Chapter 246

“Even the 45,000-ton large press will be very tight in three years. Many supporting facilities have to be rebuilt, and some equipment has to be specially developed…” Chu Guorong said.

Zheng Yucheng still has to make his own decisions about the matter.

The project is 404, and most of the investment is borne by 404. If Zheng Yucheng forced to build 65,000 tons, they would have no choice.

Zheng Yucheng’s face was ugly, he gritted his teeth and didn’t speak, but just looked at Shen Hong.

The look in his eyes made Shen Hong a little embarrassed. He did deceive Zheng Yucheng before. He knew better than anyone the difficulty of the 65,000-ton press and the high technical risks.

The country needs this thing, but the government has no money to invest. In other words, some technical fields have more urgent needs for funds. Therefore, after 404 expressed interest, he had his mind.

As the Minister of Industry who presided over the design and manufacture of nine sets of molding equipment for the country, he hopes that the country can have such a cutting-edge manufacturing force more than anyone.

Now I have to tell the truth, I can’t tell Zheng Yucheng the fact that a 45,000-ton press can finally be produced. That is definitely not a good thing.

“Minister Shen, if we manufacture a 45,000-ton press, do we have a good grasp? How high is the technical risk? Can the manufacturing be completed in three years?” Xie Kai settled.

He also became distrustful of Shen Hong.

Before, he and Zheng Yucheng, and even the entire base management committee became a bit swollen because of the good situation, and no longer considered the technical difficulty and industrial foundation. The most consideration was the issue of funds.

I always feel that as long as you have money, there is nothing you can’t get out with money.

They neglected time, neglected the accumulation of experience in the technological development process, and neglected the overall domestic industrial technology support.

The Bass engine has been introduced back in 1974. The UK transferred to China the license rights and technical data to produce Spey, providing all assembly and parts drawings, process specifications, various technical specifications, manuals and tooling drawings, and dispatched experts to provide technology. assistance.

However, all this does not include the design experience and manuscripts in the process of designing and developing bass engines in the UK. The UK even refused to send any engine design experts to China for consultation.

The British made it very clear that they can sell equipment and technology, but they will not betray their “heads”. It has been used in China for ten years, but they have not fully digested the design drawings of this set of engines. Up to now, they have not been able to complete them. Localization.

As a past person, Xie Kai knew that the bass engine had to wait until 2003 to pass the acceptance of localized engineering technology.

It took nearly thirty years to digest a design in China without much experience!

The complexity of the big press is no less than that of the engine.

What he is worried about now is whether the country has the ability to manufacture it.

Don’t put money in when the time comes, various projects are designed to wait for the big press, and finally tell them that the big press cannot be produced.

“If you only challenge 45,000 tons, the technical difficulty is not particularly large. There are also a full set of domestic technologies; at the same time, some 65,000 tons of technologies are also demonstrated in this process. The United States Mesta Company built for Alcoa in 1955. The 45,000-ton large press also adopts a three-beam and four-column structure, but the structure is bulky, poor in rigidity, and the cross-beam interference reaches 0.6 mm per meter… We must improve the design and use more advanced structures to solve these problems and improve The rigidity of the equipment…” Chu Guorong explained to Xie Kai.

“If you don’t get a 30,000-ton or 45,000-ton large press to verify these improved technologies and apply it directly to a 65,000-ton large press, once the technology is unreliable, the consequences will be catastrophic.” Shen Hong also spoke.

For the work of large presses, the largest domestic one is only 30,000 tons, and the number of production is not much, only Southwest Aluminum.

This was designed and built by Shen Hong himself. He knew better than anyone the problems encountered in the production process.

The technology used in the 1950s and 1960s is not backward, but it has a great impact on the service life of large presses.

The design service life of a large press is more than one hundred years. If there is a problem with the structure, it will not only fail to work, but will cause some serious consequences.(Read more @

“Do we have American technology in it?” Xie Kai frowned and asked.

“No, but our people have visited their factories. You should know that the equipment structure can be easily seen… The principle of the large press, everyone knows, but how to achieve it, increase the work pressure of tens of thousands of tons, This puts forward harsh and severe requirements on design experience and construction foundation!” Shen Hong said.

Many foreign key equipment is basically not allowed to be seen by the Chinese.

