Chapter 603

“Look at you in a hurry, if you don’t show your strength, how does your superior know your importance?” Seeing Xie Kai anxious, Long Yaohua sighed secretly. This kid is still too young.

Can’t hold his breath at all.

“So, we have to apply for the 863 project?” Wang Guilin understood in an instant.

Long Yaohua nodded.

“This is no problem. We have backups of many project data, but the chips are mainly in the 691 factory, the related projects of large aircraft are in Qinfei, and the projects of fighters and engines are in Chengdu…” Wang Guilin said.

“How long will it take to be ready?”

“If part of it, Yunshi can be delivered tomorrow night. There are 133 items in the base, designing high-temperature alloys, new tank gun steel, composite materials, etc.; information automation design chips, sensors, computers, numerical control systems, etc.; and some military Equipped with dedicated technologies, such as digital signal communication, active phased array radar, program-controlled switches, etc…” Wang Guilin is very familiar with the base projects.

“How many areas are you not involved?” Long Yaohua was stunned.

I’ve been to 404 before, and I haven’t heard the report at all.

These old guys even conceal themselves.

Once these things have a breakthrough and they are directly used on the equipment and sold out, what about it?

Must send military representatives to watch the progress of these projects!

At this moment, Long Yaohua felt that they could not let them continue to ignore it.

“It’s too much, biotechnology, marine fields, etc., too much, too much.” Wang Guilin said embarrassedly, “However, leadership, as long as we have enough people, we can build another Chinese Academy of Sciences.”

“Go! Go to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to dig people if you have the ability.” Just after Long Yaohua finished speaking, he realized that he had said something wrong.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences is the most defying domestic researcher of basic science and technology, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences cultivates a large number of graduate students and doctors every year. Doesn’t this point the way to the 404 who has been digging people wildly?

If 404’s hoe was digging towards the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he and Li Mingshan would no longer be able to stop the anger of those big guys.

“Leader, your suggestion is good. We are worried about the lack of people in many projects. Thank you for your guidance!” Xie Kai was also excited when he heard it.

For a long time, they have been digging people for special units, after all, those are engaged in special equipment technology research and development.

But they still have a lot of basic project research.

He was a little unhappy with Zheng Yucheng, because Zheng Yucheng didn’t pay much attention to research and development in basic fields.

Every time it was a last resort, I started to make it.

If it hadn’t been known that Yunshi’s engine and the imported bass engine material technology was too poor, and even had to be imported from the UK, Zheng Yucheng would never agree to engage in 404 that would not bring benefits.

In addition, considering that the 65,000 tons of large presses in the future will have to remain in the base and need supporting facilities, Zheng Yucheng and other talents agreed to conduct basic material research.

Even if there are formulas and craftsmanship provided by Xie Kai, since the base does not attach the same importance to other sets of equipment, the energy invested in digging is not large, otherwise the progress will not be so slow.

Now the short board has appeared.

Just a stealth fighter project involves too many things, composite materials, new communication methods, new stealth coatings that absorb radar waves, etc., all have to be studied.

“Really planning to dig the Chinese Academy of Sciences?” Wang Guilin was a little worried. “The Chinese Academy of Sciences is not other scientific research institutes. Once we offend those big players, we can’t help it.”

Xie Kai also knows that many big cows of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are not to be offended.

“We don’t dig out core personnel. As long as there are good projects, they won’t give up, don’t we? Borrow people, borrow people!” Xie Kai specifically emphasized borrowing people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Long Yaohua at this time especially regretted it.

Why do you want to say this at this time.

The 404 digging has reached the point of being frantic. If the old guys at the Chinese Academy of Sciences know that he reminded 404, his life can be imagined.(Read more @

“Let’s not talk about this first, let’s talk about your cutting-edge technology projects. Don’t you just have an eyebrow?” Long Yaohua hurriedly changed the subject.

Wang Guilin shook his head, “Most of them have made breakthroughs. In many aspects, such as materials, laboratory samples are already available. More people are needed to study improvements and mass production processes. The cost of laboratory production is too high. The specifications are too small and almost unusable.”

“Are there any results? I haven’t seen you report it.” Long Yaohua was overjoyed when he heard it.

Xie Kai looked at him, sat on the bed with a look of contempt, rolled his eyes and said, “What do you report for? In order to get a certificate, let others use it for free? How much does the country cost to import from abroad every year?

Long Yaohua was speechless for a while.

This kid has sharp teeth and is so shameless that he has to talk about money.

“Vulgar!” Long Yaohua finally only squeezed out these two words.

“Chief, it’s not that we want to be vulgar. But if we don’t have money, we can’t do projects, don’t we? We have invested in the early stage and can’t get it back. We use technology to make money for others, and we have no money to continue developing…”

“Does your kid deliberately? Can you still have a good chat?” Long Yaohua was angry.

