Chapter 611

“Oh? It’s not that they are not interested in reporting?” The old cadre in front of the office desk put on the reading glasses on the table and said anxiously, “Come and see, they all have some good things.”

Li Mingshan hurriedly passed the information in his hand.

The old leader took a look and was taken aback.

With just a few pieces of paper, what can there be.

He did not speak, but took it over and opened the cover. When he saw it, his face was also moved, “Are they preparing to set up a research project?”

Without looking at a few items on the catalog, the leader asked Li Mingshan.

“Director, these projects were started after they asked for project autonomy more than a year ago. According to them, there are a total of nearly two hundred projects. These projects have achieved breakthroughs and successfully studied in the laboratory. It’s…” Li Mingshan said with a smile when he saw the old man’s look.

“Wow! Good! Good!” The old man looked at the project materials above and said several times, “Where are they? Let them come to my office to report the details…”

“Head, this…” Li Mingshan was a little embarrassed.

The old man looked at Li Mingshan sharply, his expression of joy changed, “Do they also want to benefit from these projects? It’s all their own words?”

“Chief, how can it be. Others, you don’t know, Zheng Yucheng, you still don’t know?” Li Mingshan said hurriedly, “It’s not about changing people to manage 404. Wang Guilin has also participated in this meeting…”

The old man looked at Li Mingshan with sharper eyes.

Li Mingshan didn’t say anything. He knew that his mind could not escape the old chief, but he still stood there calmly.

Seeing Li Mingshan doing this, the old man sighed in his heart, and then his eyes became calm, “Sit down and talk about what’s going on.”

Li Mingshan was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly sat down and told the story.

In an office of the logistics department, Wang Shuwei also looked at the old man in front of him, “Chief, what I said is true. Whether it is the image stabilization fire control system, the Chobam composite armor, or even the 359 tank, The various processes and technologies of the new tank guns were leaked too much during the cooperation between the 404 and the Pakistani Ministry of Defense…”

“Boom!” The old man slapped his slap heavily on the table. “These bastards, for the sake of money, don’t even care about national interests!”

“The chief, not only the army equipment, but even the fighter cooperation they are talking about with Pakistan, that is the highest level of domestic fighter technology, not only the technology of the original J9, but even some of the technology of the No. 10 project undertaken by the 611… “When Wang Shuwei saw the old man angry, he hurriedly added a handful of firewood to make the old man’s anger burn even harder.

When the old man became angry, Zheng Yucheng and others’ life became even more difficult.

“Are the Pakistanis coming?” The old man suppressed his anger and asked Wang Shuwei.

Wang Shuwei nodded.

“In this way, you first contact them to understand the specific situation of the cooperation project. It seems that the autonomy given to them was a mistake, and even the national defense was ignored!” The old man thought for a moment and said, “Let the Technical Bureau talk to you together!”

Wang Shuwei was overjoyed and left.

The old man then called Long Yaohua to his office.

“Is the image stabilizing fire control system used on the 359 tank?” The old man asked Long Yaohua majesticly.

Long Yaohua nodded and said yes in a low voice.

“Used composite armor?”


“The tank gun adopts the most advanced electroslag remelting technology in China, and its service life is twice as long as that of the Type 79 main battle tank equipped in China?” The old man’s voice suddenly became louder.

Long Yaohua knew where the problem was, but he could only admit it.

“About the Super Seven Project, what do you want to say? The downward-looking radar that is being studied in China, the aerodynamic layout design of the new generation of fighters…” The old man’s voice is not small, and the anger inside is bigger.

“Chief, these technologies are all…” Long Yaohua hurriedly explained.(Read more @

“What is it all?” The old man interrupted Long Yaohua’s explanation, “For the sake of money, national defense is not needed? For the sake of money, national interests are ignored?”

Long Yaohua had no chance to explain at all.

Those technologies have a lot to do with the new generation of domestic tanks and fighters. They have not been used in China, so they are first used on exported foreign trade models. This is indeed a very unfavorable thing for national defense.

But what is the solution?

To compete with the Soviet Union and the United States for orders, grab their market, use domestic tank fighter technology, and then sell them at a reduced allocation, there is simply not much combat effectiveness.

In order to maintain a huge scale and consider quantity without considering quality, like Sha Damu, there is only Sha Damu alone.

Mubara and others didn’t know what happened. This was completely different from what they had expected before. They wanted to find Long Yaohua, not to mention not being able to see people, even the phone could not be connected.

Ever since, they were anxious.

The Americans pretending to be their pilots are looking for the awkwardness of the Soviets; the Soviets are driving their advanced fighter planes and pretending to be the white elephants next door to constantly invade their airspace…

New fighters must be acquired to change the current situation.

