Chapter 262

“Aren’t you doing this with them here?” Zheng Yucheng really didn’t want to take Xie Kai there.

In the beginning, it was also for Xie Kai to follow along to clean up the unruly technicians, so he promised to give 5 million dollars for gun research.

Now the more I think about it, the more I feel that I am too impulsive.

“What’s the matter? They are all experts. Just follow our requirements and come up with the plan. When the time comes, look at the overall plan and make some amendments wherever there are problems.” Xie Kai stared at Zheng Yucheng blankly.

The old guy obviously didn’t want to take him to the gun research institute.

Said it is the Gun Research Institute, Xie Kai has never heard of it, so I don’t know where it is, let alone let them change the 85 sniper and other guns for special operations according to their own wishes.

“All right, I’ll take you there.” Zheng Yucheng was a little embarrassed by Xie Kai’s stare. This kid didn’t make a fuss, but it didn’t mean that he was not angry.

If you really don’t care about anything at that time, it will be troublesome.

Just play it for him.

“In this place? That’s the condition?” Xie Kai’s mouth twitched as he looked at the yard in front of him.

If people who don’t know come to this door, they don’t even know that the guns and ammunition are studied inside. The outside is no different from the ordinary houses around it. This is the most marginal part of the base.

There is no office building, no spacious and bright factory building, or even nothing.

Just like an ordinary courtyard house, except that there are walls and gates outside, the rooms in the yard are much taller than ordinary houses.

“This is our gun research institute?” Xie Kai asked Zheng Yucheng in disbelief again.

Zheng Yucheng was a little embarrassed.

“Director Zheng, why are you here? Please come in, the room will be warmer…” When Xie Kai was wondering, the guard was wearing a military coat in the guard’s room, and the guard who was all wrapped up saw the two at the door. ,Out.

Xie Kai looked even more embarrassed. The base has heating supply, and all the guard rooms have them. Is the guard room so tightly wrapped around Mao?

“Let’s go, go in and take a look.” Zheng Yucheng nodded.

Refusing the guard to take them, the two walked to the house in the middle of the room.

In the room, there is no busy scene like other research institutes. In the big house in the middle, there is a coal stove. A group of people of all ages are playing poker around the stove, opening the door, and the noise and smoke spread from it. come out.

Xie Kai thought it was someone’s house.

“Is this really our gun research institute?” Xie Kai asked again.

“Ahem…” Zheng Yucheng pretended to cough twice to let others notice his presence.

“Oh, Director Zheng is here? So who, pour a glass of water for Director Zheng…” A middle-aged man in his forties turned his head and looked at Zheng Yucheng at the door, and said to the person next to him, without stopping. Action, continue playing cards.

Others also continued their original things if they didn’t see Zheng Yucheng.

Only the original noisy sound was much lower.

Seeing Xie Kai puzzled.

This is the exile of the base?

He had seen a lot of places throughout the base, but never thought that there would be such a place.

“Stop for a while, something to say.” Zheng Yucheng was not angry at the scene in front of him.

Xie Kai was watching.

“Director Zheng, you are not always scolding us, what else can you do? Did the head of the base find us a place? You haven’t been here for more than a year, right?” The year-old young man threw the card in his hand on the table, stood up and asked Zheng Yucheng.

Many people stopped their movements, stood up and looked at Zheng Yucheng.

Xie Kai saw the hatred in their eyes.

“Comrades, I know that everyone has a lot of grievances. Even when the base was at its worst, your salary did not miss a point, right?” Zheng Yucheng said embarrassedly.(Read more @

“It’s true that the salary has not been underpaid. For so many years, everyone has been receiving the salary five years ago… Our No. 78, except for the original family, is left with 53 bachelors. How did you promise when you brought us in? ?”

“Comrade? The other units in the base are your true master’s comrades. We are just enemies, right?”

“Then the salary, if it weren’t for us to come to you together, would it be paid?”

A group of people were excited, and various complaints came to Xie Kai’s ears.

Even if he doesn’t know exactly what’s going on, Xie Kai can know from everyone’s reaction to Zheng Yucheng why Zheng Yu has become unwilling to come here.

It’s hard to see this kind of thing in the base. He hadn’t even heard of it before.

Looking at the whole country, I have never seen such a situation.

Few people in the room had a good attitude towards Zheng Yucheng. What Xie Kai was even more puzzled was that Zheng Yucheng was not angry, but embarrassed.

“Old Zheng, what’s the situation? What about their boss?” Xie Kai asked Zheng Yucheng in a low voice.

Since it is the Gun Research Institute, there are no drawings, no firearms, and no experimental equipment in this room. The desk is put together by everyone. The fire in the room is burning and the temperature is not low.

A group of people lost their temper at Zheng Yucheng, and no one came forward to stop him.