Xie Kai smiled and motioned for them to continue. He stopped talking, and simply lay on the bed thinking about how to deal with his mother, Mo Qi and Sun Juan tomorrow.

Long Yaohua was run by Xie Kai for a while, watching Wang Guilin’s face calm, the corners of his eyes were blooming, and he did not want to stay here, let Wang Guilin inform the 404 base to prepare various project materials, and if there is progress, it is best to bring progress. Send it here tomorrow.

Wang Guilin also knew that this was the best way to prevent outsiders from entering the 404, and he was busy agreeing.

He said that he was going to send Long Yaohua out, but in the end there was no action.

Long Yaohua rolled his eyes and left.

I think it’s best to have less contact with 404 people. What a good comrade Wang Guilin used to be, has now become worse.

“Are we really engaged in the Chinese Academy of Sciences?” Zheng Yucheng opened his eyes as soon as Long Yaohua left.

“Are you awake?” Wang Guilin was a little surprised.

“I’ll wake up before I want, can he go on?” Zheng Yucheng said hoarsely.

Look tired.

Xie Kai saw that Zheng Yucheng had no previous problems and felt much better. Sitting on the bed cross-legged, Xie Kai said excitedly, “I think Long Shou’s reminder is good. All the time, we have just stared at the scientific research of the military subordinates. The institute, but forgot that the Chinese Academy of Sciences is where the top talents gather. We can’t dig those responsible experts. At least, they can train the young backbone…”

Dig the corner of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Thinking about it, Xie Kai was trembling with excitement.

“Or, let’s let the Chinese Academy of Sciences build a branch on our side?” Wang Guilin is not reliable without Zheng Yucheng and Xie Kai.

It should be no problem to find the Chinese Academy of Sciences to build a branch to help them develop the necessary basic technologies.

After all, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has many branches across the country.

“No!” Zheng Yucheng said in unison with Xie Kai.

“We must have complete control over these projects.” Xie Kai said.

Zheng Yucheng also felt the same way.

“I really want to dig? Lao Long and Lao Li can’t hold back the big shots of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.” Seeing this old and small two people talk about digging a corner, especially when digging a corner of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wang Guilin frowned.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences is not an ordinary research institute.

He did not expect that the two of them were drifting away on the road of digging people, and they had already waved their hoes toward the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

“What are you afraid of? Enter the village secretly and don’t shoot guns. It’s best if you have a background of studying in the Soviet Union. When the time comes, people from the Soviet Union will get back so that you can seamlessly connect.” Xie Kai said.

After his reminder, Wang Guilin remembered that they still had a Soviet plan.

It was to steal Soviet technical materials and manipulate scientific research talents in various fields of the Soviet Union.

Even Soviet technology and people dared to steal, and digging a little backbone of the Chinese Academy of Sciences seems to be nothing.

“In fact, we, cough, cough, can directly exchange the project results for people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Anyway, the graduate students, doctoral students they cultivate every year will also be allocated to other domestic research institutes…” Zheng Yucheng said for a while, and his spirit is more refreshing. Malaise.

“Okay, you all have to rest first. I will contact my family and ask them to sort out and send the information over tomorrow night.” Wang Guilin saw that it was too late, so he still had to make arrangements first.

Xie Kai didn’t have any problems, but Zheng Yucheng…

“Old Zheng, you can’t drink this wine now. You know, if you hang up, I will definitely go abroad…” Xie Kai saw Zheng Yucheng looking at herself and said to him.

“You threaten Laozi?” Zheng Yucheng was angry.

I got excited and coughed violently.

It caused the little nurse outside to rush over and berated the two of them.

“It’s not a threat, you know the reason.” Xie Kai sighed and said, “Uncle Wang is not as shameless as you, and the others are even worse.”

“I wondered, if you don’t go to school at all, anyway, it’s a degree or something, just get one. I think we should set up a research institute to train graduate students and doctoral students, and have the qualifications for foreign admissions. In this way, we don’t have to. I’ve been digging everywhere.” Zheng Yucheng said seriously.

Xie Kai didn’t do this.

At the age of 18, he had to spend a few years outside, so he stayed at the base until he was old. He found it difficult.

“Xie Kai, promise me one thing.” Zheng Yucheng struggled to sit up. Xie Kai hurriedly jumped out of bed to help Zheng Yucheng, but he refused.

“If you let me take over the base, don’t say anything.” Xie Kai knows what Zheng Yucheng wants to do. “Uncle Zheng, I said before that I won’t take over until 30…”

“…” Zheng Yucheng was speechless, “For the sake of my death, you are not willing?”

“Can you die? If you really want to die, that’s good. I think it’s good to be a billionaire, it’s okay to be a girl from all over the world.”

By Xie Kai’s words, Zheng Yucheng almost died.

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