The Chinese side is picking up on this matter.

Even Xie Kai didn’t increase their prices anymore. At this time, the other party ignored them.

In desperation, I had no choice but to find their ambassador to China. For the secret cooperation, I had to risk exposure…

In a courtyard in the south of the city, a few young people were sitting together, surrounded by a delicate tea tray. They were all teapots, teacups and other things with age.

“Brother, that woman is too ignorant to promote, why are we so polite? Just do it!” a long-haired young man said to the headed middle-aged man.

Holding a string of shiny beads in his hands, the middle-aged man glared at the long-haired young man.

“Third brother, that woman is really ignorant of good and bad, but from her mouth, it can be confirmed that Kaisheng’s shares are really Xie Kai’s.” The middle-aged man who sat face to face with Liu Xu last night said. .

“Isn’t it possible? If it’s Xie Kai’s, he will stay in the base?” said a young and immature voice, “Xie Kai doesn’t have much money.”

“Mouse, you don’t know your enemy too much.” A woman said, “If it weren’t for him, could your family be kicked out? He bought a Yun-8 for his old mother and bought one for himself. Il-76. Neither of our third brothers has the financial resources to get one…”

The third brother frowned.

He sounded very upset about this.

Seeing his third brother, the long-haired young man frowned and glared at the woman, “As long as the equity of the game console is acquired, what can’t be afforded? How can the game console factory’s profit this year exceed 200 million US dollars?”

“Haven’t found the whereabouts of Liu Dongsheng?” Third Brother asked.

“No, the grandson went to Ukraine, we can’t do anything here…” Another said, “Brother, let’s just go to Xie Kai.”

“Yeah, that kid has no background. Even if the old guys with 404 support him, get out of class will be dismissed soon, what else? Fortunately, the dishes we prepared were not delivered, so Zheng Yucheng made it out by himself. Question.” The long-haired young man had a ruthless expression.

“I think we should be more cautious. Xie Kai will definitely not just wait and die like this…” Wang Hao was a little worried.

He knew that these people took him with him, just using it.

I don’t want to see Xie Kai die like this.

The things in 404 are not what the outside world thinks.

“Why? Be cautious? Behind him is the old thing Zheng Yucheng! Wang Hao, don’t forget, once you get it, you also have 5% equity, even if you only have a profit of 100 million dollars a year, you don’t do anything every year. It can be divided into 5 million US dollars…” the long-haired young man said, “How long will it take to get the approval notes, besides, how long can the approval notes last?”

Wang Hao was silent.

The others looked at the third brother and waited for the third brother’s decision.

The third brother’s heart was also struggling, and gradually, his eyes began to become firm.

After several people discussed, they left to prepare.

After the long-haired young man came out, he got in a second-hand Xiali and headed to the west of the city.

It was also a courtyard house. When the long hair arrived, it was stopped by the guard at the door.

“I’m in a hurry, they are about to do it.” The long-haired young man hurriedly said to the person guarding the door.

“Brother Fang is discussing with the guests. I have ordered, and I have to wait for the sky to fall.”

The long-haired young man couldn’t help being anxious.

In the courtyard, the antique rooms are surrounded by calligraphy and painting, and the bookshelves are not books, but various antiques.

A middle-aged man in his forties with a Chinese character face looked at Zheng Quan with a calm face in front of him, and said calmly, “Zheng Quan, you know, my patience is limited.”

Zheng Quan didn’t care at all, shrugged, took a sip from his teacup, and said, “Lao Fang, we have cooperated a lot, but this matter is really beyond my control.”

“Stop talking nonsense, what conditions can you mention, is it appropriate for you to do this kind of business and not let your brothers participate?” Lao Fang looked contemptuous, “We were originally engaged in the business in the Soviet Union. It’s boring to intervene in, we didn’t reach out to you, didn’t we…”

“It’s really not that I can call the shots. This involves too much…” Zheng Quan shook his head, “I can’t help it unless you convince Xie Kai.”

“Don’t come here.” The Lao Fang didn’t believe Zheng Quan’s words at all. “He is a kid and knows a shit. I am not interested in his game console company, but you robbed our Soviet business…”

“You are for money, but we are not only for money.” Zheng Quan grinned, “If you really want to come in, it depends on the helm to prevent you from getting on the boat.”

“Fuck!” Lao Fang burst into a swear word, gritted his teeth and stared at Zheng Quan, “Do you think we are bullied?”

“Dare I? Qian San’er and they all dared to attack Kaisheng and replace you with the old one. We don’t even have any bones left.”

“Do you really want me to make money?” Lao Fang frowned.

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