Chapter 585

Suddenly, what Xie Kai said became more credible.

“In fact, this is a fly-by-wire control system, which is called an electronic flight control system that uses the principle of feedback control and takes the movement of the aircraft as a controlled parameter. It is more appropriate. The reason why it is called quadruple degree is just to ensure the reliability of the control. The design adopts redundancy design. The whole system, a total of four independent control systems, adopts the principle of minority obeying the majority. If one system fails, it does not work, or it is messed up or messed up, the other three can also be used. Correct the problems that went wrong…”

The professional skills involved are getting deeper and deeper. Xie Kai speaks hard, and everyone listens attentively.

Even many people are already taking notes in their notebooks.

There has never been such a systematic introduction to everyone who is engaged in research in this area.

After all, few people in China have access to this thing.

Everyone knows this principle, and it was only in the early 1970s that the international community began to study this in order to control the increasingly complex aerodynamic layout design of fighter aircraft.

This also has a lot to do with the development of the electronics industry and breakthroughs in computer technology.

China is not good in these areas.

In these advanced technology fields, foreign countries are completely guarding against China, and the civilian field will not have any cooperation with China. The technology blockade has not been released because of the Sino-US honeymoon period.

“Is there a working model of the entire control system?” Yang Wei was also interested.

If Xie Kai can say these things, their work will progress by leaps and bounds.

Xie Kai nodded, and saw a large blackboard on the wall with many formulas and some simple control system structure designs. He was about to find the blackboard to wipe off the things on it.

Yang Wei personally helped Xie Kai clean the blackboard.

Under the gaze of everyone, Xie Kai drew the control model while introducing, “The fly-by-wire control system we designed is a sensor group composed of various gyroscopes, accelerometers and other inertial measurement devices, and angle of attack sensors and other atmospheric measurement devices. , Input equipment, flight control computer, steering gear and electrical transmission lines…”

“Quickly copy the diagram down.” A 30-year-old technician said to Luo Ting, who was in a daze.

“I haven’t remembered this yet, he spoke too fast…” Luo Ting was a little helpless.

Xie Kai didn’t talk about it after finishing the drawing, but introduced it while drawing.

high speed.

Luo Ting has long been like everyone else, holding a pen to record wildly on a work notebook, but the speed of writing can’t keep up with the speed of Xie Kai, plus the things Xie Kai talks about are very jumpy.

At the beginning, I said one thing, but before I finished speaking, I moved on to another one. Then everyone just entered the state and jumped back to the original or another…

“Don’t worry about the picture, it’s still on it after drawing it, we will write it down separately, otherwise everyone’s notes will not be able to be remembered.” The middle-aged man said.

Luo Ting nodded hurriedly.

No division of labor, can’t remember.

Even Yang Wei is quickly recording what Xie Kai said.

He didn’t write them all down, but only some key technical terms.

“Fly-by-wire control systems are generally classified according to the characteristics of far-sighted electrical appliances. Systems that use analog sensors, analog computers, and input and output devices are called analog fly-by-wire control systems; digital sensors, digital computers, and input and output devices are used. This is called an all-digital fly-by-wire control system.” Xie Kai jumped back to talk about the classification of fly-by-wire systems.

Lu Yuanyuan had the idea to kill Xie Kai.

“Little brother, can you be more systematic and professional?” Lu Yuanyuan really couldn’t help it.

Lu Yuanyuan’s words made everyone feel this way.

Xie Kai is too much, too unprofessional, and too unsystematic.

But they didn’t dare to interrupt, so they could only work hard to remember more. Lu Yuanyuan is now in her head. If there is a change, it will be easier for everyone to remember.

“Pro? Professional?” Xie Kai stopped.

Presumably, I’m almost talking about it, and if I go on, I can’t support the little goods in my belly a few times.

Now these things are enough for the town to keep them from despising 404.(Read more @

“It’s okay, you are at will, at will.” Yang Wei was anxious and gave Lu Yuanyuan a stern look, with a smile on his face, motioning Xie Kai to continue.

Xie Kai pretended to scan the surroundings with weird eyes, as if a good student looked at him with a hunger for knowledge, shaking his head and saying, “Everyone, are we mistaken? I’m just a high school student.”

“The hero doesn’t ask where it came from. Teacher Xie, go ahead, whoever doesn’t follow the discipline, kick him out…” Luo Ting stood on Xie Kai’s side instead.

In the beginning, she hated Xie Kai the most.

“Don’t tell me. You guys, I don’t understand anything. I overheard these things from the research department of our unit. If Lao Zheng knew, he had to kill me. Do you know what he hates most? He doesn’t care if someone scolds him, but he is absolutely not allowed to leak the technology of our unit…” Xie Kai said with some worry.

A sad look.

“That old guy is cruel, and whoever affects the interests of our base will be killed! During the ten years of turmoil, he personally killed his rebellious son…”

Everyone’s faces were full of horror.

