Chapter 696

“No, thanks, I think we need to discuss the specific deal with our Egyptian friends.” Mubara, who is lacking in confidence, does not want Xie Kai to sign a contract with the Egyptian in this way.

Fighter production line.

None of them have started to build.

This time, I did not expect that China would easily agree to the Egyptians’ request for purchasing production lines.

“General, for this project, until now, neither of us has signed a cooperation agreement!” Xie Jianguo said coldly, “Before the start of the project, both of us had reached a cooperation intention. We carried out various studies according to the agreement. Your funding has not been in place until now…”

In this cooperation, Xie Jianguo is under the most pressure.

If it was not a Pakistani who expressed cooperation at the beginning, how could it be started like this?

230 million dollars!

“Before, we have been under a lot of pressure on scientific research funding.” Zheng Yucheng was unhappy.

Pakistanis are not upright at all.

Now come to stop the sale of production lines?

Muhanad was worried from the beginning that the Pakistanis opposed their introduction of the fighter production line. Originally, the Pakistanis were to promote the Super-7 fighter. When they arrived in China, the Chinese said that they could sell the production line. They naturally wished to kick Pakistan aside.

“This is your cooperation? The fighter planes are about to fly for the first time, and you have not signed a contract… You guys, we can sign a technology development contract with you right away…” Muhanad heard that the Pakistanis have not signed a specific contract. , The funding is not in place, I’m overjoyed.

Mubara’s face was so gloomy that it was about to drip.

Zheng Yucheng winked at Xie Kai, and Xie Kai took Mubara who was silent and walked outside.

“Thank you, you told me before…” Mubara was angry when he came out.

On the way here, he also specifically asked Xie Kai.

Thanks to trusting Xie Kai so much.

“General, I will take you to see something, then you will make a decision.” Xie Kai did not explain, but took Mubara to the model workshop.

When he saw the canard-wing layout, which was also a large delta wing, and the air intakes on both sides were completely different from the previous one, Mubara’s eyes lighted up.

“This is a fighter that is truly designed for combat. It has air intake on both sides, the air intake is a dual-adjustable multi-wave hybrid compression type, fly-by-wire flight control system…” Xie Kai pointed to this thing and introduced Mubara .

“What are you?” Mubara had a guess in his heart, but he was not sure.

If this is the case, it would be really unacceptable.

Good things come too suddenly.

“What we are cooperating with is a fighter jet project. Super-7A, a comprehensive project of advanced trainer aircraft and light fighter jets, does not satisfy our previous discussions… Super-7B, which is the fighter in front of us, with dual engines. The combat radius exceeds 800 kilometers, the maximum flight speed is Mach 2.5, and the bomb load is 2500 kg…” Xie Kai introduced this project.

This is going on the MiG-29.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, frontline support tactical fighters such as the MiG-29 were selling so well, and Xie Kai was unhappy.

“This project is our cooperation?” Mubara’s voice trembled a little.

This kind of thing was something they hadn’t thought of before.

He didn’t know the specific situation of the Super Seven Project very well.

But this kind of fighter is what they need.

If it really achieves the performance that Xie Kai said, what else is the American F-16?

F-16 may be more advanced than this.

The problem is that the U.S. has no good intentions. The F-16s they purchased before are unwilling to deliver them.

The fighters delivered are all flown by American pilots.

Obviously, Pakistan is not taken seriously.

“Yes.” Xie Kai nodded without hesitation, “According to the original plan, I am going to let you participate in the Super-7A project. I discussed with Director Zheng and the others, and I think this is a bit inappropriate…” Xie Kai said. “Super-7A has the same advanced performance, but it is a light fighter and trainer. General, as a long-term partner, we are more considerate of your interests.”

There is a fundamental difference between double-shot super seven and single-shot super seven.

There is a big difference in maneuverability, combat ability, etc.

“Thanks, your government will allow us to participate in this project?” Mubara saw that Xie Kai said it nicely, but he was a little unhappy in his heart.

Super -7A, you can make a profit immediately after joining in.(Read more @

“Yes. Before, our Super Seven project was divided into two. Due to lack of funds, we first developed a single-engine model with lower technical requirements.” Xie Kai looked at Mubara, and he knew what the other party was thinking.

This is also the way to come, discussed with Zheng Yucheng and his father.

Pakistan also needs trainers, but for Pakistan, this is far less urgent than the need for advanced fighters.

More importantly, in this way, both projects will be shared by people.

They don’t care about whether to share the expenses and reduce the pressure on 404’s research and development funds.

But he cares whether his superiors agree to whether the new fighter can be exported after being developed.

