Chapter 681

“How much?” Long Yaohua thought he had heard it wrong.

An anti-tank missile is sold for 180,000 dollars, which is a bit too much!

“180,000 U.S. dollars each.” Xie Kai said, “The full payment has been paid, and we are waiting for shipment.”

“The brand-new 59 tank only sells for 500,000 U.S. dollars, and you sell for 180,000 U.S. dollars for a missile, or is it a single soldier?” Long Yaohua didn’t know how to describe his current mood.

At such a price, domestic troops whose military expenditures have been compressed cannot really afford it.

“The chief, second-hand 59 tanks, were sold by this kid for 500,000 US dollars. A second-hand 63 armored car, a 200,000 US dollars, a second-hand J-6 for 5 million US dollars, a second-hand early model Qiang-5 for 7 million US dollars… “Zheng Yucheng said invitingly.

Long Yaohua looked at Xie Kai with a strange expression.

Why didn’t people in the military meet such a good customer before?

Xie Kai did not say that if the price of gold traded with the other party is settled at the international price, the price will be even more frightening.

He wouldn’t say even if he was killed, he said, the part of gold that belonged to him could not be kept.

“Tell me about the missile.” What else can Long Yaohua say?

We can only understand the performance of missiles first. Weapons and equipment that are too expensive, especially individual weapons, cannot be used by the current troops.

Weapons and equipment are not only placed there, but usually need to be trained so that the troops can master the methods of use and use them.

One missile goes out, and 180,000 dollars is gone.

Converted into soft sister coins, more than 540,000.

It’s not much cheaper than the 59 tanks equipped by the army, and no matter how useful it is, it can’t be used.

Zheng Yucheng personally introduced the details of this anti-tank missile, and focused on the newly developed guidance and homing method, as well as the specially developed warhead.

“Tandem warhead?” Long Yaohua didn’t understand, “Tandem warhead is not an armor-piercing projectile? The speed of missiles cannot be as high as the initial velocity of tank guns?”

It is indeed incomprehensible to use tandem warheads in the warheads of missiles.

Tandem warheads are generally used on anti-armor rocket launchers, which are armor-piercing projectiles, not armor-piercing projectiles.

“Chief, the 359 tank improved model and began to use reactive armor. Although our technology is not advanced enough, it can also have good results. Europe and the Soviet Union have studied this aspect earlier than us and have strong technical strength…” Xie Kai did There was an explanation.

The reason for adopting such a warhead is that main battle tanks in the world have begun to gradually use reactive armor.

“The initial velocity of the missile is indeed not as high as the muzzle velocity of the projectile. The two are opposite. The velocity of the projectile decreases with the flight distance due to the air resistance; the missile is driven by the engine’s power and inertia. The faster it comes. What’s more, this kind of missile has two attack modes, one is to pierce the side armor, and the other is to attack the weakly armored area at the top…” Zheng Yucheng now has a very clear understanding of the performance of the 404 weapons and equipment.

This unnamed individual man-portable missile has a high cost, but it incorporates many advanced technologies.

Whether it is guidance and homing technology, detection technology, computer technology, small solid fuel rocket engine technology, the use of various new materials, and the entire missile, it is almost a new technology.

This is the first missile designed and produced by the 404 in the past two years on the basis of various basic technology development results.

“So many new technologies? So, as long as the technology is mature and mass production, the cost will be effectively reduced?” Long Yaohua suddenly became interested.

I am even more pleased with the results of the 404 in the past two years.

“Theoretically speaking. This is also the reason why we agreed to export.” Wang Guilin said while looking at Long Yaohua’s expression.

“This matter needs to be discussed and discussed by superiors.” Long Yaohua did not express his support or opposition either.

“Chief, because this missile technology is too advanced, whether it is the guided homing method or the attack capability of combat components, it is only the beginning stage.” Xie Kai said seriously, “The technology is mature, and it needs to go a long way. At the same time, guidance is needed. Ways, etc., are also tests of other new missile guidance methods…

“Immature technology?” Long Yaohua was surprised.

This kind of thing, Xie Kai and others did not explain clearly, so they could only ask Long Yaohua to move and go to the Missile Research Institute to listen to the introduction of professionals.

