Chapter 439

As early as 1973-74, Libya purchased 27 Sidewinder missile launch vehicles from France and organized them into 9 missile air defense companies to defend airports. After that, they began to purchase various air defense missiles from the Soviet Union, bringing the entire Libyan domestic air defense force to the size of 19 brigades.

Among them, 9 S-75M3 and S-125M mixed brigades, 7 “Square” self-propelled missile air defense brigades, 1 “Wasp-AK” brigade, 1 S-200VE brigade, 1 French-made “Sidewinder” air defense missile brigade .

What the base can provide is only avant-garde individual air defense missiles.

If it’s just for individual air defense missiles, the Libyans don’t need to spend so much time and effort?

Purchase ground weapons and equipment? Xie Kai didn’t even understand.

How many ground forces are there in Libyans?

He is not clear.

“Let’s avant-garde air defense missiles, can we make up a batch and let the Libyans bring some back?” Xie Kai didn’t understand what the Libyans were doing anyway. He didn’t care whether it was buying weapons by themselves or helping the Persians.

As long as the money is paid, the base can sell weapons and equipment, which is a good thing.

Now that the Libyans are here, the Americans are about to bomb Libya, and provide some new avant-garde air defense missiles to Libya, even if they shoot down a few F-111Fs that are the main attackers and F-15s or Fs from the British air force base. -16, the missile will be easy to sell in the future.

It cannot be said that Xie Kai’s mind is active.

Maybe, when God let him be born again, everything was arranged.

The Libyans are here. This is an opportunity, an opportunity for the air defense missiles developed for the base to become famous.

The American Air Force has acted unscrupulously after many operations, especially after the Desert Storm launched against Iraq. The Sam series missiles sold by the Soviet Union have fallen behind.

Moreover, the mold air strikes Libya, which is the most favorable condition for the use of individual air defense missiles-in the air strike against Libya code-named “Golden Canyon”, the mold navy and air force combined operations, and only two waves of attacks were used: the first wave, FA- The 18 and A-7 attack aircraft launched anti-radiation missiles and destroyed five radar stations in Libya, and forced other radar stations in Libya to shut down; the second wave was covered by hundreds of carrier-based aircraft of various types and fighter jets from British bases. Next, F111F fighter-bombers and A-6 attack aircraft carried out surgical precision bombing of Libyan targets.

Under such conditions, the altitude of the attack aircraft provides favorable conditions for the use of individual air defense missiles.

Operation Prairie Fire is not far off, and individual anti-aircraft missiles are almost useless.

“They didn’t say to buy our anti-aircraft missiles!” Wang Guilin looked at Xie Kai and didn’t understand what Xie Kai was thinking. “Ask you if you understand, I just want to analyze their purpose before they come and be prepared to deal with it.”

“It’s okay, let’s sell air defense missiles, doesn’t affect it?” Xie Kai said with a smile.

Zheng Yucheng instinctively thought that Xie Kai was joking.

So he ignored him.

“Go back if you have nothing to do, study with Zheng Quan more about trade with the Soviet Union, and be prepared to receive Iraqis.” Zheng Yucheng told Xie Kai to leave first.

Xie Kai wanted to leave a long time ago, but when she heard this, she was a little unhappy, “I said Lao Zheng, do you really treat me as a free labor force? I have less than five months to go before I have to take the college entrance examination. ”

Wang Guilin and others were all taken aback.

Without Xie Kai, they really forgot that Xie Kai was about to take the college entrance examination.

For most high school students, the college entrance examination is what determines everyone’s future. For Xie Kai, it seems that it has no such effect.

“You have to finish this matter first, and there are not many other things. Anyway, you are smart, the college entrance examination is so simple, it is not a problem for you…” Zheng Yucheng said irresponsibly, “These things are at best. It was resolved in half a month.”

“At least, there is no problem with the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Huaqing University. There are many schools in China, it is not a problem, it is not possible, and there are military schools?” Qi Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Xie Kai makes money for the base, which is king.

“Don’t listen to them. Except for the Sino-Soviet trade, you really don’t have to worry too much about the other things. Just review it. We have confidence in you.” Among the few people, only Wang Guilin’s words, Xie Kai is useful.

Looking at Zheng Yucheng and the others with contempt, Xie Kai turned and left.(Read more @

Old guys, wish he didn’t go to college.

Unfortunately, these old guys don’t know that they have all the questions for the college entrance examination in their heads. Before that, he had written down all kinds of questions, some of which were not clearly memorable, probably the type, at least he remembered, Many questions have been practiced for Mo Qi, Sun Juan and others.

According to Xie Kai’s plan, when the exam is approaching, he will go to his college entrance examination counseling team to do all these questions.

The best Peking University Huaqing failed to pass the exam, and the last heavy copy is not a problem.

“Xie Kai seems very resistant to this matter?” The little old lady entered the room after Xie Kai left.

Wang Guilin helped Lu Yang clean up the dishes on the table.

