Chapter 401

404 is indeed short of money, and the gap is not small. As long as you want to start a new project, you have to have money, not a little bit.

The initial budget of the Super Seven Project is at least US$500 million. Even with Pakistani investment, it needs US$250 million. This money is the biggest gap.

Iraq lacks equipment. Since the Iran-Iraq War has been fought for more than five years, most of the equipment has been consumed.

The cooperation between the two parties seems to be a real win-win situation.

“General, what you said is really correct. However, it is not only the Iraqi family that needs such equipment, but also your enemies. They also need advanced ground equipment.” Xie Kai said with a smile, “This kind of tank, they did not I didn’t see it, but showing such excellent performance on the battlefield, would it not be possible to investigate it?”

In Xie Kai’s view, this is the reason for Iraq’s urgency.

Everyone knows that the goods are sold to two. The 404 base cannot be sold to only one.

And this kind of tank has not been finalized until now. The Persians didn’t look at it at all before, but preferred the base to be transformed and equipped with cloud explosive bombs as the warhead of the ground red flag.

The performance is eye-catching, but also suffered a big loss, such a tank, will the Persians give up?

will not.

And the base’s manufacturing capacity is not high. When both sides need it, they place an order, and the situation will be similar to that of avant-garde air defense missiles.

Naturally, it is impossible for Iraq to accept such a result.

“That’s their problem, but we only place the order right now, and the order is not finalized.” Ibrahim looked at Xie Kai with a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

It’s not what he wants to say, even if he doesn’t say it, the Chinese side will know the situation.

In the entire logistics maintenance team, there are technicians from Hongqi Machinery Factory.

“General, I can’t promise you about this right now. I need to talk to my superiors.” Xie Kai knew that any more talks would be fruitless.

Why do the Iraqis so urgently want to get a huge number of 359 tanks, even if there are many technical problems?

After speaking, he handed back the promissory note that had been pinched in his hand.

He couldn’t answer whether it was a price reduction or a production only for the Iraqi family.

Ten million U.S. dollars is a lot, but compared to the losses caused to the base if the other party’s requirements are met, this ten million U.S. dollars is too little.

“You take it, whether it’s done or not, this is a meeting gift from the president.” Ibrahim didn’t expect to come back after giving it out.

There is a Chinese saying that you can eat people softly and take short hands.

Knowing that it is unlikely that Xie Kai can help this kid, but they are still planning to give him the ten million dollars. They know the position of Xie Kai in that base.

“No merit is not rewarded…” Xie Kai directly put the promissory note on the coffee table in front of him, and got up to say goodbye.

I feel at ease if I don’t take the money.

Anyway, he is not short of this money, although the game console company does not know the situation, at least it will not be short of this million US dollars.

Hongqi Machinery Factory has been producing game consoles all the time.

“Really on the battlefield?” Xie Jianguo didn’t believe it when he went back and told his father about the situation. “Our test doesn’t have such advanced data.”

“This is also the reason why I am puzzled. Unless Zhang Deming and the others replace the originally tested Chobham armor during the production process.” Only this kind of explanation can work.

Otherwise, the defense of the 359 tank is not as strong as it appears.

Xie Jianguo nodded, “There is such a possibility. If the tank doesn’t reach an agreement, what if the other party doesn’t bring us to contact the Soviets?”

Have to worry.

Ibrahim went to Jordan in person, and he would definitely not help base 404 to obtain engines from the Soviet Union.(Read more @

“This is what I am worried about. The Iraqis not only want to bargain, but also hope that we can give priority to supply. But now here, I don’t know anything in the base.” Xie Kai sighed, “But a $3 million car, The price is indeed higher.”

“Are you really going to sell to them for $2.2 million? Although the profit is still not low, the cost is not low.” Xie Jianguo looked at Xie Kai, “The base matter, let them talk about it. You always It’s not a good thing to intervene in these things.”

“I want to intervene, can I do it?” Xie Kai looked at his father, “Pakistan, you have a meeting with Kachihead and the others, maybe I will go.”

“Go to sleep!” Xie Jianguo was a little embarrassed for a while.

Regarding the tank project, he really doesn’t have much to be the master, especially in international cooperation and arms sales. He has no right to be the master.

Instead, Xie Kai can still call the shots.

Where can Xie Kai sleep?

Turn to Tian Li, “Are you in touch with the embassy in Jordan?”

Tian Li looked at Xie Kai and wondered why Xie Kai thought of contacting the embassy.

“I need to contact the country.” Xie Kai said. “The contact channel of the embassy is safe.”

“You can’t use the embassy’s contact information.” Tian Li shook her head. “When you came, Director Zheng said that if you have any ideas or need to contact the base, I will pass them on.”