The 404 Missile Research Institute is the fastest growing unit in the entire base in the past two years, and it has developed faster than the armored vehicle research department as the main source of business.

In the view of the base management committee, the missile technology content is higher.

Not only research on tactical missiles with more advanced performance and longer range than the ground red flag, new avant-garde models, medium and long-range air defense missiles, guided rocket launchers, etc., and even research on guided artillery shells, precision guided bombs, etc.

Most of the personnel are dug from various units.

The top technicians of the Ministry of Aerospace will take turns here in the form of consultants.

Basic-level technical backbones, project leaders, etc., are all people trained by aerospace.

The cooperation between 404 and aerospace has always been very close.

Aerospace has technology and talents. Except for strategic missiles and civil aerospace technology, other military projects, like other domestic military industry units, are short of money!

Why is it that missiles are far more expensive than shells?

It’s a few millions at every turn, and the money is gone…

Strategic missiles are different. It is the three-in-one nuclear strategy in which long-range missile delivery is currently the main force in the country.

Strategic bombers are not good, and the performance of nuclear submarines cannot be compared with Europe and the United States, let alone the number.

“Chief, why are you here?” Zhu Guangyuan, the newly appointed director of the Missile Research Institute, received the news before Zheng Yucheng and his party entered the headquarters of the Missile Research Institute, and brought a group of people to greet him.(Read more @

He is a member of 404.

The space project was left behind when it was evacuated. I thought it would be like this for the rest of my life, but I did not expect that the base has invested more and more in missile research in the past two years. The big shots can easily speak up, and they can veto it.

Even the former leader of the Ministry of Aerospace, who could not speak at that time, now talks in a soft voice.

All this is given by 404.

“The superiors come to learn more about our anti-tank missiles.” Zheng Yucheng said.

Zhu Guangyuan nodded in a hurry, “I immediately asked their project leader to report. Director Zheng, they were still talking about the data of this actual test, they still have a lot of questions.”

“Find someone first and have a small meeting.” Wang Guilin said, knowing who the light sources are.

Xie Kai just watched and didn’t speak.

Long Yaohua looked at Xie Kai.

The current momentum of the 404 is very gratifying. In terms of research and development, other units have projects without funds, and they all start cooperation. Even if the troops cannot be equipped due to cost issues, the country has technology.

Soon, all the light sources called the anti-tank missile related personnel to the technical conference room.

“Although this anti-tank missile has achieved remarkable results, this is not the reason for us to finalize this individual anti-armor missile.” Xie Kai experienced actual combat with anti-tank missiles in Africa, and Xie Kai first made the situation. Introduction. “Especially the target of this battle is the two backward tanks, the American M48 and the legal AMX-30. The armor thickness is not high, and it is not the main target of our missiles…”

“Comrade Xie Kai, regarding the actual combat report and related data you provided, we have some doubts…” a middle-aged man in his forties asked Xie Kai, “In the report, all missiles are in the top attack mode. , There is no actual combat data on the effectiveness of the tank’s armored attack…”

“It’s true.” Xie Kai said, “M48 is an old tank after all. It’s something from the 1950s. Any armor-piercing projectile can easily be scrapped…Even if you attack from the side, it is not a problem. Armor…”

Xie Kai looked at the interrogator, did he mean to ask such a question?

Even if M48 is played from the main armor, what’s the point?

The 120mm main armor can be handled with any RPG.

“Everyone, I know that everyone is very happy with the results so far. Please note that the missiles we have developed are mainly for the third-generation tanks, especially the third-generation tanks equipped with reactive armor!” Xie Kai emphasized. “Soviet T80, American M1, German Leopard 2, etc., not the first-generation old tanks with weak armor and slow action.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

Long Yaohua was also shocked.

He did not expect that the domestic third-generation tanks had just started, and the 404 was already studying the combat weapons of individual soldiers against the third-generation tanks.

“The armor thickness of the third-generation tanks is more than 600 millimeters…” Long Yaohua couldn’t help but speak.

“The head, the spear and the shield, have always developed each other. The shield is too thick, the spear needs to be sharper; the spear is sharp, the shield needs to be thicker…” Xie Kai explained.

The development of human weapons has always been a problem of inability to break away from the spear and shield.

