Chapter 548

“Look at how much information there is!” The headed officer gritted his teeth and looked at Liang Xiaolong who was lying on the ground but smiling at the extinguished fire, and commanded his hand.

The soldier stepping on the fire squatted down and crawled away from the ash pile. Most of it was burned, leaving only a small part of it. He shook his head and said, “Boss, we are too late.”

There is really not much left in the ashes.

“Bang!” The leading officer once again put his foot heavily on Liang Xiaolong’s chest.

Liang Xiaolong received a heavy blow, his face twisted and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, but there was a smile on his face. The officer leading the team kicked him with anger, and finally made Liang Xiaolong vomit blood, but he didn’t care at all and even laughed out loud. .

“You guys are too late!”

“Boss, I can’t fight anymore, I can’t ask questions anymore, I can’t interrogate…” Seeing the officer continue to do it, his subordinates hurriedly stopped. “Get it back, interrogate! Get him again then.”

“Cough cough…” Liang Xiaolong smiled, and the corners of his mouth were full of blood. Just about to speak, it took a long time to relax, “Without evidence, what can you do with me? This is not an ordinary thing!”

“Do you think that person can easily bypass you?” the officer said coldly. “Send a signal to let the helicopter land.”

Liang Xiaolong was a little stunned. He didn’t know who the officer was talking about.

Is Zheng Yucheng?

Just because he knew Zheng Yucheng, he would burn the materials.

“Why does it burn so fast?” the officer asked Liang Xiaolong.

Liang Xiaolong’s mouth was full of blood, but his face showed complacency, and he didn’t answer at all.

“Hang him under the helicopter with a rope!” The officer said coldly when he saw the helicopter on a relatively flat place next to him, preparing to land, “Don’t worry, you can’t die like this. Moreover, people like him have died ten thousand times, no more. If you’re half dead, you’ll just train the military doctor…”

The others had no objection, and prepared to tie Liang Xiaolong with the rope.

Liang Xiaolong’s expression changed immediately. This kind of helicopter is not a straight -5, it is fast, and it is really hung, and it will definitely be deliberately played by these bastards.

“I added phosphor powder to all the paper, just to prevent being robbed…” Liang Xiaolong said hurriedly.

“It seems that you are not only guarding us!” The officer looked contemptuous, “If your mouth is hard enough, I will admire you. Really, you are the first to betray the secrets of the base. So, we will Use all the interrogation methods we have learned to interrogate you… But you said so, what we have learned is useless… Hang up!”

“You can’t do this…” Liang Xiaolong was really scared.

You can still talk to the people at the base.

But these soldiers, what are you talking about?

The soldiers didn’t pay attention to him at all. No matter how hard he struggled, he was still unable to contend with a few round-robin soldiers who had been trained all day long.

“Ah…” The hum of the helicopter’s propellers and the roar of the engine, and the screams of Liang Xiaolong who was hung under the plane were all covered up.

Moreover, the pilot of the S-70 helicopter was instructed to keep raising, lowering, and hovering…

“Regarding Liang Xiaolong’s punishment decision, I personally suggest that no matter whether there is evidence or not, it must be made into an iron case! This kind of thing should have been raged in the base. Don’t kill chickens and monkeys, this thing is definitely not a good start.” Xie Kai looked at the silent people.

Zheng Yucheng was silent.

As I said before, severe punishments are severely punished. This matter is complicated. Others are not as deep as Liang Xiaolong.

“What if he was wronged?” Wang Guilin sighed.

Everyone knows the truth.

“Since you were talking about almost our core projects, but the airplane-related items were not leaked, how did you know the news?” Xie Kai asked, “Even if there is no evidence, as long as the Americans know it, it means they betrayed them! It’s not just the interests of the base, but the interests of the whole country that are betrayed. Although the possibility of fighting is small now, what if a war starts?”

Everyone was silent.

The office was filled with smoke.(Read more @

“He knows the process, and the above also pays attention to this matter…”

“Our confidentiality level hasn’t been lowered yet?” Xie Kai asked.


“The base’s political and legal committee system is still useful, right?” Xie Kai continued to ask.

“There is no abolition, and the administrative level is not lowered.” Wang Guilin wondered what Xie Kai meant.

Xie Kai should be clear about these situations.

Up to now, the 404 base has been operating normally, except for the self-financing and no financial allocations above.

“Since there is no such thing, the public prosecutors here can do one thing. At the gunyard, the public trial will be shot directly.” Xie Kai’s face was calm, but the voice made a bunch of elderly people feel cold.

“Xie Kai, this is irresponsible.” Xie Jianguo frowned to stop Xie Kai.

Once this kind of thing spreads out, it is definitely not a good thing for Xie Kai’s future.

