Chapter 647

“Director Wang, please stay!” Xie Kai left, Wang Guilin also got up, Yang Baige was anxious.

He knew that Liu Xu had shares in the garment factory, and he had also inquired about which unit Liu Xu cooperated with in Qilian Garment Factory, but he couldn’t find out at all.

That’s why a part of the shares was given to allow Liu Xu’s sisters to participate.

Originally wanted to give Liu Xu shares, but Liu Xu didn’t care at all.

He has half of the shares in Qilian Garment Factory. How can he be inferior to him?

And Zheng Yucheng is obviously the leader of that mysterious unit, and hasn’t spoken yet.

“He handles this matter, and I can’t help it.” Wang Guilin said, “In fact, he considered his mother’s emotions before finally proposing such a plan. It seems that you are suffering a lot, but in fact, you should know what it is. ”

Wang Guilin gave Xie Kai the credit for making this suggestion.

“Xie Kai, are you not showing any affection?” Liu Xu chased out the door and asked Xie Kai with a wry smile.

“Mom, do they talk about affection? This matter is not an issue of affection. They are frauds. If they really want to be held accountable, both aunts and aunts have to go in and eat in prison.” Xie Kai said, “This is offending the country Law, fraud!”

It’s not that Xie Kai doesn’t want to show mercy.

He did not ask the other party to directly give out 80% of the equity, which is already very benevolent.

Unexpectedly, when only 65% ​​was mentioned, the other party would be upset.

“Mom, don’t worry about this. Don’t worry, I promise that they will come to you when it is resolved.” Xie Kai said.

Liu Xu was helpless, things had reached such an extent, what else could be done?

“Isn’t it just an absolute controlling stake?” Wang Guilin asked Xie Kai why he changed his mind temporarily and suddenly wanted such a high stake.

“Uncle Wang, if it weren’t for their plant and land, even the 35% would not give it to them. Look at the entire factory, there is no management, nothing is foolish, and there is no safety awareness at all.” Xie Kai said. “Originally I wanted to report this number. Let’s talk about it and lower it a little bit. As a result, they…”

When Wang Guilin thought, it was indeed such a thing.

Or the other party is too greedy.

“Liu Xu has half of the equity, why haven’t you said it?” Yang Baige asked Liu Yujie and Liu Yuqing with a black face.

Liu Yujie grimaced, “She didn’t say anything at all. I only knew that she had entered a confidential unit and had not been in contact for many years…”

This is the fact.

Now it seems that Xie Kai is not like telling lies at all.

“Brother Yang, this matter…” Liu Yuqing was afraid that Yang Baige would blame them.

“Okay, you go back first, find a way to talk to Liu Xuduo, and we won’t use the Qilian factory brand in the future.” Yang Baige knew that to solve this problem, we still had to start with Liu Xu.

The attitude of Liu Xu’s son was too firm to be discussed at all.

After finally setting up such a large factory, who would be happy to give out most of the equity in this way?

“Eldest sister, you said the same is true of the third child. It’s obviously her factory, earning so much a year, so you can give us a little bit! Now we are not people inside and outside.” Liu Yuqing regrets a bit.

If I had known it earlier, I should have had a better attitude towards Liu Xu.

I always thought she was still in the system, who would have thought that Liu Xu would go to sea?

“You too, let you take care of mom, you run to dance with people all day, otherwise the youngest can be so angry?” Liu Yujie looked angry. “Okay, let’s ask mom which hospital is in, go and see, the third child is soft-hearted and tell her something nice.”

“This thing was caused by the bastard of Xie Kai!” Liu Yuqing did not refute, accusing Liu Yujie of fault.

Xie Kai’s attitude is the most important thing.

“How about him, can you not listen to the fuck?” Liu Yujie snorted coldly. “We can treat him better in the future. You can tell your runner-up not to be indifferent all day long. If you have money, you will knock your tail higher. ”

Regarding the Liu family sisters, Yang Baige ignored them.(Read more @

After they left, they dialed a phone call, “Hey, Lao Zhang, are there any arrangements for noon? Okay, I’ll make arrangements and wait for you over there.”

Hung up the phone, left the office, drove up Santana downstairs, and left the factory.

“What’s so anxious? These days, the superior is going to come down and check it.” In a luxuriously decorated hotel, a thin, thin, white shirt, and very different age from Yang Baige asked when he entered the door.

Yang Baige immediately told what had happened.

“I told you at the beginning that your method does not work, and the country’s crackdown on fraud is not small.” Lao Zhang said.

“Lao Zhang, it wasn’t the sisters of the Liu family who said it was okay! Liu Xu didn’t say anything, but now their superiors are here. Old classmates, you can save me…” Yang Baige said hurriedly.

“What’s their attitude? Tell me in detail, who are there?” Lao Zhang asked.

Yang Baige said about Xie Kai and his party’s big mouth, but Lao Zhang didn’t say anything.

Lao Zhang still did not say about Wang Guilin’s appearance.

Until he talked about Xie Kai, Lao Zhang suddenly smiled bitterly, “You, you, how did you provoke him?”

