Chapter 282

“Your kid doesn’t go to school all day, so why are you messing around in there?” Zheng Yucheng was very dissatisfied with Xie Kai’s mixing with Iranians who have nothing to eat and drink all day. “Your mother has found me several times.”

This kid obviously has time to go to school, so he has to rely on learning Persian from Iranians. In the future, this thing will not be of great use, isn’t it?

“The Iranians are waiting for news.” Xie Kai is not a fool. “My mother is not busy serving my dad every day. I have time to pay attention to whether I go to school?”

“Someone lied to her.” Zheng Yucheng reminded Xie Kai.

If you don’t solve your own problems, just drag it like this, no matter what.

Xie Kai naturally understands who it is, and he doesn’t bother to say anything, “Iranians have no right in their hands. Their purchases must be approved by Khomeini. Before, Khomeini preferred to purchase a full set of weapons and equipment from the Soviet Union. Most of them themselves The equipment can’t be produced…”

Zheng Yucheng looked at Xie Kai, this kid was clearly changing the subject.

But this strategy is very successful.

“Are they waiting for news here?” Zheng Yucheng has never figured out why the Iranians are so idle.

They are fighting with Iraq, and the age of Iraqi men’s recruitment continues to increase, but it has not affected the domestic economic construction. Of course, even if the oil field is the case, both parties are playing every day when nothing happens.

Especially the oil-producing countries in the Middle East kept telling Saddam, Sadam, Khomeini, this is not a good person, he wants to overthrow our rule, and wants to revolutionize our territory. You beat them severely.

Saddam says he has no money. Is this a problem? You guys help us. Let’s borrow money, and we will kill Khomeini in the future. Iran’s oil fields belong to you. How much money do you get? Just dig and dig the oil. Why don’t you have the money to repay it?

Saddam is also quite stupid, maybe he knows what other people’s calculations are. Anyway, he just saw Khomeini displeased and wanted to beat him. Khomeini dare to wink at the Shiites in Iraq and let them overthrow their rule…

Ever since, Saddam fought with Khomeini while building his own capital.

I am determined to create the most beautiful city in the Middle East. Although the Iraqi population is too small, men have gone to war with guns.

However, women received a high level of education, and women took over economic administration and logistics and transportation. When Saddam put all his energy into the war, the construction of Baghdad did not stop: modern highways, neat streets, beautiful parks, complete public facilities, large-scale subway reconstruction…

When the 1982 war was in full swing, Iran was slaughtered and the economy was in depression, but Saddam took the time to convene a conference of non-aligned countries in an attempt to incarnate himself as the leader of the non-aligned countries. This also made the third brother of India very dissatisfied with Saddam…

In view of this situation, Zheng Yu Chengdu is anxious for the Iranians.

Alpha and the others are not in a hurry to go back to build the motherland, nor are they in a hurry to go back to kill Saddam, and they actually eat and drink in the base.

Although that doesn’t cost much money.

“Ihor went back with our army building plan. There was no movement before. I heard that the batch of missiles we provided a while ago caused the Iranians to be shot down by a few more planes…” Xie Kai looked at Zheng Yucheng.

Zheng Yucheng must know the news, but he didn’t tell himself.

It was the news obtained from the Iranians.

“Your kid is well-informed. But when will the Iranians come? If this continues, I will have to drive them away. Where can I spend time with them?” Zheng Yucheng was serious.

The base has a lot of things.

For some projects, they are doing preliminary preparations.

The construction of the base is also in full swing. Although there are people responsible for each project, people from the management committee have to sign and stamp.

In the entire base, it is estimated that no one is more leisurely than Xie Kai and the Iranians, and he looks upset.

“Ihor is already on the road. This time I heard that I brought instructions from the Supreme Leader.” Xie Kai despised Zheng Yucheng.

Such snobbery is really bad.

“How much? What kind of equipment do you need? They fooled you?” Zheng Yucheng looked at Xie Kai with a face full of disbelief.

Xie Kai rolled his eyes directly, too lazy to explain.

He worked so hard to get news from the Iranian population, but he suspected that they were fooling around for better conditions.(Read more @

“Old Zheng, you can’t be too snobbish. Although what you are doing is really not authentic, they are also high-ranking officials in Iran… As for eating and drinking here? If you go to other fraternal units, you think they will be treated like this. Treatment?” Xie Kai walked out with his hands behind his back, shaking his head and sighing.

Zheng Yucheng was so angry that he kicked him on the back.

Don’t say Xie Kai is anxious, even Alpha and others are equally anxious.

They have stayed here for too long.

The longer the time, the more missiles Iraq obtains, and the greater the loss of their fighter jets.

