Chapter 675

“Delivery? Mr. Chairman, these missiles are currently in the test stage and have not yet been finalized…” Xie Kai frowned and said. “In addition, in terms of compensation, you need to pay the bills from you first, and then you will pay the bills with us.”

Kabila was disappointed.

Xie Kai looked at him, if the other party canceled the order, he wouldn’t say much.

What is Kabila’s desperate need for anti-tank missiles for?

Mobutu doesn’t have many tanks to fight him at all, and even if there are, those tanks are not even much more expensive than missiles.

“That’s OK, let’s sign the contract first, and the equipment paid by the mercenary group can be directly transferred to your account. The rest is paid in gold, and the payment will be settled after delivery. How?” Kabila asked Xie Kai.

Xie Kai naturally agreed.

After sending Kabila away, Xie Kai pondered for a long time in his room, unable to figure out what Kabila wanted so many anti-tank missiles for, and finally put this matter aside, and waited for Zheng Yucheng and Wang Guilin to talk to Zheng Yucheng and Wang Guilin after returning to China. Let’s discuss it first.

For Xie Kai, a new type of anti-tank missile, Ibrahim is constantly testing, wanting to know the details.

Tanks fight against tanks, and they use similar tanks to face their enemies. Naturally, there is no problem. But the Iraqi infantry lacked effective strike power against the Persian armored forces.

The anti-tank rocket launchers and anti-tank missiles provided by the Soviets were all from more than 20 years ago.

But Xie Kai didn’t want to talk about it with Ibrahim.

In Cabez, I saw the wreckage of the M48 and AXM-30 tanks burnt to scrap iron on two battlefields. Then I asked Jabry’s reliable armored officers and the answer was that even if they use the same number of tanks as the enemy, even Doubled, it is difficult to obtain such a result, the same number of 359 tanks is possible.

As for the use of 11 tanks and 11 armored vehicles to achieve such a result, unless a large number of anti-tank missiles in the hands of the Chinese are obtained.

Not many people know how many anti-tank missiles the crab mercenary regiment uses.

They didn’t even know that before the war, the CIA sent a batch of anti-tank M72 rocket launchers!

Ibrahim just wanted to know how much the infantry would be rewarded if they were equipped with such missiles so that they could deal with armored forces.

“General, please rest assured, we have been working together for so long, and there will be no problems. Sell! It must be sold! However, we have to deal with Burundi’s affairs first.” Xie Kai replied.

If I don’t talk about it with Ibrahim now, Xie Kai naturally has his own plan. After all, Ibrahim and Bagaza negotiated the previous contract.

He needs Ibrahim to help him talk to Bagaza about Burundi’s mining rights and infrastructure.

The war in Burundi is just as speculated at the beginning.

The armored units of the crab mercenary regiment entered Bujumbura without encountering the slightest resistance.

The original plan was to capture Joba alive, but he did not expect that, under the protection of mercenaries from the CIA, Kabez fled secretly just after the end of the blockade.

Bagaza successfully regained his power.

For places like Africa where coups are likely to occur every day, the establishment of a new government is not too complicated. It is just to purge the enemy’s subordinates and those who have betrayed themselves and promote those who are loyal to them.

Therefore, when Xie Kai arrived in Bujumbura on the third day of the end of the Cabez War, there was no trace of the war.

Before Xie Kai met Bagaza, Ibrahim had communicated with Bagaza.

“Thanks, thank you very much!” Bagaza received Xie Kai and his party at the presidential palace that was taken away by Jobuya for half a month. “My Minister of Mines and Industry Minister Kamatia, Prime Minister Alan Madhu Here, we can talk about the specific details of the cooperation between the two parties.”

“It just so happens that these are representatives of our domestic investors involved in mining, smelting, infrastructure, etc…” Xie Kai pointed to Fang Qiang, Carambola, Tan Lin and others.

Mao Wenfeng followed Chen Yu and others, and they were speechless at how casually Xie Kai communicated with the president of a country.

Although it is a small country, people are also the president of a country anyway?

Lao Fang and Tao sister both looked at each other, and both saw seriousness in each other’s eyes.

What I heard before is completely different from what I see with my own eyes.

Even Tan Lin did not expect Xie Kai to have such a good relationship in Africa.

