Chapter 454

“What can we get? Didn’t you say that investment must be reported, and long-term and short-term benefits must be emphasized?” Zheng Yucheng hopes Xie Kai can dispel such thoughts. “The national civil affairs department is responsible for those matters, and our responsibility is the cause of national defense.”

Each department has its own division of labor.

There is nothing wrong with Zheng Yucheng’s words. It is the government department’s business to help students, help the poor and so on.

The 404 base exists for technology, scientific research, and national defense. According to Xie Kai’s approach, you can do whatever you think of, how can it be done?

“Some things don’t need to pay attention to return. We talk about benefits for better development. When we have enough funds, we can do something else and do our best to change the country and the nation, even if it’s only a little bit. Will we be uncomfortable in our hearts?” Xie Kai understands why many people start to invest in charity after earning a certain amount of money.

Changing one’s own destiny is nothing, the key is to change the destiny of others.

As he often asks himself, what do you want so much money for, life is nothing more than food and clothing, covered by tiles.

No matter how much money you have, you can’t take it with you if you die.

This is an opportunity for Mo Qi.

“As long as it does not affect the operation of the base or the development of the base project, it is fine to take a part of it to do this.” Wang Guilin is more in favor of Xie Kai’s idea. “Now we have made many units jealous…”

Whether it is the above policy inclination or the support of personnel transfer, the 404 base in the entire military industry system is eye-catching.

Unlike other units, projects require approval from superiors, funds need to be allocated by finances, and profits are not required to be handed in at all.

“The problem is not that big right now. In the future, someone will definitely talk about this. Once Long Yaohua, Li Mingshan and other chiefs retired, we may not be able to keep these things in the future…” Xie Kai looked for a base, naturally thinking Okay.

His problem is also more realistic. It can be seen that part of the funds is used to help students in poor areas.

When the scale reaches a certain level, the people above have ideas, but they can’t do anything.

“In addition, for this fund, we only accept corporate donations, not personal donations from the society. In addition, we cannot come to force donations like official charities everywhere…” Xie Kai knows very well that there are no charities in this era. How much donation did the law get.

Everyone can’t even eat enough to eat, and they haven’t had a comfortable life in their own lives. Where can they still have the mind to do charity?

Another problem is that many local organizations, even unqualified organizations, used the guise of charity to solicit donations, seek social donations, and finally squander the money.

“Then it will be difficult to get bigger.” Zheng Yucheng shook his head.

If you want to do it, you have to make it bigger, and it’s best to make it known all over the country.

“The more money we make, the bigger it is, isn’t it? In the past, agriculture subsidized the industry, but now we feed back.” Xie Kai said.

In his mind is thinking, if he gets bigger from the beginning, Mo Qi doesn’t have any experience, can he control it?

Even, there is nothing wrong with Mo Qi.

This project was originally prepared for Mozi.

“What about the specific plan and direction?” Wang Guilin asked Xie Kai, “The quality of teachers in other places in our northwestern region is weak, especially in the Qilian Mountains. The vast majority of people are living in a difficult situation. Let’s start with a county or a town here…”

Xie Kai explained his plan, starting with the impoverished areas around the base, and starting with education and medical care. In education, the focus is on girls.

The national family planning is strictly enforced, and the ratio of male to female newborn babies is seriously imbalanced.

“In the later period, we will face the whole country in education assistance; while in the northwest region, whether it is windbreaking or sand fixation or poverty alleviation, we must gradually get involved. After all, this is the area where our base is located. It is too poor and not good.” It’s huge.

Poverty alleviation work, in the back, is a national policy.

If the base wants to live a stable life, it must ensure that someone is helping to speak from all aspects. It simply uses the policy methods used by the following countries to drive a group of companies to do it together. At that time, even if someone is dissatisfied with the 404, they must Weighing.

Wang Guilin and others also understand Xie Kai’s thoughts and have to admire Xie Kai’s thinking far.(Read more @

Especially when facing huge orders of billions of dollars.

“This can be done. Who are you going to be responsible for? Or the base will get a special office?” Zheng Yucheng asked Xie Kai.

“Mo Qi!” Xie Kai said of Mo Qi, watching the changes in the expressions of several old guys.

“Such a big thing, can she do it well with a little girl?” Zheng Yucheng didn’t expect that Xie Kai would let that girl come forward to do it.

“Who will do it at the beginning? Besides, this project was originally set up for her. 10% of Kaisheng Game Machine Company’s annual profits will be invested in it.” Xie Kai wanted to show his determination, but Smashed a lot of money.

Zheng Yucheng and others were dumbfounded.

What is the annual profit of Kaisheng Game Machine Company?

Last year alone, it exceeded 100 million U.S. dollars, converted into soft sister coins, but nearly 400 million.

10%, that is 40 million.

Is it worth it?

No wonder Xie Kai said that he let the base take out hundreds of millions a year. He thought that this kid was to pit the base. Who knows, he is playing for real?

