Chapter 652

(Happy Holidays everyone.)

“If possible, we’d better become a Nintendo licensed software vendor. That way, our future development will be easier.” Wu Jiang said.

Xie Kai looked at Wu Jiang and didn’t speak for a long time.

He thought that Wu Jiang’s ambitions were large enough and his vision was broad enough to build Kaisheng into a company that supplies home game consoles like Nintendo, and a huge game platform that other game development companies want to cooperate with.

As a result, Wu Jiang just wanted to become a software supplier.

“Our two games, Nintendo can’t be tempted. This is currently the hottest arcade game in the entire world.” Xie Kai looked at Wu Jiang and said calmly.

“The people at Nintendo had visited Xiangjiang before. Mr. Liu was not in the country and he had contacted me. Let us transplant the game to the cassette used in FC game consoles. They are responsible for providing sales. We bear all the costs. In the end they want sales Half of…” Wu Jiang said with a wry smile.

“They are stealing money!” Liu Dongsheng jumped up immediately.

Xie Kai was not angry.

Now Nintendo has such qualifications since the sluggish domestic game console market for Guizi in 1983 and the huge success of launching 8-bit home TV game consoles.

“Where is Capcom?”

“They hope that we will hand over the core game program to them, and they will do the transplantation. Without cost, we get 60% of the profit.” Wu Jiang said.

“That’s not bad, when did the little devil be so kind?” Liu Dongsheng asked in surprise.

Xie Kai didn’t think there was anything good about this condition.

Putting aside the cost, divide the profit, but also the core program of the game.

“They have more conditions, right?” Xie Kai asked with a smile.

Wu Jiang nodded, “Their people said that in order to transplant the game design more perfectly, they hope we can provide the design drawings of the game board…”

Wu Jiang doesn’t think this is a problem.

Xie Kai laughed immediately, “These little devils have a really big abacus! Are people here?”

“It is an appointment for ten. It was Mr. Kenzo Tsujimoto, the owner of Capcom, who came here in person.” Wu Jiang said.

“Take us to meet this little devil.” Xie Kai smiled coldly.

Wu Jiang looked at Liu Dongsheng, Liu Dongsheng was initially unhappy with him, “Look at what I am doing, he is the one who proposed to give you a million annual salary!”

One sentence revealed too much news.

Kenzo Tsujimoto, in his thirties, has the rigor and politeness of an RB person.

At 9:58, he showed up in the conference room next to Wu Jiang’s office with two assistants.

One of the middle-aged men with glasses is a translator.

What Xie Kai didn’t expect was that Wu Jiang himself understood Japanese, and introduced Liu Dongsheng and Xie Kai to Tsujimoto Kenzo.

Kenzo Tsujimoto’s eyes widened. Xie Kai’s small eyes rolled around for a long time.

Xie Kai understands English, German, Russian, Arabic, Persian, and even some Urdu, but does not understand Japanese. For the two of them to communicate in Japanese, this feeling of incomprehensibility is very difficult to understand. Strong.

They didn’t know that there were negotiations, and they were not equipped with a professional Japanese translator. This feeling was even more uncomfortable.

After the greeting, I went directly to the topic.

“Kun Wu, cooperating with us will be very beneficial to the development of Trisun. As a Nintendo licensed software vendor, the rights can also be shared with you…” Tsujimoto Kenzo’s condition is what we said before Of those.

Wu Jiang knows a lot about Capcom, “President Tsuji, we are very satisfied with your conditions. However, the game board design drawings and game core programs are the foundation of a company.”

Don’t count on the design of the game board.(Read more @

Up to now, Wu Jiang himself has not obtained the game board design drawings.

All game boards are produced by the 691 factory, and then injected into the program by the 404 computer research center, and then provided to the Kaisheng Machinery Factory through the Hongqi Machinery Factory.

Wu Jiang would definitely not tell the devil that he didn’t even see these things.

“Mr. Wu, we need the core program and game board design drawings to better and more perfectly integrate the arcade game into the FC game…” Tsujimoto Kenzo said shamelessly. “So far, most of our FC games have been ported to arcade machines. We have always pursued perfection and have a very good reputation among players.”

Seeing this guy shamelessly trying to steal the board design that he had worked so hard to draw, Xie Kai was suddenly out of breath.

“Mr. President, you don’t need a game program and a game board, you can also transplant it, right?” Wu Jiang asked with a smile.

“No, without these, it will be almost completely re-developed. Even with detailed and complete game settings, this will require a lot of manpower and material resources and increase a lot of costs. I think this is something you don’t want to see.” Kenzo Tsujimoto said calmly.

In a country like China where there is no electronic game at all, there are two games like this, and they have applied for patent protection, even if they want to follow the trend.