“General, General Ihor has already set off. He will arrive here the next night, and he hopes that we can be prepared for negotiations.” Finally, when Alphadu was about to lose patience, his subordinates told him good news.

“We are completely familiar with these projects in their base, and they didn’t deceive us before!” Alpha was satisfied.

What to purchase specifically, this will not know until Ihor and Hazari arrive.

When Xie Kai met the Iranians the next day, they found that their faces were full of smiles.

They still wandered around the projects they were allowed to visit all day, causing dissatisfaction among the various project teams.

Xie Kai was embarrassed to go again, but the Iranians continued the next day.

Until the evening, Zheng Yucheng looked for him and said that Long Yaohua would accompany another group of Iranians to arrive that night, and only then did he know the reason.

But when the Iranians were about to arrive at Jiayuguan, the news of Wang Guilin made the entire management committee dumbfounded.

The train broke down again.

This time it was not the people at the base deliberately, nor was it that a train broke down.

The train from the base to Jiayuguan did not change from night to day because of the high number of trains. The 100-kilometer railway began to become a little busy.

The military excavators manufactured by the base need to be transported to Jiayuguan by rail, and the spare parts provided by other brother units need to be transported by rail. There is also a large amount of construction materials, and the entire railway is almost at full capacity.

Since the locomotives of the base are steam locomotives that should have been retired a long time ago, problems will arise at every turn, and Wang Guilin, who is responsible for the logistics of the base, has few hair left.

Now even Zheng Yu Chengdu has a headache.

Because on the railway from the base to Jiayuguan, the heads of three trains were broken at the same time!

“Lao Wang, you are in charge of this. Can you fix everything before their train comes over?” The Iranians and Long Yaohua came over tonight, and Jiayuguan couldn’t stop the Iranians. “This will create a very bad impression on Iranians.”

“There is no way, I said long ago that the locomotive should be replaced. You can use it as you think it can be used without wasting money…” Wang Guilin shook his head.

“Now there is no way to replace the locomotive. They are coming tonight.” Bai Yanjun looked at Wang Guilin.

He is the main force preventing the replacement of locomotives.

After all, none of the projects they want to work on has yet to be seen, and the base has no money.

In line with the principle of saving while saving, they strongly opposed replacing those gas locomotives manufactured in the 1960s with fuel-burning diesel locomotives.

Not to mention the latest electrified locomotive.

All replacements would require a huge investment.

“I can’t help it anyway. During this period of time, I have to bring back the building materials every night, and all kinds of spare parts have to be brought back…The repair shop has never had time to overhaul all the locomotive heads…” Wang Guilin said, shaking his head.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to resolve this matter, it can’t be resolved now.

“Use a helicopter.” Xie Kai was also speechless.

This situation should have been dealt with a long time ago, and people like the management committee are in the habit of living thrifty.

It is often three years in the new year, three years in the old, and another three years in sewing and mending.

The railway is blocked, and the supply of various materials at the base cannot be adequately guaranteed.

Moreover, the railway is the main force of transportation, and it can reach the provincial highway S204 inside. The road is not easy to walk, and the car has to be for several days…

“There are a lot of people! The base has three helicopters that have not been repaired except for malfunctions… the remaining two…” Wang Guilin looked at Xie Kai and said with a wry smile, “If it were possible, we would have arranged for a helicopter.”

Everyone else is staring at me, I watch you.

“We must do our best to repair the locomotive, and we must ensure that they can arrive smoothly tonight. This is to send us money!” Zheng Yucheng couldn’t smile.

Picking up a rock and hitting yourself in the foot is nothing better than this.

The same is true for other people, especially Bai Yanjun and Qi Yuanzhi. The amount of money the Iranians send determines whether the project they want to intervene can be started.

“The problem is how to fix it? The locations of the three trains are different. If they are at the transfer station, there is a solution. The trains to deliver materials are broken…” Wang Guilin also had no choice.

When transporting materials before, don’t worry if something goes wrong, just fix it slowly.

Today, the Iraqis sent money, and as a result…

“Using a helicopter to send the materials and arrange all the technicians in the base to go there. It must be repaired by nine o’clock tonight.” Zheng Yucheng has no other way. “Whether it is to renovate the line or replace the locomotive, we must solve the transportation problem.”

They have to face the current constraints of transportation on the development of the entire base.

Secret base, the location cannot be made public before decryption.

The railway is the main freight channel of the entire base, the road is not easy to run, the cost is too high, and it is almost deserted.

“Can it work?” Bai Yanjun looked at Wang Guilin.

“I can only try, if it doesn’t work, I can only let the train coming over there wait…” Wang Guilin said.

He was not sure.

The base’s helicopters have reached the end of their service life, even more than a lot of time. Now the base is used frequently and often overloaded. If it is not done well, it is really a big problem.

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