order quickly and the investment can be recovered soon.

Aircraft carriers, large drives, and nuclear submarines, he also wants to make some. Those things have been designed and researched for more than a decade, and tens of billions of investment have been invested. The poor navy may not be able to afford it. Investment Going in is a bottomless pit.

Zheng Yucheng and others didn’t say anything. It was late at night and it was too cold outside, so they went home.

“Why is it so late? Drinking?” Liu Xu opened the door to Xie Kai in his coat. He smelt the smell of wine as soon as he opened the door, frowning and looking at Xie Kai.

Xie Kai smiled awkwardly, “Mom, how come you haven’t slept so late?”

He really didn’t expect that his movements were so light that his old lady could hear him.

“Go to bed early after washing…Don’t wash your feet! Help me to get the New Year goods tomorrow. I can’t count on your dad.” Liu Xu said.

When Xie Kai heard it, he shook his head hurriedly, “Mom, I have something to do tomorrow. How many new year’s goods can the base send? You can bring it back with one hand!”

“I can’t count on your father. I’ve raised you for so many years, and I can’t count on helping with something. Why did I raise you such a white-eyed wolf?” Liu Xu looked at Xie Kai and complained angrily. .

Xie Kai was speechless, and the grimace in my old lady’s eyes should be cast on his father.

“Mom, I’m going to bed first. I really have something to do tomorrow.” Xie Kai will go to Zheng Yucheng’s office tomorrow to get documents, and really has no time to help move things. “Should I let the lunatics help you?”

“No, the old lady does it by herself, with plenty of food and clothing!” Liu Xu said grimly, and then turned around and entered the house.

Xie Kai could only shrug her shoulders helplessly, taking advantage of the old lady’s return to the house, without washing her feet, let alone washing her feet, she just slipped into the house, too sleepy.

Early the next morning, Xie Kai was woken up by a knock on the door outside.

“Do you let people sleep?” He shouted, still confused, and then turned over to continue sleeping.

“Xie Kai, Sun Juan and the others are looking for you!” Liu Xu was very grieved.

It is estimated that Xie Jianguo ran out early in the morning to brag about nonsense with the workers, and she couldn’t count on Xie Kai as a son.

“Let them play by themselves, I’m still sleepy!” Xie Kai is covered with quilt and doesn’t want to play with them. It is like this every Chinese New Year. At most, who does some self-made firecrackers and runs to the sand outside the base. Playing beside the Zao Lin.

It’s really boring.

“Brother, Mo Qi is going too! Don’t say I didn’t notify you then.” Sun Juan leaned on the door and whispered to Xie Kai.

When Xie Kai heard that Mo Qi was also going, Gulu got up, quickly put on his clothes and pants, and opened the door, “Is she really going?”

“Yeah. She asked me to call you this morning yesterday.” Sun Juan said with a smile, and then secretly looked at Liu Xu, who was busy, and asked Xie Kai quietly while she was not paying attention. “How did you take her down?”

“What to take? Your brother is so charming.” Xie Kai smiled, and walked outside after packing up his things.

“What are you doing? You don’t have breakfast?” Liu Xu shouted at his son when he saw his son running outside.

Xie Kai can’t even go to Zheng Yucheng’s office to get the information.

On the way back from military training yesterday, Mo Qi’s performance surprised him a bit. He hadn’t thought that Mo Qi would take the initiative to ask himself.

When I arrived at the Shazao Forest, I found that Fatty and the others were busy. These goods were brought over from home and made a lot of good things, including bacon, chickens, ducks, and fish.

Searching everywhere, there is no shadow of Mo Qi at all.

“Brother, don’t be angry, I promise to find her!” Sun Juan saw Xie Kai’s face disappointed, afraid that he would turn around and leave, blushing to explain.

Xie Kai sighed. He knew that he had very little time to play with his friends. Since his rebirth, a few months after his rebirth, there has never been a Sunday with them in the jujube forest to drink and brag about the future.

“Brother, the sausage I brought out from home, you can pad it first…” When Luo Feng saw Xie Kai coming, he quickly handed him a piece of sausage.(Read more @

“Aren’t you afraid that your second sister will beat you?” Xie Kai looked at a piece of sausage that was more than 20 centimeters long, frowning at the stuff, “You have many family members, this thing, take it back…”

“It’s okay, this year the base has distributed a lot of various things, and each unit has divided a lot. My second sister cooked it early in the morning and gave it to me while the third and fourth were not up.” Luo Feng said triumphantly.

“Look at the fat man, he made a piece of bacon, a fish, and a few cans.” Fatty Qian was busy shoveling the stove with an engineer.

Seeing Xie Kai coming over, Fatty’s eyes narrowed into a gap, “Brother, the base will have a fat year this year, and we will also have a fat year!”

There are several other good relationships, each with a division of labor.