Without Kaisheng’s game board, a game designed by a small company to follow suit, the picture is not clear, not smooth, and there are no players at all.

What do these Chinese know?

“President Kenzo Tsujimoto, if you want the core program and game board design drawings, it should not be for the purpose of porting arcade games to FC game consoles more perfectly, but for the convenience of developing games of the same type. As for the game board, according to our News, your company is developing an SP1 game board based on a 16-bit processor, right?” Xie Kai’s words made the translator look at him in astonishment.

Wu Jiang unceremoniously translated Xie Kai’s words.

“How is it possible!” Tsujimoto Kenzo was taken aback for a moment, and quickly reacted, shaking his head to deny. “I don’t understand what you are talking about. Although we are also developing arcade games, our focus has now shifted to FC game development.”

“Haha, are you? Few of your company’s FC games are original. Most of them are transplanted arcades, right?” Xie Kai looked contemptuous.

Kenzo Tsujimoto frowned and looked at Xie Kai, wondering where this young man emerged from.

Just now Wu Jiang introduced that Xie Kai is also a shareholder of Triumph. I have never heard of this before, and I have never inquired about who designed the “Street Fighter” game.

Even no one knows where the game board is produced.

The only thing we know is that Kaisheng’s game consoles are produced in mainland China.

“We hope to work together and make money together. If you don’t have the sincerity to cooperate, we really don’t have to talk about it.” Kenzo Tsujimoto had an idea.

The game is probably developed by this young man.

What if this young man was dug into Capcom?

How many shares can the Chinese give?

“President Tsuji, if you really want to cooperate, show sincerity. If you want a game program and a board, cooperation is difficult to achieve.” Xie Kai doesn’t want to talk nonsense with the kid. “Everyone in the game industry knows that the game board is the core.”

The original SP1 game board is the world’s first arcade board based on a 16-bit processing chip.

This also makes it extremely difficult for many companies to follow suit.

After all, Capcom has just started development now.

If they get the Kaisheng substrate, then they will launch their own 16-bit substrate in just a few months, and it will be even better than Xie Kai’s.

Picking up a rock and hitting himself in the foot, Xie Kai certainly wouldn’t do it.

At this level, the two sides could not continue the talks at all.

Kenzo Tsujimoto took the people away directly.

Wu Jiang smiled bitterly and looked at Xie Kai, “Originally, we could take the opportunity to make the game more popular. If it is really developed, we can at least sell millions of copies with this game alone.”

“Million copies? Mr. Wu, you underestimated our game, I tell you, if it is developed into an FC game, at least five million copies, or even tens of millions of copies are possible!” Xie Kai said calmly .

Wu Jiang’s understanding of “Street Fighter” is still insufficient.

“I am planning to launch a batch of game consoles in China, but the number of game console substrates provided by Hongqi Machinery Factory every month is too small.” Wu Jiang complained, “If it is produced here…”

Xie Kai glanced at him, “Mr. Wu, give you a task, and you will treat it as an assessment at the end of your internship period. Kaisheng will do big things.”

Wu Jiang looked at Xie Kai in surprise.

“Plan on your side to hold the world’s first “Street Fighter” competition, and give out millions of dollars as rewards!”

“Are you crazy?” Liu Dongsheng shuddered when he heard the million dollars.


Still dollars!

Is this too big for playing?

“Yeah, Xie Kai, we are like this, isn’t it too crazy?” Wu Jiang knew that their arcade machines were very profitable, but Xie Kai gave out a million to reward the champion team, which was too scary.

There hasn’t been such a crazy thing in the game console industry around the world.

“A lot? How many arcade machines have we sold so far?” Xie Kai asked.

“About 100,000 units. Although the market is not saturated, but orders are not as many as before…” Wu Jiang explained.

Xie Kai himself knows that their arcade machines have been reduced from the initial price of three thousand dollars to 2,200 dollars each, because of this reason.

The previous 100,000 units brought him a profit of 200 million U.S. dollars.

“If we hold the “Street Fighter” championship in half a year, some people who think they have good skills, or think that they can become champions with good luck, will they practice desperately?” Xie Kai asked Wu Jiang.

Wu Jiang understood instantly.

“The price will be raised for me!” Xie Kai said coldly, “We finally have the opportunity to grab foreigners’ money, why not grab it? In addition, the domestic market is preparing to launch game consoles. I will negotiate with the Hongqi factory and give priority. Supply the game board.” Xie Kai said, “At the same time, we are preparing to build a top game design team. After the game hegemony is over, we will launch a new game.”

Wu Jiang couldn’t help but look at Xie Kai a few more times.

Express understanding.

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