Chapter 243

“Isn’t based on the J-7, is there a better foundation? The J-8 is Shen Fei’s bottom of the box, how can it be taken out.” Li Mingshan was a little strange Xie Kai asked what this is doing.

The only domestic advanced fighter jets are the J-7 and J-8.

They are all based on the MiG-21, and the ones that can be produced by the 132 factory will be J-7.

Jianba was developed by Shen Fei on the basis of the MiG-21.

“What do you think?” Zheng Yucheng asked Xie Kai.

History has changed, but the essence is no different.

Pakistan has cooperated with China on fighter research because India obtained the MiG-29 from the Soviet Union and sought the American F-16 while co-developing it with China to form a high-low match. It is also an alternative to the introduction of American F-16 fighters. Program.

Now Iraqis are facing the threat of Iran’s MiG-29, and they are also seeking to find alternatives from China.

Do you want to hook up with the 132 factory and directly board the Xiaolong fighter?

“If there is no plan at the 132 factory, we might actually be able to intervene in it.” Xie Kai said.

It can be confirmed only after communicating with the 132 factory.

Or, directly talk to the Iraqis, so that 404 has a greater say in this cooperative project?

“Do you have any ideas?” Li Mingshan also came interested.

“We have the technical information of the J-9 in our hands, and that definitely won’t work. However, if some technologies are improved, they can be used on it. We can continue to develop our own military engine technology from this project.” Xie Kai said.

Military high-thrust engines, this is the most important problem facing the domestic aviation industry.

“It’s difficult to get the engine in a short time.” Li Mingshan told Xie Kai not to be too optimistic. “The J-8 uses turbojet engines.”

The turbofan engine has not been copied since the introduction of the bass.

Originally, the J-8 was prepared to adopt a bass engine that imported British technology.

“If it doesn’t work, seek importers.”

“The United States? The Soviet Union?” Zheng Yucheng smiled bitterly. “They will not provide us with advanced engines. Neither the United States nor the Soviet Union want to see the Iraqis become stronger again. Otherwise, they will not seek help from us… ”

“Then only let them get the F-14 back first.” Xie Kai said.

The engine used by the Xiaolong fighter comes from the Soviet Union, and the MiG Design Bureau is also involved in this project.

That was after the disintegration of the Soviet Union for many years and Russia’s life was not easy.

The engine used by the Xiaolong fighter is an improved RD-93 turbofan engine from the RD-33 used by the MiG-29. Such an engine is currently not available in China.

“This will give them headaches at the 132 factory. Let’s sell missiles.” Zheng Yucheng also knows how difficult it is to build an engine.

This thing has a large investment, and it is difficult to achieve success in a short period of time.

“Isn’t the turbofan-8 used for Yun X already successful?” Li Mingshan asked the two.

Xie Kai glanced at him, but said nothing.

Zheng Yucheng’s expression is also weird, even if the turbofan eight has been developed, can it be used on military fighters?

There is a big difference between military engines and civilian engines.

“Let’s ask the 132 factory about this matter. Yunshi’s engine team has all moved to Rongcheng.” Zheng Yucheng said, “Only a thorough understanding of how many projects have been completed will make it clear.”

It’s not that Zheng Yucheng doesn’t want to talk about this with Li Mingshan, but that Li Mingshan knows too little about it.(Read more @

Listening to the report and seeing it in person are completely different things.

Especially after in-depth understanding.

The two went to look for the Iraqis again. At this moment, the Iraqis told them that they still had no negotiation and they needed to wait until the next day.

“Let’s wait here? It doesn’t mean that they are going to talk to the 132 factory someday?” Xie Kai asked Zheng Yucheng, “We are not suitable for participating in this negotiation now. We will wait until they reach a cooperation agreement before we talk about the project at hand. Too much!”

Xie Kai had calculated all the items in the hands of 404 before.

All of them are big projects, and it is absolutely impossible to continue like this.

The intervention in the fighter jet project was originally not planned, but the most urgent thing now is the big press and chip manufacturing.

“I didn’t say who would participate in their project. It’s a bit early to get in touch with the people in the 132 factory. It’s best for us to do some basic research ourselves and understand the situation. Otherwise, the Iraqis will trouble us in the future!” Zheng Yucheng also understands. people.

After the two discussed, they decided to ignore the Iraqi and Rongfei’s warplane cooperation.

Instead, they are urged to sign an avant-garde missile cooperation agreement, otherwise they will not be able to arrange production according to the order.

The urge is only for the money in the hands of the Iraqis.

Early in the morning of the next day, Li Mingshan sent someone to find two people, saying that it was Rongfei’s person who came, so let the two parties communicate first.

Xie Kai declined. Zheng Yucheng went to communicate with the people in the 132 factory and the 611 institute alone. It was almost noon when he returned.

The three parties all lived in the Jinjiang Hotel, but they didn’t make any contact, and they planned separately.

