Chapter 649

Yun Shi landed gracefully on the airport runway. When it stopped, Xie Kai appeared on the spiral staircase.

At a glance, I saw my brother in a white suit with a twitching mouth. This product is in Ukraine, wouldn’t it be the same?

“Uncle, how about Ukraine? Are the beautiful women enthusiastic?” Xie Kai knew that Liu Dongsheng was unwilling to go to Ukraine, so he joked when he came down, and then asked Lao Fang, “Brother Fang, how about Africa?”

“Why is he on your plane?” Old Fang was about to answer. He frowned and asked when he saw Tan Lin following down.

Sister Tao’s brows also frowned.

“Magan’er, what are you doing here?” Chen Yu pointed to Tan Lin’s nose and cursed.

Xie Kai looked at the two parties, and she knew each other.

And it’s very familiar.

“Ge Tan has a business with me, come here to get money with me.” Xie Kai looked at Lao Fang, then at Tan Lin.

Tan Lin didn’t seem to care, with a smile on his face, “If you are allowed to do business with people, can I not?”

“You have been robbing our business, and now you want to do it again? When we are so bullied?” Zheng Yucheng yelled and was about to rush up to do it.

Both Lao Fang and Tao Jie did not stop them.

Seeing to fight, Xie Kai said coldly, “Brother Chen, Tan always comes with me. It’s not appropriate for you to fight my guests?”

“Xiaoyu, come back.” Sister Tao called Xiaoyu.

“Know?” Liu Dongsheng asked.

The old Fang nodded.

“Is there Liangzi?” Zheng Quan also asked Lao Fang, “He sold a batch of equipment to Xie Kai for more than five million US dollars. There will be continued cooperation in the future…”

The meaning is to tell them that even if there is a conflict, it should not affect the cooperation between Xie Kai and the other party.

Otherwise, the cooperation between Xie Kai and Lao Fang will have problems.

The group of people got on the car. The car was an Audi that Liu Dongsheng had built before, and it was usually used as an official car of the Kaisheng company.

“Lao Fang and Tan Lin and their Liangzi seem to be quite big. Brother Quan, ask them after coming down. Don’t affect our plan because of the contradiction between them.” Xie Kai said to Zheng Quan in the car.

Zheng Quan nodded.

“How about Ukraine?” Xie Kai asked Liu Dongsheng.

Liu Dongsheng’s time to arrive in Ukraine is not short.

“If it weren’t for someone to help, it would be very difficult. Especially their tank factory, there is no relationship at all. The aviation system is okay, but I don’t think we can use their aviation technology.” Liu Dongsheng Said with a mournful face. “I think we can’t afford their airplanes.”

“You got into the Antonov Aircraft Factory?” Xie Kai came to his spirits.

He turned his head and glanced at the driver who was driving, but finally gave up and did not continue to ask.

He wasn’t sure if the driver was an insider in the base, and even if it was, there were some things he couldn’t let them know.

The Antonov Design Bureau and the Antonov Aircraft Factory were Xie Kai’s most eye-catching ones.

This is a legendary airplane.

Occupying the world’s largest aircraft for decades, it didn’t seem to be surpassed until Xie Kai was reborn.

Xie Kai just wanted to get that stuff.

Zheng Quan was also curious, but he had his own principles. He didn’t ask at all what Liu Dongsheng was doing in Ukraine. When he settled in the hotel, he went to inquire about the conflict between Lao Fang and Tan Lin.

Xie Kai didn’t care about staying up all night, and directly asked Liu Dongsheng about the situation there.

“Through your relationship, I have met a lot of Antonov’s middle and high-level people, and sneaked to their production workshop to see it. The big plane with six or seven floors, you have to see that the whole person I was so depressed that I couldn’t breathe…” Liu Dongsheng introduced the situation over there.(Read more @

The current domestic problems in the Soviet Union are already very serious. At the beginning, Liu Dongsheng arrived in Ukraine, and he would be constantly scrutinized and held back.

Later, as more officials knew about Ukraine, and there were a lot of high-end goods that Ukrainians couldn’t get in their hands, the situation was gradually opened up.

Of course, Antonov’s management is not so easily bought off, especially their technical staff.

Under the pretense of Liu Dongsheng, he was investigating aircraft, and he had a relationship with the high-level Soviet aviation department, so that he could get into Antonov’s aircraft production plant.

“Now they mainly produce An-124. That kind of aircraft is too big. We can’t afford it if we get it.” Liu Dongsheng knows what Xie Kai’s idea is, but if you want to get An-124, it’s not easy. It’s not easy. For such a huge airplane, it consumes a huge amount of fuel for every flight.

Not to mention that domestic repair spare parts cannot even be found.

It can’t be produced either.

The maximum fuel capacity inside the aircraft reaches 230 tons. If the aircraft is full of fuel, it will cost hundreds of thousands of fuel for a single flight.

“What about technology?” Xie Kai cares most about technology.

The technical drawings of An-124 are not needed now, they will be available in the future.

“The Antonov Design Bureau can’t get in at all.” Liu Dongsheng shook his head, “I know a lot of designers, those people, we can get them in the future.”

