Chapter 510

“Let’s think about it slowly. Your Excellency Mwini, the Chinese are more cautious than anyone else. Their purpose is to make money, not to make money without compromise.” Kovarubi persuaded the president. “We should be thankful that they are not Western colonists. They can slaughter our people wantonly for money, and even get our mines without compromise.”

Rao knows, understands, and understands the behavior of the Chinese people. Mwini is also a little unwilling.

Under the current circumstances, Xie Kai’s investment plan will become a new start for Tanzania’s economic growth. In fact, Tanzania can learn from the Chinese model.

“But I am still not reconciled. Especially their military service, in Africa, has great potential!” Mwini said. “Our army consumes too much every year. If we cooperate with them, we can earn enough military expenses to feed them. The government uses this money for investment, which plays a very important role…”

Mwini’s main task when he came to power was to solve the problem of domestic economic development.

It is difficult to attract investment, and Western investors want gold mines, diamond mines, etc. Even ordinary ore is unwilling to invest, which makes it unacceptable.

There is no way to save money. Uganda dared to invade Tanzania before. If it were not for the army trained by China, it is estimated that President Nyerere’s government would have been overthrown. Now that he doesn’t deal with Gaddafi, who claims to be the boss of Africa, who dares to abolish the army or even disband the army?

If so, let alone Gaddafi, the opponents of Zanzibar can overthrow the government.

“I’ll talk to them again, don’t come forward on this matter.” There are some secret operations, and the president is not suitable to join in.

Xie Kai and Liao Dong are also analyzing Mwini’s purpose.

In any case, he dare not accept the plan of fully cooperating with the other party.

“In fact, with their government’s support, it is a good opportunity for us.” Liao Dong was a little regretful, “but doing this will make the government very embarrassed.”

“Who says no? Once this happens, we will definitely be attacked by our government for interfering in other internal affairs. The government has no knowledge of it. When will Ibrahim’s grandson come?” Xie Kai asked Liao Dong.

Liao Dong shook his head, “Aren’t you contacting him? I don’t even know him.”

The two were helpless for a while.

At night, the dinner was actually set up with a dining table outside the villa and covered with tablecloths for dinner. It was not formal at all.

Although there are a lot of beef and mutton and various traditional cuisines in Tanzania, Xie Kai has no appetite, especially the food here is greasy and spicy. Xie Kai just has a few bites and no appetite.

Liao Dong ate happily.

There was nothing to talk about on the table. Mwini asked Xie Kai again about the entire investment plan, but did not mention anything about mercenary cooperation. He left after the meal, leaving Kovarubi.

“General, what do you mean?” Liao Dong asked Kovarubi while stirring the coffee again.

Xie Kai just looked at the black tea in her hand and didn’t speak.

“The President hopes to cooperate fully so that we can do large-scale soon…”

“Country-to-country cooperation should be discussed between your Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country.” Xie Kai said, “We made it very clear before, and General Ibrahim will also be involved.”

“That’s it. General Ibrahim will be here tonight.” Kovarubi said. “Thanks, we can cooperate personally, but you need to take out some more shares…”

Xie Kai took a sip of tea, looked at Kovarubi, and did not speak.

“The president can also become your partner. According to your previous plan, you will provide you with a military camp. You will invest and build it yourself. Our Ministry of National Defense can help mercenaries to undertake some large-scale employment tasks…” Kovarubi knew Xie Kai’s character does not go around the circle directly, “This kind of cooperation is no problem, right? If necessary, our Ministry of National Defense can provide some heavy equipment…”

Xie Kai and Liao Dong looked at each other. Such cooperation is what they need most.(Read more @

Obviously, it is not cooperating with the Tanzanian Ministry of Defense, but they have their support. Who can mobilize their heavy equipment?

“At the same time, you can also equip the specified amount of heavy weapons and equipment. When you are dispatched, you need to apply to our Ministry of National Defense and get approval before you can leave the specified area…” Kovarubi’s various conditions made Xie Kai feel inwardly Some surprises, these conditions are all right, anyway, they have no plans to engage in a military coup in Tanzania.

“Can the Ministry of National Defense of your country help purchase heavy equipment?” Xie Kai asked.

The large-scale mercenaries are all about experimenting with domestically produced equipment and obtaining first-hand actual combat data, but there is no way for mercenaries to negotiate with China to purchase heavy equipment.