The 359 tank, because of the joint development of China and Pakistan, even if the superiors did not want to export, they had to agree to export.

Xie Kai didn’t think of these problems at all, Zheng Yucheng was an old fox.

Super-7A is not required by the Air Force, and international exports will not be blocked.

The country is eager to export more things to earn foreign exchange.

Super -7B, that’s not necessarily the case.

The Air Force cannot afford it. With the current design specifications and achievable levels, the performance is even surpassed that of the American “Peace Model” J-8II.

Can you sell it?

Only when Pakistan cooperates with this project can it work well.

“Thank you, we also need a lot of trainers. The JJ-7 currently provided by China is not enough…” Mubara doesn’t know how to say it. Anyway, he hopes to get the previous project.

Investing 250 million US dollars, the effect will be seen immediately. The Egyptian order this time is at least 800 million US dollars. Regardless of the cost, the profit will not be too low.

A large part of their investment will be recovered.

Why not get production rights and some technology with a small amount of money?

Xie Kai didn’t want to explain, but now he has to convince the Pakistanis.

“General, trainer, if you need it, do you think the cost will be high as a partner?” Xie Kai asked back.


And it’s not a little bit high.

But Mubara could not say.

Whether it is air defense missiles or tanks, the price Pakistan gets from 404 is much lower than that of other countries such as Iraq.

“If you are only cooperating on this project, even if you can produce, if you want to purchase dual-engine fighters, our country does not agree to export? You know, in China, arms and equipment export restrictions have always been very strict.” Xie Kai said .

In the Sino-Pakistani military trade cooperation, what China provides is not what Pakistan wants most.

If possible, Pakistan would prefer to participate in the 10th project of the Chinese Air Force.

This thing is impossible at all.

Now Pakistan can only take second place.

Super seven!

“Ultra-7B, many technologies are the best in our country. If we develop independently and develop it by then, do you think we can get the complete technology?” There is no need for Xie Kai to talk about these things.

Mubara was silent.

He knew that the Chinese brothers were not guarding them, but guarding the Americans.

There are many Pakistani Americans, and they all require production lines when cooperating with China, and China does not make it difficult for them in this regard.

Just like the previous 359 tank, it not only sold tanks, but also helped build a tank production plant.

The same is true for the current Super Seven project cooperation.

To sell fighters, it is necessary to help them build a fighter production line. Some fighters are produced in China, and some are assembled in Pakistan’s fighter factory with parts provided by China. Later, Pakistan will gradually produce parts domestically to complete localization.

The technology is jointly owned by both parties to jointly improve the model and enhance the performance.

“Why don’t we participate in both projects?” Mubara knew what Xie Kai said.

I don’t want to just give up a project to make money.

“General, sometimes it’s not a good thing to be more involved.” Xie Kai was speechless.

This guy is so greedy.

“Before there was an order, there was no problem with your proposal. But now, I find it difficult. Our Director Zheng, originally had an opinion on your delay in signing the contract. Once we have completed the development, you will directly share the results…” Xie Kai said helplessly, Mubara looked embarrassed.

Fortunately, there are not many people in this empty workshop.

They are all busy with their own affairs.

“Ultra-7A has almost completed most of the development work. There is no problem in terms of funding. Even for the Ultra-7B, most of the development funds are in place…” Xie Kai continued.

The attitude is clear.

Pakistan wants to play together, but they can only choose the dual-issue Super-7B.

“If you cooperate with a dual project, what about the funding?” Mubara wanted to understand all of this and knew that Xie Kai was not fooling himself.

If he is in the position of the other party, it is also impossible to give up the benefits he has obtained.

Even when the opponent desperately needs it, he will slaughter him severely.

“It is still a budget of 500 million US dollars.” Xie Kai said, “Although we are under more financial pressure and technical pressure…”

Mubara didn’t believe it. After more than two years of cooperation, Xie Kai almost never fooled them.

In the end, I had no choice but to believe.

The two negotiated, Mubara no longer objected, and Xie Kai walked to the conference room with him.

There, China and Egypt will start the first round of negotiations.

Of course, this matter is not suitable for Pakistanis who have nothing to do with the project. Huo Haiyuan asked Mubara to introduce the situation of Super-7B in detail before they sat with the Egyptians again.

“What’s the matter?” As soon as Xie Kai entered the meeting room of Factory 132, he felt the atmosphere inside.

Is this just a while longer?

Could it be that the differences between the two sides were too great at the beginning?

“You don’t have any sincerity in cooperation! Both the requested minimum quantity and the unit price are unacceptable to us!” Muhanad complained unhappily when Xie Kai came back, “Thanks, this can be the same as before. The promise is different!”

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