Chapter 673

“Destroyed 43 tanks, wounded 17 vehicles, and captured 22 intact tanks? Destroyed 17 armored vehicles and seized 43? Are you kidding me!” Ibrahim did not believe the results of the crab mercenary armored unit.

Tanzania’s troops still had 150 kilometers, and Iraq’s armored contingent retreated to the border.

Relying on 11 second-hand Type 59 tanks and 11 armored vehicles to achieve such a result with an absolutely weak force, isn’t it a joke?

It is possible to use the most advanced tanks in the world to fight this battle.

“Yes, this is absolutely impossible, it must be a false report of military exploits!” Kovarubi didn’t believe it either.

Tanzania’s tank unit has not achieved such a great battle since its formation.

“Mr. Minister, the frontline needs troops to do the aftermath work, and our loss is not small. There are only six tanks and nine armored vehicles that can fight!” Liao Dong looked at the two without explaining. “Although most of the opponent’s armored forces have been resolved, there is also Bujumbura!”

“I immediately ordered Beyoma and Aiglu to reinforce quickly!” Kovarubi said.

“Jabri’s team can reach Kabez in two and a half hours.” Ibrahim also said immediately.

Now is the time to take credit.

Especially for Jabry and others, they need to be gilded, otherwise, the middle and high-level officers of the Tikrit Division will not have the qualifications to come up with.

“It’s all bastards!” Liao Dong scolded as they watched the two arrange arrangements.

Xie Kai looked at him and felt very satisfied, “We should be thankful that we have achieved such a great result. The business of the mercenary group will be very busy in the future.”

In Africa, there are rebellions all the time.

Bagaza used 60 million US dollars to regain his power with some mining rights in just a few days. This is definitely a good advertisement.

“No, we should have a headache. There is too much business, and the forces we can use…” Liao Dong is worried about this.

No one is taking this war seriously.

“In any case, it can’t be like this time. The expansion of the crab mercenary group is a must. Whether it is infantry or ground troops…” Xie Kai reminded Liao Dong.

Liao Dong nodded, “I have discussed with Rabbit and the others, and I just want to hear your opinion.”

Xie Kai looked at Liao Dong and waited for him to say.

“We are going to recruit a group of retired officers and soldiers from Pakistan and the Soviet Union.” Liao Dong looked at Xie Kai when talking about the Soviet Union.

The Soviet special forces fought against the river crab mercenary group in Afghanistan.

The other party suffered a lot.

“Can the Soviets let go of their hatred?” These words are in line with Xie Kai’s proposal, “If they participate, it will be better. Round combat ability and combat awareness, they are much more reliable than Iraqis and Tanzanians.”

“After all, our opponent is a Western veteran.” Liao Dong said with a smile, “I’m afraid you don’t agree.”

“What do I disagree with? You decide these things yourself. By the way, I am going to talk to Bagaza this time about establishing a barracks in Burundi.” Xie Kai said.

What Tanzania did this time is really disturbing.

What’s more, for the lost fighter this time, Kovarubi and the others must be deducted from the commission they deserve.

Maybe they will get stuck on the neck of the crab mercenary group.

“I think so too. This time, it has sounded the alarm for us.” Liao Dong said, “Just in the Kabanga area, we want an area along the lake. There is a very large nickel mine over there.”

“Yes, I’ll go talk to him.” Xie Kai nodded.

Although the war has not changed and is almost at an end, the rebels in the capital of Bujumbura have not been resolved, and Jobuya has not been captured. Liao Dong needs to continue to lay out his command.

Xie Kai went to Bagaza, who had been waiting here anxiously for news. After knowing that the airport runway was destroyed, Bagaza was extremely worried.

He regretted pinning all his hopes on such a new mercenary team that had no experience in large-scale combat.

“Really?” Bagaza heard the news Xie Kai had told him, and he didn’t believe it, “hasn’t your large force reached Kigoma yet?”

“The combat capability of the armored unit formed by Joba is too poor.” Xie Kai sighed, “Now there are more than 20 tanks and 40 armored vehicles left in Bujumbura…”

Xie Kai tested Bagaza’s attitude.

The captured tanks and armored vehicles, if the other party wants to go back, they must spend money to buy them.

