Chapter 901

“Continue to prepare, don’t be so stunned!”

The four front-guard individual air defense missiles flew toward the two C-802 anti-ship missiles flying at high speed, and the same two air defense missiles were used against one anti-ship missile, but this did not make the head of the entire escort team in the minds of Dun Zi. A little bit relaxed.

“French room missile? Flying fish?”

Seeing the anti-ship missiles flying up and down in the distance, someone exclaimed.

“Fart, when the damn F-4 flew over from the deck just now, I saw it. Both missiles were written in black with C-801, our domestic anti-ship missiles!”


For the anti-ship missile, someone has already reported to Dunzi the situation of seeing the C-801 written in black on it.

“What the hell is this!”

Use your spear to attack your shield? Or use your own shield to defend your own spear?

But now, they can’t allow them to have other thoughts to think too much.

If a batch of anti-aircraft missiles launched before cannot be intercepted, they must continue to intercept. Otherwise, the ultimate consequence will not only be hit by the Sea Giant, but the crude oil worth hundreds of millions of dollars in it will be burned out.

More importantly, this will bring immeasurable losses to the reputation of the vanguard individual air defense missiles.

At this critical moment, these mercenaries are not willing to consider at all. They can only keep a close eye on the missiles they launch, hoping that the missiles they launch will collide with the anti-ship missiles brought by the Persian fighter plane. , A splendid firework bloomed on the sea of ​​the Persian Gulf.

“Asshole, isn’t it an ordinary oil tanker? How come there are so many anti-aircraft missiles!”

The F-4 pilot who wanted to determine the outcome of the battle was lifted. When the plane climbed to a height of several hundred meters, he planned to stop and watch the missile hit the other tanker. It can be seen that four anti-aircraft missiles were suddenly launched from the tanker towards him The two launched C-801 anti-ship missiles flew away. Where can I continue to watch?

I hurriedly pull the joystick of the fighter to the end and maximize the throttle. The two J79-GE-17 turbojet engines produced by General Electric at the rear of the fighter are fully afterburner in an instant, and the power of each engine reaches the maximum in an instant, providing 79.6 for the fighter. Thousand-Nine thrust.

With the two engines in full afterburner, the F-4 Phantom fighter jumped up almost perpendicular to the sky and fled in a hurry.

However, no one paid attention to this scene. Only the high-power camera set up on the top of the Sea Giant quickly captured the scene continuously.

Dunzi and the others have been staring at the missile in the distance, not paying attention to the F-4 ghost fighter that dared not approach.

The vanguard air defense missile is about to come into contact with the C-801 anti-ship missile that is still flying up and down without stopping the sea skimming.

Anti-ship missiles are constantly maneuvering up and down, which makes the avant-garde missiles also unable to accurately capture the flight trajectories of these two anti-ship missiles.


On the top of the bridge, a video camera is facing several missiles that are approaching in the distance. The picture is not very clear, but the distance can be seen.

“Boom!” As it approached, an avant-garde missile suddenly exploded.

The small warhead exploded and shrapnel flew in all directions.

And the C-801 anti-ship missile, when the anti-ship missile exploded, fell down, avoiding the exploded shrapnel.


There was another explosion. Just as the anti-ship missile was about to rise, another avant-garde anti-ship missile was detonated by the proximity fuze. The C-801 anti-ship missile was just in the center of the explosion, and finally hit the missile head violently. Shrapnel from the Ministry hit.


A group of gorgeous fireworks exploded.

“Okay!” A steady stump waved his fist heavily, and a deep cry came out in his throat, with veins rising from his fist.

“One more!”

The two midfielders are about to make contact with the second one.

These two avant-garde air defense missiles were launched from the middle fire point of the Sea Giant and the bow fire point more than 400 meters away from the bridge. They are far apart. If they cannot be intercepted, they must be prepared to continue to launch air defense interception.

This distance is short, and the reaction time is short.

“All units are prepared. Once the interception fails, shoot out all the remaining missiles!” Dunzi stared intently into the distance. Although the distance was several kilometers, he couldn’t see clearly with his naked eyes.

