Chapter 425

“Where have you been? I haven’t seen your shadow this day?” Xie Jianguo saw Xie Kai coming back. I didn’t see the shadow this day, so he asked, and didn’t stay in the villa.

Can’t help wondering what the son is doing.

“Have you been in contact with the Soviets?” Xie Kai asked.

“The Soviets in Iraq are all related to intelligence.” Xie Jianguo told Xie Kai, “After returning to China, I will see if I can go to the Soviet Union at that time. What have you been doing?”

“It’s okay, Dad, there are still a few days to go for the New Year, we should go back.” Xie Kai’s words made Xie Jianguo a little confused.

“The Iraqi contract has not yet been finalized.”

“In the next year, their people will come to our base to discuss specific details and prices.” Xie Kai was a little weak, and the twenty million dollars he had on him made him feel a lot of pressure.

Instead of asking for the 20 million dollars, Ibrahim asked Xie Kai to take the money back to operate.

Up to now, there will be no progress when the negotiations continue, and only secret methods can be used.

“Ibrahim continues to look for you?” Xie Jianguo asked Xie Kai vigilantly.

Xie Kai nodded and looked at Dad.

“The people in the entire team have been looking for them. Just like yours, everyone else gave a check for 100,000 U.S. dollars and gave Li Nian, the deputy head of the group, 2 million U.S. dollars. My side is also 2 million dollars “Xie Jianguo said calmly.

“Received?” Xie Kai’s eyes widened.

“I received it and handed it over to me and Li Nian. Isn’t it good for cooperation? After returning, hand it over to the base. See what the base says. How many are there on your side?” Xie Jianguo asked.

Xie Kai did not speak, unfolded the folded promissory note and handed it to Xie Jianguo.

Xie Jianguo’s eyes widened.

“Impossible! Lao Tzu is the person in charge, how can you have so much more than Lao Tzu!” Xie Jianguo didn’t believe it at all, and exclaimed.

In the entire negotiating team, the other party did not give much, and this is a big project of more than 2 billion US dollars, and actually gave Xie Kai 25 million US dollars back and forth.

“What’s impossible?” At this moment, a thin middle-aged man knocked on the door and entered the room.

This person is Li Nian, the deputy head of the delegation, who is at the bottom of the base management committee ranking and has never had any sense of existence.

This time I came here, basically to recharge.

Therefore, Xie Kai just knew him. Fortunately, he didn’t pull Xie Jianguo’s hind legs.

“Old Li, tell me, why let’s take so little, this kid takes so much!” Xie Jianguo also took the promissory note from Xie Kai and pointed it to Li Nian.

Li Nian’s thin national character face showed an expression of amazement, “Isn’t it possible?”

When he saw the long list of zeros on the promissory note and counted them one by one, he was inexplicably surprised, “Are these Iraqis stupid? Buying Xie Kai for such a big hand…”

Before he could finish talking, he laughed, “Iraqs still have people in our base. It’s normal to know some inside information. It’s most appropriate to buy this kid. Even if Xie Kai collects the money and doesn’t hand it in, it’s okay. Son, this is the safest. Besides, Xie, you are the person in charge. It is not easy to buy you. Buying your son is the same as doing things, right?”

Xie Kai was stunned.

The words of these two do not fit the image of a cadre.

“I’m talking about two people, but I still don’t talk about principles? You represent the base and the image of the country. Not to mention bribery, you are still openly discussing here, and even for yourself to take less… If it spreads, You can lose the face of the country.”

Xie Kai has never thought about it. He has always been very serious, even unsmiling, and people who care about the image of the country outside, how can they be such a urine?

“Sugar-coated cannonballs, don’t you know?” Li Nian asked Xie Kai with a smile, “Who told our base to be poor. More than 20 million dollars, enough to feed the entire base for one or two years. After the sugar-coated is eaten, the cannonballs can be shot back. Well.”

“Don’t worry about it. When you come, the base will explain everything. When you go back, everyone has to explain everything.” Xie Jianguo said. If I come back, there is still a lot of balance…”

Dad said so, what else can Xie Kai say?

No wonder the old guy Zheng Yucheng made Tian Li have to follow him, and Tian Li also said before that no matter how much he took, he had to hand it in.

In the next few days, as Xie Kai guessed, there was no progress in the negotiations between the two sides, and they were even too lazy to negotiate.(Read more @

The Iraqis began to arrange a group of people to visit Baghdad.

On the border, war broke out from time to time, but in Baghdad, the impact of the war was not visible at all.

Urban construction is in full swing, and the operation of the entire city has not been affected.

The only difference is that in Baghdad, the proportion of women in various positions is much higher than that of men. Even the traffic police on the streets are mostly women. This is probably the biggest difference from most countries in the entire Middle East.

Many of the men seen on the street wear military uniforms.