Xie Kai didn’t care about the thoughts of these people. As soon as he said what he said, both the African aunt Kamartya and Alan Ma looked at Bagaza with dissatisfaction.

“Your Excellency, in order to regain power, did you exchange mining rights with them?” Kamatia looked serious. “If you want to change Burundi’s backwardness, it is simply impossible to rely on agriculture and animal husbandry. The only thing that can be developed. It’s the mining industry…”

Using mining rights to exchange political power is a complete humiliation of the country.

Anyone will be uncomfortable hearing it.

Bagaza looked at Xie Kai. Xie Kai said that he would persuade his trusted officials to agree to cooperate, as long as Bagaza was willing to give mining rights.

“Madam Minister, Mr. Prime Minister, I would like to ask, if there is no foreign investment, how can your country develop the mining industry?” Xie Kai asked the two.

The short and chubby Kamatia was sluggish, and Xie Kai’s words happened to ask Burundi’s weakness.

Like other poor African countries, Burundi has rich mineral resources, but there is no way to mine them.

“What is the difference between you and those western capitalists? It’s just for mining, not really helping us!” Kamatia said angrily. “You mine, what can we get?”

“Taxes, infrastructure, a large number of jobs, and even the establishment of a preliminary industrial system.” Xie Kai said calmly.

Burundi is ready to build a model country for China-Africa cooperation.

Therefore, it is not like the capitalists in Western countries who only care about their own interests, regardless of how African countries are, or even pay no taxes. The president is disobedient and just spends money to change president.

“How do you guarantee?” Kamatia was incredulous.

Even Prime Minister Alan Ma was mocking.(Read more @

It sounds good and has a fart.

Xie Kai knew they didn’t believe it.

Without diamonds, it is natural not to engage in porcelain work.

“Madam Minister, Mr. Prime Minister, I really don’t know how to guarantee. You can listen to my proposal first. If you still think that we are for your country’s resources, we don’t need to cooperate.” Xie Kai said.

The two looked suspiciously at President Joba.

Even Lao Fang and Tan Lin cast their sights on Xie Kai.

I haven’t said before that there are any detailed cooperation plans.

“Thanks, let me introduce your plan to my prime minister and minister. I’m just waiting for you to convince them, otherwise, I will definitely be labelled as a bereavement and insulting the country.” Bagaza was extremely curious to know what was going on.

But on the surface, he pretended to be as if he knew it, and just let Xie Kai talk about the plan, so as to show that he, the president, is not traitorous.

In order to regain power, Bagaza did not consider it in detail at all.

Seeing the combat ability of the river crab mercenary group, I didn’t have any thoughts.

“Based on your country is a country dominated by agriculture and animal husbandry, agriculture and animal husbandry account for a large proportion. Therefore, in the process of cooperation, we must first help increase the output of Burundi’s grain and cash crops…” Xie Kai sighed Screamed.

Unfortunately, the Minister of Agriculture of Burundi is not here.

This is the case in most countries in Africa, where agriculture and animal husbandry are the mainstay. Due to the policies of the Western colonists at the time, most countries have a single economic structure and low production efficiency.

“How to increase production should be discussed with our Minister of Agriculture.” Allen Ma said coldly.

Xie Kai is nonsense.

“To increase agricultural output, chemical fertilizers are needed; for animal husbandry to develop, feeds are needed.” Xie Kai said calmly, “So, before we talk about cooperation, I can build a fertilizer factory for returning home through the relationship between our units. Interest-free loans for feed mills…”

In this way, it has something to do with industry.

Burundi does not have a fertilizer plant or a feed plant.

There are not many in all African countries.

“Burundi is rich in peat resources, as well as a large amount of phosphate… Fertilizers and feeds produced can be exported to neighboring countries after satisfying their own use…”

Peat is the coal with the lowest degree of coalification. It can be used not only as a fuel, but also as an organic fertilizer, and because it is rich in a variety of compounds, it can extract protein feeds, biological growth agents and plant stimulants in the chemical industry.

The current use of peat is only for fuel.

Hearing Xie Kai’s words, Kamatia immediately became happy.

As the Minister of Mining and Industry, she can think about the mineral resources in the country.

Xie Kai undoubtedly pointed out a way for her.

Even so, there is no problem.