“In Alcoa, we found that the huge elastic deformation and structural deflection of the heavy cast beams of their 45,000 tons large press have a very serious impact on the forging accuracy. At the same time, the service life is very short, and the upper and lower beams are used for every 50,000 yuan. In order to solve these problems, the column and hydraulic cylinder can only be used 20,000 times before they are scrapped. In order to solve these problems, a non-prestressed structure is used to fix the multi-layer ultra-thick steel plate with bolts. The overall frame can solve the defects such as bubbles and coarse metallographic structure in the production process of heavy castings…”

Shen Hong’s series of professional technical jargons made Zheng Yucheng even more infatuated.

Even Xie Kai just barely understands these.

“Do we use this design technique of the Soviet Union? Can it be copied successfully without reference?” Xie Kai is most worried about this.

The 75,000-ton press of the Soviet Union is absolutely impossible for people from other countries to see.

There is no hope for China’s professional and technical personnel.

“No, we all use our own special designs. We don’t know the technology of abandoning the Soviet non-prestressed structure design. Huaqing University has been studying wire-wound prestressed chimeric structures for these years…” Shen Hong said to Xie Kai said.

Xie Kai can understand his professional introduction, which makes him very pleased.

When he introduced, he also stared at Xie Kai’s expression. It didn’t seem like he didn’t know how to pretend to understand.

“Is this technology researched out?” Xie Kai became a little surprised.

This is the core technology of the domestically produced 80,000-ton large press.

Didn’t it just come out in the 1990s?

If this technology is developed, their large presses will be much higher than the same type in terms of forging accuracy and production efficiency.

That is a truly new technology.

“At present, only theoretical research is available. Although model tests have also been successful, only the production of products can finally verify the reliability of the technology.” Shen Hong looked at Xie Kai and said seriously.

The subtext is obvious, they can’t guarantee this kind of technology.

The risk of adopting new technologies will definitely be much higher.

“I just want to know whether this thing can really be made in three years.” Zheng Yucheng was hit very badly this time.

It was originally hoped that with the 65,000-ton press, more advanced projects could be undertaken.

“Yes!” Shen Hong gritted his teeth and said, “This is a comprehensive assessment that we have made based on the current existing foundation. At the same time, it is also the fastest time that can be made.”

“What is the risk? What is the probability of success? If this technology fails, what is the backup plan?” Xie Kai knows better than Zheng Yucheng that he doesn’t care when it can be manufactured, but more concerned about how reliable the technology is.

“Do you know very well about the big press?” The question asked by Xie Kai was the level of professionalism that neither Shen Hong nor Chu Guorong had expected.

“I know the principle, but the specific technical details are not clear.” Xie Kai said. “We have a full set of specific technical information about the country’s dismantling project…”

In order to avoid arousing suspicion, he explained.

In this way, the surprise in the eyes of the two people is even worse.

“At Huaqing University, we conducted multiple finite element analyses through supercomputers, and manufactured a 4,500-ton all-metal model with a ratio of 1:10. Using electrical measurement methods as the main method, we performed various load conditions. The structure parts such as the lower frame, beams, and important parts are tested for strength and rigidity, and compared with the finite element analysis results of the supercomputer, and the main structure is finally determined…” Chu Guorong introduced.

“Finite element analysis is now being adopted in China?” Xie Kai never had the opportunity to touch these things before.

When the country starts to adopt cutting-edge technology, it is confidential.

Huaqing University uses finite element analysis in their large press project, which will make the structure much more reliable.

“It has been used all the time, but the performance of supercomputers in the past was not good, and the calculation results were very slow.” Shen Hong said, “Domestic aerospace field has always been used, otherwise our research and development costs will not be much lower than foreign countries. , Also use finite element analysis to know the safe flight time of their aircraft…”

Shen Hong’s words let Xie Kai understand that the basic conditions in China are not as good as they thought; at the same time, it is not as bad as they thought.

There are just a few ways to solve the problem, and they are used in foreign countries, and there are no shortage of them in China.

“In this way, the possibility of success is still very high?” Zheng Yucheng couldn’t understand, but he could judge what they meant.

“If it is a large casting structure, we can guarantee 100% success. However, the processing accuracy is poor, and in the end, it is impossible to launch an impact on the 65,000 tons of large presses. This traditional technology is used on the 65,000 tons of large presses. The service life will not exceed ten years…At the same time, the poor precision will hardly have any major effect, and the maintenance cost will be very high…” Shen Hong explained patiently.

If you want to make an impact on the 65,000-ton press, you must adopt new technical designs.

How to choose depends on Zheng Yucheng and Xie Kai.

They have to use the traditional structure to build a 45,000-ton press, and they will build a 65,000-ton press in the future. The difficulty will not be reduced.

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