Chapter 492

“They want more technology, not just purchase equipment like India and other countries!” Nikolai Skobrin reminded Alexei Federov.

The Chinese have always hoped to obtain manufacturing technology.

And I still hope to get a full set of technologies at the lowest price, and even technical information is hoped to be available.

“As long as you drink them on the wine table, everything is very easy. Many people from the other party have studied in the Soviet Union. Compared with the United States, we have an advantage. First, China’s industrial base is our help to build When the MiG fighters are introduced, they are relatively easy to maintain and guarantee. At the same time, we have to show them the prospect of purchasing MiGs to provide a production line. Second, although our relationship with China has not been very good in recent years, they have The relationship between the United States is not very good either, but they use each other… We can first talk about the friendship. Third, Chinese fighters are all MiG series, and these days Chinese officials visit our country with MiG-related designs. Bureau and factory…”

Alexei Federov listed a lot of advantages.

For MiG, it has a very thorough understanding of China’s aerospace industry.

The Soviet arrangement was also to promote the MiG-29. After all, no one wants to sell the most advanced weapons and equipment.

In the previous time, Soviet personnel accompanied the Chinese delegation to visit 3 research institutions including fluid power and engines, 1 design bureau, 4 factories including MiG-29 aircraft and engine manufacturing plants, aviation flight control center, and aerospace training. Centers, launch sites, air and naval bases and other units.

The Su-27, which has not been announced to the public, has never been contacted by the Chinese delegation.

China does not know the existence of Su-27 at all.

“In addition, China has been in contact with France for a long time and negotiated to purchase the French Mirage-2000, and the French offer is beyond the Chinese people’s ability to bear, and the price is far higher than their expected price, and even the Chinese senior leaders. I personally communicated with the French president, hoping that the French side would offer a friendly price based on the friendship between the two sides… However, the French are very realistic. Friendship belongs to friendship and business belongs to business. In the end, the negotiation has not made any progress for more than two years. The Americans in Shanghai are obviously unwilling to help China improve its fighter planes, and urgently need to change the Chinese Air Force, which has been behind the world’s advanced air force for more than 25 years and has a large quantity of inferior quality. The best choice is our MiG…”

These news are all very easy to get.

After entering the 1980s, the new generation of major models from various countries have been made public one after another, and they even performed extremely dazzlingly in actual combat.

In the early 1980s, because the Chinese Air Force’s weapons and equipment fell behind the world level for the first time since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, even the J-7, which imitated the Soviet MiG-21, gradually solved the quality problem in this era. Mature and heavily equipped air force.

The Chinese Air Force, which has too many advanced fighters in the world, is naturally worrying.

To solve this situation, relying on China’s own imperfect aviation system with little experience, it will take too long.

China can only purchase advanced fighter jets to allow the Air Force to improve its combat capabilities as quickly as possible. And after the introduction of fighters, they will gradually digest and absorb them, and only by imitation can the gap be narrowed in the future.

This is where Alexei Federov’s confidence lies.

“Or, tomorrow we will arrange for the MiG-29 flight demonstration and then negotiate?” To be on the safe side, Nikolai Skobrin suggested, “Before, the Chinese delegation was only in Kozhdub Aviation Technical Equipment The exhibition center visited the static display of fighters such as MiG-29, MiG-23ML and Su-25 aircraft. Although the performance was introduced, the flight demonstrations can give them a better understanding of combat performance…”

In Nikolai Skobrin’s view, it would be easier for the Chinese delegation to better understand the combat performance of the MiG-29 fighters before conducting negotiations.

Even if the combat performance is not shown, how can customers be tempted?

“But we are not ready yet. The original plan was to formulate a flight show plan based on their expectations after the initial contact…” the general frowned and said.

Although the combat performance of the MiG-29 is advanced, relatively speaking, there are still many defects.

Flight shows require careful preparation to be perfectly displayed to customers.