In the afternoon, it was very close to the time of returning to Erzhong. The Iraqis still did not make a decision. Zheng Yucheng and Xie Kai were a little anxious. They hoped to reach a cooperation as soon as possible, and then prepare the contract documents so that the Iraqis can advance the advance payment as soon as possible. Call here.

Zheng Yucheng’s original confidence was based on the Iraqi contracts. Tomorrow Erzhong will start discussing the work of division of labor and cooperation with the big press. They have no money in the hands of the investor, and things will be difficult to handle.

“Are they dragging us?” Zheng Yucheng was a little uncomfortable.

Xie Kai looked at him and didn’t know how to comfort him, “I only talked about it last night, and I will make a decision today. In terms of international cooperation, there are not many such things!”

Zheng Yucheng is too eager.

“Who told you to brag at the beginning? Any dismantled project in the country affects countless people’s hearts. Otherwise, Minister Shen Hong will come forward to help us host this project?” Xie Kai despised Zheng Yucheng, “If you don’t have money, just Don’t brag.”

As long as the money is uncertain, they are in trouble.

Minister Shen Hong personally helped 404 to preside over the construction of the large press. People from all units gathered in less than three days during the Chinese New Year. Finally, Zheng Yucheng told them that 404 was short of funds. Drowned by their spit stars.

“This is not a bragging question, it is too important. If I don’t ask, there won’t be such a thing? Why did you irritate me at the beginning?” Zheng Yucheng complained, “We are considered the best in the country. The unit of money, you actually said that we sold the entire 404 and couldn’t afford it. I asked, and then…”

“You are biting on the 65,000-ton press, which is the reason?” Xie Kai was speechless, the old guy actually blamed himself.

“No, I explained it to you before. The original design drawings are already available, and the samples are also trial-produced. Er Zhong wants to use our funds to build a smaller press for them. I definitely can’t agree.” Zheng Yucheng emphasized again, “At the beginning I have also asked that the big compressor is not only needed by our aircraft, but also needed by more advanced fighters…there are also the main shafts of gas turbines, the propellers and main shafts of warships, etc. We can’t get this out, and we will work on other projects. Will be constrained.”

Zheng Yucheng has figured out the role and importance of the big press.

Xie Kai originally thought that Zheng Yucheng was driven by his aggressive personality, so he insisted on launching a 65,000-ton press, but it turned out not to be that way.

“It’s just this cooperation on the fighter aircraft project. There is no big press, and it is also impossible.” Zheng Yucheng emphasized.

Xie Kai nodded.

The turbine disc in the turbofan engine must be forged as a whole with high-temperature alloy, otherwise the service life will be very short.

Taihang engines are used on a large scale, and the quality is stable only after the domestic large presses are released.

“It’s better to negotiate the missile project with them first. I have enough money to get the big press out, so I feel at ease in my heart.” Zheng Yucheng said.

“Is there any hookup on the Iranian side?” Xie Kai asked.

“The news has been released. Wait for them to find us. Lao Li and the others will also help when the time comes. They can’t take the 10% protection fee for free.” Zheng Yucheng smiled.

In this way, Xie Kai is relieved.

“If they still can’t make a decision, we will leave first, don’t wait for them!” Until five o’clock in the afternoon, the Iraqis did not decide whether to accept the Chinese price.

Xie Kai is very dissatisfied with the attitude of the Iraqis.

I have decided to purchase. I know that there is no need to talk about the price. Why is it necessary to delay?

“In terms of price, is it really impossible to reduce the price anymore? If we can’t reduce the price, we can only reduce the quantity.” Harry Mossang asked Zheng Yucheng.

Xie Kai shook his head.

Zheng Yucheng said immediately, “Lieutenant Colonel, even if you cancel the order, we can’t reduce the price anymore. We can’t provide for the friendship of both parties at a loss…”

“Are you going to lose money?” Ibrahim cursed secretly in his heart, but did not show on his face. “We reported to the country that the president was very dissatisfied with your insistence on such high prices. Therefore, we originally planned to increase orders by 1,000 and reduce them. Eight hundred pieces.”

“How much?” Zheng Yucheng didn’t expect that there would be so much after the other party reduced the number.

“Eight hundred pieces, agreed with your price, 94,800 US dollars per set, 800 sets, a total of 75.84 million US dollars. But our total price was only 75 million US dollars. Do you have any comments?” Ibrahim was a little nervous. Asked.

If it is less than 300,000, each set of missiles is virtually less than a few hundred dollars.

Don’t make China dissatisfied with the money.

“You also said that we are stingy. With hundreds of thousands of dollars, your country will have to extract a few more barrels of oil.” Zheng Yucheng frowned and said.

“This price is acceptable, but you must agree to one of our requirements!” Xie Kai is not unacceptable to this price, it is much higher than expected.

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