Chapter 450

“Whether it is American or Soviet, it is not a good thing for us.” Xie Kai said seriously.

Zheng Yucheng and others nodded solemnly and agreed with him. It is true that the Soviet Union provided funding behind the scenes, and the missiles finally fell into the hands of Vietnam, which had not yet ended its civil war; the Americans provided funding behind the scenes, even in the Gulf across the Gulf. Wanwan provided funds, and the missile fell into Wanwan’s hands.

No matter who it falls into, the destination of the missile is Chinese territory.

Never sell.

“If the Persians or the Iraqis transfer part of the missiles in their hands, we can’t stop them!” Zheng Yucheng was frightened by Xie Kai’s thoughts.

The possibility of this idea is too great.

“That’s not enough. After all, when we signed the missile outsourcing agreement, there were clauses clearly stipulating that the logistics support waited for our people to look at it?” Xie Kai was not worried about selling it to Iraq and Persia.

Persia may change hands in some unusable weapons in the future. For example, Iran once purchased the J-7. After the Iran-Iraq War, even though there was no opportunity to import fighters from abroad, it still sold dozens of J-7s purchased from China. -7 changed hands and sold it to Donsonia and Sudan.

The ground-to-ground tactical missile M7 imported from China and improved by the Hongqi-2 air defense missile, which is the result of the 8610 project, has never been sold by Iran.

Of course, Iraq did not purchase such missiles. Most of their missiles were Soviet-style.

“In that case, the two hundred missiles really cannot be sold.” Wang Guilin was also a little disappointed. “The funds of hundreds of millions of dollars are not a small amount.”

“It’s not that you can’t sell, but you have to figure out who the buyer behind it is. The enemy, naturally can’t sell.” Xie Kai shook his head and said.

There are too many doubts about Tanzania’s purchase this time. As for how to figure out that North Korea is behind them, and North Korea is helping Cuba purchase, Cuba can pay this amount by selling cigars?

“When I got to Cuba, I couldn’t get in touch. People in their government didn’t make a statement.”

“Then don’t sell it!” Xie Kai said firmly, “However, we can contact Cuba. The nickel ore resources there are rich in reserves, which is a good thing for our country.”

“What are you going to do with that thing? We don’t have any shortage of domestic minerals.” Zheng Yucheng was puzzled. “The domestic mining capacity of all kinds of minerals is in excess.”

“Yes, we can still ask for oil or something.” Wang Guilin also nodded, “Furthermore, our base does not have a smelting unit, and mines do not make money. If you want to do it, you are investing in mines.”

Xie Kai didn’t want to comment too much on the eyes of these big guys.

It is written in the textbooks that China has a vast land and abundant resources, and the reserves of various minerals are among the top in the world.

Zheng Yucheng and others never expected that China would become the world’s largest importer of minerals in another 20 years.

It’s not that China’s products are not abundant enough, or that China’s ore reserves are not rich enough, but that China’s consumption is too terrifying.

With the largest population in the world, even in the next 30 years, the total economic volume will surpass the United States to become the world’s largest economy. The huge GDP data and the various resources that need to be consumed are massive.

Whether it is the Pacific or the Indian Ocean, there are freighters transporting various minerals to China everywhere.

“Some things are too troublesome for us to come. Xie Kai, it’s better to be pragmatic. The domestic output of petroleum is not high, and the quality of crude oil is not as good as imported. We can ask for it; ores, such as nickel ore, tungsten ore Wait, it used to be what we exchanged for foreign exchange in China, and now the export volume is not small.” Bai Yanjun and Qi Zhiyuan didn’t know when they came in, and they didn’t say anything, and Li Nian didn’t say anything. In the end, Bai Yanjun still spoke.

There are as many minerals as China wants.

If necessary, just excavate directly.

“No, it seems that there is indeed no shortage in the country, because our stainless steel production is very low; more because our nickel-based superalloy production costs are too high… If our economic aggregate develops to the level of the United States, how much does it need in China? Mineral resources?” Xie Kai asked everyone.

“That’s a matter for the national mining department, and it has nothing to do with the base.” Zheng Yucheng said disdainfully, “It is troublesome enough to exchange oil for equipment. This time the Persians want to do this. Even Iraq, although it is full of funds, is also a problem. I hope to exchange it with oil.”(Read more @

It is relatively feasible to exchange oil for equipment.

In the past two years, the national economy has been overheated, and the overheated economy has been subjected to macro-controls again, especially the blind comparison of local governments. For the sake of GDP, repeated construction is serious. Under the fast-growing market demand, the national macro-control has failed to achieve much The role of.

Therefore, in the short term, there will be no shortage of domestic supply.

