Chapter 619

“Who do these Soviets think they are? They are clearly begging us to buy planes to solve their financial problems, like charity!” The first negotiation between Wang Shuwei and the Soviets ended in failure.

For the Soviets, it was very uncomfortable.

“Leader, the Soviets only agreed to sell MiG-29s. This is completely different from what we had discussed with the Air Force Department before. Do they want to speak out because we don’t understand the situation?” The subordinate reminded Wang Shuwei, “Aren’t we? Talk to the people who participated in the negotiation?”

“What is there to talk about? Everyone knows what’s going on!” Wang Shuwei shook his head.

Just in charge of these things, if you ask these simple ones, it will give people a feeling of inadequacy.

“Zheng Yucheng has always been able to take the initiative in negotiating with foreign countries, why can’t I? If they don’t even have this ability, how can they manage a huge industry as large as 404?” Wang Shuwei was immediately unhappy when he saw what he had to say.

The subordinates didn’t say anything in the end.

“We are spending time with the Soviets. Anyway, the Air Force does not have much funding to purchase such expensive fighter jets in the short term.” Wang Shuwei’s confidence lies in this.

Everyone knows that the air force is insufficiently funded.

“What about Pakistan? The Super Seven Project now requires a large amount of funding. Pakistan has participated in it, and the funds for the production and testing of the fighter planes for the test flight have been resolved.” The subordinate said, “There is a shortage of funds over there now.”

“Asshole, if it weren’t for them to spend so much money to buy some useless engines and put them there to rust, how could they lack funds.” Wang Shuwei was a little hot when he said this.

404 spent 230 million US dollars to purchase 200 aero engines from the Soviet Union.

Although up to now, there are still hundreds of millions of dollars in the final payment that has not been paid, and more than 100 million US dollars have been paid in the early stage, which is converted into RMB, but it is more than 300 million!

The subordinates were silent.

This batch of 404 engines does take up too much money.

Up to now, there are no orders for a fighter plane. If they can’t be sold, these engines will be in your hands.

“Let the person in charge of the Super Seven project come here and report on the work. Let’s contact the Air Force again. If the Air Force is willing to receive Super Seven fighters, the funding problem can also be resolved.” Wang Shuwei thought for a while and proceeded to confront each other. Next arrangements. “The new equipment we develop must first be used by our own troops.”

“Where is Pakistan?”

“Reduce some configuration and sell them to them. Otherwise, they use the same as ours.” Wang Shuwei wants to change Zheng Yucheng’s model.

He is now not only replacing Zheng Yucheng’s position, but even further than Zheng Yucheng’s position.

The person in charge of 404 was originally unable to assume other duties and had no chance of improvement.

Wang Shuwei was first responsible for negotiating with the Soviets on the purchase of the Su-27 project. Now Zheng Yucheng has been beaten to the end, and he even has to track down their betrayal of national interests. Wang Shuwei will take over the work first and will not let the Su-27 negotiations go. Naturally There is no need to hide in the cramped place of 404.

“By the way, make arrangements so that the person in charge of each unit under 404, such as Yunshi, 691 Factory, Dongfeng Power, etc., will come here to report to me. Also, the person in charge of each project in 404 cannot be left behind . To better arrange their work…” Wang Shuwei instructed the secretary, “Tell them that for this meeting, some project funding needs to be adjusted.”

“Leader, why don’t you know about 404’s financial situation first, and then do care?” The secretary came with Zheng Yucheng from 404.

“Then tell Yang Qian to come over with others.” Wang Shuwei nodded.

Although he used to be a member of the 404 management committee, he doesn’t know much about the entire 404 situation.

It was almost emptied by Zheng Yucheng and others.

Now that the entire 404 is under Wang Shu’s care, it is natural to understand the situation first, especially how much money is in the purse.

From the morning Feng Zhiqing asked Wang Shuwei to preside over the work of 404, and Li Yunlong had no objection. Wang Shuwei knew that he had secured the top spot of 404.(Read more @

“Zheng Yucheng and the others have to stop all the projects. Otherwise, these projects are also the credit of Zheng Yucheng. Besides, these projects are wasteful to the people and the country is discontinued, and they have to waste little money to mess around. , You can come up with a shit!” Wang Shuwei sat at his office desk thinking when the secretary went out to make arrangements.

Many of the 404 projects are things that cannot see benefits in the short term.

“Especially for Yunshi, the General Administration of Civil Aviation has clearly stated that it is no longer necessary. It must continue to do so. A total of hundreds of millions of dollars a year is a waste! This project can’t be used… a big press, a piece of equipment of little use, is necessary Two hundred million, I don’t know how many rebates Zheng Yucheng and the others have eaten. No, they have to let Erzhong bear some expenses…”

Every time Wang Shuwei thinks about one, he records one in his work notebook.