“Comrades, there was no task before. Everyone has grievances, and we all understand. No, do you have a task for everyone now?” Zheng Yucheng said dryly. “Xiao Wang, where is your director?”

“Our director is cooking in the cafeteria!” Xiao Wang is the young man in his thirties who first started talking.

When Xie Kai heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

There is simply nothing to do with gun research.

Even the people inside were not like the people of the research unit at all. They thought of a group of banished, idle farmers in the north of Maodong.

Curled up on the kang all day, playing cards, drinking, and smoking.

Zheng Yucheng didn’t say anything, but walked outside with Xie Kai.

“Old Zheng, what’s the matter? Why does this happen?” Xie Kai asked Zheng Yucheng puzzledly, “The whole base, there shouldn’t be such a situation, this is the research institute!”

“This is also considered an exile unit in the base.” Zheng Yucheng wrapped his coat tightly, “You have also seen the attitude of these technicians inside.”

“Why? The firearms research personnel weren’t the ones you wanted to come over? 78 years ago, didn’t you still hope they could design a firearms feed base?” Xie Kai asked.

Now what he is worried about is, these people can complete the 85 sniper’s transformation design and various tests?

“There are some things you will understand after you wait.” Zheng Yucheng did not patiently explain to Xie Kai as before.

Take Xie Kai to the next house.

The room is not small, and Xie Kai and Zheng Yucheng didn’t feel warm when they entered.

A dozen long tables are neatly arranged. There are long wooden stools on both sides of the tables. They are no different from the furnishings of ordinary canteens, except that there is no window for meals.

It was almost noon, and no one was seen in it.

Zheng Yucheng took Xie Kai and walked towards the back of the cafeteria.

In the back kitchen, there are a few old men in their fifties wearing white lab coats, the kind worn by the scientific research personnel of the base, working hard to chop and stir vegetables.

“Director Zheng, why are you here?” When Xie Kai didn’t fully understand the situation, an old man who was cutting cabbage looked at Zheng Yucheng at the door while working, and asked, “Are you here again? What did the kid do?”

Xie Kai was puzzled.

Sending a new person here?

“It’s been seven or eight years since I have sent someone here, right?” Another old man who was frying the potatoes in the pot looked at Xie Kai and said, “Young man, come and help. From now on, this place will be your workplace. Others learn…”

Xie Kai is even more puzzled.

There is weirdness everywhere in it.

“He is not a newcomer here, he has something that needs your help to figure it out.” Zheng Yucheng looked at the old men and said.

“What can he do for us to study? Besides, what can we study in a situation like ours? Every day, cabbage and potatoes, no matter how you study, it still tastes that way…” Another short, old man said.

“The transformation of the 79 sniper rifle, the more powerful automatic assault rifle, and the sniper shell specially researched for sniper rifles…” Zheng Yucheng gestured, and Xie Kai said.

Several old men in the kitchen stopped their movements and looked at Xie Kai all together.

In his eyes, they all revealed the divine light of looking at a fool.

“Little comrade, look at us, where did you talk about these tangles?” The old man cutting cabbage smiled. The sadness in that voice made Xie Kai a little heartbroken.

He couldn’t imagine that there was still this place in the base.

“In this, apart from the old guys of us, the others are young people who made mistakes in the base. At the beginning, they still studied very hard, but without funds, our design cannot be made, experimented, improved…” The old man looked at Xie Kai and said calmly. “So, this thing, we can’t help it.”

“Five million funds, all materials and processing units are open to you!” Zheng Yucheng said calmly. “Get what he wants, and the base will give you the treatment you deserve.”

“Really?” The old men looked at Zheng Yucheng in disbelief.

“The decision of the management committee will be officially issued tomorrow to satisfy him and decide whether your research institute can be restored and whether you can get the treatment it deserves.” Zheng Yucheng said.

“What happened more than ten years ago, would you just let it go?” the old man cutting cabbage asked incredulously.

“Wrong is wrong, and gong is gong. Seven or eight years ago, I still hoped for you to see how you are now!” Zheng Yucheng’s tone was not polite. “I will come over tomorrow, if this is still the case, this opportunity will not be given to you again!”

After speaking, Zheng Yucheng took Xie Kai to the outside.

A few people left in deep thought.

Xie Kai is at a loss. What kind of existence is the base gun research institute?

Why is Zheng Yucheng’s relationship with them so bad?

Zheng Yucheng does not have such an attitude towards technicians. Why does he treat them like this?

“Do you want to know why this is completely different from other units in the base?” After coming out, Zheng Yucheng saw Xie Kai’s military coat wrapped tightly around him, turned his head towards the building on the edge of the base, reluctant to leave, and lit a cigarette. , Asked Xie Kai.

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