Chapter 480

“Boss, do you want to withdraw? If you don’t withdraw again, once the day breaks, it is easy to be surrounded. Although this is Masood’s site, the Soviets and the government forces have an advantage.” Dead Cat reminded with some worry, “It is a distance from Bagram Air Force Base too close.”

Once the aerial bombardment comes, it will be a disaster.

“Don’t worry, they can’t send out a large group of bombing. Five avant-garde air defense missiles are enough for them.” Liao Dong was not too worried. “Didn’t you say that they will have other teams? The enemy on the opposite side is not the scouts and special forces we encountered before. It should be Grumman.”

“Boss, it’s not that I want to say discouragement, nor that I don’t believe in China’s weapons and equipment. But in the area of ​​air defense missiles, China’s is too rubbish…” For air defense missiles from China, it has always been When fighting in Britain, he was in contact with Xiao Lu, who was the world’s top individual soldier, and he simply didn’t look down upon him.

China’s air defense missiles are all derived from the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union is not so good.

Especially now, the performance of fighter aircraft is getting more and more advanced.

Air defense missiles from China have never been hit by Soviet helicopters before.

How can it be possible to count on the fighter planes used to fight the Soviet army.

“Don’t worry, it depends on the situation at the time. When it’s time to slip, you can’t stay.” The gunshots in the valley have been ringing, sparsely, but it has not been quiet.

It doesn’t feel like it’s on the battlefield, it seems that when everyone is okay, they shoot and listen.

Only the person who fired the gun knew the real danger.

Li Xiaochuan, an ordinary soldier.

In the river crab mercenary group, in terms of shooting accuracy, he can’t compare with a sniper; in terms of physical strength, he can’t be compared with the fire support group; in terms of combat literacy, he can’t compete with one on the battlefield The dead cat and others.

But he is a hard-working soldier.

Coming out of the countryside, he failed to retire in Tigan, and found a blind date for several years and was ready to get married. After regretting the marriage, Li Xiaochuan, who didn’t know what he could do, happened to meet Liao Dong, saying that he was a mercenary earning more money and thinking about his family. My parents were in poor health and my younger siblings had to go to school. Even if they sacrificed their lives, the family would be treated well, so they followed.

The high-intensity war made him feel very tired, especially in the Afghan war, there was no logistical supplies, and the load was far greater than that on the southwest battlefield.

The usual tasks are more than 30 kilograms, and the opponents encountered this time are strong, and everyone is carrying more than 38 kilograms.

Li Xiaochuan has long been exhausted.

Always gritted his teeth and insisted on fighting.

At the forefront, he had all five rifle grenades fired. He didn’t know how many enemies he had killed, but he knew that he had to find out the enemy’s position for his comrades who were hiding in other positions.

“Bang!” I don’t know who is hiding next to fire. Li Xiaochuan stared at the opposite mountain, waiting for the enemy to fire.

“Bang bang bang…” Several sparks flashed and disappeared, and then, behind Li Xiaochuan, gunshots rang out intensively.

At the same time as the gunfire sounded, Li Xiaochuan quickly adjusted the muzzle without aiming at all, and shot a shot at the fire that was almost level with him and had dissipated based on his feeling.

The moment the trigger was pulled, the whole person rolled aside.

I don’t know if it’s due to poor physical strength, too much weight on the body, or a fist-sized stone around him that affected him. Originally, it only took less than a second to hide behind the stone that just happened to block him. As a result, he moved. But it slowed down.

“Bang! Boom…”

Several fires flashed on the opposite hill.

Li Xiaochuan found that his movements were slow, and his whole body suddenly became tensed.


A bullet fell on the stone hiding beside him, and the splashed stone chips fell on Li Xiaochuan’s forehead, causing pain. He panicked in his heart, and half of his body was outside the stone.

“Slap! Slap!”

The sound of the bullet hitting the rock came into his ears. Li Xiaochuan wanted to be faster, but his body was out of control, and he still slowly rolled to the side.(Read more @

“Puff!” Li Xiaochuan only felt that he was hit by a huge force on the top of his head, and then he felt pain. Then, the whole person lost consciousness, but his body had just turned sideways, and the huge tactical backpack on his back made him lie on his side like this. There was no more movement beside the stone. “Shot!”

“Puff puff……” The bullet hit the surroundings, but Li Xiaochuan didn’t even know.

In the dark, when the bullet pops out of the chamber, there will be a flash of fire, which is the response of high temperature in the dark.

Although the time is very short, at this moment, the enemy will be pointed out where he is located. Both sides have snipers, and even ordinary combatants have very high shooting accuracy.

They are all elites. Knowing the consequences of shooting in the dark, they naturally have to consider retreating after shooting, and even consider where the enemy’s bullets will hit.

This kind of contest is not as easy as it seems, and it is impossible to experience it without being in such an environment.

