Chapter 461

“Let’s discuss this, Tanzania is not in a hurry anyway.”

“These days, they have been urging to sign the contract, and even they are willing to pay 100 million US dollars and the remaining loan.” Wang Guilin’s words made Zheng Yucheng stop his work.

Tanzania’s eagerness is too surprising.

“Where did they get the money? Didn’t it mean that the whole country is so poor that they don’t have to wear underwear?” Zheng Yucheng became curious, “Isn’t there really a problem with this project?”

“At the same time, they also once again proposed to purchase ground red flag missiles…”

“Isn’t that denied?” Zheng Yucheng frowned.

Last time, it was clear that the red flag purchased by Tanzania either went to the opposite side of the strait or went to Vietnam. This situation must not be allowed to appear.

Why not be afraid that the 359 tank and the 122mm self-propelled howitzer will fall into their hands?

That’s because this thing can’t pose much threat to national defense security at all.

The red flag is different, with a range of more than two hundred kilometers, and Tanzania doesn’t need this thing at all.

“Chief Long Yaohua doesn’t know the inside story and thinks he can give it a try. If it succeeds, it will be good for us. The investment unit under the military can invest part of it…” Wang Guilin sighed.

China-Africa friendship has been around for decades. When China returned to the United Nations, it was relying on a bunch of black brothers.

When the country can help the African black brothers develop their economy, it is what China has been doing all the time.

“This can’t work. It’s just selling tanks and howitzers. We are all worried about not recovering the investment. Where do they get the money?” This is something that everyone wants to know.

“I always think there is a problem with Tanzania’s order.” Wang Guilin frowned and said.

Everyone thinks there is a problem, if it is not for the follow-up resource replacement plan, they are not even willing to sell tanks.

“What’s the problem?” Long Yaohua asked with a frown. “Most of the weapons and equipment in Tanzania come from our country. Although many of them were free aid before, it is rare that they are willing to pay for the purchase. Although they need to use their own Planting minerals to repay… Our country’s gold reserves are too small…”

“Chief, you don’t know the situation. Previously, Tanzania did not first propose to purchase tanks and howitzers, but to purchase the red flag we just developed. After investigation by the intelligence department, we finally went to Cuba and broke the clues. According to the analysis, no matter what Whether it is North Korea or Cuba, the economy is not enough to support the expenditure of these two hundred surface-to-surface missiles with a range of 220 kilometers. At the same time, they don’t need it…” Zheng Yucheng explained in person, what was the problem.

Long Yaohua’s face became serious.

“Who is the possible buyer behind the analysis?” Long Yaohua never thought of such a situation.

“The bay on the other side of the strait, or the neighbor in the southwest who is fighting with us. This is Xie Kai’s inference.” Zheng Yucheng said solemnly. “So, we rejected their request for the purchase of the Red Flag missile.”

No matter which company gets it, it is not a good thing.

Long Yaohua also knew the seriousness of the matter, but there was no way to directly ask someone in Tanzania who they were helping to purchase.

“Chief, if it is a neighboring country that is doing trouble with our weapons and equipment, just the cloud bombs on it will be enough for us to drink a pot. In Iraq, we almost died under this missile; if it were those on the opposite side, Those who don’t recognize their ancestors have more fun. They have tens of thousands of cluster bombs from the American emperor. Once they fall into our country…” Xie Kai faced Long Yaohua and spoke out his own analysis.

Starting from all aspects of funding and procurement motives, it all proves that neither Cuba nor North Korea needs to be equipped with such missiles.

And these countries are poor.(Read more @

The Soviet Union and the United States are even more unlikely. There are definitely many domestic tactical missile models of the same type.

“Aren’t you worrying too much?” Long Yaohua was shocked for a long time before he came back to his senses.

With a cluster bomb and a missile with a range of 200 kilometers, if the opponent is really frantic, the consequences will be really serious.

Even if the possibility is only one in ten thousand, it is not allowed to sell.

“No, the several countries and regions we investigated do not have the need for equipment. According to analysis, the largest source of funds may be the United States…”

“No, although Cuba has not had a very good relationship with our country in recent years, it is an unshakable enemy with the United States, and it severed its relationship with the other side of the Taiwan Strait in 60 years…” Long Yaohua felt that this time the missile The funds behind the transaction cannot come from the United States.

The United States provides funds to support Cuba’s purchase of missiles, and it is a missile that can hit the United States. This is undoubtedly a fantasy.

The former Soviet Union was ready to build a strategic missile position in Cuba, making the whole world wandering on the brink of nuclear war for a long time.

The United States cannot allow Cuba to have missiles that can reach their homeland.