Ten years of turmoil, everyone has already remembered.

Tiger poison does not eat seeds.

Yang Wei’s face was also a bit ugly.

Then something seemed to come to mind, “Now our four-plus degree project is not classified as 404, and is it managed by 404? We are all our own, isn’t this a leak to other units?”

“Yes, we are all in the same unit.” Lu Yuanyuan hurriedly added.

She doesn’t interrupt Xie Kai, there will never be a pause.

Just now Xie Kai said she was going to be cleaned up by Zheng Yucheng, she regretted it. Once Xie Kai didn’t continue speaking, she would be complained by the whole team in the future.

“That is, we originally studied this, and now it belongs to 404. Give us the experience and technical reserves of the unit, will it make our research progress faster?” said the middle-aged technician who asked Luo Ting not to rush to draw.

When Xie Kai heard these words, his heart was secretly refreshed, but his face was still embarrassed, “Old Zheng heard that you were unwilling to transfer the organizational relationship to 404…”

“That was before, but now it’s different. If we were told that we had such a technology at the beginning, we wouldn’t need you to find it, we would post it upside down.” Lu Yuanyuan hurriedly defended.

“Sister, what are you suggesting? Reverse post…I’m still single here, should I think about it?” Xie Kai asked jokingly when seeing everyone else in a little embarrassment.

When the others heard this, they immediately laughed.

Everyone’s attitude towards Xie Kai is actually better.

The embarrassment was caused by Xie Kai, but it was also caused by them when they did not understand the situation.

“Okay, I’m single too, Zhengzhou is busy with technology all day, and there is no time for blind dates…” Lu Yuanyuan said generously, “If you don’t think I am old, we will report immediately, apply for marriage, and organize approval. Get the certificate.”

“Forget it, I just turned 18, the unit does not agree.” Xie Kai naturally knew that Lu Yuanyuan was joking.

Fortunately she is not like Luo Ting.

Otherwise, this embarrassment is difficult to resolve.

“Otherwise, let’s find Lao Zheng together. It’s time for dinner anyway. If he agrees, I will tell you what I know. If he agrees to let you go to our unit to find out…”

Xie Kai reminded that everyone found out that the sky outside did not know when it was already dark.

When discussing technology, time always flies so fast.

Everyone was completely seduced by Xie Kai’s interest now, so naturally they didn’t object.

Zheng Yucheng saw that Xie Kai had been there for so long and had not come back, and he was a little worried that Xie Kai might not be able to handle it.

There are very few graduate students in the 611 institutes, but quite a few are in that project.

Huo Haiyuan came back to report that the four-degree project team resisted fiercely, and he was even more worried.

While waiting for Xie Kai’s news, he talked to Huo Haiyuan about the next major direction of the project.

Huo Haiyuan used to be a member of 611, and 611 was the main consideration, but now he is no longer able to do so.

I received a call from Xie Kai in the room, saying that it was dinner together at night, and asked Xie Kai if he could get it done. Xie Kai said that he would not be able to call, and he immediately became happy.

“What method did he use?” Zheng Yucheng asked Huo Haiyuan, actually asking himself more.

He knows Xie Kai has a way, but he doesn’t know what Xie Kai is.

Huo Haiyuan knew about Xie Kai scolding Zheng Yucheng, but he couldn’t say no?

“So young?” Zheng Yucheng saw the entire project team. The largest one was only in his 30s. There were even a few who seemed to have just graduated, similar to Xie Kai, and felt a little dazed for a while.

“Old Zheng, eating a big meal tonight, is it okay? You won’t let me pay again?” Xie Kai saw that everyone saw Zheng Yucheng very cautious, knowing that this was what he said before that scared everyone.

Stepped forward to hook up with Zheng Yucheng.

It makes people look weird.

“You are ashamed? What are you keeping your money for?”

“I can’t marry a daughter-in-law, old guy, you don’t need to pay for it. Anyway, it’s the public funds of the unit. Tonight, everyone is going to drink and eat meat. If you agree or disagree, please give me a word.” He paid for the money and immediately became angry, “Did you say it’s easy for me? I’ll be a cow and a horse for you, and I have to bring my own food and grass…”

Other people’s faces are even more weird.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Yucheng doesn’t even have a face at all. “The public funds of the unit can be harmed at will? Tell yourself, if you have money to buy a plane, let me block the gun for you…”

When Xie Kai heard it, he was anxious.

Can these words be said? Immediately covering Zheng Yucheng’s mouth, he leaned into his ear and whispered something.

“Go away, Lao Tzu’s money is the coffin, I tell you, if you don’t pay tonight, Lao Tzu will poke you out for anything…no more, just give it five hundred. If you feel less, give it A thousand…” Zheng Yucheng didn’t care that he couldn’t bear his face in front of some young people.

Yang Wei and others were completely blinded.

The main person in charge of 404 is this kind of urine…

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