Chapter 478

“Stop, it’s only ten kilometers ahead of Peshgur stronghold, get off the bus.”

When the crab mercenary group got out of the car, Sergey also led his team to leave the Peshgul stronghold. Neither side chose a flat road with potholes and heavy equipment wreckage on both sides, but at the same time facing the hillside to the north. Acting.

Both sides have night vision goggles, which can clearly see the surrounding environment.

On weekdays, goats seldom walk along the intestinal trails, but now the two teams that are carrying the limit load are walking on the ground.

The two sides who kept the communication channel silently drove on the road, and no one noticed what was waiting for them in front of them.

The rugged and narrow mountain road, even with the hazy moonlight, is not very obvious. The whole valley was silent, except for the sound of slight footsteps and heavy breathing.

“What’s the matter?” Just about to reach the top of the mountain, the leading soldier walking in the front suddenly raised a hand and stopped. The whole team was quiet for the first time.

Liao Dong walked to the front and asked the vanguard in a low voice.

The vanguard did not speak, but pointed to the opposite side of the mountain, “Boss, there seems to be someone over there.”

Following the direction of the pointed soldier’s fingers, Liao Dong looked for a long time, only to find that a faint figure was moving carefully.

There was a thump in my heart.


“This is not the scope of their guerrillas.”

“Fall down!” Before Liao Dong had figured out the identity of the other party, a flash of fire flashed across the hill on the opposite side. It was a flash of fire, and the fire from the muzzle was so obvious in the night.

He grabbed the leading soldier in the front and fell to the side, shouting to the back. “Sniper!”

“Bang!” The fire light almost disappeared before the gunfire was heard.


“40 fire! Enemy attack, ready to fight.”


The explosion of the rocket opened the dry soil on the top of the mountain. At the same time as the fire flashed, several shots were fired continuously, and the bullets splashed the rocks. On Liao Dong’s side, he never shot back.

In an instant, the gunfire on the opposite side ended.

“Boss, have we leaked the news?” The bald head crawled up with the Type 81 light machine gun. There was also a fire support team in the team, and he touched the top of the mountain from the other side.

The sniper team didn’t even have to wait for orders to start looking for their sniper position.

It is said that it is a mercenary group, here, it is just a combat group that has been tempered by several months of fighting.

The backbone of the crab mercenary group is here.

No need to wait for instructions. Everyone knows where they are in the first time they encounter a battle.

“You don’t need to think about it.” Jianbing walked through the ghost gate. If it weren’t for Liao Dong’s quick response, he would explain here, “Boss, I owe you another life.”

“Didn’t I owe you too?” Liao Dong shook his head, “It’s not that the news was leaked, but the other party deliberately let us get the bait.”

“Yes, we can consider their route from their standpoint, why can’t they think about it from our standpoint?” Xiao Lu didn’t know when he touched it, he held a Lee Enferr in his hand. The German AWMP sniper rifle, which he brought himself, is still .308 caliber.

“Dead cat, why don’t you go to your place, touch it for you!” Seeing Xiao Lu touch it with the bald head, he couldn’t help but move his body to the side, pulling away from him.

“Meow~ I am afraid that you will be killed. No one will stabbed Chrysanthemum…”

“Okay, be serious. This is not the time to make a joke.” Liao Dong thought about the enemy on the opposite side, and didn’t bother to pay attention to anything else.

“Meow~ Boss, that’s how war is going. You either kill or be killed by others. There is nothing to worry about.”

“Are we afraid of death?”(Read more @

“Of course I’m not afraid, otherwise how could I like you…” Xiao Lu didn’t care about the enemy on the opposite side. On the opposite hill…”

The bald head couldn’t help but froze.

“Didn’t you see where the opponent fired?”

Xiao Lu held the sniper rifle and pointed to his ears, “The sky is too dark now, even if they are equipped with night vision goggles, the situation is not good for us.”

“Don’t touch them to kill them?”

It was the first time that Liao Dong encountered such a situation. If the opposing team was a special soldier and spotted them, he would not take the lead in firing at such a distance; if the opponent was an ordinary army, the firing would not stop with just a few shots.

“Their purpose is to nail us here. It is very likely that it is not Grumman over there.” The dead cat became serious now.

“Where is Grumman?” The bald head didn’t care about his dislike of the grandson, while Liao Dong frowned while listening.

“What if we change to us and adopt such a plan?” Dead Cat did not say, but asked instead.

Bald head holding the machine gun, scratching his head, can’t understand.

“Are they waiting for us below?” Liao Dong’s eyes widened suddenly. “Aren’t they afraid that we turned around and left?”

