Chapter 541

“You cheated!” Zheng Yucheng said, “Although I don’t want to believe it, they showed evidence…”

“There is evidence of a fart. Why don’t they say that the college entrance examination counseling team you made for me is amazing?” Xie Kai’s heart stunned. Could it be that what happened to the exam results this time?

He waited for Zheng Yucheng to continue, but the old guy didn’t say a word.

The sky has started to light up, and the machine number of the base has not sounded yet.

In the end, Zheng Yucheng only ordered the people to settle the old hairies on the plane, and had to arrange personnel to watch them not enter the secret area, and then took Xie Kai and others to the jeep next to him and went back to the base.

“Leader, it’s not about him?” an internal defender asked Zheng Yucheng.

“Why do you want to shut him down? He is a cow and horse for the base, look, how much tan! How much weight loss!” Zheng Yucheng looked at Xie Kai’s leaving back, and asked the people around him. “What about twenty tons of gold, do you know how much it is worth?”

The latter is speechless.

When he came, Zheng Yucheng was yelling all the way that he had to kill this little bastard, and as a result…

“Immediately mobilize personnel, and no one is allowed to approach the plane.” Zheng Yucheng instructed the internal guards.

It also didn’t say that all the twenty tons of gold above should be transported back to the base.

Gold is useless for the base.

“Dad, go to work like this?” When Xie Kai returned home, Xie Jianguo with a tired face was about to go out, “My mom hasn’t come back yet?”

“When did you come back?” Xie Jianguo watched his son come back, a surprise flashed by, and finally his face calmed down.

“I just got off the plane, and Lao Zheng picked me up.” Xie Kai looked at his father and looked a little wrong. “What’s wrong with you? Is there anything wrong?”

“Go to the room and wash it. I’ll buy you some breakfast. I’ve been out for so long, and I’ve had breakfast for a while and have a good night’s sleep.” Xie Jianguo couldn’t bear to look at Xie Kai’s eyes and left.

Xie Kai is a little confused, is there something wrong in the base?

Shouldn’t, if there is, Zheng Yucheng should tell himself on the way back.

“What are you doing back?” Liu Xu put on his clothes and looked at Xie Kai who came in, and cried as he spoke. “You make a call before you come back!”

“Mom, what’s the matter? Just now my dad went out and his face was wrong…” Xie Kai was really confused.

My parents’ reaction was too abnormal.

What I did was a bit too much in Pakistan yesterday, right?

Only now did I recall what it meant when I came over to let myself have a good meal and then sleep.

“You said you, why do you have to be so stupid? Although your parents hope you can be admitted to a better university and have a better future, why do you have to be so stupid… not going to university does not affect you very It’s big…” Liu Xu’s words made Xie Kai even more veiled.

He didn’t know what anger and grievance he had done.

“Mom, what happened in Pakistan yesterday really has nothing to do with me. Lao Maozi has always been at odds with the Americans, everyone knows. They fight in Pakistan, no one can rely on me, right? It was last night. Going to Pakistan to go to war with the Indian Air Force, although I was selfish at the beginning, we provoked the Indian Air Force, but they both fought, and it has nothing to do with us. There is friction at the border between the two countries at any time…” Xie Kai is anxious.

Who has such a big mouth, and let parents know about it so soon?

“What? You’re still causing trouble in Pakistan, making the two countries fight even more?” Liu Xu jumped up in shock, then slumped in a chair, “It’s even more hopeless now!”

“What?” Looking at the reaction of my old lady, plus the meaning of the words, what my old lady said before was definitely not the result of what she did in Pakistan and was frightened.(Read more @

Xie Kai wanted to slap herself.

“Mom, what’s the matter? You give me this feeling, as if I have done something illegal and will be shot soon.” It’s not Xie Kai who thinks too much, but parents are like that. Expressions.

Zheng Yucheng brought his inner guard to the plane and arrested him before. Isn’t it because of Pakistan?

If Xie Kai is to be repaired, all kinds of illegal things will go away.

Or is it because of your bribery?

That shouldn’t be right, Zheng Yucheng and the others knew it, and it was for the Soviet legacy project.

Did the Soviet legacy plan leak out?

It’s also wrong, parents are fine, and Zheng Yucheng didn’t say anything.

Is it because of the river crab mercenary group?

In any case, Xie Kai couldn’t understand. Except for the two days when he was born again, he didn’t believe that he could be born again, and he would smash anyone who caught him. He didn’t do anything unplanned.

Liu Xu looked at Xie Kai, “Do you think your college entrance examination will be easy? Other problems are not serious. In your class, more than 20 essays are the same.”

“What the hell?” Xie Kai jumped up.