This is probably the only one that can see the impact of the war on the entire Baghdad.

For several days in a row, the negotiations were not reached, and even a contract of intent was not signed. The Chinese delegation transferred from Iraq to Jordan to prepare for the return trip.

“For such a long time, Yunshi has not returned?” Seeing Yunshi at the airport, Xie Kai asked Xie Jianguo in surprise.

Xie Jianguo shook his head, “This is already the second trip, and Yunshi has just arrived.”

“That’s just right. You don’t have to change planes all the time, and you can catch up to go back to the New Year.” Xie Kai was very satisfied.

It is already February 6, the Spring Festival of 86, February 9.

Once in history, on this day, the Persians launched a large-scale battle and occupied Iraq’s Faao Peninsula.

But now, the Persians have occupied the Faao Peninsula ahead of time, but they seem to have nothing to do during the Chinese New Year.

“Cousse gave a gift.” Li Nian smiled and said to Xie Kai when he got on the plane.

Xie Kai was puzzled. Since the banquet that made him fail to understand the purpose of the other party, he has never seen Qusai again, and even Ibrahim has rarely seen it.

What kind of gift does this product give me?

“What the hell?” Xie Kai didn’t understand.

The plane went all the way to Muscat Airport, the capital of Oman. Xie Kai really wanted to know what gift Qusay gave him, so he ran into the cargo hold to see what it was.

After seeing it, his eyes widened.

“Grass mud horse!”

In any case, Xie Kai would never have thought that Qusai really gave himself a few sacred beasts.

“This is a grass mud horse? It doesn’t look like a horse at all.” Li Nian, who was with Xie Kai, asked in surprise.

“I don’t know, anyway, the Iraqis said it was called by this name.” Xie Kai said a little bit nastyly. In the future, this beast in China will be called this name that can compete with the beast of river crab. “I heard that this thing is unique to South America…”

“Let our base zoo, this year, our base will be lively.” Li Nian asked Xie Kai tentatively.

After all, this was given to Xie Kai by the second son of the Iraqi president.

“No problem, two cents per person! Five minutes to visit!”

“Did your kid lose money?” Xie Jianguo slapped Xie Kai.

“Dad, what are you saying that the Iraqis are playing? I didn’t negotiate anything with him before. Not only did he give money, but just said he liked it, then the guy put this stuff on our plane.” Xie Kai doesn’t have much love for animals.

The purpose of the Iraqis worries him even more.

“It’s probably a test. No matter what, I’ll talk about it when I go back. The Soviets are already dunning money.” Xie Jianguo was even more confused.

“Maybe they are testing.” Li Nian said, “We can’t accept that price anyway.”

“Tentative, shouldn’t you find me?” This is what Xie Kai didn’t understand.

He is just a young man. Although he has some influence on the base, he will never be the main decision maker.

“Then it depends on the news and intelligence they got. Almost all the projects in the base have your shadow. Harry Mossan has been in our base for a long time, and he can inquire a lot about you. This is not a secret.”

Li Nian’s analysis is more logical.

“Especially, in the Middle East countries, the children of presidents or high-ranking officials have great power and influence. Cousse is only less than two years older than you. Now he is responsible for the expansion of Tikrit Division. It’s just a name, but it has a great influence on equipment procurement…” Li Nian continued to analyze.

From the standpoint of Iraqis, Xie Kai’s age is not a problem.

“My dad is just an engineer!” Xie Kai said.

“But your relationship with the management committee seems to surpass that between you and your father. Especially when Lao Zheng’s son is dead, his daughter has never recognized him…” Li Nian glanced at Xie Jianguo and said when he saw no response.

Xie Kai looked at Li Nian, and it seemed that the base was full of talents.

No wonder Zheng Yucheng and the others want Li Nian to come here.

Could it be…

Xie Kai had a vague guess that the base management committee was about to change.

The long-distance flight was very boring. Xie Kai was idle and had nothing to do, so he learned from others and began to write the trip to Iraq as written materials. Anyway, he returned to the base. Such things are indispensable, especially the US$20 million given by Iraq. Promissory note.

He didn’t know how to write the part that was used to buy off the Soviets.

Up to now, Zheng Yucheng had been concealed from the plan, and he and Wang Guilin were the only ones who knew.

The plane stayed in the Pakistani capital for a few hours, but the Pakistani did not show up and landed again, already in the country.

“Are you sure you don’t need me to hand in your report?” Xie Jianguo asked Xie Kai on the train back to the base.

Xie Kai shook his head.

The money in hand needs to be prepared for the Soviet plan, and once it is handed in, it is difficult to use it again.

It was originally the money that was elusive.

Xie Kai didn’t go home directly. Even though it was late at night, he still knocked on the door of Wang Guilin’s house, and despite the severe winter in the Northwest, he called Wang Guilin out.

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