“There is no problem at all. But I still hope that they will have less heavy equipment and cooperate with our Ministry of Defense. When these are needed, our army can also make some profits…” The reason for the cooperation of the Ministry of Defense has been said. “As long as there is no conflict of interest between the two parties, the president’s regime will be more stable.”

With common interests, such cooperation will only deepen.

“How much profit does your president need? Kaka is gone now…” Now that I got it all on the face, Xie Kai didn’t hide it.

It was originally about the cooperation between the river crab mercenary group and Ibrahim, Kovarubi, and Kaka.

The original force behind Kaka was considered by Xie Kai to be Mwini.

“We want 50%, of which 20% go to the Ministry of National Defense…” Kovarubi said, “This 50% includes land use etc…”

“Why? I put out 50 million and take 10% of the shares?” Ibrahim was also taken into the villa, but he was not in a good mood.

The investment of 50 million was originally intended to make more money, but in the end, I told myself that I could only get 10% of the equity. “If so, I don’t think we need much cooperation. Xie Kai, is this something you discussed with them?”

Xie Kai shook his head, “General, isn’t this waiting for you to discuss it?”

Kovarubi’s conditions were very good, and he asked for a lot.

“I am cooperating with you, not with them. If there is no plan that satisfies me, I think there is no need to cooperate.” Ibrahim said to Xie Kai, not even looking at Ibrahim. “If it’s just to provide a resident, in Iraq, I can also provide it.”

Kovarubi was dissatisfied with what he said, “This is not just a matter of stationing, but also the support of the army.”

“Our army also supports it. It doesn’t matter if it is military transport aircraft or fighter jets, heavy equipment, or naval ships! How much can you provide?” Ibrahim was not joking.

He can persuade the president to establish a foreign mercenary regiment.

“This mercenary is a foreign mercenary group that belongs to the combat sequence of our Ministry of National Defense…” Kovarubi did not give in.

Xie Kai just watched, while Liao Dong continued to stir his cup of coffee without taking a sip.

“Okay, let’s just say a few words, two, we are the main team in the battle!” Liao Dong saw Xie Kai’s eyes and said, “At least, we should take more shares. If we introduce us to high profits The business can be done in accordance with international practice, and the introducer can draw money from it. Isn’t that easy?”

“Actually, I personally don’t value profit distribution that way. The key is what everyone can provide.” Xie Kai said, “The mercenaries in combat should be better treated. They are using their lives to perform their tasks.”

The quarrel between the two stopped, “In fact, this matter does not need to involve the Tanzanian Ministry of Defense. This way, there is no need to be accused of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries…”

Xie Kai’s words, silence them.

When the government gets involved, things are complicated.

“The 32nd Battalion in South Africa, everyone knows that they belong to the operational sequence of the South African Defence Force, but they are backed by European and American countries, and they have even become running dogs of European and American countries…” Xie Kai directly took the 32nd Battalion to talk about it.

The 32nd Battalion is absolutely notorious in Africa.

After the Angola War, they can almost be seen in any civil war in any African country.

Many governments gritted their teeth with hatred, but they have nothing to do.

They are backed by European and American strength. Like the current civil war in Angola, the 32nd Battalion has always been the most active mercenary. If it weren’t for the Angolan People’s Liberation Movement with skilled Cuban support for the Angolan government, they even sent troops directly to the war. The United States and South Africa supported Angola. The rebellion of the National League for Total Independence was successful.

The 32nd Battalion is the army of South Africa.

However, the international community will not report such things. Western media only accuse Cuba and the Soviet Union…

“Under such circumstances, we must be prepared to become the enemy of the 32nd Battalion in South Africa. Once your government gets involved…” Xie Kai said here, without continuing.

Everyone can imagine the consequences.

“Therefore, we can provide an annual fee to the Ministry of National Defense of your country, even if you really need sources of troops and heavy equipment, but also pay for the task… and the business introduced by your country can be commissioned…” Liao Dong continued Xie Kai’s words .

In this way, it is easy to negotiate their respective shares.

Other expenses, those are all costs.

“Under such circumstances, the river crab mercenary group accounted for 40%, and General Ibrahim invested 50 million U.S. dollars for the construction of the early barracks. The procurement of weapons and equipment and personnel recruitment costs accounted for 2.5%, and the remaining 3.5 belonged to Kova. How about General Ruby and President Mwini?” Xie Kai asked.

He hadn’t thought about taking the income of the mercenaries by himself.

But this team must be controlled in their own hands.

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