“This is very good, but if all the processing plants etc. are in your hands…” Kamatia was happy and recovered her calm.

The Chinese are painting cakes for them.

It’s no different from those in Europe and America, isn’t it?

It’s just that it has been upgraded, and it has become less fruitful.

“No, we don’t intend to control all in our own hands.” Xie Kai shook his head and said, “Cooperation was originally for a win-win situation. We invest for profit. Of course, we have to consider the interests of our partners. Therefore, according to our China Investment Promotion Policy The way is to establish joint ventures in these industries.”

Xie Kai did not say which aspects to establish a joint venture.

Even so, it made Kamatia really happy.

Xie Kai wants absolute controlling rights, no problem.

There are not many professional talents in Burundi, but not many management talents.

“As for the nickel ore with the largest reserves in your country, this is a mineral resource that is in great demand in our country.” Xie Kai changed the subject again.

Burundi is a small country with only more than 20,000 and less than 30,000 square kilometers. The nickel ore reserves are 300 million tons, the grade has reached 1.5, and the nickel reserves are as high as 4.5 million tons. In China, there are only 9 million tons of nickel ore.

For a large country to develop, it needs a huge amount of resources.

Nickel, whether for military or civilian use, has a wide range of uses.

Nickel is indispensable for stainless steel, high-nickel alloy steel and alloy structural steel. In the military industry, aircraft, radars, missiles, tanks, ships, spacecrafts, and atomic reactors are widely used.

More powerful engines for fighter jets are indispensable.

Xie Kai doesn’t care about Burundi’s gold, but it’s rare for nickel.

On this point, Tan Lin had the same idea as him.

“Do you want the right to mine nickel?” Kamatia asked warily.

Nickel is a very valuable thing in the international market, and it is also the most valuable thing for mining in Burundi except for gold.

“No, we want nickel!” Xie Kai said, “Mr. Tan Lin represents a huge mining company. He doesn’t just want nickel ore. After all, there is no outlet in Burundi.”

Tan Lin received Xie Kai’s signal and hurriedly said, “This is indeed the case. Regarding your country’s nickel ore, both of us can cooperate in mining or mine in your country. We invest in a smelting plant and directly transport high-purity nickel back to China…”

I talked to Xie Kai before.

Tan Lin feels that instead of spending great efforts to transport the raw ore back to China, it is better to smelt here and transport high-purity nickel ingots back to China.

The cost is much lower and the profit is much higher.

“We do not have the ability to mine nickel ore, nor do we have the ability to build a smelting plant…” Bagaza reminded his Minister of Industry.

Kamatia rolled his eyes at the president and said nothing.

Seeing the little movements of the two, Xie Kai’s mind moved. Is there any secret between the two?

“Joint venture!” Tan Lin looked at Xie Kai, nodded when he saw him, gritted his teeth and said, “We provide capital, technology, land, policies, etc., and then calculate equity in accordance with all this. However, there is a requirement, you have to Responsible for infrastructure construction, especially power plants…”

For the nickel mine near Kabanga, Tan Lin was tempted by knowing that Xie Kai could get the mining rights.

Big investment?

No problem, the initial funds are small, so you can do it slowly, and when you have money later, you can continue to expand the scale.

Private companies are not allowed to get involved in large-scale domestic mines.

In Burundi, there is not much sufficient power supply. Without power plants, everything is in vain.

“No problem, we can build a dedicated power plant!” Kamatia said without hesitation.

Alanma frowned, “Kamadia, we have no funds, no technology…”

The power plant problem is not so easy to solve.

Even Bujumbura cannot guarantee electricity supply.

“Didn’t you thank you?” Kamatia smiled and pushed the question to Xie Kai.

Xie Kai has no objection.

Anyway, these are in his plan.

From ore mining to preliminary smelting, to some low-tech preliminary processing, he intends to help Burundi establish.

The entire plan is an economic package called by Xie Kai as a model project in Africa.

At that time, as long as he can intervene in the country, it will be the first stop for Chinese companies to go abroad.

At the same time, these countries that have established a preliminary industrial system will all become their primary raw material suppliers.

“If you can’t get the support of your country’s government for such a huge plan, I think it will be difficult to start. The funds needed are too huge…” Bagaza also slapped Xie Kai’s plan.

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