“Yes, Xie Kai, wait until the investigation is clear.” Wang Guilin did not expect Xie Kai to be so murderous. “In case he is wronged, there are others…”

“Regardless of whether he was wronged or not, but the leak this time has also sounded the alarm for us. The base has been established for more than 20 years, and there has never been a case of leaks. Why is this? Why are they able to leak secrets so easily? Secrecy education has been going on all the time. What is leaking now is not our active equipment…” Xie Kai has a murderous expression on his face. “Ning kills the wrong, don’t let it go! If he has no problems, does he need to run away?”

What if there is no evidence?

“We need to be responsible for the entire base. Almost everything that many scientific researchers have worked hard to produce is the most advanced in China. Leaking secrets has caused not only economic losses, but also major hidden dangers to national defense.” Xie Kai saw no one. Speaking, stood up and continued to speak. “The punishment is lighter, or because there is no evidence, it is released, and the price of leaking is too low. In the end, who takes the confidentiality code seriously?

If twenty years have passed, Xie Kai would definitely not dare to do this.

But now, it must be so.

After the reform and opening up, the national economy has developed, and in many places, the idea of ​​money first has begun to emerge.

“It caused more serious losses, what is the end result? Have you ever thought about it?” Xie Kai asked everyone.

The reason why Xie Kai is so angry is not because of his murderous intentions, but because of the biggest leak of Chinese military industry-the Dongfeng 31 leak case!

It was a big killer used by the country for strategic deterrence. It was just released, and the secret was leaked. In the end, there was no deterrence, and I had to continue to invest huge funds to build a more advanced generation of Dongfeng-41!

“So, in such a situation, not only all those involved in the leak will be punished severely and severely depending on the severity of the circumstances, not only will they have to be punished, but their family members will also have to be implicated! First, the children of the family cannot be tested. As a civil servant in a university, you cannot enter a public institution; secondly, if you take money, everything must be returned…” Xie Kai said one by one.

Anyway, it’s just the people’s deduction, and it will definitely not make people feel that there will be a fluke after the leak.

It is also not possible for these people to make countless people in the country work hard for many years for a little benefit. After the results obtained by investing countless funds are destroyed, their families can still enjoy the benefits of these people betraying the national interests.

“Will this be too much?” Wang Guilin asked Xie Kai.

Xie Jianguo looked at his son’s eyes, not believing it.

Never before has he felt that his son is so strange.

“Why are they going too far? Why don’t they think about going too much when they sell their national interests? In the war, our weapon performance level, weaknesses, etc. are all controlled by the enemy. Isn’t that too much?” Xie Kai sneered and retorted. Those who want to betray their national interests cannot afford these consequences. If they are only individuals, perhaps they will not care too much, but will their families live in the shadow of becoming traitors forever?”

“What should I do if there are relatives in the base?” Zheng Yucheng felt that although Xie Kai’s method was a bit fierce, it was a good method.

Use heavy codes in troubled times, and severe medicines for serious illnesses.

Under such circumstances, Liang Xiaolong and others dared to leak most of the base’s core technical secrets, perhaps they did not consider these.

Once handled properly, there will be a second and a third in the end.

Unless the base is not in contact with people outside.

“No matter what position, get the job of cleaner!” Xie Kai said without hesitation.

Xie Jianguo also wanted to persuade Xie Kai, but finally did not speak.

Zheng Yucheng and Wang Guilin made eye contact, and both saw affirmation in the eyes of each other.

“I’ll do this wicked man.” Zheng Yucheng finally spoke. “For the base, I can kill even my own son!”

There was a trace of determination in the tone, a trace of tragic.

There is no alternative.

Xie Kai is too young and is likely to become the successor of the entire base in the future.

There are only five people in the entire office.

Zhang Huazhong has always been afraid to speak. For what Xie Kai said, he knows how big the consequences will be if he does it.

But he didn’t say anything.

Otherwise, he will also become a victim of Xie Kai’s policy of killing mistakes rather than letting go.

“Comrade Zhang Huazhong is trustworthy. He knows better than anyone what can be said and what cannot be said. If he did not react at the beginning, we would not have noticed this at all. It is also because there are people in the 363 workshop who are constantly taking advantage of the opportunity. Inquiring about various related technologies, that’s why he aroused his vigilance…” Seeing Xie Kai watching Zhang Huazhong, Zheng Yucheng didn’t speak, Wang Guilin explained.

When Xie Kai heard this, he was really relieved.

If Zhang Huazhong is also involved, Zheng Yucheng will kill his son-in-law again…

“In addition, Huazhong, I am going to transfer to Africa. Aren’t you planning to set up a logistics maintenance center there?” Zheng Yucheng said this completely to dispel Xie Kai’s worries.

“Old Zheng, this won’t work.” Xie Kai shook his head.

Zhang Huazhong is not suitable for going to Africa.

Zheng Yucheng was cruel enough, especially after Xie Kai saw the shock in Zhang Huazhong’s eyes, he couldn’t let him do this.

“The business in Africa belongs to the River Crab Mercenary Corps, and the base arranges people to go there. What’s the matter? It’s not easy for me to be benefited by Iraqis and Tanzania, so we can separate our relationship.” Xie Kai said.

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