Even the ore imported from abroad plus the cost will be more expensive than the domestic one.

“We must consider long-term development. Especially in the field of civilian products. And we need to transform the scientific research results of the base into products, recover scientific research funds, and realize the recycling of scientific research funds.” Xie Kai does not just say wherever he thinks.

But there was a plan before.

Ore, this will be a strategic resource for the country’s economic development in the future.

The Americans have always sealed up all kinds of domestic mineral resources, mining only a small amount, the same is true in Europe and America, retaining their own mineral reserves…

Even the little devil has been desperately buying various minerals, even investing in various mines overseas, and storing a batch of various ores in China every year.

Because they don’t have much domestic reserves.

For China alone, for economic development, especially for GDP, local governments do not even consider whether there are minerals available for their children and grandchildren.

Rare earth is the most obvious example.

China’s rare earths, when they were most abundant, accounted for 71.1% of the world’s total reserves. After decades of selling cabbage prices, in the end, the total reserves were only 23%! This is an amazing data change.

The decline in reserves is not the increase in reserves found in other countries in the world, but the global rare earths that have been supplied by China for decades.

Rare earth elements are inseparable from missiles, airplanes, or computers.

This is something Chinese people cannot see now.

China’s electronics industry is underdeveloped, and the electronics technology is not advanced enough. By the time it is discovered, it will be too late. It is necessary to import rare earths from abroad at a high price…

Not to mention the hundreds of millions of tons of iron ore imported every year.

“Ordinary iron ore or something, we can cooperate with the domestic mining department. Anyway, we want money, they want to mine. Non-ferrous metals are expensive and profitable, so we can hold them in our hands. Even, we can buy. A steel company specializes in the development and production of various alloys…” Xie Kai’s plan has always been met with opportunities to promote it to the base management committee step by step. “In recent years, the country has been engaged in infrastructure construction. The technical threshold of ordinary steel plants is lower. As long as they have money, they can do so, so the competition is fierce. However, high-end special steel not only requires large capital, but also has high technical thresholds. Local governments generally do not They will do this. Even if they have a mine, at best they are just building a mining plant or something…”

Special steels are expensive and profitable in China.

Up to now, even military special aviation aluminum materials and high-temperature alloys are imported.

In terms of material research, Xie Kai is completely a layman. He has been a first-line skilled worker for decades. He knows the various formulations and performance characteristics of materials too well.

This is a skill that every basic technician must master.

Knowing the characteristics of the material can be better processed, knowing what method to process, and understanding where the material is used are the basic skills that top skilled workers need to master.

Processing technology includes these things.

Front-line skilled workers need to master these in the process of upgrading from worker to technician level.

“The investment is too large.” Wang Guilin shook his head straight, “special steel, etc., it takes too long and the cost is too high.”

“If we don’t invest, even if we need it, can we import it? Not to mention, our current focus is on the development of fighter aircraft and engines, and solid missiles… Under the current circumstances, the strongest super-hard alloy aluminum 7075 is domestically produced. Can the quality of the engine be compared with foreign countries? Or, the superalloy used in the engine does not need to be imported?”

It is not that Xie Kai wants to engage in materials, but for the entire industrial field, materials are the foundation.

Many things in the country are designed but cannot be manufactured. It is not that the manufacturing technology cannot reach it.

Precision-manufactured equipment is not available in China, but there are the world’s top super-skilled workers-Grade 9 fitters. At most, the production efficiency is low and the cost is high.

The biggest limitation is still the material.

The production of materials, the use of materials.

The introduction of a full set of Bass engine technology has not completed the digestion work. The biggest key point is the material, although there are also problems in manufacturing accuracy and equipment accuracy.

If you don’t understand the characteristics of the material, you can’t produce it yourself, and without the corresponding processing tools, the production quality can’t be guaranteed.

“Xie Kai, can we not play that big?” Wang Guilin knew what Xie Kai said was the truth, “but the stalls in our base are too big at the moment.”

“Yes, it’s not a good thing that the stall is too big.” Zheng Yucheng also had a headache.

Everyone knows that materials limit technological development.

The country has no choice but to study it slowly.

“If we don’t spread this stall, how can we do it? Even if we have imitated the engine needed for the Super Seven Project, we don’t have the most critical high-temperature alloy for the engine. Can we rely on imports to avoid getting stuck? Titanium alloys are still imported in China. There is no guarantee in the military field, let alone the civilian market.” Xie Kai questioned everyone, “Our base has so much funds, is it really waiting for interest in the bank? That interest can catch up with prices. The rise?”

The use of base funds has always been a problem.

Although there is a cooperation with China CITIC Bank, and the base also has a lot of shares, but interest, it is really better to invest.

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