Chapter 474

In the current situation, it is no longer possible to arrange the two parties at war together as before, or even to let each other meet.

Otherwise, the impact will be great.

“The Persians probably also knew the movement of the Iraqis. They had been negotiating purchases with the Soviet Union before.” Wang Guilin said, “Now, it’s not too urgent.”

“The Persians proposed to exchange oil for equipment. Nowadays, their oil exports are shrinking a lot.” Zheng Yucheng said.

“Isn’t looking for Tanzania and Sudan to help purchase? How could this happen?” Xie Kai couldn’t understand what the Persians thought.

It stands to reason that there is no need to be so complicated.

“Don’t put eggs in a basket.” Zheng Yucheng understands the Persians’ thinking, “It is normal if they don’t have their own defense industry. However, the Persians have proposed that we need to provide the production technology of cloud bomb bombs.”

“The price is right, sell it. Iraqis have it, and they should have it, otherwise it hurts friendship. Either they don’t sell it, or they sell it all.” Xie Kai said, “Iraqis also have a demand in this area anyway.”

The technology of the cloud explosive bomb is not complicated, as long as it is not a new generation of thermobaric bomb technology, it is easy to produce.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

“Tomorrow you just go to sign the contract. The Iraqis should have no problem. I have to review it carefully.” After Xie Kai finished speaking, he said goodbye and left. Anyway, things are already fixed.

“Didn’t you let Liao Dong’s people come back?” Zheng Yucheng didn’t believe that Xie Kai was going to review.

Liao Dong’s people entered the base yesterday, and they naturally knew.

Especially now that these plans of Xie Kai have been let them know.

“They come back, don’t I review it?” Xie Kai rolled his eyes and said. “Relax, I won’t mess around. Ibrahim may become their boss…”

Zheng Yucheng didn’t believe it, but he couldn’t help it.

Liao Dong and their current identities are a bit complicated. In China, these people have either become black households, or they are no longer themselves, but new identities.

“Don’t worry about it, he knows it in his own mind.” Wang Guilin knew that Xie Kai didn’t want the base to be clear about certain things. Those things were shameful, as if even the Iraqis were involved.

I was worried in my heart, but I couldn’t say too much.

Xie Kai didn’t go home directly, but went to the sand jujube forest.

A small middle-aged man with dark skin and a slashed face. When Xie Kai came, he was looking at a few crooked-necked jujube trees not far away while drinking beer. There were a lot of cans on the ground.

“Is this a nice place? I also like to sit here and watch it, even though it’s deserted everywhere.” Xie Kai walked over, picked up a can of beer, pulled the tab, took a sip, and said.

“Indeed, it is much better than Afghanistan. At least, sitting here, don’t worry about a shell or a bullet at any time.” The little man said.

“Regret it?” Xie Kai asked.

“If you regret it, you won’t be back.” The rabbit ate the wine in the jar and squeezed the can into a ball. “There are a lot of things over there, Dong Ge can’t live without it.”

“That’s it.” Xie Kai opened another can, handed it to the rabbit, and said, “Tanzania or Sudan, which country do you prefer?”

“There is no war in Tanzania and it is not suitable for us.”

“But it’s only suitable to build a base over there, although bullets and shells may occasionally pop up. It is much safer than Afghanistan and Sudan. At least, you can sleep peacefully.” Xie Kai said.

“Brothers who choose this road are all for war. At home, the chances of soldiers dying on the battlefield are too slim. But to be honest, in China, it is impossible to have the innocent foreign guns with live ammunition and blood licking. A sense of fulfillment. It’s even impossible to change a woman every night…” Rabbit said with a grin.

Xie Kai sighed.

Mercenaries, after all, are somewhat anti-human.(Read more @

“I plan to establish a headquarters for you in Tanzania, and at the same time, Sudan must also have a base.” Xie Kai said.

“That’s pretty good.” Rabbit nodded and said, “It’s not far from Congo.”

“Iraqis may become your nominal bosses.” Xie Kai said casually.

The rabbit stared at Xie Kai fiercely with sharp eyes. For a while, Xie Kai’s hairs were upside down, as if being stared at by a fierce beast.

“Are you going to abandon us?” The rabbit’s eyes were a little red. “Just because you said the country needs it, we gave up everything, even without identity. In the end, you sold us like this?”

The rabbit’s murderous eyes made Xie Kai afraid to look directly. “It’s not that I sold you. If it is all retired domestic personnel, it will easily cause trouble to the country.”

Xie Kai’s explanation made the rabbit calm down.

I poured several cans of beer in a row.

