Chapter 576

“Then, things have been so long, Wang Hao doesn’t know where it is, are you? Besides, wasn’t it just to stimulate you back then, if it’s not exciting, our base can have today? I do it for The entire base…” Zheng Yucheng blushed, and quickly retorted.

Xie Kai looked at him with a look of contempt, “Obviously, I want to promote his son-in-law for personal gain. I have to find other excuses…the people in our base are stupid, so I don’t care.”

Zheng Yucheng’s face was already black, but now he is about to bleed and he can’t see it anyway.

“Actually, it’s not that everyone can’t see it, just don’t say it.” Xie Kai took out his nostrils, ignored Zheng Yucheng, and looked towards this side, Xiong Hongyuan, who had complicated thoughts, was really shocked this time.

He heard what Zheng Yucheng said to Xie Kai.

Why does Zheng Yucheng believe in Xie Kai so much?

“This is the first prototype, and the main structural components of the fuselage are now being assembled.” Xiong Hongyuan pointed to the fighter fuselage that has not yet been fitted with wings and tail wings and introduced them to Xie Kai.

“Has the prototype used for the static pressure test been completed?” Xie Kai looked at it for a long time, but couldn’t see the characteristics of this fighter.

The cone-shaped radome of the nose is not installed, the wings of the two wings are not installed, just such a slightly round body…

The only difference from the two improved models of the F-7 on the opposite side is that the air intake of this fighter is under the wings on both sides, which is no longer the same as the previous air intake of the nose, but now it is not visible at all.

On the surrounding material racks, there are all kinds of spare parts, which are not assembled, and it is impossible to distinguish what they are used for.

“Yes, in the static pressure load test, in another workshop.” Xiong Hongyuan nodded.

“Let’s go, take a look at that, and then take a look at the two wind tunnel test models.” Xie Kai said.

Zheng Yucheng still didn’t see anything.

Is this gone?

“What’s so good about this? What can you tell? The prototype used for the static pressure test, although it can’t fly, but you can see the shape, aerodynamic layout, etc.?” Xie Kai said.

The model is almost in complete state, except that some functions cannot be seen and cannot fly. At least, it can be known whether this fighter that has completely changed its appearance is the fighter Xie Kai wants.

Zheng Yucheng couldn’t refute it.

Under the leadership of Xiong Hongyuan, he went to another test workshop.

Although the distance is far, there is no car.

“The fighters on the airport outside are all J-7 fighters, right? Director Xiong, what about our J-6 fighters that need to be refurbished?” Xie Kai did not see the J-6 in the workshop, nor did he watch it from the airport. To.

The J-6 is something he prepared for Africa.

Zheng Yucheng obtained some J-6 fighters from the Air Force that are about to be retired. Many of those fighters need to be refurbished. Otherwise, they will fail after a long time and cannot be used for combat.

“Yes, Lao Wang also said that the retired fighters from the Air Force have already been shipped?” Zheng Yucheng also asked.

Only then did I remember the refurbishment of the J-6.

People bought that stuff with gold.

“It’s in the hangar on the other side. The J-6 stopped production early. Fortunately, all the spare parts are in production. The problem is not very big.” Xiong Hongyuan grinned, “The Super Seven team is mainly working there. Side workshop.”

“Special workshop for Super Seven?” Zheng Yucheng immediately became happy, “That’s good! So good!”

He said several times in succession.

On the airport runway outside the assembly plant, there are a few J-7s that are not known whether they have been repaired or just assembled. The engine roars loudly, taking off or landing on the airport runway from time to time.

“This was requested by Director Wang Guilin. It just happened that our production line was adjusted and military products were separated from civilian products…” Xiong Hongyuan pointed to the other end of the airport runway, which was almost invisible.(Read more @

There was originally a production workshop where fighter jets were assembled. As the country reduced orders, the production output of fighter jets became less.

The 132 factory naturally cannot let go of the big benefactors such as 404.

After walking for a long time, several hundred meters, it was in the new factory building with light steel structure at the very edge.

This factory building is no longer what the Soviet-style brick and wood structure factory buildings with the traces of time mottled next to them, but a light steel structure.

Isn’t that 132 factory has no money?

Such a large new factory building has actually been built.

“This workshop is for the Super Seven Project. The production line and the laboratory are in it, and even the engines that are coming back now are in this workshop.” Xiong Hongyuan pointed to the introduction.

They took Xie Kai into the workshop. The workshop was much larger than the one they entered in the first place, but it seemed more crowded and dense than the other workshop. There are two dense and neatly arranged rows of J-6 and Qiang-5.

The F-6 is easy to recognize. The MiG-15 has a larger nose intake mode than the F-7. Xie Kai recognized it at a glance.

As for the top five, in this era, there are not too many air intakes on both sides of the fighters equipped by China.

