Chapter 544

“Chief, it’s not a few years ago now. Sometimes, if you use compulsion, it will backfire and waste his talent.” Wang Guilin did not answer whether it was a threat. “He is too important to 404.”

“I didn’t say he was not important.” Long Yaohua felt that it would be difficult to take Xie Kai away this time.

The gold on the plane made him equally tempted, but he couldn’t let Xie Kai continue.

“Although you are helping to conceal what Xie Kai did in Africa, you should know how serious the consequences will be if you are stabbed out. You usually never thought about the consequences!” Long Yaohua saw the car parked at the headquarters office. Downstairs, don’t get out of the car.

“The chief, at least, he didn’t betray the national interests or discredit the government…” Wang Guilin also didn’t get out of the car, turned his head and said to Long Yaohua very seriously, “For the past two years, we have been training him as a successor. He does many things, and we just follow his plan.”

“On the African side, he signed a contract with Tanzania, and the real users are Zaire’s rebel Kabila and the Rwandan Patriotic Front’s Kagame; he reached a contract with Libya for 500 ground red flag missiles. But it is still not us signing the contract, but Pakistan… Even the well-known mercenary group in Afghanistan, investigating the identity, has nothing to do with the country, not to mention that he is planning to recruit the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Iraq, etc. in that mercenary group. Retired soldiers from China, the bosses are Iraqi Ibrahim and the Tanzanian Ministry of Defense…”

Wang Guilin said all these things one by one.

The purpose is to tell Long Yaohua that Xie Kai is very cautious in his own actions, considering all the consequences, and avoiding these things from causing trouble to himself and the government.

If Xie Kai has poor character, greed, and low consciousness, it will not be of any use.

Long Yaohua had already been caught twice before. If he hadn’t been confused by Xie Kai before and took Xie Kai away, the base management committee would not care at all.

Xie Kai appeared too fast.

Whenever he thinks of what happened before, Long Yaohua feels regretful.

Previously, Xie Kai scores in the college entrance examination came out. Although he was given a zero score in the end, he was still treated as cheating. The investigation team is investigating, but Long Yaohua knew that such a thing could not happen on the 404 side.

Cheating, one or two people at most.

And not so much.

The two of them sat in the car without talking or getting out of the car. Zheng Yucheng and others went straight upstairs. When Long Yaohua showed the idea of ​​taking Xie Kai away, he became the enemy of the entire 404.

“I’m not trying to dig your walls, and if he enters the military academy, it will have a greater effect on army building. The garrison regiment is ready to be upgraded to an independent brigade. It specializes in special operations and trains special operations teams. The military needs to be reformed, and the defense industry must develop , Is inseparable from this kind of talent with strategic vision…” Long Yaohua sighed.

Zheng Yucheng’s profligacy and snarling makes it hard to fight; even Wang Guilin has this attitude, and it is conceivable that he wants to get rid of the difficulty of Xie Kai.

“Military talents can be acquired nationwide. We are 404, that’s one. Chief, we responded to the call of the country and obeyed the organization and arrangements. Now that we don’t even have a few roots, it is not easy to establish such a foundation; the previous ones. In 1991, the superior transferred all scientific research units, leaving only the supporting parts. We couldn’t even pay wages. More than 30,000 cadres, employees, family members and children did not cry to the superiors… Finally, we had a Xie Kai, so that we could have Opportunities to develop and make more contributions to the cause of national defense. Now that many stalls have just been opened, you have taken him away, and you will not do these things in the future…” Wang Guilin never felt that he could say so.

Even Long Yaohua couldn’t even interrupt.

After speaking, without watching Long Yaohua’s reaction, he got out of the car.

Long Yaohua was embarrassed.

What Wang Guilin said was the fact that 404 was almost ready to be abandoned before.

But they can’t help it, right?

“He’s here to grab someone?” Zheng Yucheng asked Wang Guilin with an unsightly face, and asked immediately, especially when he nodded his head, “I said he was not a good thing. In the beginning, our unit could not live. When going down, not only did they not help, they even asked everyone to be psychologically prepared for bankruptcy…”

Long Yaohua just walked to the door and heard Zheng Yucheng’s words. He wanted to get angry, but couldn’t give birth.(Read more @

If he doesn’t rob people, he can justify.

Because Xie Kai solved the 404 dilemma, the current situation appeared.

Special operations were also made by Xie Kai, only for the sale of weapons…

“Why are you in a hurry? He didn’t ask me if I would like it or not! You said you are true, can you get a good night’s sleep?” Xie Kai’s voice came from the office.

“This is Lao Tzu’s office, not your home!” Zheng Yucheng said grimly. “Go to sleep and go back to sleep. I’m upset looking at you.”