There are regulations for mercenaries, and the weapons and equipment seized belong to the mercenary combat unit.

Used to give bonuses to everyone, pensions to disabled mercenaries, etc.

“Destroy so many…those captured tanks and armored vehicles, what do you plan to do with them?” Bagaza asked as expected.

Xie Kai looked at him with a smile on his face, “Your Excellency, when we signed the agreement before, we said that the seized belonged to the river crab.”

“I didn’t mean that.” Bagaza shook his head with a helpless face, “Even if you keep these, the annual military expenditure is very large!”

Now Xie Kai doesn’t understand his thoughts.

“I mean, if the river crab mercenary group is kept for its own use, these captured tanks and armored vehicles can be used to form an armored force to fulfill the defense contract with us.” Bagaza saw Xie Kai with a look of doubt and said.(Read more @

Xie Kai thought before, if Bagaza wanted to return the tanks and armored vehicles, how could he refuse, but he did not expect that he would make such a request.

“I know that the tank they are using now belongs to Kabila!” Bagaza kept saying, “If there are armored units, at least the size of two battalions, plus a small air force, the monthly security costs , I can pay 2 million US dollars.”

Sleepy encounter pillow?

Xie Kai really couldn’t believe it.

Whatever they think, Bagaza proposes.

After confirming again and again, Xie Kai didn’t know what to say after knowing that he heard it right.

“Your Excellency, don’t you plan to build your own defense force?” Xie Kai asked. “Although we hope that the more business we have, the better, but all of your country’s national defense tasks are borne by us…”

If they don’t interfere in other countries’ internal affairs, as long as they don’t endanger their interests, they will never do anything.

But all business is given to mercenaries. In the future…

“No, I plan to reorganize our army, and only retain 6,000 to 8,000 light infantry. Please help us train by the crab mercenary group. In addition, according to the situation, we will equip the security team.” Bagaza said seriously.

Xie Kai was relieved now.

Both sides are testing each other.

Xie Kai didn’t know, Bagazza’s thoughts changed after learning about the fighting power of the crab mercenary group.

If there is anything, the river crab mercenary group can quickly overthrow his regime. Instead of spending money on army building, it is better to hand it over to the river crab mercenary group.

The annual security fee of 24 million US dollars can protect his regime from the threat of being overthrown, and the money saved can be used for economic construction.

As long as economic construction achieves results, his position as president will become more and more stable.

Bagaza, who is only 40 years old this year, feels that he can serve as president for another 40 years.

“Your Excellency, you should go back to China. This will reduce the casualties to a minimum.” Liao Dong saw Bagaza and Xie Kai entering the headquarters together. Xie Kai winked him and knew it was done. “We will send the most elite team to escort you back to Bujumbura.”

Bagaza nodded, not worrying about his safety at all.

“Thanks, Liao, thank you for allowing me to regain power. Don’t worry, there will be no problems with what we talked about before. As long as I return to Bujumbura, we can talk about detailed cooperation.” Bagaza was very happy. Said to Xie Kai seriously.

Xie Kai knew that he was talking about mining rights and infrastructure projects.

The crab mercenary group helped him fight, but it was not only for the compensation of 60 million US dollars.

The reputation of the mercenary group, by the way, allows more small African governments that are unable to suppress the rebellion to see the hope of suppressing the rebellion with high efficiency and low cost, and it is to help Xie Kai to obtain mining rights and infrastructure projects.

“I’m waiting for your good news.” Xie Kai said with a smile.

Bagaza did not stay any longer, and walked outside with the members of the special forces team who escorted him.

Three Type 63 armored vehicles were deployed at the headquarters of Kigoma Air Force Base.

“Finally, I can get a foothold in Africa.” Liao Dong let out a sigh as he watched the armored car disappear from his sight.

“When he goes back, we should go and harvest.” Xie Kai nodded, “Brother Dong, the brother who died this time, please give me more pension.”

Liao Dong nodded.

When he fought as a mercenary outside, he died on the battlefield, but he couldn’t cover the national flag on the coffin, let alone become a martyr.

“Brothers disabled, I am going to keep them.” Liao Dong lit a cigarette.

Xie Kai rarely sees him smoking.

