Chapter 660

“General, why did you come in person?” As soon as Xie Kai got off the plane, he saw Kovarubi, which was unbelievable.

This guy seems to be very positive.

Kovarubi looked at Xie Kai, his dark face showed white reflective teeth, “Thanks, did you bring things?”

“It’s all in the cargo hold. One battle is enough.” Xie Kai said with a smile.

Feelings This old man is not to welcome himself, but to welcome the anti-armor missiles and anti-tank armor-piercing shells he brought with him.

“President Bagaza is waiting for you. As long as the contract is signed, our mercenaries can be dispatched. This is a legal action…” Kovarubi believed Xie Kai.

If Xie Kai can’t get these things, they don’t know where to get them.

The 359 tank is upgraded from the 59 main battle tank, but the barrel caliber is much larger than that of the 59 main battle tank.

Every year, Tanzania arranges for overseas students to go to China to learn the driving and command of armored vehicles. It is equipped with an armored force that is not small in Africa. Even Gaddafi in Libya was overthrown by them.

Armour-piercing bullets are not available in many countries in Africa.

After all, old second-hand tanks from decades ago can be cleaned without special armor-piercing bullets.

“Sign the contract here? I don’t know the details yet.” Xie Kai frowned and said.

He is not polite, but fact.

The mercenaries have not been here for a long time, the combat ability, and the level of the place are not his knowledge.

Although Ibrahim told him that Liao Dong was more active than anyone else, Xie Kai didn’t think this was the case.

Liao Dong did not feed back any news to China.

“Liao Dong is also waiting for you here.” Kovarubi said, “Mr. President specifically approved. We can provide whatever heavy equipment the mercenary group needs.”

Xie Kai looked at him, not knowing what to say.

Kovarubi and Mwini are using the military strength of the entire Tanzania to profit themselves?

Tan Lin, Fang Qiang and others saw that Xie Kai had such a speculative conversation with a black general, and his thoughts were complicated.

Before arriving here, the Lao Fang and the others did not have such a reception standard, and the Il-76 flew directly to the station of the crab mercenary group.

After the greeting, the greeted convoy set off, still in the villa area where Xie Kai and others were here.

Liao Dong waited for Xie Kai in the villa.

“What do you think about the situation in Burundi? Have you been in contact with Bagaza? What is the military strength of Burundi, how can the mercenary group win?” Xie Kai saw Liao Dong and asked a series of questions. .

He doesn’t understand the military, and he is not good at fighting.

But he knows better than anyone that Burundi has hundreds of American and French tanks that are more advanced than 59, and hundreds of armored vehicles that are more advanced than Type 63. This battle is not easy to fight.

Liao Dong looked at Xie Kai and smiled bitterly, “This is the battle for our mercenary group to gain a foothold in Africa.”

In a word, it contains too much information.

“So, we don’t have any advantage?” Xie Kai frowned.

When Ibrahim looked for him, he felt that Liao Dong was not such a person.

Liao Dong was only a scout before, and he was not good at armored operations at all.

At present, the mercenary regiment has nothing to build in terms of armored forces and the air force, but has recruited some experienced armored forces retired personnel and air force fighter pilots from the country.

There has not even been an exercise of coordinated air-to-ground operations.

“How many anti-tank missiles did you bring?” Liao Dong did not answer, but asked Xie Kai bitterly, “Whether it is Ibrahim or Kovarubi, they all hope to take this order. 60 million U.S. dollars, which can support the entire mercenary group to recruit more people.”

“If you have money, you have to spend your life!” Xie Kai said dissatisfiedly, “You are my spokesperson here, and we hold the largest equity in our hands.”

Although not an absolute controlling stake, Xie Kai is the largest shareholder.

Up to now, the river crab mercenary group still has Liao Dong and others as the backbone.

“The gold mines in northwest Burundi, their other domestic mines, infrastructure, etc., are all needed by domestic units to come out.” Liao Dong looked at Xie Kai with a serious expression, “Although Burundi has a lot of armored vehicles, the combat effectiveness is really not good. That’s right. Moreover, hundreds of tanks were concentrated around Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi. After the capital was taken, the rebellion was put to rest.”