“Let’s study and study again to see how much money is appropriate for the base for a year. By the way, such a large project must have a name, and it is still a project with continuous investment and no return…” Wang Guilin was a little dry.

If you vote too much, the base can’t support it; if too little, Xie Kai will definitely have an opinion, and it will be difficult to make ends meet.

This makes the base a bit embarrassed.

“Project Hope! For a better tomorrow, for the hope of the nation and the nation. Of course, this requires the help of the base to register… Moreover, this is a non-public charity fund, the original fund, I will prepare forty million first.” Xie Kai Licking his lips and said.

I have registered the Hope Project, and when the government does it, it is estimated that it will have to do a future project…

“This is a good name! The Hope Project, whether poor children go to school, subsidize people who can’t afford to be sick, or change the backwardness of poor areas, it all gives people hope…” Zheng Yucheng slapped and applauded. “Don’t worry, we will complete this approval procedure as soon as possible.”

“There are many things after this year.” Wang Guilin complained a little.

Only the Soviet legacy plan, the resource-for-equipment plan, which was launched a year later, made the base exhausted, and now this is happening again.

Xie Kai is obviously making a future for her little girlfriend, and everything has to be done with the help of the base.

It’s not enough if you don’t do it.

“Uncle Wang has worked hard. I have a suggestion. Fund funds should be accounted independently, and fund managers and staff, I hope that the base can be paid…” Xie Kai’s words made the corners of Wang Guilin’s mouth twitch and scold his mother. It almost came out.

“It’s okay. Anyway, there are still many personnel at the base who have not arranged work. Most of them are engaged in logistics. They are good at this kind of thing.” Zheng Yucheng didn’t mind.

This can also arrange some jobs for the base, isn’t it?

The placement of personnel in the base is not an easy task now.

Busy dying, idle dying.

If you’re busy, you’ll get more bonuses. If you’re free, you don’t have anything to do all day, you get a lot of salary, and you have a small bonus. If you go on for a long time, things are easy to happen.

“How about building an excavator factory in Jiayuguan in the next year and letting your father go to Zhangluo?” Zheng Yucheng asked Xie Kai.

“Isn’t he going to the Soviet Union?” Xie Kai frowned.

He knew that this was a reward from the management committee. The problem was the civilian product business. Once in, it would be difficult to return to the military product business department.

“It’s not that you won’t come back. Ask him about his personal wishes, first think about it, and we will talk to him after he officially goes to work.” Wang Guilin’s words are completely inconsistent with the organizational process.

Xie Kai didn’t ask much and went home directly.

On New Year’s Day, except for the logistics department and the security department, the entire base basically has a holiday no matter how busy it is.

“Where did you go in the early morning?” Liu Xu didn’t see Xie Kai when he got up, and it was past ten o’clock when he came back, complaining about Xie Kai. “Heat the dumplings in the pot for you.”

“Mom, I’m not hungry. You have so many presents, what are you doing?” Xie Kai couldn’t help being a little dumbfounded when he saw that there were tobacco, alcohol and fruit on the table.

“Didn’t you go to Mo’s family to propose marriage?” Xie Jianguo put down the book in his hand and asked his son.

Xie Kai was anxious, and quickly stopped, “My dear parents, we are about to enter the 21st century. Anyway, you are also high-level intellectuals, how are you full of feudal ideas!”

If you really come to propose a marriage, what will Mo Qi do, let alone talk about it, then the entire base will have the opportunity to talk.

“You two children like each other. Let’s come and make things happen.” Liu Xu didn’t care about his son saying he was feudal. “I asked her last night, she didn’t object, didn’t she?”

“Farewell. You are all party members, you have to set an example! Besides, am I only 18? There are still four years before the legal marriage age.”

“Your mother is afraid that you young people will not be able to control it. If you catch up with the things of the previous two years, then it will be troublesome…” Xie Jianguo didn’t care whether he was a father, and although his words were vague, they were still clear.

Feeling afraid that he would make Mo Qi’s belly bigger and kill him.

“How can…” Xie Kai couldn’t communicate with her parents about such problems. “Don’t go anymore. Once her mother comes, her mom will arrange a job… By the way, Dad, Zheng and they mean let You are the person in charge of the Hongqi Excavator Factory project…”

“Didn’t your dad say he’s going to the Soviet Union on business?” Liu Xu stopped talking about going to Mo’s family to propose marriage.

“Didn’t it mean that Li Nian was in charge at the beginning?” Xie Jianguo was also puzzled.

“Compared with Li Nian, Dad’s qualifications are too shallow. But Dad is the person in charge of the excavator project and is responsible for building the factory. It can also be justified. Zheng Yucheng and others are sending political achievements to let others shut up. It is good, for sure. There will also be disadvantages…” Xie Kai’s words make both husband and wife puzzled.

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