Chapter 654

“Fuck you? Mr. President, you misunderstood.” Xie Kai shook his head and said.

“Are you talking about something?” At this time, the Lao Fang realized that there were a few Japanese with Xie Kai, “Oh, RB friend!”

“No, this RB friend invited me to dinner. You came just right. No, a big table. They don’t eat. I can’t finish it!” Xie Kai said with a smile.

At this time, if Kenzo Tsujimoto didn’t know what was going on, he would not be the founder of Capcom.

Immediately got up and looked at Xie Kai angrily, “There will be a period later! You will beg me at that time!”

“Mr. Tsujimoto, I don’t know how much money is needed to acquire Capcom?” Xie Kai said with a smile, “Thank you for giving me 10,000 yuan a month’s salary, but I still like being my boss.”

Tsujimoto Kensan had lost all the politeness he had always maintained, and he turned around and left.

“By the way, Mr. Tsujimoto, when you said you invite me to dinner, remember to check out! So who, you follow them out, don’t run away without checking out. I didn’t bring any money…” Xie Kai originally said to the driver of.

As a result, Chen Yu volunteered to follow him out.

The translator did not translate the words to Kenzo Tsujimoto, but Chen Yu actually translated all of Xie Kai’s words in Japanese.


Kenzo Tsujimoto couldn’t hold back a mouthful of blood anymore, and squirted it out.

Unexpectedly, he dug someone to Kaisheng’s boss.

I also blame Xie Kai for acting too much and making him fooled.

“Oh, didn’t you let you settle the bill before leaving? If you invite someone to eat, should you let the customer pay? Doesn’t this lose the face of your country?” Chen Yu saw the two holding Tsujimoto Kenzo out without paying the bill, loudly Shouted.

Several security guards ran over.

“Look for them to collect money, and they treat.”

So angry Tsujimoto Kenzo squirted blood again…

“Why are you mingling with the little devil?” Lao Fang asked Xie Kai with a surprised look, “Isn’t it the time to deal with things here?”

“Your schedule is tight enough.” Tao Jie asked with a mockery.

Xie Kai looked at the two of them, guessing their purpose, and grinned, “The little devil came by himself and wanted to dig me to their company. It’s not like you were talking about this before you came, give me 10,000 yuan a month The wages of this person can be converted into a ten-thousand-yuan household in one month. Unfortunately, it was disturbed by you…”

Lao Fang and Tao Jie looked at Xie Kai with weird faces, and then glanced at each other. Qi Qi said to Xie Kai, “You are really boring.”

“You two, let’s eat first. Little devil treats guests. Don’t eat for nothing.” Xie Kai didn’t want to talk about it any more. When the devil came to the door, he didn’t care about Kenzo Tsujimoto, but he had to care about the kid The game industry.

In the entire world, the game industry of Little Devils is considered top-notch.

Xie Kai wants to use the game industry to make money, and the little devil can’t get around it anyway.

But now, he has no way to directly invest heavily in research and development.

“Xie Kai, discuss something. If we want to buy shares in Kaisheng…” Tao Jie asked Xie Kai instead of eating.

Xie Kai squinted at the two of them, without speaking.

“You set the price, and if we think it is appropriate, we will give it.” The old party knew Xie Kai’s thoughts and did not explain much.

“You have a lot of money? The early demand for funds in Africa is not a small amount…” Xie Kai’s face was calm, but he muttered in his heart.

Kaisheng game console company now needs to expand its scale. In order to better cope with the upcoming competition with Nintendo and other companies, he needs a large amount of funding to quickly develop game products to support the entire game industry.

“There is not much money. If it is really worth the investment, loan or anything is not a problem.” Sister Tao said with a smile. “50 million, we only need 20% of the equity. The price is not high, and it will definitely not be too low.”

“Sister Tao, do you think this is buying Chinese cabbage in the market, and you can buy a big car for five yuan?” Xie Kai smiled and shook his head.

Just kidding, it’s naive to think about taking one-fifth of Kaisheng’s equity with 50 million.

“Kasen looks really good now. The price is relatively low compared to the current profit of Kasen. So far, Kasen is supported by two games, and the market is relatively saturated… Now Kasen is setting up game development Department, there are not many talents in game development in China…” Sister Tao looked at Xie Kai and pointed out Kaisheng’s current problems with a smile.

Xie Kai also smiled and looked at the two, “Sister Tao, your analysis is really good.”

