Chapter 471

“Under such conditions, what do you want? Zhao Yuming, don’t think that we can’t get this contract without 617. It’s too tight!” Zheng Yucheng was angry.

Xie Kai, this kid, seems to be for the entire base, but in fact they allocated their own projects to 617, typically eating inside and out.

Zheng Yucheng began to wonder if Xie Kai had collected 617 black money.

“If you have any requirements, let me talk about it first. As long as it is reasonable, you can consider it.” Long Yaohua was also a little angry at Zhao Yuming’s inability to advance or retreat.

Are there any requirements that can’t come down?

“Director Zhao, nowadays, the 617 factory has almost no production plan, and the number of tanks required by the army every year is very small…” Xie Kai was also unhappy.

Zhao Yuming is not giving up.

He proposed that cooperation between the two parties is more beneficial to 617. In the absence of many production plans, even if they do not give a penny of profit, the other party will have to accept it in order to feed a large group of children.

However, Xie Kai is unwilling to wait, and the Iraqis will not give him time to wait.

“Indeed, 617 cannot miss such an order.” Zhao Yuming acknowledged Xie Kai’s statement. “My request is very simple. Let our R&D team participate in the modification of the 359 tank; in return, we will develop a new tank. The design work of the project, fire control system, hydraulic auxiliary system, etc., can cooperate with the 404 R&D team.”

Zhao Yuming said calmly.

Isn’t the other party playing the idea of ​​617 R&D funding?

Coming and not going to be indecent also.

Zheng Yucheng understood Zhao Yuming’s abacus at once, and was about to refute, but Wang Guilin pulled the corner of his clothes and shook his head to stop him.

“No problem. Cooperation is the only way for both of us to develop together.” Xie Kai’s purpose is this. Seeing Zheng Yucheng glaring at him, he smiled and said, “I don’t think our base would have any opinions about cooperation.”

Everyone looked at Zheng Yucheng.

Zheng Yucheng had no choice but to agree.

The two parties reached an agreement, and the rest of the work became simple.

The 359 tank was originally a modification of the 59. Although it is a small car carrying a cannon, it has a lot of technological content and technological innovation. Even with the addition of an automatic loader, the overall layout has not changed much. The 617 production line hardly needs much. The adjustment can start production directly.

“As long as we provide enough raw materials, our production capacity will be able to provide 30 vehicles per month in three months, and 50 vehicles can be delivered in 8 months.” Zhao Yuming’s words made everyone loose. In a sigh of relief.

The Iraqis asked for the delivery to be completed within fifteen months without any problems.

As for the Persians?

Under the current circumstances, they have not yet placed an order. Tanzania has not yet signed a contract with the base. The people from Sudan have arrived, and no formal contact has been initiated yet. Everyone is still recounting the old days and telling the friendship between China and the Soviet Union.

“Are you crazy? I have no opinion on grabbing their R&D projects. But you are clearly giving them our business! We are not living well on our own.” The agreement was reached, and both parties should be happy, Zheng Yucheng Waiting for people but can’t be happy.

Wang Guilin also looked at Xie Kai, did not speak, but needed Xie Kai to explain.

“You two, do you think we have suffered from this kind of cooperation with 617?” Xie Kai knows why they are dissatisfied. “We are not a professional tank research and development unit originally, although we have achieved some results in this, we even wish the boss The three generations of tank projects in China have also cooperated. What is the biggest problem of our base, can’t it be seen?”

The biggest drawback of 404 is that it doesn’t have the slightest foundation.

Standing in front of the window of Zheng Yucheng’s office, Xie Kai pointed to the base outside and said, “Who knows that there are not many R&D personnel in such a huge base?”

“There are a lot of people from base 541 on our side!” Zheng Yucheng retorted.

“So far, except for a few people, the 541 base has been reluctant to transfer the organizational relationships of other R&D personnel to us. Once they find it back, what can we do?” Xie Kai sneered and asked Zheng Yucheng.(Read more @

He didn’t believe that Zheng Yucheng and the old foxes couldn’t see this problem.

The biggest problem with the base at present is the R&D team.

The 359 tank project, to be exact, was jointly developed by the 404 base, the 541 base, the 209, the northern military armor, and even Pakistan’s domestic armored research institute.

The technology is national, and the results are 404. The core R&D personnel are not all in the 404 system.

“Is 541 still able to invest in it?” Zheng Yucheng asked rhetorically.

“It is entirely possible. Non-professional R&D units like us can do it, why can’t they? Once they forcibly recall people, what about the base project?” Xie Kai asked.

Wang Guilin understood what Xie Kai meant, but he didn’t quite agree with his approach, “Even so, we can slowly cultivate our own talent team.”