“Must stay. If they want, they can go to Kasanga’s farm as security or management staff. Or, do the base logistics.” Xie Kai will naturally not object, “If you have children, help them grow up!”

The mercenaries fight wars and don’t get much money.

Most of the head was taken away by Xie Kai and other bosses. This time the results were brilliant. More than a dozen retired mercenaries from China were killed and many people were injured.

The topic was a bit heavy, and neither of them wanted to continue.

“Kabila, how do you plan to explain?” Liao Dong asked Xie Kai.

The fighter planes and armored vehicles for this battle were borrowed from Kabila.

If it is damaged, it will naturally be compensated.

Kabila purchased 12 top fives and destroyed three this time; J-6 destroyed one, and three were damaged when the Tanzanian landed on the highway and needed repairs, waiting to be shipped from China.

The tanks even lost a lot. Feng Yuan’s tank company was destroyed by three, and two were unable to move. The remaining six were all injured. In addition, the Iraqis lost a lot of them.

“We must be compensated for what we borrowed.” Xie Kai replied, “Once we lose our credibility, it will be difficult for us to develop in Africa in the future.”

Lost credibility, based on non-existence.

Kabila dared to give more than 20 tons of gold to Xie Kai, and dared to lend all the armored vehicles and fighters he bought from China to the crab mercenary group. No one would believe him if he didn’t rely on it.

But now they don’t know what Kabila’s backing is.

Kabila listened to the results of Burundi’s counter-insurgency war reported by him, and he pondered for a long time before he said to his indignant men, “Don’t worry, see how they deal with it before making a decision.”

“Chairman, what if they don’t compensate? That’s equipment worth tens of millions of dollars!” the subordinate said anxiously.

Kabila looked at the other confidants in the same manner, and shook his head and said, “We should give more trust to our allies.”

“But that was the loss of Kovarubi’s people! Once the mercenary puts the blame on Kovarubi, we will be embarrassed.”

“Then wait for them to express their opinions. Since we dare to borrow, we are not afraid that they will not pay it back.” Kabila said calmly.

Others can only give up.

“Two, although the war is not over, there is no suspense.” Xie Kai called Ibrahim and Kovarubi together.

At the beginning, both of them were talking excitedly about the progress of the war, with smiles on their faces, as if their people did not make any mistakes, and the results of the war were obtained by their people.

“Thanks, just tell me if you have any questions. I have received a lot of inquiries.” Ibrahim said with a smile, “Yes, thanks, I heard that you used a new type of armor-piercing projectile during the battle. There is a new anti-armor missile, can you talk about it?”

Ibrahim can be responsible for the procurement of weapons and equipment for Silly Damu.

The result of this battle of the crab mercenary group, the 59 tanks dealt with the legal AMX-30 tanks, which were much more advanced than their performance. With less to more, the Warring States was extremely brilliant.

“Let’s talk about that later. Let’s talk about this equipment loss first.” Xie Kai said solemnly.

Kovarubi’s expression suddenly changed.

The pilots who were alive had already been secretly executed by him.

But this does not seem to solve the problem.

“Thanks, I have all executed the pilots who disobeyed orders.” Kovarubi said solemnly.

He didn’t want Xie Kai to say that they would compensate Kabila for the fighter.

“What’s the use of executing someone? Kabilaken borrowed the fighter to give us a very great favor. He didn’t get any benefits. We must be compensated for the equipment we borrowed, otherwise there will be business behind and the equipment is not enough, what should I do? ”

“The equipment lost by my people will be compensated by the part of the commission I deserve.” Ibrahim was not short of money. His people only lost two tanks and three armored vehicles, and the compensation was less than two million. Thing.

Kovarubi immediately became angry, “Although it is the equipment lost by my people, this is fighting for the mercenary group! It should be counted in the combat cost.”

“Your people violated the order, this is obvious! Up to now, your armored forces have not crossed the border!” Ibrahim looked contemptuous.

“Thank you, I mobilized the manpower from the Tanzania Defense Forces because of the lack of experienced combat personnel in the mercenary regiment…”

“Fart!” Ibrahim interrupted Kovarubi’s words with a mocking look. “They have enough pilots. It is the person you forcibly arrange for you, and they refuse to combine with the Chinese retired pilots because of language barriers. Mr. Minister, you will not forget, are you?”

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