“Is there a problem with the top five?” Xie Kai frowned and saw.

Although the goods sold to Africa are old products that have been used for many years, he does not hope that these fighters will eventually lose their reputation due to quality problems.

The top five is an assault aircraft specially designed for ground attack. This type of fighter aircraft, the Republic began to design and research in the late 1950s, completed its first flight in the 1960s, began mass production and deployment of troops in 1968, and delivered the last one until the end of 2012. It has served in the Chinese Air Force for more than 60 years.

It is also a fighter that cannot be bypassed in the development history of the Chinese Air Force.

Although its performance is not as good as that of the American ground attack aircraft A-10, for a long time, it has been the main type of ground attack by the Chinese Air Force and naval aviation.

This kind of fighter is exported to Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and other countries, and it costs several million U.S. dollars for one aircraft.

Now Xie Kai sells this kind of fighter to Africa, and the country naturally pays attention to it.

“This is the first batch of assault aircraft delivered for use in the country in the 1960s. The service life of everything is almost expired, and the weapon mounting system is too backward.” Huo Haiyuan, who came over, said to Xie Kai. “According to the above idea, it is best to deliver new fighters, but your price is too low.”

Huo Haiyuan is responsible for the refurbishment and transformation of these fighters.

For him, instead of refurbishing used goods, it is better to directly produce new ones.

The production line of the top five has always been there, and the improvement of this fighter has not stopped so far.

“Too advanced fighter jets, what’s the use in Africa? This kind of bombs just fly two times over the enemy’s head, everything becomes easy.” Xie Kai said, “We have to think about our customers.”

Huo Haiyuan looked at Xie Kai, speechless.

Obviously, he sold second-hand goods to pit people, and it made a lot of sense.

Xie Kai walked into a strong five fighter plane and looked up at the cockpit, not knowing what was going on inside.

“Want to go up and have a look?” Huo Haiyuan asked Xie Kai.

Of course I did!

Huo Haiyuan called two people over, set up the ladder, let Xie Kai climb up, and kept asking Xie Kai not to disturb the things on it.

Xie Kai naturally knew that he didn’t mess around, and he didn’t even enter the cockpit. He stood on the ladder next to the fuselage and looked at the situation inside the cockpit.

There is no large display screen, nor any digital equipment. Inside the cockpit, there are densely packed old-fashioned instruments and various buttons. From the outside, it is completely incompatible with advanced technology.

What is being remodeled or refurbished is not visible at all.

There are two engines in the back that are the same as the J-6, which reduces the difficulty of logistics and maintenance a lot.

“Can the refurbishment and repair be completed within one month?” After Xie Kai came down, he was a little worried about the delivery date.

Obviously, the entire aircraft has not yet begun to be refurbished and repaired.

“No problem. Most of the engines have reached the end of their service life. It is enough to replace the engine and then replace some aging electronic components. The task we received is not to improve the performance of the entire fighter to ensure the original combat. Ability is enough.” Huo Haiyuan introduced the situation.

The first researched out of the strong five, only when the internal weapon bay carries a 1000 kg bomb, the auxiliary fuel tanks under the wings can barely carry out supersonic operations. Even so, before the auxiliary fuel tank is thrown away, it can only fly at subsonic speeds.

“Cannons won’t be cancelled, right?” Xie Kai looked at the 30mm cannons on both sides of the wings. This thing will be the main force in African operations.

Air-to-surface missiles, heavy aerial bombs, etc., will not have much effect on the African battlefield.

“No, as required, we will enhance the performance of the two-wing cannon, increase the carrying capacity of more shells, etc.” Huo Haiyuan shook his head and said, “There is a modified one in front. You can go and see it.”

There is a strong five at the very end, and many places have been disassembled. Several technicians in work clothes are installing some parts.

“The engine is replaced with a new one, and the aging body tissue has also been replaced. The ammunition box of the cannon has been modified to some extent, but the internal weapon compartment cannot carry two 500 kg aerial bombs.” Huo Haiyuan belt When Xie Kai reached the abdomen of the aircraft, the entire aircraft was lifted up by auxiliary tools, and the technicians were performing some improved installations.

The internal magazine used to mount bombs was transformed into a cannon ammunition box.

The cannons on the two wings close to the air inlet channel only show a section of the muzzle, which has not been installed underneath. You can clearly see the structure of the entire cannon and the shell supply system.

“Change everything to this?” Xie Kai frowned.

He did not make such a request. It stands to reason that Wang Guilin would not give such an order, at least he would not come with Xie Kai behind his back.

“No, only 6 were changed to this. Even so, it does not affect the combat capability. There are still six hanging points outside, two under the wings on each side, and two under the belly…”

“This is not our own domestic modification, right?” Xie Kai asked.

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