“How long does it take to cultivate talents? Can we wait?” Xie Kai shook his head, “617 is not to be seen from above now. The biggest problem is the appearance of our 359 tank, which has made the Type 79 main battle tank introduced at a huge cost. Some chicken ribs…”

If it were not for the emergence of the 359 tank, the 617 would not have fallen to this point.

The construction of the 541 base has long since ceased, and the already completed have also begun to transform in the early stages of reform and opening up.

“Indeed, this is what Xie Kai did. Cooperating with the 617 division of labor, when the 359 tank has no overseas orders and the military does not choose, we can continue in the field of tank research and development, and there is also national funding.” Wang Guilin nodded and agreed with Xie Kai’s statement.

“But it is them who are obviously taking advantage now.” Zheng Yucheng didn’t think he couldn’t understand, but he just felt that they were at a disadvantage.

“It seems that they will indeed take advantage of it. But we are the one who takes advantage of it. Cooperating with them, it is very difficult for the 541 base to get people back…” Wang Guilin explained.

After understanding this, Zheng Yucheng smiled openly.

Xie Kai didn’t bother to pay attention to him, “The production capacity is fixed, and I can sign a contract with the Iraqis tomorrow. Ibrahim’s 50 million US dollars…”

“The military will allocate 50 million U.S. dollars from the foreign exchange they keep. The first payment is in place, and his money can be paid.” Wang Guilin said.

“No, the first payment will be based on the proportion of the purchase price they pay. Unless they pay all the funds!” Xie Kai is not willing to pay all the money to Ibrahim from the base at the beginning.

“Can he agree?”

“There is no international precedent for paying the full payment after signing the contract.” Wang Guilin’s eyes widened.

People are not fools.

More than two billion U.S. dollars paid in advance, even with interest, can support the development of the base for several years.

“I’ll talk to him.” Xie Kai said, “If you don’t try, how do you know?”

“What’s the situation in Sudan?” Xie Kai was about to leave, thinking of the Sudanese who had arrived at the base.

“Same as Tanzania, but they were not prepared to embezzle the equipment purchase money, but they submitted part of the weapon and equipment assistance application, which was rejected by the government. Therefore, they hope to get some through us…” Wang Guilin’s words surprised Xie Kai.

He didn’t know Sudan, the only thing he knew was that China’s first use of military personnel to protect overseas oil assets and investment was in independent South Sudan decades later.

“Beginning in 1983, John Garang established the Sudanese Liberation Movement Organization in Ethiopia, and the second Sudanese civil war broke out…” Wang Guilin told Xie Kai of what he knew. “There are few countries in Africa that are safe. The country’s rich resources are all in the south, and there are frequent civil wars in the south…”

The standard equipment in African countries is rich in resources and frequent wars.

Xie Kai’s plan to exchange weapons and equipment for resources does have a large market in Africa. The problem is that the risks are too great.

“Don’t the Sudanese know that our country is poor?”

“So the superiors pushed them to us. Sudan is willing to use some of the resources in the southern region to compensate, and no unit dares to accept…” Wang Guilin said.

It’s a joke to mine resources where the war is going.

“Okay, don’t think about it, that place won’t work.” Seeing Xie Kai thinking, Zheng Yucheng asked Xie Kai to quickly dispel his thoughts. “Go talk to the Iraqis.”

Xie Kai walked outside while thinking about how the Sultan would operate.

He almost ran into Zhu Mingguang in the corridor outside and went straight downstairs without any explanation.

“You shouldn’t tell him about the situation in Sudan. This kid is eager for a chaos in the world.” Zheng Yucheng’s most worried thing is that Xie Kai is heading for Sudan.

There is no previous security in Tanzania, at least there are no rebels.

Sudan is different. The contradiction between the South and the North has a long history. In addition to religious contradictions, a civil war broke out in Sudan from the eve of independence in 55 years and lasted until 72 years. As a result, just after ten years, the civil war broke out again…

“If you don’t tell him, will he not be able to toss?” Wang Guilin sighed, “I hope he doesn’t run over there.”

Is Xie Kai going by herself?

“Don’t go!” Faced with Ibrahim’s invitation to Xie Kai to go to Iraq, Xie Kai firmly shook his head and refused. “General, if all funds are paid in advance, your money will be in place quickly, and at the same time, we can deliver Compress the deadline a little bit…”

Telling Ibrahim that the rebate issue needs to wait until Iraq pays a part to a part, but the grandson actually invited Xie Kai to Iraq.

This is taking Xie Kai as a meat ticket, can I go?

“There is no precedent in the world.” Ibrahim stared at Xie Kai and said, “Thank you, we have been expressing our sincerity, but you…”

“General, this is not insincere. I am thinking of you.”

“It’s a joke!” Ibrahim was angrily laughed. “I have never seen a shameless person like you. Even if it is stored in the bank, the annual interest will be a large sum. The money is given. , If you make a fuss about the delivery period, what shall we do?”

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