In the past, every year before the New Year’s Day, everybody took out some good things that were not normally seen at home, and cooked and ate them by the jujube forest where they grew up playing.

It can be regarded as their reunion year together.

On the one hand, everyone has been in a good relationship since childhood, and on the other hand, there is really no fun. Adults chat together, and their children can’t talk.

Slowly a tradition formed.

“Brother, stay here first, I’ll get Mo Qi for you.” Sun Juan saw that Xie Kai was not angry, but ran to help the fat man build the stove, and said happily.

Xie Kai ignored him and looked at the busy gang of brothers. The Elaeagnus sylvestris is actually not a forest, but there are more than a dozen crooked-necked Elaeagnus sylvestris. It is called a forest by 404 people who cannot see the woods…

The entire forest is surrounded by wasteland, and there are groups of three or five children who gather around the stove or do other children.

These guys learned from Xie Kai’s gang.

Under Sun Juan’s soft and hard foaming, coupled with the fact that Dad was going to participate in the 359 workshop group year at noon, he also came.

“You guys as old, you still learn to play with children?” Mo Qi was startled by the scene in front of him. “What should I do if I know it?”

“Don’t worry, during the New Year, as long as you don’t order the factory or smash the pot at home, it won’t matter no matter how much trouble it is.” Xie Kai saw Mo Qi not talking to him, and proactively said, “If they are true Want to manage, can this happen?”

Mo Qi glanced at Xie Kai, then looked at the other friends around and no one noticed, so he went to help with Sun Juan.

There are not many trees around 404, so naturally not many can get firewood.

I don’t know who did it. I actually got a pile of waste wood from the base, plus some large chunks of carbon, and soon there was a fire.

Other kids are not good. Many of them make pastries from home that don’t need to be heated, and no one cares. They do it for the atmosphere anyway.

Carefree when having fun together.

Xie Kai didn’t do anything, sitting on the sand like this, watching Mo Qi and Sun Juan and the others are busy, suddenly felt very satisfied.

He and Mo Qi lived together for a year from when they were together until they got married until Mo Qi had an accident. What was the taste of the two people’s years?

But it was Mo Qi who cooked three or two dishes, and he didn’t even let Xie Kai do it, just watching…

He doesn’t know how long it has been so easy and comfortable, and even hopes that such carefree will last forever, but unfortunately, people will always grow up.

“Brother, do you think the base will fire the cannons this year? I haven’t heard any noise for several years.” When all the ingredients were thrown into the pot and boiled, everyone gathered around the pot to warm up while eating, drinking and chatting. The fat man asked Xie Kai suddenly. “You have a good relationship with Director Zheng, have you heard him say?”

Xie Kai was taken aback.

Base firing?

“Yes, I haven’t seen it for many years, and I don’t know if those cannons can fire!” Even Sun Juan was a little expectant.

“What shot?” Mo Qi, who had just arrived at the base for half a year, asked Sun Juan suspiciously.

“Cannon, you know? Don’t we all popularize firecrackers during the Chinese New Year? Our base is different, and we don’t know when it started. When the Chinese New Year comes, we dragged out a few cannons from the garrison regiment and bombed the wasteland outside… …” As soon as Fatty Qian said this, he was very happy.

“Yes, we used to watch when the cannon was fired every year. If the cannon is fired again, we can load the cannonball ourselves!”

“You are so stupid, what’s the point of loading cannonballs? You have to fire the cannonballs, that’s cool!” Fatty Qian looked contemptuous.

Mozi was completely stunned.

She never thought about this situation.

During the New Year, another unit set off firecrackers, and the cannon was dragged out from the base to let the people on the base listen to the sound.


They are talking about real cannons.

“Don’t care about this matter?” Mo Qi felt that he didn’t understand this base at all.

“What’s the matter? You’ve seen it around here. There are no people in a radius of 100 kilometers. There is no noise in a year, except for the occasional roar of helicopter engines…” Fatty Qian said.

Mo Qi didn’t believe it, thinking they lied to himself together, “We are a factory, how could this be?”

“We are a military research unit. We have an artillery research department. We have to test new artillery, so we have to shoot cannonballs, right? What can the superiors say? Even if this doesn’t work, there are garrison regiments. They engage in exercises and artillery training. The superiors can’t tell them not to train. Right?” Sun Juan said lively.

She can touch more things.

Mozi was completely dumbfounded.

“Do you want to fire the gun yourself?” Xie Kai didn’t know when he got close to Mo Qi, and the other friends gave him a spot with great insight.

Mo Qi turned to look at him, his face full of incredible.

“The base has made a fortune this year, and it will definitely fire it!” Xie Kai didn’t know if Zheng Yucheng and the others had such a plan.

As long as Mo Qi thinks, he can make it for her!

The only thing to worry about is whether the old cannons in the base that have not been fired with cannonballs for several years can still fire the cannonballs safely.

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