This Nima…

He didn’t know what to say. He was paying attention to other details. Even for this college entrance examination, he guided Zheng Yucheng to arrange a college entrance examination counseling team for him, and further provided the counseling team’s questions to the entire class.

No matter how similar the composition is, there won’t be more than 20 identical test papers in a class, right?

This is why he has never done anything similar to a model essay.

“What’s your explanation? This time, the matter is very serious, and it is even possible that because of what you did, the national college entrance examination results will be invalidated, which will affect the enrollment arrangements of the entire education system…” Liu Xu’s words made Xie Kai dumbfounded. Speechless.

Thousands are counted, how can they not count this point.

“Get up? I didn’t sleep much last night. Let’s rest for a while.” Xie Jianguo came in carrying the dough stick bun or something.

Looking at Xie Kai, he was worried.

“Dad, are you and my mother so worried about my college entrance examination?” Xie Kai decided to figure out what’s going on first. “Even if there are identical papers, the college entrance examination is an invigilator transferred from outside, and we can investigate whether we have cheated…”

Xie Kai didn’t think it was too serious.

As long as there is no evidence above, it is not a problem.

“The people in the investigation team are investigating all the teachers who invigilate the exams here at Jiayuguan. Many teachers in your school are also the subjects of the investigation… The problem now is not how many identical test papers appear, but in your entire class. , There are too many high scores, and many people usually have poor grades. People in the base management committee can’t explain this. The investigation team is likely to organize an exam for you…” Xie Jianguo thinks better than Liu Xu many.

In this matter, he knew that he needed to provide some information to Xie Kai so that Xie Kai could operate it himself.

Sure enough, Xie Kai didn’t even care about food after hearing the situation told by his father, and even tossed about in the airspace between Pakistan and India last night without sleeping, and went directly to Wang Guilin and others.

“Let him go, he is more capable than us. I believe that he did not cheat on this matter.”

“Don’t I believe it? But because of the evidence provided by others, we can’t refute it, as are the teachers at the school. In the current situation, just say that they usually get good test results!” Liu Xu complained.

Xie Jianguo looked at her with a haggard face and smiled bitterly.

A wake-up call sounded outside, and then the radio started to work again.

Xie Kai ran to Wang Guilin’s house. The old guy never came home in the office last night. Wang Guilin’s wife told Xie Kai to call him back when she met him, which made Xie Kai very depressed.

Mo Qi was also not at home. There was no official news about this matter at the base, and the gossip had been flying all over the sky.

“You all know?” Wang Guilin and Zheng Yucheng were talking about something while eating steamed buns. When they saw Xie Kai coming, they motioned him to eat and asked casually.

“Could you know?” Xie Kai was not polite, because he was already hungry.

“How are you going to solve this? The people in the investigation team are hard to talk, and they are very organized and principled.” Wang Guilin reminded Xie Kai.

Xie Kai bit off half of a bun in one bite, “Do you think I’m going to give them sugar-coated cannonballs? Don’t even think about it. Although our college entrance examination is in the base, the invigilation is strict, everyone knows…”

“We also know that, I was so lucky that I was thinking of a way to steal the test paper for you…” Zheng Yucheng complained.

Xie Kai knew where his grievances came from, and deliberately wanted to get himself to sign a contract with the base, and even offered to entrust him or her…

“They should be allowed to come to the base. There is nothing shameless about it. It’s not a problem to keep stopping like this, but it makes them more vigorous.” Xie Kai took a bun again.

“Our 404 is a top-secret preparedness base. Those people who come here without approval and communication from the highest-level leaders will never be able to come in. That is not in compliance with the rules, so we have always arranged people to go to Jiayuguan. …” Zheng Yucheng regards this base as his own territory, and gives benefits and benefits to the base. He welcomes it very much. Even if it does not comply with the rules, he will find a way.

And whoever wants to come to the base to make trouble, then, even if it conforms to the rules, he will also let the approval slip and pass of the family become a piece of waste paper.

“Do you really want them to come in? They can investigate more when they come in.” Wang Guilin also frowned and looked at Xie Kai.

“What are you afraid of? There are a lot of people who usually score very well, and they are among the best in the exams. When they get to the college entrance examination, they will not perform well; some people, the usual scores are average, and the result is good luck in the college entrance examination. You will find that these questions seem to What have you done…” Xie Kai said indifferently. “By the way, how many points did I score?”

For countless people, the college entrance examination is a matter of life, but no one cares about making mistakes.

“On the answer on the test paper, full score! The first one since the college entrance examination.” When Zheng Yucheng said this, his face was not proud, nor proud of Xie Kai, but looked at Xie Kai with a wry smile, “However, In the college entrance examination results, you got 0 points, and all of the more than 20 in your class got 0 points.”

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