“Is it too easy to think?” Xie Kai frowned and asked, “Brothers come out, no longer for honor. Once you sacrifice, the flag is wrapped around you, you may not be able to do it.”

Xie Kai looked serious.

“Most brothers want to fight this battle. Our reputation and dignity are not based on charity from others.” Liao Dong looked at Xie Kai with a firm expression, “It is normal to have sacrifices in a war. Baga I’m waiting for you to sign the contract.”

“Has the Angola task force been dispatched?” Xie Kai asked suddenly.

Liao Dong looked at Xie Kai, and he was a little stunned for a while, “It hasn’t been long since I was dispatched. Why, do you doubt it?”

The teams sent to Angola are dominated by the guerrillas of Kabila, the special soldiers of the Iraqi Presidential Guard, and the experienced mercenaries of the River Crab Mercenary Corps almost all serve as consultants.

Even Tanzania did not send many people.

All this is what Xie Kai thought of on the plane.(Read more @


On this, he does not intend to make any concessions.

There are only 20 anti-tank missiles, and even the newly developed tungsten core tail shelling armor-piercing projectile, he brought the entire 404 inventory, but only 300.

Replaced with the armored soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army, let alone 300, even if only 200 are enough.

Expecting the Tanzanian armored soldiers to be able to deviate on the course of advancement, they are hitting all shots?

forget it.

With the arrival of the second-hand 59 tanks of the domestic retired tank soldiers, they went directly to the battlefield without training, which is not appropriate.

The soldiers arranged in the mercenaries by Iraq and Pakistan are mainly army scouts.

In fact, they are special operations forces.

For special operations forces, Xie Kai does not have much confidence in directly killing the opponent’s armored forces.

What Jobuya learned was armored warfare.

From the station to Burundi, the distance is not short, and it can be considered a long-distance attack. Maybe the Tanzanian armored forces drive the tanks to other places.

“Thanks, we can provide armored troops.” Kovarubi didn’t expect that Xie Kai would suddenly change the conditions.

“This is not a condition for someone to provide armored forces. President Bagaza gave very generous conditions, but we can’t help but consider their armored forces. If there is more air combat support…”

“Impossible! Their air force only has four old planes from the Second World War. Joba has spent the past few years of military spending on the formation of their armored forces.” Kovarubi said, “Although the number is large, but Lack of training.”

“Jobua and Kabila can’t deal with each other, but Mobutu has always wanted to kill them, and Mobutu has always been very close to the American CIA.” Xie Kai said.

No one would believe that Jobuya came to power without the support of the CIA.

He has made too many second-hand American tanks.

Kabila’s guerrillas have always been active in the mountains of southern Burundi, and they have a good relationship with Bagaza. It is also because of this that Burundi did not destroy them.

“We have been learning from the People’s Liberation Army. Even if there are some mercenaries from Europe and the United States in Burundi, they are not our opponents. This is our Africa!” Kovarubi said coldly.

In Burundi, Joba looked at the few white men in front of him who were wearing no military ranks, and said with a smile, “Major Ananda, thank you for coming. I will be relieved with you.”

“Your armored force is indeed too rubbish.” said a forty-year-old white man in the lead. “Your Excellency, we hope that you will send a company of tanks to us. Your armored force only needs to cooperate with us.”

“This…” Joba hesitated.

“It is difficult for your tank soldiers to hit a target 1,000 meters away. You must know that you are facing mercenaries from China!” Major Ananda said coldly, “They want to end the war as soon as possible. They will definitely use their people to form an armored company with sharp knives…”

“But they also have armored troops from Tanzania. These armored troops are trained by the Chinese alone!” Jobuya said worriedly, “I hope you can be dispersed to each tank, so that more tanks can perform better. Strong combat effectiveness.”

“No! We refuse! It’s not that you look down on you, your country’s tank soldiers can’t even meet the most basic armored combat requirements.” Another white man said. “As long as we hit the firepower to solve the Chinese tank soldiers, those Ugandan tank soldiers, you don’t have to think about it at all.”

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