Chapter 617

The Russian who came in was actually Xie Kai’s “uncle driver”!

Kaletovsky, the old Soviet driver who was in love with his father and wanted to make his beautiful daughter Ekaterina.

Why is he here?

Why exchange two Su-27s and one Tu-160 for yourself. Isn’t this pitting yourself?

“Minister Feng, Xie Kai is my son-in-law. Now that he doesn’t have any important tasks in China, I think it is better to let him follow me to the Soviet Union and go to university in the Soviet Union than in China.” Kaletovsky 1 Said with a smile.

Feng Zhiqing looked at the secretary, who shook his head.

It was originally arranged for the Soviets to be in the guest house nearby. After all, this time the Soviets came to China to negotiate a deal in a secret.

They actually exposed their whereabouts?

“Uncle driver, I still don’t bother you.” Xie Kai frowned and looked at the old Soviet guy.

The old guy is definitely not at ease.

“However, if the driver uncle is willing to share your MiG 1.44 project with us, I think our country is happy to let me and some young people study in the Soviet Union.” Xie Kai said with a sneer.

Kaletovsky and the people behind were immediately confused.

How did Xie Kai know about the MiG 1.44 project?

“What MiG 1.44? We only have MiG-29, a very good fighter, absolutely suitable for use by the Chinese Air Force.” Kaletovsky was not surprised by this kind of thing.

Feng Zhiqing came back to his senses and said to Xie Kai and others, “You first wait in the next conference room…”

“Chief, this has to be a meeting.”

“Let them hold the meeting by themselves, and I will listen to the report when the time comes.” Feng Zhiqing didn’t know what the Soviets came from. It was too sudden. You must first understand the purpose of the Soviets.

“Xie Kai, have a drink together tonight. Ekaterina asked me to bring you a gift.” Kaletovsky shouted to Xie Kai who turned to go out.

This makes Feng Zhiqing’s face even more ugly.

How did the Soviets come from?

Why did the security let them in at will?

Xie Kai and Wang Guilin and others went to the small meeting room next to him, and Xie Kai was afraid of it.

“Afraid of a fart, just let them play 404 in the big deal.” In the end, Xie Kai comforted himself so.

Soon, Feng Zhiqing sent away the Soviets. He had already figured out that it was Wang Shuwei who asked the Soviets to bring them in, and he was going to talk about the introduction of the Su-27 here.

This makes Feng Zhiqing feel a little unhappy.

Wang Shuwei did this!

“What do you want to say about 404?” Feng Zhiqing asked Xie Kai on the initiative.

Xie Kai sneered, “Chief, this is an organizational decision. What else can we say? Anyway, we betrayed our national interests and endangered national defense…”

Xie Kai knows that Wang Shuwei achieved his goal because the leader did not understand the internal situation.

The leader believes in Wang Shuwei, and any explanation is futile.

Instead of this, it is better to go abroad by yourself and earn your own small money by relying on decades of world development.

“You know how many top domestic technologies are concentrated in the 359 tank and the Super Seven Project. You know better than anyone. These technologies are absolutely restricted for export!” Feng Zhiqing never asked who Xie Kai was.

Don’t ask, he already knows.

“Director, 359 is responsible for the technical verification of the three generations of domestic tanks! I wish the boss and the others have asked about this, and it can be exported. With more advanced technology, what is wrong with selling outdated technology in exchange for funds?” Xie Kai’s rhetorical question made Feng Zhiqing unable to answer. “Furthermore, these things are a treasure if we don’t have more advanced ones in our country. Who cares in foreign countries? Everyone’s tanks are already digital and informatized…”(Read more @

This is correct.

This has always been done internationally.

“As for the aircraft, the Super Seven Project is also verified. How much is our Air Force’s equipment behind foreign countries? The United States has begun to equip a new generation of stealth combat aircraft. The Soviet Union has made huge breakthroughs in this project, and even started. Manufacturing verification machine…” Xie Kai said.

Looking at Xie Kai, Feng Zhiqing was also a little shocked.

How did the young man in front of him know?

“But this is not your reason for exporting the most advanced domestic technology.” Feng Zhiqing said coldly.

“Chief, what you know from Wang Shuwei, it’s just that our 404 people are desperately asking for money, frantically digging for the technical backbone of domestic scientific research institutes, and affecting their research progress, right?” Xie Kai asked.

Feng Zhiqing’s heart sighed.

Is there anything hidden?

The situation Wang Shuwei reported to him was indeed the case.

There are no military representatives in 404, and the progress of various projects is not reported. Even many technologies that are clearly prohibited by the state are also used in the equipment they export.

“Is it wrong?” Feng Zhiqing asked, “Your Director Wang is also here, let him talk about it.”

Wang Guilin deliberately asked Xie Kai to come, and Feng Zhiqing knew it without thinking.