“Isn’t it Liu Xu’s son? Is it bigger than the old man?” Yang Baige was stupid.

He didn’t treat Xie Kai as the same thing.

“You don’t know, that kid is very wild, the president of McDonnell Douglas, you know?” Lao Zhang asked Yang Baige.

“I know.” Yang Baige nodded, “That’s the big boss!”

“The relationship is strong enough and the network is wide enough, right?” Lao Zhang asked Yang Baige, who nodded like a chicken. “It’s still being censored. The crime of espionage is because Xie Kai’s unit took over the original Yun Ten The aircraft has become a competitor with McDonnell Douglas…”

Yang Baige’s mouth was so big that it could lay an egg.

Even the president of McDonnell Douglas China was fucked by that kid?

“They do airplanes? What kind of costumes do airplanes do!” Yang Baige was about to cry.

How much does it involve in airplanes?

Both capital and human resources are massive.

If they want to get him, they will be crushed to death in minutes.

“Zhang Zhenzhong has a problem, but he is related to Sino-U.S. cooperation. Can he not be cautious to check? If not, he will have to cause diplomatic disputes. Xie Kai didn’t take him two days to get rid of him. Think about it yourself. Lao Zhang did not answer Yang Baige, and continued, “What’s more, you are already breaking the law. The other party doesn’t pursue it, it’s okay. Now you will be held accountable. Not only will you be seized and fined, but even if they ask for compensation, you can go bankrupt. This is not the case. Willing to waste energy…”

Yang Baige didn’t know how to answer now.

He didn’t even ask Lao Zhang to help solve it.

Maybe, I’m going to pit the best relationship with this old classmate.

After a while, he said, “What can I do?”

“Accept their conditions and the previous problems have disappeared.” Lao Zhang said, “You should be lucky. If Zheng Yucheng is with him, there is no discussion on this matter.”

Yang Baige suddenly panicked, “But they want 65%! If they are willing to take on the loan, there is no problem, there is a loan of 4 million yuan…”

“The other party is already very polite. I said that you are usually a savvy person, why are you confused when you get to this matter? Have you ever thought about what benefits your factory will get after they control it?” Lao Zhang was a little speechless. Looking at Yang Baige.

You are usually so shrewd, why are you stupid in this matter?

Yang Baige knew there were benefits, but the benefits were not great.

“You can use their design, management team, sales channels, etc. Now you seem to be able to get money. Once you are targeted by the industrial and commercial department, what should you do?” When Lao Zhang said this, Yang Baige immediately understood.

“Then I will go to them in the afternoon.” Since knowing that I can’t fight, weighing the pros and cons, leaving about 30% of the shares is better than having nothing and going to jail.

Liu Xu went back to the hospital. Xie Kai and Wang Guilin went back to the hotel. Zheng Quan and Mao Wenfeng didn’t know what to do with them.

“You said this model can speed up the development of our civilian products field?” Wang Guilin looked at Xie Kai, wondering if he was serious or wanted to make a joke. “We have a lot of things now.”

“Uncle Wang, let’s invest in some potential companies, and we won’t even participate in management, unless we hold the controlling shares…” Xie Kai told his own thoughts, “We can’t always count on selling weapons and equipment, right? The biggest source of profit is the profit.”

“The profits of civilian products are high, the investment is too large, and the risk is also high.” Wang Guilin looked worried, “Let’s do the business honestly.”

Wang Guilin is far more conservative than Zheng Yucheng.

He is the same as other management committee members, and what he fears most is that if Xie Kai and Zheng Yucheng get hot, they will have to invest again.

When Zheng Yucheng’s head was hot, he immediately decided to make a big press, with an investment of 200 million yuan!

If it were put in the bank, the money from the big press would cost tens of millions in interest.

“Our scientific research projects can be funded by ourselves.” Xie Kai reminded Wang Guilin.

The old man is too conservative.

At present, there is no special investment company in China, and everyone does not even have the funds for their own development and growth.

404 is different. In the past two years, selling tanks and missiles has cost billions.


“Money makes money, is the fastest. For example, some companies have good development prospects, but they have no guarantees, nor are they state-owned units, and cannot quickly expand their scale without funds…” Xie Kai put his ideas together.

Once I go to university, I don’t have much time to toss.

The base can’t just rely on the little money before it.

With the end of the Iran-Iraq War, it is estimated that selling weapons and equipment will not be easy.

Still have to invest in promising domestic civilian fields.

According to Xie Kai’s idea, China CITIC Bank has a 404 equity. The money can be loaned out for investment. If their dividends are included, the interest will be much lower, and it will be used to invest in manufacturing companies with a bright future. The equipment needed by the manufacturing company can be purchased from units that have a cooperative relationship with 404. If 404 has related technologies, it can provide technical support and develop more securely…

In this way, their money can be repeated several times to make money.

“Xie Kai, the gorgeous Yang Baige found me and asked me to sign a contract to transfer 65% of the equity to our Qilian factory. What is going on?” As soon as Xie Kai finished speaking, Liao Zhuolin knocked on their door with a face. Asked puzzledly.

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