If it weren’t for the numerous stones on the mountain, it is estimated that there are not many people left on both sides. If they react slowly, they will be hit, and even if they are not lucky, they will be killed. Rao, Sergey’s team also killed three people in such a confrontation, and one of them was shot in the arm; the river crab mercenary group was killed by Li Xiaochuan.

At such a moment, no one paid attention at all.

There was a rustle of electricity in the headset, heavy breathing, even a crisp gunshot, but no one spoke.

Everyone is worried that speaking by themselves will distract their comrades.

In the eastern sky, the belly of the fish is faintly white, and the sky is about to light up.

“Keno, it’s dawn.” Having been watching the lively signal flag team, Chekov looked at the eastern sky and reminded Kino.

Keno turned his head and glanced, he could even see the expression of the person next to him faintly, and nodded, “It’s time for us to go. Two pieces of bread, snipers control the commanding heights, and provide fire support at any time.”

And Sergey, now only hopes that the fighter will arrive soon.

The advantage in the dark has been lost.

Up to now, there has been no news from the subordinates who were sent out to sneak close to the enemy. The distance of several hundred meters is not far.

Five of his subordinates, including those sacrificed in the first battle, have died, and one of them has lost most of their combat effectiveness.

“Those damn bastards! What the hell are you doing? The scouts should have arrived? What about the fighters? The bastards who directed the fighters to blow up the signal flags too!” Sergey can’t stand the current situation, not because of him. Unable to be lonely, once the river crab mercenary group escaped the encirclement, in the valley, with the cooperation of the guerrillas, it would be difficult to catch them again.

In the valley, holes were dug in many places, and with fighter planes, it was impossible to bomb the guerrillas hiding in the holes.

Those caves extend in all directions, and no matter how powerful the special forces enter, no guerrillas familiar with the terrain have an advantage.

“It’s almost here. They can’t find the target in the dark.” Grayev saw that the sky had begun to light up, and was equally worried.

Holding the infrared telescope, I have been observing the movement at the foot of the valley. With this look, the three souls flew away and the two souls suddenly said, “Damn, their people have also touched it!”

At the junction of the two hills, the assault teams of both sides have already contacted.

When Grayev saw it, he was seeing a smaller infrared figure stabbing the saber in his hand into the person who was facing away from him. The little man stabbed someone and rolled back on the spot. Then, there was a gunshot that was far more intense in the valley than on the top of the mountain…

“Boom boom boom…”

As Grayev was about to call on snipers to support the battle in the valley, a faint roar came from the southwest sky.

“The fighter plane is here!”

No need to remind, everyone knows that the fighter plane is coming.

On the battlefield, it became quiet.

The mentality of the two parties is different.

“Finally here, guide them to the goal and kill each other.”

“How to guide? Now we fire, they can’t see it at all!” Grayev was a little bit distressed. “If there is no problem with the helicopter.”

The bomber simply couldn’t fly too low.

And the speed of the helicopter is too slow.

“Boss, withdraw. If you don’t withdraw, it will be too late. On this mountain, you can’t hold the bomb. Lao Maozi’s fighters are dispatched, at least two of them!” Hearing the roar of fighter engines, the dead cat became a little anxious.

They have been fighting in Africa all the time, and the fighters in the sky have generally helped them.

Now I came to Afghanistan, and within a few days, he was faced with the embarrassment of being bombed by the old Maozi fighter, and he didn’t even call the “meow” that he had to say every time.

Seeing the sky light up slightly, Liao Dong still couldn’t see clearly too far. “Everyone should be concealed and don’t open fire at will. Is anyone injured?”

“Boss, once the opponent’s fighter can’t solve us, the helicopter will definitely be dispatched. By daybreak, we will be completely surrounded.” The dead cat is really anxious. “The aerial bombs on the fighter are not small. We are here on the hill. , Can’t stand a few shots at all!”

“Then give them a little bit more attention. The air defense team prepares. Be careful not to give the opponent a chance to kill you. Find a hidden location and prepare to launch missiles.” Liao Dong has never seen the combat effects of the forward air defense missiles.

Xie Kai told him that this thing is definitely better than what the guerrillas currently get on the battlefield in Afghanistan.

Coupled with the fact that both Iraqi and Persians are purchasing this stuff in large quantities, they naturally have confidence.

Many helicopters and fighters were shot down by the Soviets in Afghanistan.

As long as fighters or armed helicopters are killed, not only will the missiles be paid for, but there will even be a huge amount of rewards, which is much higher than the rewards for them to perform the mission itself.

“Boss, let’s go…”

“Dead cat, no matter how hard it is, I will throw you away and let Lao Maozi explode your chrysanthemums!” The bald head became irritated and couldn’t help being angry.

“Boom boom boom…” The sound of the fighter’s engine was getting closer and closer.

A huge stone was pressed in the hearts of everyone in the crab mercenary group.

Sergey was also a little unhappy. He hadn’t marked it before. For a while, he couldn’t think of a good way to direct the fighters to bomb the enemy when the visibility was very low.

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