“There is nothing wrong. Chief, it is indeed our fault to sell these technologies!” Xie Kai admitted without hesitation, “In this case, any decision on the organization, I think they will accept it.”

“It means you won’t accept it?” Feng Zhiqing frowned.

“I’m not in the 404 establishment, I’m just a high school graduate.” Xie Kai grinned, and then walked outside.

The corners of Feng Zhiqing’s mouth twitched, “Wait.”

“What do the chiefs have to order? Oh, I just slandered the chiefs. It’s my fault. I’m sorry for the chiefs!” Xie Kai bent down and bowed, “But at Wang Shuwei’s house, I think the chief should ask someone to check it. It was in 404 at the time. At that time, Wang Shuwei’s hands and feet were not clean. In addition, his daughter seemed to have gone abroad…”

“Little comrade, you can speak responsibly.” Feng Zhiqing’s brows wrung together.

Wang Shuwei’s usual performance does not seem to be excessive?

“Chief, if there is a mistake, I can bear any consequences, whether it’s slander and jail, or whatever. As far as I know, his nephew and a group of people are using the civilian units of the military industry system to resell reinforced concrete and other approval notes…” These The matter was originally discovered in the previous life, decades later.

At that time, Wang Shuwei had retired.

And Wang Hao, Xie Kai also knows how the initial funds came from.

He didn’t want to talk about this kind of thing, but Wang Shuwei went too far.

If 404 is really taken over by Wang Shuwei, Xie Kai can think of the final consequences.

Feng Zhiqing didn’t say anything. Even if you want to investigate Wang Shuwei, you can’t say it in front of Xie Kai.

“Head, Chief Li Yunlong is here.” The secretary knocked on the door at this time and said to Feng Zhiqing when he came in.

“What is he doing?”

The secretary was in front of Xie Kai and others, and it was a little hard to say.

“I came for the 404 Xie Kai. I think we have misunderstood them.” Li Yunlong walked in directly, followed by Long Yaohua.

Wang Guilin looked at Long Yaohua, but Long Yaohua remained calm, as if he didn’t even know him.

“Your kid is Xie Kai, right? I see… Tsk tsk, there is nothing special, so in the eyes of foreigners, it is just a sweet and glutinous rice cake.” Li Yunlong looked at Xie Kai, and then made a sound.

Feng Zhiqing looked puzzled and didn’t know what medicine Li Yunlong sold in this gourd.

“The Pakistanis intend to use an American F-16, a Boeing 707 tanker, and a submarine imported from France open to our technicians to study in exchange for him; the Iraqis say that the silly damu wants him to be his son-in-law, and is willing Give a large oil field mining rights and some equipment open to us in exchange for him; the Persians are even more generous, even if they only have 4 flying P-3F anti-submarine patrol aircraft, they are willing to give one to replace this kid… “Li Yunlong’s words shocked Feng Zhiqing even more.

Are people in these countries crazy?

“In addition, Pakistan said that if there is no such kid, they would not cooperate with Super Seven fighter planes, and are ready to seek to purchase Mirage or other fighter planes from France…” Li Yunlong’s words were even more shocking.

Long Yaohua looked towards Wang Guilin.

Wang Guilin was also dumbfounded. What they planned was to find Pakistanis and Iraqis.

What happened to the Persians?

“The Soviets are willing to replace him with two Su-27 and one Tu-160 strategic bomber.” Feng Zhiqing said with a wry smile.

Xie Kai was also dumbfounded. When was he so valuable?

“So, I think there is any misunderstanding…” Li Yunlong sighed, “After all, we know too little about this unit that belongs to us. Comrade Yaohua said just now that 404 plans to declare more than 200 items belonging to the national 863 The planned technology project…”

“The situation is true?” Feng Zhiqing was even more shocked.

The 863 plan is a strategic high-precision and cutting-edge project.

A single unit declares more than 200 items?

“Chief, there are hundreds of items, and we have made major breakthroughs. There are even samples of many technologies…” Wang Guilin took the opportunity to explain.

“Not only that, there are also some related projects that we did not declare. For example, something like a stealth fighter!” Xie Kai said hurriedly. “There is also a matching engine project for the stealth fighter. Director Zheng is also crazy about digging people for this project.”

“You are engaged in the stealth fighter project?” Feng Zhiqing is very self-reliant, and he can’t accept it. “Do you know the difficulty of this?”

“Chief, since we are a reform pilot unit of the military industry system, especially with project autonomy, when the country’s economy is difficult and military expenditure is insufficient, we start such a project as making our own contribution to the construction of national defense. We know the difficulty of the project. But we can’t stop doing it because of the difficulty. We do it now. Once the country needs it, we can start such an equipment research project directly according to our research, and we can start it faster, no As for the start of the country, I don’t even know how to start…This is the meaning of our 404.” Xie Kai said with a chest out.

404 engages in these projects, it can be said that it is entirely to find ways.

Provide exploration of the development direction of advanced military equipment for national defense.

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