“It doesn’t seem to be very resistant, but it has always been very resistant. Your job is difficult to complete.” Wang Guilin reminded his wife, “This kid has an object in their class.”

“That’s not a puppy love?” The little old lady widened her eyes.

“People say they just study together and meet to take the same university…” Zheng Yucheng said next to him, “Rather than introduce him to others, it is better to work hard on that girl. Talk to her, this matter is for them all. It’s a huge opportunity.”

“People are not necessarily willing.”

“No matter if Xie Kai wants to become the true successor of the base, no one can avoid this, right?” Zheng Yucheng asked Bai Yanjun.

Bai Yanjun is most opposed to such a thing, but this is the rule.

At a certain level, there are some things that you can’t help yourself.

Everyone is a brick, and move to wherever needed in the process of building the motherland.

“He has been reluctant, and even done some messy things, perhaps because he is not subject to such constraints.” After Lu Yang left, Wang Guilin reminded everyone.

Before Xie Kai launched Wang Hao, it was completely a means of killing several birds with one stone.

Everyone was silent.

Even Wang Guilin’s wife knew that things were difficult to handle.

“In the future, Liu Dongsheng should remind me more, otherwise he will cheat his nephew in the end.” Bai Yanjun saw that everyone was silent and changed the subject.

“How to deal with it?” Zheng Yucheng also got a headache.

Liu Dongsheng is not from the base, even Xie Kai’s spokesperson is not even considered. Kaisheng Game Machine Company, except for Xie Kai at the beginning, basically didn’t care about it.

The situation made it difficult for the old men of the base management committee to deal with it.

When Zheng Yucheng had a headache and how to solve Liu Dongsheng’s troubles, the Xie family who held a family meeting also asked Liu Dongsheng.

Originally, Xie Jianguo and Liu Dongsheng had a very happy conversation. When Xie Kai came back, he raised the troubles caused by Liu Dongsheng again, and the problem was clarified.

If a solution is not proposed, the latter things are really not easy to handle.

Liu Dongsheng lowered his head and did not speak. On weekdays, Boss Liu was awe-inspiring, but at this moment, he couldn’t afford to offend anyone in front of him, “You can deal with it as you say, I promise, I will tighten my belt in the future. .”

“You tied it tight, did someone solve it for you?” Liu Xu knew his brother’s urination too well.

“Money, beauty, these are the most commonly used by international spies, Dongsheng, you should know that behind Xie Kai represents the entire base, even the military…” Xie Jianguo’s words were much more euphemistic.

“Three sisters, third brother-in-law, I really didn’t think about this before…” Liu Dongsheng regretted how much he regretted now.

“Even if it’s your wife, you shouldn’t take it to the base. If it wasn’t for the intelligence department to have been eyeing her for a long time, the consequences would be disastrous…” Xie Jianguo emphasized.

Liu Dongsheng nodded repeatedly.

“Game console company, you go behind the scenes and recruit professional managers from Hong Kong or even internationally to manage it in the next year. What’s the situation at the modeling agency?” Xie Kai was originally going to talk to Liu Dongsheng about the game console company’s development, and decided to find a professional manager People naturally don’t need it.

Liu Dongsheng felt lost for a while.

The most worried result still appeared.

“Professional manager?” Liu Xu frowned, “How much money do I have to give in a year!”

“At least hundreds of thousands, good ones, even millions.” Xie Kai said lightly.

“It’s better to let your brother-in-law commit the crime, and I will stare at him more in the next year.” Liu Xu was heartbroken, “Millions, I can do a lot of things.”

“Mom, professional managers have not yet appeared in China. Large foreign companies use professional managers. It seems that they can get more, but they can create more value.” Xie Kai told the benefits of professional managers “I don’t know much about the international game console market. Now that Kaisheng can have today’s results, it’s all my previous plans have been implemented…”

In the game console industry, Xie Kai knows the direction of development in the next ten or twenty years, or even thirty years.

Naturally, I don’t worry about others.

Finding an obedient professional manager is far more suitable than my uncle.

“If our company wants to become bigger and stronger, it cannot adopt the family model to operate. Although my brother has not made any major mistakes, he is no longer competent to be the general manager of this company.” Xie Kai said without mercy.

Liu Dongsheng was unwilling and looked at Liu Xu eagerly.

Liu Xu also didn’t want Liu Dongsheng to return to the old path, “Your brother-in-law has nothing to do, and he has only a few shares in the modeling company, and Fu Qian is responsible for the specific operations.”

“On the matter of Fu Qian, I reminded my uncle that I actually handed over the modeling agency to her?” Xie Kai was a little angry.

“I arranged it.” Liu Xu said, looking at Liu Dongsheng’s eyes, very angry. “Who knows your brother-in-law… Anyway, your brother-in-law has to have a job, should he let him go fooling around again?”

“Let him go to Ukraine and wait until he has the opportunity to tow the aircraft carrier back from the Black Sea Shipyard.” Xie Kai’s words made several people jump up.

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