Chapter 297

“Director Zheng, the methods we can use are all the previous ones, and there is no other way.” Yang Aimin sighed, looking at Zheng Yucheng and said.

“Yes, Director Zheng, we are going to engage in recreational activities. Those technical staff will not participate, and they are not even interested in watching…” said a somewhat fat woman in her forties, with wavy and curly hair.

“Sports activities are also, except for single young workers, technical personnel will not participate…” a burly big man said, “it is impossible for most technical research and development personnel to participate. Especially fierce confrontation. , It’s easy to hurt the baby bumps in our base…”

“The whole-member fitness program is simply not implemented effectively. The people in each unit are all different from each other, and there are not many people who respond…”

The methods that union members can think of are all routine.

Whether it is organizing cultural and recreational activities or sports activities, it is not the core group that really engages in research and development that can participate.

Football matches and other events, even if those base scientific researchers are interested, who would dare?

In case of injury on the court, who can bear this responsibility?

Those who need to be expelled from the pile of drawings are basically the core technical personnel of each project.

The real purpose of various cultural, sports and entertainment activities is to intervene in the core technical personnel of the base to conduct technical research frantically regardless of their health.

“We need something that allows everyone to participate in sports that are not too strenuous, and then vigorously promote it…” The meeting lasted for two hours without any constructive opinions.

Xie Kai dozed off hearing it.

The spiritual and cultural construction of the base is too bad.

“I see it now. It’s not that we didn’t work hard, but that everyone couldn’t find a way to get them out. Even the broadcast gymnastics, they can’t guarantee that the scientific researchers will really participate in it.” Wang Guilin came out of the union. At that time, he said helplessly to Xie Kai.

Xie Kai also understood the situation.

He was equally helpless.

He can ignore other technicians, but his father Xie Jianguo, this situation absolutely cannot continue.

Otherwise, the old man will not live to retire by then…

“Brother, why are you in a daze!” When Xie Kai went to school the next day, she didn’t bother to listen to what the teacher said, let alone think about other things. Sun Juan was very worried about Xie Kai. “Moqi’s note, asking what’s wrong with you.”

“It’s nothing.” Xie Kai looked at the beautiful handwriting on the note and looked at Cabbage. Cabbage was immersed in homework, and his heart warmed. From the corner of his eyes, Chen Yixin was looking at herself, and she ignored the woman and turned to Sun Juan. Said.

“Brother, you give me an idea. The school issued a notice requesting each class to have a program on the May Fourth Youth Day. This matter in our class fell on me…” Sun Juan frowned.

She is the cultural committee member of the class.

It’s a big embarrassment to have a show.

“Aren’t you good at this matter?” Xie Kai asked in surprise. Before these things at school were all for fun, just fool around.

Generally, they are engaged in singing a song or arranging a revolutionary dance or something.

“It won’t do this year, the school requires it to be wonderful…” Sun Juan said, “Singing is not good, dancing must be innovative, and there must not be too few people…”

Xie Kai has spirit, and it is clear that this is a continuation of the base’s request to strengthen the construction of sports culture.

“Then choreograph a dance. I believe you, there is no problem.” Xie Kai can’t help it.

“Just those songs. We don’t know what’s popular out there. I want to make a different one. We will rest on the weekend tomorrow. Let’s discuss it in Shazao Lin. How would you like to give your opinion?” Sun Juan asked Xie Kai, “Moqi goes too.”

“What does it matter to me whether she goes or not?” Xie Kai was speechless.

Finally nodded in agreement.

The base also faced such a problem. Sun Juan received the task and asked to produce a different program, not always the original monocular.

Xie Kai didn’t have many literary and artistic talents, and it was really impossible to count on him.

When going to bed at night, Xie Kai was still thinking about this, what would suit the current situation of the base.

“Apples?” I ate a few mouthfuls in the cafeteria at night. After I got home, I was hungry. After searching for a long time, I only found a few stale apples on the coffee table.(Read more @

Xie Kai didn’t care about anything else, took a bite, and suddenly got an idea.

While gnawing on the apple, I wrote down the song “Little Apple”.

Isn’t this song the most suitable dance for Sun Juan to rehearse during the youth period?

He has ideas for the activities that all the people participate in in the base, and he once hated the square dance in all of China!

“Little Apple” is definitely not suitable for everyone on the base, but “The Most Dazzling National Style” is definitely possible.

“Brother, no? Are you writing this for Mo Qi?” Early the next morning, before dawn, Xie Kai knocked on the door of Sun Juan’s house.

Sun Juan’s parents are also working overtime, and she is the only one in her family.

Seeing Xie Kai’s lyrics, Sun Juan’s eyes widened, “Will the school agree to this?”

“Agree or disagree, what can they know?” Xie Kai also knew that the lyrics of this song had a big impact on the closed base.

“I don’t know how to make this song, I can hum it, you can follow along, and then find someone to type the score…” Xie Kai said.

The more Sun Juan reads the lyrics, the more she likes this song. After Xie Kai hums it, the more she likes this song.

