Chapter 593

I didn’t know about such a difficult project before. I thought that with a full set of design, I only need to get a prototype.

Through the explanation, I know that every technology in it is a challenge that cannot be completed in a short period of time.

Seeing Jiang Chenyang’s bitter face, Sun Hong was also a little dissatisfied with Xie Kai’s public revenge, and stood up and said, “Such a difficult project, a prototype in five years, is it too…”

The target of the project was too high and unrealistic.

Xie Kai looked at Sun Hong and then at Jiang Chenyang. It seemed that the two had a good relationship. Sun Hong didn’t fall into trouble at this time. It was not bad. He said, “We never said that it would take five years to get it out. Mr. Jiang said that five years ago, he was a little anxious, and at the same time he did not know the details of this project.”

In a word, Jiang Chenyang lowered his head awkwardly.

He was really impulsive before.

“At present, there is already a mapping of the CFM56-3 core machine in China. We can borrow it for that thing,” Xie Kai said with a smile.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

When did the U.S. emperor’s things become available in China?

“Really?” Zheng Yucheng didn’t believe it.

Xie Kai is talking nonsense again.

They didn’t know about the Soviet Union, but the U.S. Emperor would never give this stuff.

“Absolutely. On the 606 side, our family can’t afford this project anyway. We have to cooperate. Isn’t it good for the new engine they built for the No. 10 project?” Xie Kai grinned. “The thing, they are baby.”

CFM56-3, even if it is a civilian model, it is definitely high-tech, a high-tech blockade to growers.

Exporting technology is nothing to think about.

But China introduced Boeing-737.

Before the US Congress and Batumi approved it, some people said, what if the Chinese steal our technology? Except for those that the Soviet Union aided in the construction of China back then, even those industrial projects, China has become accustomed to such wild roads, and stealing technology has become a habit. Isn’t it possible to not steal such advanced things?

In order to prevent Airbus from grabbing fat and meat from McDonnell Douglas, the Boeing team began to lobby that we cannot sell aircraft without selling spare engines, right? The Chinese want to steal technology, but they don’t have the ability, do they?

Metallurgy, materials, machining, mechanical manufacturing, thermodynamics, aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, cybernetics, etc., how can it be done in China?

Didn’t you see that they introduced a full set of bass engine technology from John Bull, more than ten years have passed, have they not succeeded?

Besides, this is for civilian use. Can they be integrated into military use?

Ever since, China has the world’s advanced Boeing 737.

The Americans put the spare engine in the box, put a seal on it, and then, check it every six months.

As a result, China has the turbofan engine of the CFM56-3 core engine.

Then, on this basis, China developed the Turbofan-10 according to the design.

This kind of brain hole made the American emperor stunned.

There has always been only military conversion to civilian use. How can civilians convert to military use? After all, military and civilian applications have different focuses and different technologies.

For example, for civilian use, safety is the first priority, and economics must be considered.

Military-usable, as long as the performance is sufficient, the cost is higher, and the risk is a little bit more acceptable.

“606 isn’t very easy to talk about over there. We just robbed them of their jobs.” Sun Hong smiled bitterly, thinking Xie Kai took it for granted.

Zheng Yucheng said, “It’s okay. Let’s go over there tomorrow. If you don’t give it, let’s find a way.”

“Let’s survey and map by ourselves? Isn’t this a waste. And that batch of engines has to be inspected every six months.” Sun Hong had to admire Zheng Yucheng’s flexible mind.

“…” Xie Kai was speechless.(Read more @

People have done it, what else?

The big deal, just do it from 606, don’t you want to? If you are kidnapped and deceived, let them choose.

Otherwise, all their people will be dug up.

“You have been listed as the least popular people in 606.” At this moment, Jiang Chenyang was embarrassed and said to Zheng Yucheng and Xie Kai. “On their blacklist.”

Everyone was immediately happy.

Everyone knows that Zheng Yucheng is digging people and kidnapping people all over the country.

Many units filed complaints at the top, but in the end they were comforted by Long Yaohua and others, and they scolded Zheng Yucheng and others. Then, it was over.

Here, the atmosphere is much better.

Let Jiang Chenyang be the project leader, and the teams of each core part have to start discussing what they can do on their own, those projects that need to set up new laboratories, and who will be responsible, all must be considered.

“By the way, the engine has to adopt a full-power digital control system. The hydraulic-analogous control performance of the control system cannot meet the requirements of an engine with such a large thrust as ours.” At that time, I thought of this.

These things in China are still blank.

Even the turbofan-10, at the very beginning, the control system was a hydraulic-analog control system that was disassembled and transplanted from the AL-31 engine, and waited until the F-11 was installed on the F-11 for flight test. , I found the problem.

At that time, 606 began to develop a full power digital control system.