If it is a Su-27, there is no problem, the MiG can’t, and the Dnieper can’t even fly. Although the maneuverability has improved, it is not easy for the Chinese Air Force personnel who understand the performance of the MiG aircraft and are familiar with the situation.

“Our performance team pilots are all the best. The MiG fighters are worse than the Su-27. They can’t make Cobra maneuvers, but they are not too bad. Regular performances are enough.” Alexei · Federov said nonchalantly. “The MiG-29 surpasses the MiG-21 they have too much.”

China has not even completed the imitation of the MiG-21.

Even if it is done, in the absence of a choice, a large number of these backward fighters can only be equipped.

“Alexey, although from various circumstances, it is logical for the Chinese Air Force to continue to purchase our MiG fighters, we cannot take it lightly. They are also negotiating with the French to purchase Mirage-2000, and even China can Introducing European gusts, cyclones and other fighters, as well as American F-16s…”

The words of Nikolai Skobrin made everyone feel that this negotiation was not easy.

China originally had a good relationship with the Soviet Union, which was a fraternal country.(Read more @

But then the brothers had conflicts, and China had always been playing on its own. By the end of the 1970s, Europe and the United States, in order to fight the Soviet Union, wooed China, and even launched large-scale military technology cooperation in the 1980s as a “peace model”.

Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that China is now coming to the Soviet Union to seek fighters to pressure the French to lower prices.

“Everyone, although China has a great demand for fighters, it can form a large-scale combat effect to meet the defense of their huge country. But there is a problem that has to be noted. Under the current situation, China has very little military expenditure, and they can buy fighters. Seeing that Alexei Federov didn’t care too much, Nikolai Skobrin was a little worried, “At present, we need foreign exchange in our country, and our national finances have begun to weaken. Paying for huge fighter replacement costs, and even starting to reduce fighter production…”

For this transaction, both MiG and the Soviet Union are in urgent need.

Not to be underestimated.

“Then I will make arrangements as soon as possible, and have a talk tomorrow. The relationship between China and the Soviet Union was very good in the past. It has just been unfrozen and has not even officially resumed diplomatic relations. You can talk to them about the friendship with Syria, recall the original friendship, and try it Their bottom line. Take them to see the flight display in the afternoon, drink them down in the evening, and start formal negotiations the day after tomorrow…” The general from the Arbat Military District finally made a final decision.

Next to the villa where Xie Jianguo and others stayed, is the representative of the air force.

At this time, a major general in charge was discussing with his subordinates how to contact the Soviets tomorrow.

“Tomorrow, everyone will have to see the plane. Comrade Xie Jianguo and others who came here first said that the best Soviet fighter is not the MiG-29, but the Su-27 heavy fighter that has not been made public. We need this. Fighter…” The general said to everyone.

“Deputy Commander, the other party hasn’t announced it to the public, so we are not easy to mention it. Before, they would show us the air flight, but this time it was only a static display, and there was no heavy fighter…” said a colonel. .

The entire delegation’s time in the Soviet Union was not short, and the Soviets seemed to be not very enthusiastic.

It does not match the information obtained by the delegation.

Others are also a little worried.

“Comrades, don’t be under pressure. This time, our superiors are very clear. They are only investigating Soviet fighters suitable for our national conditions, rather than having to negotiate successfully and sign the contract.” The major general knows everyone’s pressure.

But everyone doesn’t know that they were asked to come here this time just to understand the situation of Soviet fighters.

Compare the price performance gap with European countries and the US fighter aircraft, evaluate how far the domestic air force construction level is from the international advanced level, determine the development direction of the air force, and formulate development plans.

“Chief, is it really just a review?”

“Yes. We are not official this time. Diplomatic relations between the two sides have not returned to normal. Let’s see if the Soviet Union really wants to have a good relationship with us, or just to hold us back.” The general said.

It stands to reason that such things should not be said here, for fear that the Soviets would listen.

He still said.

Negotiations for the purchase of fighter aircraft cannot be settled in a single contact and a formal contract can be signed.