In the end, he felt that even the Super Seven was a waste of money. He knew that the Super Seven was a continuation of the J-9 project. The technical basis of the J-9 was used, and even the indicators were not as high as the J-9.

“This project, if Pakistan provides more funds, we will continue! Our technical foundation, our personnel, and finally they will come to take advantage. How can there be such a good thing in the world!” Wang Shuwei is about to cross out the Super Seven project, and finally it will be Give it up.

He hasn’t thought of any projects to replace these projects that will be discontinued again.

Not to mention that Wang Shuwei was preparing to transform 404 with precision gongs and drums to eliminate the influence of Zheng Yucheng and others. Even Qian San’er and others gathered together.

“Three brothers, when shall we do it?” At Qian San’er’s house, a group of young men and women sat together, slurping and drinking while drinking.

What was discussed was when to start with Kaisheng Game Machine Company.

“What’s the rush? Now that Uncle Wang has become the head of Dongfeng City, the garment factory can be a public-private partnership to acquire the shares held by Liu Xu and Xie Kai…” one person said.

“What if they disagree?” asked a girl with dyed yellow hair and numerous ear studs.

“Don’t agree? Don’t say that Zheng Yucheng has fallen. Even if he hasn’t fallen, he can’t get out if he merely betrays the national interests. Their backstage has all fallen. Who else will support them?” Qian San’er snorted coldly. Said.

“Brother, would you like to talk to Xie Kai? That kid should be in the hospital now, don’t let him throw Kai Sheng to the Lao Fang, we can’t snatch them from the Lao Fang.” A young man said.

“Yes, Lao Fang has been in contact with them these past two days.”

“Aren’t they just working abroad?” Some people wondered.

“Fart, they are not for money! Kaisheng can make hundreds of millions in a year, can the old man not be moved?”

A bunch of people were talking about it.

In the end, Qian San’er was also worried that the Lao party would start with them. After discussing it, he was going to the hospital to find Xie Kai, and he was going to let Xie Kai sign the equity transfer contract of Kaisheng.

And Lao Fang and Tao Jie also sat together.

They didn’t smoke, but Sister Tao was making tea for everyone.

“Brother Fang, what’s the matter with Brother Quan? It seems that there has been a change now. I heard that Wang Shuwei has become the leader of Dongfeng City.” A young man said worriedly, “Qian San’er, they will definitely not let it go. This opportunity, or we…”

“What are we doing? Do you want to swallow Kaisheng?” Lao Fang’s eyes became sharp.

“We don’t start, Qian San’er, they won’t give up. Xie Kai can’t keep it anyway.” The young man who started talking was aggrieved for a year.

“Can’t hold it?” Sister Tao smiled and asked the others, “Do you all think so?”

The others did not answer, but the look on their faces explained the problem.

“Whoever jumps out now will be unlucky. That kid is younger than us, and without our background, he can create such a large family business. Not only has he never gone abroad, but stayed in the country. Do you think he Where does the confidence come from?” Sister Tao asked the others.

The others are at a loss.

Is Xie Kai confident?

“And 404 is a top-secret military-industrial unit. Do you really think anyone can put your hand in? They dare to play such a big game. The layout of the Soviet Union is not something we can think of. Even if it doesn’t support it, it won’t. Objection.” Following Tao Jie’s analysis, everyone found that all this seemed to be one game.

Lao Fang looked at the people, “If Qian San’er and the others are just playing with approving notes or something, those old guys will turn a blind eye. If Kaisheng talks about it, it is a Hong Kong-owned company. If it’s done, who would dare to come in with foreign capital? Besides, even if you don’t consider these, Triumph is still undertaking the foreign exchange support of that huge plan. Do you think it is possible for someone to get it?”

The old side knew that Xie Kai wanted to engage in a Soviet aircraft carrier. Although they thought it was unlikely, under such circumstances, the old guys in the military would not give up any opportunities.

What’s more, what Xie Kai they want to do is not just an aircraft carrier?

“Wait, there will be news in three days at most.” The old Fang took a deep breath.

This is the game set by Xie Kai et al.

This bureau is to knock the mountain and shake the tiger and avoid people like them from reaching out for some money-making projects of 404.

Whoever blocks will be destroyed.

Wang Shuwei put out all the lists, checked it several times, and nodded in satisfaction. Just when he was about to leave work, several soldiers broke in.

“Comrade Wang Shuwei, right? We received an informative letter stating that you have some violations. Please cooperate with our investigation…” said a middle-aged soldier in the lead with a straight face.

“Huh? What’s wrong with me?” Wang Shuwei was stunned. “Do you know that I am responsible for the top secret unit?”

“I don’t know, please cooperate with our investigation. You know the discipline. Regarding the expenses of your daughter studying abroad, if there is no problem in the investigation…” the soldier said coldly.

When Wang Shuwei heard this, he collapsed on a chair.

I just became the person in charge of 404 for a long time, and I haven’t done anything yet…

That huge plan…

“take away!”

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