“Boss, the Soviet special forces here are not only Grumman. If nothing else, at least one of the signal flag or alpha is also nearby. It is even possible that the reconnaissance unit of the 40th Army is also nearby… “Dead Cat said with a smile, “We won the jackpot this time.”

“You die until you die, and you still have a heart to laugh, you have such a heartless eyes!” The bald head was on fire, and he looked in the direction where he came from, and found nothing.

“Meow~ I don’t need a man, I don’t need a heart.” The dead cat winked at the bald head in the dark.

“Okay! Don’t be nonsense!” Liao Dong didn’t bother to pay attention to the ignorant stupidity. He greeted the surroundings and summoned a few key members.

I immediately introduced the situation to see what everyone said.

They are all veterans who have been on the battlefield for many years. Although Xiao Lu said that the possibility is unlikely, he can’t help but guard.

Once surrounded, the consequences would be disastrous.

“You can’t wait until dawn, just touch the hill on the opposite side.”

“No, they can see us. Just shot it, it can’t be blind.”

“Boss, at this time, you should give an order. A team is most afraid of too many voices.” Seeing several people arguing, Xiao Lu spoke.

Liao Dong was also a little helpless. This situation has never been encountered before. In the end, considering the safety of the team, he was responsible for everyone and issued an order, “Go back, go around the mountain on the left, the sniper team Staring at the surrounding situation.”

When the order went down, the two sniper teams stayed on the top of the mountain and looked for their respective positions, while the team slowly retreated down the road. After retreating for hundreds of meters, they moved slowly to the more rugged hillside to the left.

Until I bypassed the top of the mountain and reached the other side, no abnormality was found.

“Are these grandchildren gone?” Seeing that the day was about to dawn, there was no movement from the other party.

The whole team is exhausted. If it is just a night of sleeplessness, the problem is not serious, but now it is overweight and rushing all night, and it is still looking for the enemy when the battle may start at any time.

“Disperse, find a concealed position for each, work in pairs, and rest for an hour.” Seeing this situation, Liao Dong’s energy was almost exhausted, and it was not a good thing to encounter a battle.

On a small hill less than 300 meters in a straight line from the side of the hill where Liao Dong and others were located, Sergei was holding an infrared telescope to observe the situation of Liao Dong and others.

He already knew when Liao Dong waited to enter the mountain.

They also rushed a short distance, with an average load of more than 45 kilograms, they were exhausted, and they directly exchanged fire. They would definitely not have good fruit. Moreover, the signal flag for joint operations with them had not reached the designated position. They cooperated with their scout troops, and more. It’s just set off.

Simply, when the opponent reached the top of the mountain, Sergey ordered the sniper to fire, so that the opponent could not rest, and his people began to rest.

I saw that it was less than half an hour before dawn. As long as there was no accident, the signal flag had reached the designated position. The mercenaries on the hill were surrounded on three sides, and the only way out was to go to the southern valley. , An advance force with 4 battalions of Karmel is waiting for them…

At the same time, the enemy’s physical exertion has reached its limit.

“You can close the net, kill them!” Sergey looked at his watch, and their personnel had rested for two hours and recovered their strength.

When the order was given, the motion was a bit big, and he was spotted by a dead cat on the hill not far away, and shot immediately.

Sergey has also been on the battlefield for many years. He just waved his hand and felt danger. He immediately lay down on the ground and flew to the side several times.

While rolling, he heard bullets hitting the rock next to him.

The bullet hit the rock, and sparks spattered.

Another group of support machine gunners on the top of the mountain also pointed their guns at the position of Sergei at this moment.

“Da da da…” The muzzle of the 81 machine gun spit out a string of fire, and then the machine gunner rolled to the side.

“Crazy man, bring a grenade over there, at ten o’clock, at a distance of 320.” When he found the opponent’s location and didn’t know what was going on, Dead Cat gave an order to the fire support team.

On the battlefield, the sniper not only bears firepower support, but can also issue orders on behalf of the captain to mobilize various firepower units to provide firepower strike positions.

“Bang!” When everyone was looking for a hidden spot, Grumman’s sniper, who had not moved, fired.

At the darkest hour before dawn, the battle started!

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

“Da da da da…”


In the dark, the explosion of the grenade flashed a fire, and by the fire, the two snipers of the crab mercenary group fired almost at the same time.

The signal soldier behind Sergey crooked his neck on the spot and collapsed limply.

Another Grumman reacted quickly, and the bullet flew over his neck, chilling.

From the start of the war to the present, everything went so fast, and both sides hardly reacted.

“They have heavy weapons! Bazooka is waiting!”

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