“What are you mad at him.”

“Yes, what are you mad at me?”

Xie Kai looked at Zheng Yucheng who was furious, and was very moved.

If you really follow Long Yaohua, don’t even think you can live so easily.

“I won’t go to a military academy. I will never go to a military academy. You all know that where there are many rules, I feel pressure. I went to Africa this time and looked at those indigenous people who could do nothing. As long as I can eat a little bit, I can sleep in the sun, but I can’t adapt to their lives… It’s still cool in the base, you can see that I can sleep comfortably here…” Xie Kai said, as if It was the elder brother who was arrested for stealing the battery and said that it is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible to work part-time in this life.

“Do you think I was moved by saying that?”

“I’m too lazy to talk to you. Let’s not talk about it. It’s time for dinner. I have to go to dinner. I will eat two steamed buns in the morning…” Xie Kai didn’t want to talk to Zheng Yucheng anymore. “When will the investigation team come?”

“Release tonight, let them go to the school for investigation tomorrow…” Zheng Yucheng said, “Don’t worry, I have a talk with Huaqing, even if they are not willing to give you this score, they will only get you a zero score. .”

Xie Kai doesn’t care about the college entrance examination scores, but this matter is indeed a bit too much.

Although he himself was too much, in the college entrance examination after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, no one had ever scored a perfect score, and he had never thought about it.

“Mozi and the others?”

“Also admitted, but it is impossible for all of them.” Zheng Yucheng said, “They hope you can go to major in mechanical engineering, and you can directly study undergraduate and master degree…”

“What’s the point of learning machinery?” Xie Kai didn’t even think about going to continue learning machinery.

No matter how much effort he puts into studying this major, it is difficult to come up with many things.

In any professional field, it requires the joint efforts of many professional and technical personnel, and it takes a lot of time to succeed.

“Do you want to learn management?” Zheng Yucheng muttered to himself before Xie Kai answered, “Learning management is also good. After all, management positions require more professional knowledge.”

“Who said to learn management?” Xie Kai shook his head.

“Then what major are you studying? Your original wish seemed to be in international trade?” Zheng Yucheng frowned. “What’s the point of studying international trade, studying management, you will be in charge of the base and recruit a bunch of international trade professionals… ”

“If the investigation team finally fails to investigate a result and retake the exam, what do you think?” Wang Guilin asked Xie Kai.

“No time, anyone who likes to take the test will take the test.” Xie Kai knows his own affairs and re-tests, isn’t that revealing? “Furthermore, what do we mean by letting us retake the exam? They felt that the exam questions were leaked, and we cheated, so we retake the exam across the country.

“Just to talk about it. If you really want to retake the exam, you won’t do the investigation like this. Okay, you go back by yourself, and you won’t eat with you at noon.” Wang Guilin told Xie Kai to go back first.

Long Yaohua listened outside for a while. Although this is not authentic, it is necessary to understand what Zheng Yucheng and others think. It’s not okay to adopt this method, right?

“Why have you been reluctant to enter the military school?”

“Chief, the life of the military academy is so bitter and tiring, you see, I am used to being free and loose, where can I eat that bitterness!” Xie Kai saw Long Yaohua without hesitation. “It’s impossible to enter the military school.”

At the beginning, Long Yaohua had been pitted several times.

“…” Long Yaohua couldn’t refute it.

If you say that Xie Kai is lazy, Xie Kai can be regarded as lazy. Only the things he is interested in can make him diligent.

“Chief, you guys talk, I’ll go first. In Africa, although it is said that there are all kinds of game every day, but I still don’t eat well at home…” Xie Kai doesn’t care if he offends Long Yaohua, Just left.

Long Yaohua looked at the back of Xie Kai leaving, his brows were completely twisted together, “This is the successor you cultivated?”

“No. He only acts as a middleman.” Zheng Yucheng doesn’t need to be shameless now. “You don’t want to take him away anyway.”

“What if he cheated?” Long Yaohua was unwilling to let go.

“He didn’t cheat at all.”

“Zero score, it is definitely impossible to go to any school.” Long Yaohua clearly heard it, but he had his own purpose. “Once Huaqing disagrees, what can you do? Military academies, regardless of science and technology, It’s still military, so he can choose it.”

“We have many schools in contact. Now the country is advocating school-enterprise alliances, and there are not too many universities that we have cooperated with. It is estimated that there are only dozens of them…” Zheng Yucheng was smug. “Although it is necessary to enroll based on grades, we can do without a diploma, so…”

“Chief, I think that this kind of thing still respects Xie Kai’s own choice and really forced him to enter the military academy. Do you think he will cooperate with this character? In the end there is nothing…” Wang Guilin felt, Their attitude on this is very clear.

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