Attack and defense have promoted the development of national defense equipment in countries around the world.

Long Yaohua has nothing to say.

Just listen to them and continue the discussion.

“As for the problem of metal sputtering flow of anti-tank missiles, it is currently impossible to assess. The M48 armor is too weak, especially the top. After being attacked by anti-tank missiles, almost all tanks, whether M48 or AMX-30, are turned into scrap iron. It is inferred that the first stage of our anti-tank missile tandem warhead penetrated the armor of the tank, and the metal sputtering caused by the explosion of the second stage main warhead inside the armor ignited the explosion inside the ammunition compartment, that is Explosion…” Xie Kai introduced the situation.

Twenty anti-tank missiles destroyed twenty tanks.

It was a commendable achievement.

But these twenty tanks are all weakly armored.

The entire R&D team became silent.

In actual combat, no three-generation tanks can be found to test the effectiveness of actual combat.

Even the armor of the 359 tank, these anti-tank missiles, cannot penetrate.

Since we are studying anti-tank missiles, the top armor of the new-generation modification of the 359 tank is thickened and even equipped with reactive armor.

“Xie Kai, what are your thoughts on the next R&D?” Zheng Yucheng glanced at Long Yaohua, who was calm, and despised. This guy was shocked in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be calm.

Xie Kai looked at the R&D team, coughed, and cleared his throat before speaking slowly, “According to this actual combat test, I think the current performance improvement of our anti-tank missiles will be stagnant.”

“How can it be!”

“We can study missiles that penetrate thicker armor.”

“We can test the armor penetration effect of thicker armor…”

With a few words, let all the R & D personnel fry the pot.

Xie Kai, this is nonsense.

As soon as it was developed, it fell into a stagnant stage. What else is being developed?

The project was cut in half?

“I mean, everyone may not understand. At present, no matter whether it is T80 or M1 or Leopard 2, we can’t find the real object. The anti-tank missile can’t penetrate even the main armor of our 359 tank!” Xie Kai looked at everyone, slowly. Open up.

Everyone was silent.

This is true.

In the base test, the test of anti-tank missile attacking the main armor of the new generation 359 tank was simulated, and the effect was not satisfactory.

The effect of domestic reactive armor is not very satisfactory. With reactive armor and increasing the thickness of the top armor, the effect of this missile is not very satisfactory, and it is impossible to break the defense of the 359 tank.

Not to mention dealing with world-class tanks.

The most advanced tanks in the world are thick-skinned and mobile.

“If you have anything to say, just say it.” Wang Guilin saw the light sources hesitated to say something, knowing his thoughts.

No one wants this project to stop like this.

Many people will have no work to do.

“Under the current circumstances, unless there are more powerful engines, faster speeds, and stronger armor-piercing warheads, what we can do is to expand the performance of this missile. It’s not just anti-tank.” Xie Kai Spoke up.

Everyone looked at him puzzled.

How to expand the practical performance of anti-tank missiles?

“According to the actual combat performance, I hope this missile can mark specific terrain in the camera mode, such as trenches, bunkers, buildings and other fortifications; due to the infrared homing guidance mode, it can effectively deal with low-altitude aircraft, such as Helicopters, ground attack aircraft, etc…” Xie Kai said.

This time, the entire conference room was completely exploded.

“This is impossible!”

“It was originally a professional anti-tank missile, how could it deal with aircraft…”

“It’s completely a fantasy…”

If the crowd hadn’t expected that Long Yaohua and Zheng Yucheng were present, they would have taken off their shoes and hit Xie Kai.

Even so, the spit star can drown Xie Kai.

“Everyone, everybody…” Xie Kai knew how unwelcome his words were, and his expression remained unchanged. “On the battlefield of Burundi judging, the Burundian rebels used RPG rocket launchers to knock out the two lightly strong -5s. Ground attack aircraft…”


Deathly silence.

No one could have imagined that the rocket launcher, which was originally a simple individual heavy weapon for anti-armor and ground fortifications, could defeat ground attack aircraft that were much faster than helicopters.

They don’t believe what Xie Kai said.

But Xie Kai didn’t need to lie about this matter, as soon as he checked it, he would find out.

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