Xie Kai looked at Tian Li, measuring the credibility of her words in his heart.

When I thought of it, there was nothing to say, and I told Tian Li directly that the Iraqis wanted to purchase 359 tanks at a price of 2.2 million U.S. dollars. The price was too low, and 3 million U.S. dollars for a tank was indeed too high.

He even asked Tian Li to report back the results of the 359 tank on the battlefield for the first time.

“Don’t worry, I will report as soon as possible.” Tian Li assured Xie Kai.

Xie Kai was too lazy to bother, and ran to sleep by herself.

The next day, people from Jordan continued to talk nonsense with the delegation and did not mention any business matters.

Ibrahim didn’t seem to show up.

It made Xie Jianguo and others depressed. They came here to seek a fighter contract.

Even if the Soviets are not in contact with Chinese representatives in Jordan, they should not waste time in this way, right?

Until the afternoon, a Jordanian general expressed his desire to carry out military cooperation with China, but Xie Jianguo was unable to call the shots, only that he would report the situation.

“Dad, don’t think about it. Even if the Jordanians want to purchase weapons and equipment, they won’t communicate with us. These guys help the Iraqis to drag us.” Seeing his father frown, Xie Kai knew what was going on. . “Furthermore, there is no conflict with the original itinerary. Have fun in Amman, okay? Our base, except for the bare mountains, can’t see anything.”

According to the original itinerary, the team will stay in the Jordanian capital for two days and enter the station where the 359 tank is located on the third day.

Amman, the capital of Jordan, is in the second district of East, six hours later than the eighth district of China standard time.

404 is located in the northwest, just over four hours earlier than the time in Jordan.

People at Xie Kai and others were still wandering around in the capital of Amman.

Although Jordan is also a poor country in the Middle East, it is much more developed than domestic cities.

“Everyone can talk about their opinions. There was no result discussed last night, and there must be a result today.” Zheng Yucheng looked at more than a dozen people in the conference room and said with a serious expression, “The situation reported by Xie Kai is yes. We don’t have it. Harry Mossan didn’t tell us what the 359 tank had achieved in actual combat in the previous days…”

“Again, since the performance is superior, the price is even more important.” Wang Shuwei said calmly.

“Xie Kai made it very clear that the price of a $3 million car is not cheap. Nowadays, we need more funds. If the price does not decrease, it is difficult to ask the other party to pay all in cash.” Wang Guilin suppressed his anger. “Furthermore, it is impossible to use such self-use armor for later sales!”

Zheng Yucheng seemed to be crazy too, and Wang Shuwei and others had to participate in these things.

There is no need for their advice at all.

The more people, the more opinions.

What’s more, Wang Shuwei and others have been trying to expand their power.

Wang Hao was also in the conference room, and he could hardly intervene in such matters.

He also knows now that the dispute between the two parties over prices is not actually directly related to him and Xie Kai, but the old grudge between them and Zheng Yucheng and others.

“Everyone, can I say a few words?” Wang Hao cautiously raised it when neither of them was willing to give in.

The noisy meeting room fell silent.

“Do you have any ideas, just say it.” Zheng Yucheng glanced at Wang Shuwei and his group, then looked at Wang Hao and motioned to him.

“At present, the 359 tank has not been fully finalized. Although it has shown very superior performance on the battlefield, this is not the standard equipment we will sell later. The armor will definitely be reduced…” Wang Hao didn’t make a big voice at first, and slowly expressed Be bold, “We don’t know the specific situation, and Xie Kai in Iraq can communicate directly with our technicians to understand the situation. There are many technicians in the team who can make comprehensive assessments based on various situations… His father He is also a vice president of the 359 tank and can know an approximate price…”

“You mean to give this right to Xie Kai, a young man who doesn’t have the same hair?” Wang Shuwei was the first to be unhappy.

For his nephew, he hates iron but not steel.

“No, to be precise, the chief engineer of his father Xie Jianguo is in charge. The specific content of the negotiation can be transferred to the base… The base can give a rough range…” Wang Hao really doesn’t want to see such meaninglessness. The quarrel went on.

“How suitable do you think the range is?” Zheng Yucheng was also taken aback, and exchanged eyes with Wang Guilin.

Is it a conspiracy by Wang Shuwei and others?

Or, is this the pit that Wang Hao dug for Xie Kai?

Once Xie Kai’s father and son negotiated a low price, it can be said to have received the other party’s benefits.

How much is low?

Even a three-million-dollar car can be blamed.

“I think it’s better not to let their father and son participate in this matter.” Wang Guilin retorted first.

For Wang Hao, he once again felt that Xie Kai was causing trouble for himself.

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