Chapter 690

“Brother, building a car is not an easy task.” Xie Kai didn’t believe it when seeing other people, but he believed in Wu Xicheng.

Because he knows who Wu Xicheng is.

“I know, but I still want to build a car. If I can’t build it, let my son build it…” No one laughed at Wu Xicheng’s words.

Everyone knows that the new China has been established for less than 40 years.

The foreign automobile industry has developed for hundreds of years.

“I will help you!” Xie Kai smiled.

Let Wu Xicheng get into the Dafa van, and even guided them intentionally or unintentionally, telling them that this car is a van with backward technology from abroad…

The purpose, isn’t it for this?

He couldn’t slowly wait for Wu Xicheng to complete his studies and enter the enterprise accumulation, and then when he was reborn, he was over half a hundred years old, and Wu Xicheng, who knew the fate of his life, jumped out and formed his own car team.

At that time, they wanted to build the top domestic luxury car brand in China.

Thirty years is too long, Xie Kai can’t wait.

“However, it’s time to sleep now…” Xie Kai didn’t say how to help.

Others didn’t fall asleep all night. College students in this era are very concerned about news. After all, there are no computers, no smartphones, no games, no novels, or even entertainment.

They just entered the university campus today, and all this has had a great impact on them.

The next day, the department held a freshman meeting, and each class began to select cadres. Chen Mingshan personally promoted Xie Kai to be the class leader, but Xie Kai eventually rejected it.

Chen Mingshan understands his situation, this kid can’t stay in school honestly all the time.

What Xie Kai didn’t expect was that Liang Yao, a kid, finally became the monitor, and even Cheng Xiaofeng became a life committee member.

Then began military training.

The intensity is not high, and Xie Kai’s high profile at the beginning of school made him not even hide from the military training. Honestly, this made the department leaders who were watching his every move relieved.

After the military training every day, everyone was tired to death, but Xie Kai and their 201, after the military training every day, went back to the dormitory, not resting, but studying.

The library of Huaqing University is a treasure house for everyone.

In particular, Wu Xicheng, after making his rhetoric, reads books on automobile technology in the dormitory with candles lit every night after the lights are turned off. His speed is very fast, with an average of four books per day.

Four days, it was the speed at which he digested and completed a book!

This is a terrifying speed.

However, this is not a special case of Xie Kai’s 201 dormitory. The other ones all show the essence of learning masters. Reading a book is like turning a book. Only when encountering a formula that cannot be understood or solved, do you talk to the other people in the dormitory. discuss.

It made Xie Kai feel more and more that he couldn’t stay in this dormitory anymore.

Everyone is studying, is he idle alone?

Are you embarrassed?

In desperation, I can only read books.

What are you looking at?

He doesn’t have the kind of learning talents of other academic masters, and professional books, except for the more basic ones, are difficult to digest.

Ever since, Xie Kai, a student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, began to read management books.

From later generations, I have understood a lot of management theories, and even seen a lot. This thing, Xie Kai seems to be effortless at all, and the final speed is much faster than others.

I don’t know if the learning atmosphere in Huaqing University is good, or everyone is bored after the freshness of the university. More and more people are reading in the dormitory every day…

“Boom boom boom…”

Reading is 201, the door of the dormitory was slammed open.

“Sister Juan is coming, there are missed far to welcome, some missed to welcome…” Liang Yao opened the door and saw an angry Sun Juan standing at the door, and there was another cautious face beside him, carefully looking around from the door The boy who looked at them out of his head was embarrassed.

“Huh!” Sun Juan raised her head and ignored Liang Yao and went into the dormitory.

The other people who were lying on the table in the middle of the dormitory and reading were already familiar with Sun Juan, but there were other girls who were at a loss.

“What’s the matter? I’m crazy all day, how can I not marry in the future?” Xie Kai patted his forehead.


Today seems to be Sunday?

“If you can’t get married, I’m responsible!” Almost at the same time, this thought came to the minds of several others in the dormitory.(Read more @

No one spoke.

“You promised me to watch the movie with me!” Sun Juan said dissatisfiedly.

“When did I agree?” Xie Kai looked dumbfounded. After the military training, he went to school to start classes. Except for a trip to Moqi School, he didn’t find anyone. Almost always fights hard with the dorm Study hard. If it weren’t for the school to check and light the candles after the lights were turned off at night, it is estimated that someone would have fallen down long ago.

“Stop talking! You agreed before school started.” Sun Juan said unreasonably…

“Studying. I have to be ready to take over in the future!” Xie Kai can only talk about this. “For these two days, I can only stay in the dormitory. Old Yi is coming over.”

Several people in the dormitory looked dumbfounded. Xie Kai stayed with them every day. He never called or wrote letters.

Who is Lao Yi?

So important to Xie Kai.

“What is the old guy doing?” Sun Juan didn’t believe it at all. “Did you write to Mo Qi?”