“So, when Kaisheng needs to rapidly expand the development and design department in a short time, the demand for funds is very large.” Tao Jie looked at Xie Kai, “We hope to cooperate. If you think the price is low, you can Make an offer.”

“The price is nothing to discuss. Fifty million, if it’s US dollars, you can consider giving you 5% of the shares.” Xie Kai said quietly.

“Kaisheng is worth a billion, or is it US dollars? I heard you right.” Lao Fang took a breath, “Taozi just mentioned all Kaisheng’s problems. Xie Kai, everyone is watching Kaisheng’s situation. Now, we are not Qian San’er and the others, but we are not fools either.”

Speaking of the latter, Lao Fang’s tone was already full of dissatisfaction.

Xie Kai this is blackmail.

Kaisheng’s annual turnover is less than 400 million U.S. dollars. All of it relies on two similar games. The popularity of the market has decreased. Xie Kai said that the company is worth one billion U.S. dollars. No one will. Believe.

“I know what you think. Not only you know the situation of Kaisheng, but even Capcom and even Nintendo.” Xie Kai remained calm.

Lao Fang and Tao Sister did not speak, listening to Xie Kai’s explanation.

“In half a year, Kaisheng will hold the first “Street Fighter” game global championship, and will give out a huge bonus of millions of dollars to the champion!” Xie Kai said calmly.(Read more @


The two took a breath again.

“In addition, Triumph will launch the TV version of “Street Fighter”, “King of Fighters” and a new game after the global championship is born in half a year. In the same period next year, not only will the street have the opportunity to hold the world championship, but the TV version will also Hold the championship game…” Xie Kai calmly stated his plan, “Under such a situation, you two, do you say that Kaisheng is worth a billion dollars? If I want, I can go to New York Nasdaq or Xiangjiang goes public. Even if it does not go public and directly conducts an IPO, you said, Triumph is stimulated by these policies, what is its valuation?”

The old party was silent.

Sister Tao is also speechless.

They understand the news about Kaisheng, all on the surface.

Without any R&D team, Kaisheng suddenly launched a popular game in the world, and injected a shot in the sluggish arcade game market, which inevitably attracted a lot of attention.

No one knows who developed the game console and game of Kaisheng Company, and who developed the game board.

Otherwise, someone would have already done something to Kaisheng.

“Kaisheng will launch a new game?” Chen Yu, who didn’t know when he came in, asked with excitement, “What type? “Street Fighter” is really fun. It took me a lot of effort to make one! ”

“What type will not be revealed for the time being, it will definitely not be worse than “Street Fighter”, or even more popular!” Xie Kai has this confidence.

“How many shares are you going to sell?” The old party was silent for a while before asking Xie Kai.

“20%.” Xie Kai estimated.

Selling 20% ​​of the shares is indeed painful. In the future, if Triumph develops into a company like Blizzard, 1% is worth more than US$200 million.

But now Xie Kai needs money.

It is necessary to expand Kaisheng’s R&D team, and it needs to not only survive, but also develop rapidly under the pressure of the upcoming little devils game industry.

“So much?” Lao Fang sighed.

In any case, they can’t eat it. With their financial strength, 5% can’t eat it.

5%, you get fifty million dollars!

“I don’t want to, but I need money. It is not only Kaisheng that needs to expand, but also other businesses.” Xie Kai is really helpless.

To take this opportunity to pave the way for the aircraft carrier to return to China, it is necessary to support the early-stage development funds of some of the mines planned for Africa.

“Let’s discuss it, don’t you want to find someone else, how about it?” Sister Tao asked.

Xie Kai nodded.

After the meal, Tao Jie and others did not talk to Xie Kai about the cooperation in Africa, but began to discuss the acquisition of Kaisheng equity from Xie Kai.

“If possible, we can eat all of the 20% of the equity.” Tao Jie said to a few people, “Xie Kai is right. If the IPO is really carried out in half a year, the price will be far more than this. ”

“Could it be that he knew that we had thoughts about Kaisheng and said that deliberately?” Chen Yu asked.

Lao Fang shook his head, “Look at the fate of Qian San’er and others. I want to force it, but the possibility is unlikely. It is already a great favor for him to give this price.”