“Cuba doesn’t deal with the United States, and the relationship with the other side of the strait is indeed very poor, but their relationship with the neighboring countries in the west is not bad, right? In addition, there is Venezuela…” Xie Kai reminded. “For a country like Cuba, it is easy to sort out foreign relations.”

“Just for a batch of missiles?” Long Yaohua didn’t believe it. “As for such a huge expense? Even if the other side needs it, the United States can provide it; if Vietnam needs it, the Soviet Union can provide it, right?”

“The United States and us are now in the honeymoon period, and the Soviet Union is seeking to improve the relationship with us. Will they make a lot of noise when they get it? Does our government have any opinions?” Xie Kai explained differently, and Long Yaohua understood.

Whether it is the United States or the Soviet Union, whether it is provided to Vietnam, or Taiwan, which is originally a Chinese territory, it will cause a great disturbance and even have a great impact on the relationship between the two sides.

The 404 base provided weapons and equipment to Iran and Iraq, whether it was the Soviet Union or the United States, and did not make big accusations, which can explain the problem.

“What should I do? If this is the case, I will definitely not admit it.” Long Yaohua was also unable to make a decision, with too little information. “The current situation is that we simply can’t figure out who the buyer is behind the scenes. . More than 300 million U.S. dollars is very important to us, and national security is even more important.”

“Hold them first. Tanzania doesn’t need missiles. I really need to buy them. A rocket launcher with a range of tens of kilometers is already very good.” Xie Kai said.

In Tanzania, it takes time now.

Whether it is perfecting the plan or investigating the buyers behind them, it will take a long time.

“The orders from Iraq are enough for us to produce in a short time.” Zheng Yucheng also said. “Our base needs more money, and various projects are getting more and more expensive, especially this kid bought two hundred aero engines…”

Zheng Yucheng and others are very eager for money, but in the face of money and national interests, money is nothing.

“General, you can’t do this. China and Tanzania have a long-lasting friendship! We need missiles to defend our country, so that the enemies who are watching our country dare not attack…” When he heard the refusal from Long Yaohua, Ke Varubi was in a hurry.

The Chinese don’t sell missiles, so how can they work?

This is to help the Persians purchase.

“Mr. Minister, no country around your country is stronger than you. Even the Libyan task force, which claims to be the number one military in Africa, was defeated by you!” Long Yaohua said with a smile, “Yes. With the more advanced 359 tank and the 122mm self-propelled howitzer with a faster rate of fire, higher accuracy and longer range, your neighboring countries are already very worried. China and Africa have traditional friendship, and many of your neighbors are complaining about your increase. Investment in national defense…”

The countries surrounding Tanzania are small countries.

Regarding Tanzania’s purchase of Chinese weapons and equipment, neighboring countries have been worried, especially during the previous Utan War. Nyerere’s army not only overthrew Uganda’s dominant force, but also used Gaddafi, Africa’s strongest man Now, neighboring countries are worried about the expansion of Tanzania’s domestic self-confidence, and then they will begin to attack neighboring countries and unify Africa…

“No, we just want to protect ourselves.” Kovarubi said eagerly.

“Even your neighbor, the Republic of Zaire (Congo·Kinshasa), is more worried about your military growth…” Long Yaohua said calmly, “With missiles with a range of more than 200 kilometers, it will make your neighboring countries more worried. .”

The armies of African countries are too rubbish and basically have no combat effectiveness.

Even in the eyes of Chinese military officers, the best military officers of these countries are not even as good as the little gadfly trained in China for half a year, and they can sweep their neighboring countries.

Even Sudan, which is separated from Tanzania by Uganda, expressed concern.

The reason why Long Yaohua came to Tanzania was not because of the analysis results given to him by Xie Kai, but according to the latest news. The Republic of Sudan, which also has a traditional friendship with China, also sent a delegation to join the ranks of the Hongqi missile procurement. .

“Your Minister, what if China is unwilling to sell missiles? His Excellency the President promised the Persians and must help them buy…” Kaka was a little anxious.

Kovarubi also has no solution.

“Sudan requested to purchase a batch of ground red flag missiles to defend against Gaddafi, and at the same time deal with the expanding Tanzania?” Xie Kai felt that the world was crazy.

First Tanzania, then Sudan.

When are the guys in Africa who are too poor to wear underwear, so loyal to building their long-range strategic defense system?

Tactical missiles are only used for tactical support for China, the Soviet Union, the United States, and some European developed countries. In Africa, they can completely act as a strategic deterrent.

“Yes, the Sudanese are here too.” Long Yaohua had a headache. The superior asked him to figure out what was in front of him and give him a clear explanation. “Didn’t you provoke this?”

When is 404 selling arms everywhere?

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