“Chief, do you know the Soviets, do they show the most advanced fighters? I have visited so many units of them, but I have never heard anyone introduce them. Moreover, Xie Jianguo themselves are only here to purchase engines…” A lieutenant colonel Said. “Furthermore, the 404 people don’t know about fighters at all, and maybe they have been fooled.”

For Xie Jianguo and the others, in essence, he is a little scornful.

A unit without any foundation, with a bit of money, dares to launch a fighter jet project, and it still purchases 200 engines from the Soviet Union at a time, and it is not afraid that the fighter jets will not be sold.

“Comrade 404 knows more about the Soviet Union than you. Most of their delegation members have a background of studying in the Soviet Union. Especially Comrade Xie Jianguo, who came back from the Soviet Union only after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came forward.” General Lin Hu knew that some of his officers did not look down on 404.

If they are rich, no matter whether they have the technical ability or not, they want to intervene in anything.

Tanks, missiles, fighter planes, large planes…

It was just a combat readiness scientific research unit with only more than 30,000 people and the technical research team was emptied…

The general also understands everyone’s ideas, which is emotionally difficult to accept.

“As long as they are installed in the country, they will show us the Su-27!” The general said with a smile, “The Soviets are most afraid of others not knowing how solid their wealth is.”

This white major general in the uniform of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force is no one else. It is General Lin Hu, the deputy air force commander with Russian descent. He once fought side by side with the comrades of the Soviet Air Force on the battlefield to resist the United States and Aid Korea.

“So, it depends on our liquor commander.” General Lin Hu finished speaking, looking at a young lieutenant colonel who was extremely thin, like a bamboo pole, on Moscow Street that could be blown away by a gust of wind.

Other people’s eyes turned to the lieutenant colonel.

“Chief, please rest assured, I don’t have any other skills. I’m good at drinking. Tomorrow I will use my stomach to fuck the damn old man! Let them know that we Chinese are better than them when it comes to drinking!” The school patted his breast without two or two flesh, and assured a white major general. “So far, anyone who can drink me hasn’t been born yet.”

General Lin Hu looked at him and did not show a relaxed expression. “Although you have not been poured, their alcohol is not given for nothing, especially because it is very likely that a group of them are doing good deeds. They don’t speak……”

“You don’t know that Soviet generals who are addicted to alcohol and who love to change their cups with high spirits like to use such tricks to bully the socialist brothers. In their eyes, the contest has already begun on the wine table. The wine table is embarrassing, and it occupies the psychological advantage of the negotiation…” the general said.

Ustinov’s law is known to anyone who has business dealings with the Soviet Union.

The Soviets always like to decide the victory or defeat at the wine table in negotiations.

“Chief, please rest assured! Since you have chosen me, I will not shame the country or the army, and use my stomach to kill them at the wine table! Win glory for the country!” The lieutenant colonel promised loudly.

“You keep quiet, for fear that they don’t know or something?” the major general said with a smile. “I specifically borrowed you from the headquarters, but for this purpose, I certainly believe in your ability. This is their home court, so I am afraid that they will fight on wheels.”

“Please don’t worry, the chief, make sure to tell them to come in vertically and go out horizontally! How many come and carry out.” The lieutenant colonel patted his chest to ensure.

This is really not the lieutenant colonel’s bragging, but his special physique, he has never been drunk since he was a child.

He was originally just the manager of the officer’s cafeteria of the headquarters, and he was a logistic officer who had nothing to do with this contact. He was famous for never being drunk in the cafeteria of the headquarters.

This is not because he has a good drinking capacity. After the doctor checked, he found that he could secrete a special element in his body. Even the spirits of the world could not have any effect on him.

General Lin Hu, who was so familiar with the character and style of the Russians that he could no longer be familiar with, made a special trip to second him, just to use Soviet means to counter their army.

When the time comes, the Soviets will be killed on their own superior projects, and everything will be easy to talk about, isn’t it?

“It’s okay if you have confidence. Everyone rests early, and will fight with them tomorrow.” General Lin Hu nodded in satisfaction.

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