“Brother Fang is right. They will definitely spread the news to the world in the near future. The huge reward of millions of dollars will drive all gamers crazy. Who doesn’t want to end up with this huge reward of millions of dollars? The winner? Even if you can’t get it, as long as you can get a little place, it’s worth saying…” Sister Tao explained. “Chen Yu should know the most, watching him drag everyone to play games as soon as they have nothing to do.”

Several other people understand, especially Chen Yu.

Not to mention that Chen Yu is like that, as long as anyone has played, they want to be better.

“Tell me how much money everyone can get.” The old side sighed. Xie Kai is much younger than them, but understands people’s hearts and humanity better than them.

There will be a wave of “Street Fighter” all over the world.

“Brother Fang, where is Africa? There is also a lot of funds needed…” one person asked.

“Look for a domestic mining company to cooperate! As long as you get the mining rights, take a loan!” Lao Fang gritted his teeth and said, “As long as Kaisheng has maintained such a speed, he will be able to pay back for up to two years. And he needs funds for expansion. Kaisheng’s development team.”

“I can get 80 million, but it’s not US dollars.” Sister Tao said. “As much as you pay, you will have as many shares! At that time, we will set up a company to hold these shares, and then divide the shares according to how much everyone pays…”

When Lao Fang and others raised money to acquire the shares that Xie Kai was about to sell, Xie Kai and Tan Lin sat face-to-face.

“One hundred million U.S. dollars, 10% equity.” Xie Kai quoted, “Only cash is accepted, and foreign exchange is required. Bargaining is not acceptable.”

Before Tan Lin could speak, Xie Kai added.

Tan Lin looked at Xie Kai, his eyes almost protruding.


Grab money.

A 10% stake will cost 100 million U.S. dollars.

Only foreign exchange is required, bargaining is not accepted, and cash is also required.

“This price is acceptable. But you all want U.S. dollars. Who can take it out in China?” Tan Lin sighed, “I can settle with you at a price higher than the official exchange rate.”

Xie Kai also talked about Kaisheng’s next plan, and Tan Lin is a sensible person.

Triumph is regarded as the most profitable company in China.

But they are Hong Kong-funded enterprises, foreign businessmen too!

How many people know that the largest shareholder of this Hong Kong-funded enterprise is an authentic Chinese?

Still a young man about to go to university.

Xie Kai shook his head, “Brother Tan, I need this money to be useful. In our country, even if an individual goes abroad, it is extremely difficult to apply for several thousand dollars in foreign exchange.”

At present, there is still a serious lack of foreign exchange in the country, and the control of foreign exchange is even more stringent in the world.

Foreign businessmen or foreign companies sending people to China must first convert their foreign currency into foreign currency vouchers before consumption.

Many specific commodities can even be purchased only with foreign exchange certificates.

Xie Kai opens his mouth and asks for 100 million US dollars in foreign exchange. Who can satisfy?

“If this is the case, I think it will be difficult for us to achieve cooperation on this. I just took more than five million US dollars of equipment from your hands, and you opened your mouth and asked me for 100 million US dollars…” Tan Lin smiled bitterly. Xie Kai.

“That’s okay, how much can you eat, and the remaining Kaisheng will be raised to the world.” Xie Kai squeezed his eyebrows.

“How much did Fang Qiang and the others give?” Tan Lin rolled his eyes, not being fooled by Xie Kai at all.

“Not much, only 10%. How much they can eat, I don’t know yet.” Xie Kai sighed, “Everyone is poor, otherwise, I wouldn’t buy it at such a low price.”

“…” Tan Lin was about to scold.

Since you know that everyone is poor, are you embarrassed to rob everyone?

As a result, he robbed a group of people and made Xie Kai rich.

“Ge Tan, in a few days, Kaisheng will disclose the news to the world. The remaining equity, public fundraising, I think it will be easier when I think of it.” Xie Kai looked at Tan Lin without speaking, and said.

It was a helpless move to let Tan Lin join in.

Lao Fang represents a group of people, and Tan Lin represents another group of people. Judging from the performance of Lao Fang and others, Tan Lin and the others have a deeper background, and Lao Fang and others can’t compete with them.

Give Tan Lin their shares, they will be eaten so that there are no bones left.

Giving them to Lao Fang instead of cooperating with Tan Lin and them, which gave them an excuse.

Just relying on Tan Lin just saying that they gave 300 million or more of money, we can see their strength.

“Hey, 20% is only sold for 200 million US dollars, I have to die!” Xie Kai sighed.

It seems that a few hundred million have been lost.

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