“Is there any news on An-225?” For An-124, if needed, it may be available in the future, but the cargo compartment is too large and requires a lot of expensive goods on shelves, right?

With the An-225, all kinds of large-scale equipment can be transported through this thing in the future.

The location of 404 is too low.

“I heard that they are designing a large aircraft for launching a space shuttle. I don’t know if it is the one you said.” Liu Dongsheng said, “This thing is useless, no matter how big it is, it is useless if we don’t need it.

Liu Dongsheng had seen the planes of Antonov with his own eyes, and now he only feels that getting them back is not an issue.

“It’s that thing, how is the progress now, you know?” Xie Kai asked excitedly.

Liu Dongsheng shook his head, “I don’t think so. We can’t even support the An-124. And so far, the Soviet Union has not produced a few of those things, and all the aircraft produced are given priority to be equipped with the Russian air force. ”

“…” Xie Kai was a little speechless.

My uncle seems to be very assertive now.

He knew that what he wanted was not an airplane, but the manufacturing technology of the airplane?

“I think they have a kind of aircraft, which we can easily get. It is also a military aircraft with a large load capacity and a long range. The flying cost is much lower than that of a jet aircraft.” Liu Dongsheng looked at Xie Kai and said seriously, “The Soviet Union is now It is still in use, but production has been discontinued for many years, and the technical drawings are sealed.”

“You said An-22?” Xie Kai asked.

Liu Dongsheng looked at Xie Kai in surprise, “You know?”

“It was discontinued in 1974. Why don’t I know. If it is only used for freight, there is still no problem. What we consider is not only to get it, but also to sell it. If it can’t be sold, how can I fix it?” Asked.

If it were not for the Ilyushin Aviation Design Bureau and the manufacturing plant both near Moscow, Xie Kai would prefer the idea of ​​going to the Ilyushin Company.

Military transport aircraft like the Il-76 is the main transport model of the Lao Maozi Air Force.

In the 21st century, China is still buying this stuff.

It’s cool to get the technology, get the key parts for production, and then make it in China.

Unfortunately, this can only be thought of.

There is no problem with moving Ermao, after all, after the Soviet Union disintegrated, Ermao almost completely lost all the wealth left by the Soviet Union Lao Tzu to them.

A large number of Tu-160 White Swans, Tu-22M Backfire Bombers, Tu-95 Strategic Bombers, etc., were dismantled by the Ermao government, which could not support them.

At the same time, hundreds of cruise missiles, long-range intercontinental missiles and 1,800 nuclear warheads have all been dismantled and destroyed.

In the end, like a stripped eagle, Big Mao beats Ermao, leaving Ermao with no room to fight back.

To remove these things, the United States provided only $15 million.

At that time, the Soviet Union produced these, at least tens of billions of dollars, or more.

Those things, how can Xie Kai not be greedy?

“Have you connected with the military over there?” Xie Kai asked.

“It’s okay to have a relationship with a major general of the Air Force, but it’s not very good either.” Liu Dongsheng said.

Xie Kai nodded, “These things are not anxious. Has Kravchuk got on the line?”

“No, but there are already eyebrows.” Liu Dongsheng said, “Ukraine is similar to the entire Soviet Union, especially those high-ranking officials… I will tell you that the Soviet major general is not a good thing. If it were in our country, it would have been a good thing. I don’t know how many times I have been shot.”

Xie Kai knows what Liu Dongsheng is referring to, “Isn’t this just what you want? The beauties of Ukraine are much better than the ones you met in those nightclubs in China, and you don’t need to be responsible…”

If Ukrainian officials are upright, how can Xie Kai start?

“I don’t think I can handle things over there. And a lot of military things are useless if we get them.” Liu Dongsheng doesn’t want to stay in Ukraine anymore. “It’s too uncomfortable to drink with those furry people every day.”

“What makes you uncomfortable is that you pay for drinking, right?” Xie Kai despised Liu Dongsheng, “Why don’t you feel uncomfortable when you sleep with a Ukrainian beauty?”

“It’s not uncomfortable? Go try, you didn’t see your brother-in-law, I am thin?” Liu Dongsheng was speechless, “Those women, they are about to squeeze me out. I am planning to find an old Chinese doctor in China to prescribe a prescription Make up…”

Xie Kai rolled his eyes, and didn’t want to pay attention to someone like his uncle who took advantage of him and behaved.

“By the way, what about Tian Li? Didn’t I go to Ukraine with you?” Xie Kai suddenly thought, Tian Li followed Liu Dongsheng to Ukraine. “Why didn’t you come back with you?”

My uncle is often unreliable, or he takes the initiative to ask Zheng Yucheng to ask Tian Li to follow Liu Dongsheng to Ukraine.

“Didn’t you arrange her to go to Iraq?” Liu Dongsheng asked in surprise.

“Is there?” Xie Kai really didn’t know, Zheng Yucheng and they probably wouldn’t fail to say hello to him.

Just looked at Liu Dongsheng, “You didn’t offend her, did you?”

“It’s probably because I have too close a relationship with the beauty over there, she can’t bear it, and left. But it’s okay, there is no translation, my Russian is pretty good now…” Liu Dongsheng sighed.

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