“I haven’t had time yet. These calves read books every day when they have time. People like me who don’t like learning are embarrassed to do things other than reading.” Xie Kai explained.

Everyone in the dormitory is speechless, what does this have to do with us?

How will you find someone in the future?

Sun Juan and the others saw that Xie Kai was interesting from the beginning. They couldn’t make up their minds, but Sun Juan came with other girls.

Didn’t look, the boss Liang Yao gave the girl a seat, and the old erhu Dingguo, who usually cherishes his words like gold, is pouring water for the girl?

“Management? Brother, do you still make people live?” Sun Juan looked at the book Xie Kai was reading, and she was a little speechless. “You only learn mechanics and only learn technology. What management do you learn?”

“He will take care of us in the future. Those who engage in technology need to have management?” Cheng Xiaofeng said with a smile, but his eyes kept looking at the girl.

“Boom boom…”

At this time, there was another knock on the door.

“Excuse me, is Xie Kai there?” There was another female voice.

Everyone in the dormitory turned to Xie Kai, and Sun Juan was angry.

Didn’t connect with yourself, and fell in love with a new female classmate?

“Are you?” Xie Kai looked at a woman in her early thirties who was wearing a small suit at the door with light makeup on her face.

“Mr. Xie Kai, I am the interpreter for Mr. Ollells. He wants to see you.” The woman said, “For some reason, he is not suitable for your dormitory…”

“…” Xie Kai glanced at the woman and shrugged sneerly.

“Mr. Mubara, do you know?”

“What does this have to do with Mubara?” Xie Kai immediately asked in Urdu.

In this dormitory, there are not many people who can speak foreign languages, Urdu, it is estimated that he and the translator in front of him can understand it.

Sure enough, the woman showed a relaxed tone.

“Mr. Olales is the nephew of General Mubara, and his son Mulalita is studying in your school…” the female translator said.

Xie Kai frowned, “What’s the matter?”

“Mr. Olers hopes to have an interview with you. Pick up your car, outside…”

Xie Kai was a little curious.

Mubara has never introduced his nephew or anything, if there is something inconvenient to come forward, at least he will tell Xie Kai in advance.

Fake identity?

That is unlikely.

This is the capital of China.

“I have something to do, you guys should be busy first.” Xie Kai said apologetically to everyone.

Sun Juan was unhappy, but didn’t continue. Xie Kai communicated with people in a language they didn’t understand, obviously just not wanting them to hear it. Sun Juan was smarter than anyone else.

“Brother, give me some money. We will go to the restaurant at noon. The food in the school cafeteria is too unpalatable…”

Xie Kai took out a few Great Unity from his pocket, and then followed the female translator away.

“Sun Juan, what language does your brother speak? I haven’t heard it…” The first time I heard Xie Kai speak a foreign language, everyone in the dormitory was still shocked even if they were mentally prepared.

“I don’t know, he might have learned another foreign language…” Sun Juan really didn’t know, knew it and wouldn’t say it, and raised the money in her hands. “It’s a rare weekend, why don’t we two dorms come to have a friendship? There is it too!”

Everyone was overjoyed.

Next to the dormitory, in a relatively hidden place, there is a red flag parked.

Xie Kai is even more confused about the origin of the other party.

Red flags are domestic high-end official vehicles and foreign-related vehicles.

“Mr. Olales is in the car…”

Since Xie Kai is here, I naturally don’t worry about being disadvantageous to me.

Just opened the car door, and on the back seat, a forty-year-old Pakistani with a big beard smiled at Xie Kai.

“Mr. Xie Kai, I’m very sorry, I took the liberty to disturb you, my uncle is waiting for you.” Olles explained that Xie Kai was not in the car.

“Where is he? Why didn’t I receive the notification before?” Xie Kai felt that all this was too unreasonable.

If Mubara finds him, even if he does not pass through the base, he will pass through the military.

Instead of letting people come to find yourself.

“The car is provided by the Ministry of Commerce of your country, and the driver and the translator are also…” Olaers knew that he had come presumptuously, but he had his own difficulties. “My uncle would like to talk to you about the China-Africa route and the Super Seven Project. The problem.”

Xie Kai was stunned.

Could there be any accident in Pakistan?

Weapons from 404 cannot be directly transported to Africa via Pakistan. If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

Few people know about this.

The Super Seven Project, up to now, makes father Xie Jianguo frown all day long.

Finally, I was heartbroken and got into the car.

“Thanks, I’m very sorry, I didn’t notify you in advance. I also just arrived, and the time is very tight. I can only ask my nephew here to pick you up in advance…” Xie Kai met Mubara at the Pakistani Embassy in China. .

“General, you should inform me in advance. I’m going to school now, it’s not as convenient as before…” Xie Kai complained a bit, and at the same time was trying to figure out Mubara’s coming.

But the other party never mentioned about looking for him.

“Is there a problem with the route?” Xie Kai frowned and asked. Today’s Mubara feels a bit strange.

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