“Full-power digital control system? The difficulty of this is not small.” Jiang Chenyang wanted to cry without tears.

Xie Kai thinks it is one.

Almost all of the new engine projects have to be studied from scratch.

“It’s not that the difficulty is too small, but the difficulty is so desperate.” The wrinkles on Sun Hong’s face were crowded together, looking at Zheng Yucheng.

As the person in charge, Zheng Yucheng doesn’t care?

This is not something that can be done right away, it costs money, and it is a big price!

“The problem is not big. For the Super Seven project, the overall control is studying the four-redundancy control system. Once the research is successful, the digital control system will be much less difficult.” Zheng Yucheng said.

He didn’t know which projects to fix.

Xie Kai said that if he wanted to do it, he must do it.

The whole meeting lasted from the evening to 9:30 in the morning the next day.

Everyone’s eyes were bloodshot, and Xie Kai was extremely haggard. He and Zheng Yucheng had only slept for more than an hour the day before.

By now, I was so sleepy that Xie Kai wanted to go to sleep, but still couldn’t.

Following the same night Sun Hong, Liao Dongfeng and others inspected the entire engine factory, from the design room to the physical and chemical laboratory, to the high temperature and high pressure powder metallurgy workshop, and then to the machining workshop and heat treatment workshop.

All workshops have one thing in common. Many experimental equipments have a history of at least ten years.

The number of newly introduced equipment is small.

High-end processing equipment such as CNC machining centers are almost invisible, and there are only some CNC lathes. That thing, it is impossible to process high-precision turbofan blades.

“These devices are a bit crude.” Xie Kai sighed.

Simple means that you have to spend money on new projects.

“Our equipment here is not as good as Qin Fei, and most of them are imported from the British production line.”

“The proportion of CNC machining must be increased as soon as possible. The research work of the four-axis machining center should be over soon, right?” Xie Kai asked Zheng Yucheng.

Zheng Yucheng looked at Xie Kai with a dissatisfaction on his face. This kid only came up after destroying the CNC machining workshop. He proposed to start a CNC system, but he didn’t know the progress of the CNC machine tool development.

“Our research on CNC machine tools is not very comprehensive, but we are cooperating with other machinery factories. After all, we are only developing CNC systems.” Zheng Yucheng said.

The numerical control system is only an integral part of the numerical control machine tool.

On the surface, the control system is only a numerical control machine tool for civilian use. In fact, many control technologies are related to the control system of tanks and even fighters.

The 404 base has always been less interested in civilian products.

In particular, Zheng Yu became a representative of a group of leaders, and hardly paid much attention to the progress of the civilian product project.

“The technical foundation here really needs to be upgraded.” After Xie Kai came out, he said to Zheng Yucheng, “Only the physical and chemical laboratory and the powder metallurgy workshop are better. The processing is all old-fashioned equipment, not to mention the low efficiency. It is also prone to quality problems and high scrap rate.”

“It needs money! This factory now has more than 2,000 people. If it wants to upgrade the entire technical base, 200 million is not enough. This is not even the engine research and development investment.” Zheng Yucheng felt a bit painful. “Our money…”

“Money is a trivial matter.” Xie Kai felt the same pain in her heart, but she didn’t show it at all on the surface.

If he tells Zheng Yucheng that investing in engines is only for supporting equipment, it is estimated that two billion will not be able to be obtained. With Zheng Yucheng’s character, he will definitely throw out the engine project and the entire engine factory immediately.

“Directly change the itinerary to the northeast?” Zheng Yucheng asked Xie Kai. “Anyway, the money is yours. If you don’t have enough, you can contribute the profits of your game console factory for one or two billion dollars a year. It makes people jealous when you look at it. I really don’t know why you are not afraid of people thinking about it.”

“A lot of people have more money. Besides, do I use a cent for the money?” Xie Kai rolled his eyes. “Let’s go to the northeast, do you think it’s the people from Dongfeng Power Plant who can Get their secretly surveyed technical drawings?”

606 is the earliest aero-engine factory in China. It was one of the 156 industrial projects aided by the Soviet Union’s Big Brother.

In the early 1960s, the MiG-21 was successfully copied, and China’s turbojet engine also had the advanced level of dual-rotor axial turbojet. But up to now, I haven’t fully grasped the technology of the MiG-23 that was exchanged from Egypt, and the turbojet-14 has not yet been successfully studied.

They keep a close eye on these things.

404 wants to engage in technology, it is definitely not easy.

“I can’t get it. The people over there are all clueless, but now we are going, we are probably being stared at and guarded.” Zheng Yucheng was a little helpless, “Do you have a way?”

“If there is no way, don’t do it? If they don’t cooperate, let’s use their technology, swindle them and choose whatever they want.” Xie Kai had a sinister smile on his face.

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