“Brother, Mo Qi will be moved and cry!” Sun Juan said bitterly.

“I did this to help you, not for Mo Qi!” Xie Kai naturally couldn’t admit that it was written for Mo Qi, “I thought of it when I ate an apple last night, and then your brother I was thinking like a spring… ”

Xie Kai casually pinched.

Sun Juan didn’t care about it either. She asked Xie Kai to sing and began to choreograph the dance moves herself. How dissatisfied Xie Kai looked.

“Don’t practice, just watch my moves!” Xie Kai was really helpless, and immediately asked Sun Juan to stop tossing about it. The Little Apple dance itself was simple, just those few movements.

“Brother, you can dance?” Sun Juan opened her eyes wide.

Xie Kai rolled his eyes, can the square dance be good?

When he and Sun Juan vacated the living room, humming the melody, and after dancing, Sun Juan’s eyes fell off.

“Brother, I really responded to the words of Fatty Qian. When you scream, there is nothing wrong with women!” Sun Juan said excitedly, “That’s it, you teach me! No, I’ll call Mo Qi, you Teach us together!”

“Have you remembered the song?” Xie Kai asked Sun Juan.

Sun Juan waved the lyrics in her hands and said proudly, “As long as you remember the melody, the lyrics will be fine.”

The two were about to find Mo Qi together, and the other girls in the class had already arrived at Sun Juan downstairs.

“No, Brother Kai, you actually wrote a song specifically for Mo Qi!”

“Then the whole school knows what is there!”

“I don’t know what Chen Yixin will do if he knows…”

Regarding the discussion of the girls in the class, Xie Kai didn’t answer at all, just looked at them with a smile.

He didn’t deny it at all, it was also to tell Chen Yixin through other people’s mouth, and make her give up.

When she saw Mo Qi, she didn’t expect Xie Kai to be together, and she was unwilling to rehearse with Sun Juan and others, “Who is going to find Fatty Qian and Luo Feng? My brother just danced this dance. Up!”

Sun Juan thought about it, and simply got Luo Feng and the others, and then let Xie Kai dance with them.

Two days ago, Xie Kai and Wang Hao were together, and Luo Feng and the others were very dissatisfied.

“What do you think? I’m so fat that I can dance?” Fatty Qian was very unhappy, “I have to go to supplement Chinese class today.”

“Fatty, put away your careful thinking, otherwise you can’t do anything.” Sun Juan threatened, “My brother wrote the song specially for Mo Qi, and he choreographed the dance.”

“Really?” Fatty Qian looked at Xie Kai in disbelief, “When does he write songs?”

Looking to Mo Qi on the side, Mo Qi blushed and never looked up.

“Okay, do something right, Sun Juan, you teach them to sing first, wait a minute, let’s go to the union club to record the tape, now that there is no accompaniment, everyone must be able to sing…” Xie Kai didn’t see the time either. It’s too early, they must be taught in one day.

In fact, you can meet this stuff only a few times, and rehearse slowly later.

When Fatty Qian and the others knew the lyrics, they screamed strangely from time to time, and cast their eyes at Mo Qi with unkind intentions. At first, Mo Qi’s face flushed, and he was embarrassed to say anything. When they came to the back, they slowly turned towards Mo Qi. Getting used to it, Fatty Qian didn’t dare to go too far under the threat of Xie Kai.

A few people learned it in the morning, but Xie Kai didn’t participate in the afternoon.

He didn’t have time to rehearse with everyone.

I don’t know what I will be busy doing next moment.

“Did you write a song specifically for Mo Qi?” Chen Yixin knew the news, it was three days later, and looked at Xie Kai angrily.

Xie Kai looked at her calmly, “She is my girlfriend. I don’t care what your purpose is. I hope you don’t send food to my parents anymore. You should be clear about the relationship between me and Zheng Yucheng, if it goes too far. , Then your bonus points…”

Xie Kai really doesn’t want to continue like this. No matter what purpose Chen Yixin is, it is definitely not a good thing.

My mother is also free all day long. If it weren’t for my father’s side to need someone to take care of, Xie Kai would really find a way to get my mother out to do something else.

Chen Yixin gritted her teeth and looked at Xie Kai without questioning, tears flickering in her eyes.

“Some jokes, it’s meaningless if you go overboard. You shouldn’t have been here. You just need to transfer your school status here and continue to study outside. You can get extra points when you come back during the college entrance examination… this You can also see the quality of the teaching.” Xie Kai didn’t feel that Chen Yixin was wronged at all.

There was still a trace of guilt, but when she delivered meals to her father and mother, and the mother actually began to interfere with Xie Kai’s personal problems, it disappeared.

All this is to tell Chen Yixin to let her take the initiative to leave.

“You just don’t want to see me?” Chen Yixin asked Xie Kai.

Xie Kai nodded.

“I will hate you forever, and you will regret it sooner or later!” Chen Yixin covered her mouth and ran out of the classroom crying.

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