“Domestic operations are inconvenient for the construction of the resident’s funds, the source of weapons and equipment, etc.,” Xie Kai explained, “So, I hope you can understand. Since Dong Brother asked you to come back, he must trust you most.

“I owe him three lives.” Rabbit said coldly. “You didn’t tell us that way.”

“Yes, the plan can’t keep up with the changes. The above is very dissatisfied with your existence. You have hurt the Soviets.” Xie Kai said.

If it is not for the purpose of not having a negative impact on the country as much as possible, and giving the mercenary team more sources of weapons and equipment and support, why does Xie Kai come here?

“We have to listen to the Iraqis?” The rabbit also knew that in Afghanistan, the river crab mercenary group had a good reputation from the very beginning.

The main task has always been to help the Afghan guerrillas train the backbone of the forces, and to obtain development funds from the Soviet station to acquire weapons and equipment. Xie Kai only provided a small amount of start-up capital.

“This is not necessary, he is just plain. You have another task to help them train soldiers from Iraq.” Xie Kai briefly introduced the situation.

The rabbit hesitated for a long time before asking Xie Kai to take him to meet Ibrahim.

“You don’t have to worry too much, this is not the meaning of the Iraqi country, but just Ibrahim.” When I went to find Ibrahim, Xie Kai told the rabbit.

Ibrahim couldn’t help being curious about Xie Kai bringing a small man to him. He changed his attitude after hearing the introduction that he was the deputy commander of the River Crab Mercenary Corps.

Even without making it clear that he must intervene in this mercenary group, Ibrahim expressed his goodwill enough and asked the rabbit, “If I have a problem in Iraq, can you guarantee my safety?”

“General, it depends on the task situation. Our mercenary group has not been established for a long time, but the reputation is loud enough.” Rabbit said solemnly, “For us, there are only two situations. The task is completed or the entire mercenary group is destroyed. can not complete.”

Ibrahim took a breath.

The situation in Afghanistan is very complicated. There are not only numerous guerrillas resisting the Soviet invasion, but also mercenaries supported by the United States and Europe.

The crab mercenary group is obviously a newcomer, but it can quickly gain a foothold, causing headaches for the Soviet army.

The complex environment of Afghanistan is very suitable for guerrilla operations.

“What does this guy think?” Rabbit asked Xie Kai.

“There is too much corruption, I’m afraid I’m going to die.” Xie Kai said, “But it’s not important. Now this guy hasn’t decided whether to join in. Let’s talk to people in Tanzania first. They will join in too.

The rabbit is too lazy to breathe with Xie Kai.

“The Tanzanian Deputy Minister of Defense, plus their president’s hard-core henchmen…” Xie Kai saw the rabbit disapprovingly and introduced the identities of the two. It will be easier, and it will be much more convenient.”

With that said, the rabbit became more important.

Many of the mercenaries, weapons and equipment of the Crab Mercenary Corps are from Pakistan, because Xie Kai has a good relationship with the Pakistani military. The refurbishment of the crab mercenary group is often in the mountainous area on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

These places are the nests of many guerrillas.

“There is no problem with that island, but engineering construction etc…” Seeing that Xie Kai had hired the person in charge so quickly, Kovarubi said with embarrassment and began to discuss details.

“We invest ourselves, and you only pay dividends. Of course, our security company is also responsible for your safety.”

“Thank you, that island needs to pay rent every year…” Kaka said, “The island itself is private.”

Xie Kai glanced at him and understood in his heart that the kid had actually said this on his own initiative. “Rent is not a problem. It would be better if we can buy the island.”

“Thanks, don’t worry, we will change the ownership of this island to our name. This island will be our shareholding, what do you think?” Kovarubi stopped Kaka and said to Xie Kai .

“On the island, we need, and even more, need a place on the shore of Lake Tanganyika.” The rabbit took out a map of Africa from his pocket and pointed to the area near Tanzania and Congo.

For a while, Kovarubi was a little embarrassed. “This area is an agricultural planting area.”

“We rent out gold.” Xie Kai saw the area and knew the purpose of the rabbit.

Zambia and Tanzania will be their key investment areas. If there is no station there, once problems are encountered, the response will not be too fast.

Now it is impossible to purchase a few aircraft for long-distance delivery, and the cost is too high.

When the Soviet Union disintegrated, it would be more reliable to get a few more planes from the Soviet Union.

“Mr. Minister, we can set up an agricultural company to cultivate farmland nearby to grow food…” Xie Kai said, “Establish a planting base over there, invest in food processing plants, etc.”

In Africa, where water resources are abundant, it is still very good to grow food.

Of course, this is just to cover up.

Even the investment over there can give the families of mercenaries a place to settle.

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