Without his order, the mercenaries knew the consequences.

All of the avant-garde air defense missiles have basically begun to be aligned, and even started to be locked.

The tanker was bombed and the first escort mission had failed.(Read more @


The explosion of the Avant-Garde missile did not cause the slightest change in the flight trajectory of the C-801 flying towards this side.

Passing through the explosion area, the missile was still continuously maneuvering up and down, without hesitation, it rushed towards the Sea Giant, which did not even make an evasive action.


The last avant-garde missile was left, which was staggered with the huge C801 at a distance of tens of meters. When it was waiting to turn around and catch up with the anti-ship missile, the C-801 was already less than 3 kilometers away from the Sea Giant.

With the C-801 level flying at Mach 0.9, within 10 seconds, this huge missile will hit the oil tanker Giant at sea!

“Hoo~ son~”

With the sound of a series of missile launches, five avant-garde missiles dragged the blazing white tail flames, rushing toward the sea with the breath of death at high speed.

“You must stop it!” Dunzi didn’t believe in ghosts and gods.

At this moment, he began to pray to the Mantian God and Buddha that he must be stopped.

This escort basically did not make much profit. Ten avant-garde air defense missiles, all of which are 800,000 US dollars…

If the interception fails, the escort fails and the loss is even greater.

“Da da da……”

The machine gun at the fire point in the middle of the deck of the Sea Giant has been turned around and fired at the C-801 anti-ship missile several kilometers away.

Knowing this is useless work, but just waiting like this is not the style of mercenaries.

“Da da da……”

All four firepower points fired.

Even the other mercenaries held 81 bars and fired weakly.

The dense bullets gathered, and the machine gun bullets flew out, and there was no way to intercept them.

The five avant-garde missiles pounced from different directions. The missiles on both sides were fast, and they were moving towards each other. In just 4 seconds, they met at a distance of about 2 kilometers from the Sea Giant.


When the C-801 anti-ship missile exploded in the avant-garde, it suddenly climbed to altitude, avoided the exploded shrapnel, and continued to move forward.


Another avant-garde exploded.

However, C-801 continues to move forward as always.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Almost at the same time, the remaining three avant-garde air defense missiles all exploded, and the warhead exploded to form a complete barrage, blocking the front of the C-801 anti-ship missile that was flying happily up and down the sea.


The remaining C-801 anti-ship missile was finally detonated.


Cheers sounded instantly.

“Boss!” At this time, Dunzi’s body shook and almost fell, but his comrades around him did not fall.

“It’s okay, I was too nervous just now. I tried too hard.” Dunzi let out a sigh. At this time, his forehead was full of Han water, and he didn’t even know when his clothes were soaked in sweat from his nervousness.

For so many years, I have been on the battlefield, and I have never used this once to make these mercenaries nervous.

Even if they may lose their lives at any time in the rain of bullets, and even after the sacrifice, they are not easy to return to their ashes. They have never been so nervous on other battlefields.

“Boss, that fighter hasn’t left yet!” someone pointed to the F-4 ghost fighter circling constantly in the sky with only a small spot.

“He doesn’t dare to come down!” Dunzi said.

With this, there is no confidence in my heart.

Ten avant-garde missiles were all used up. Originally, when six launch tubes were added in Kuwait, everyone thought it was too wasteful.

But at this moment, they are eager to have dozens more shots.

To deal with the C-801 anti-ship missile, which has an extremely coquettish flight path, especially the target is the Sea Giant, which is more than 450 meters long. It is a huge moving target. When it comes back, the Giant has to stop.

“Who are these people! On an oil tanker, there are so many anti-aircraft missiles.” The pilot on the F-4 fighter plane saw through the radar that the opponent launched 5 missiles in succession. In addition to the previous one, 10 had already been launched. How can we not be shocked when we have an anti-aircraft missile?

This is just an oil tanker!


It is not a frigate with air defense capabilities.

“It must be reported back to the headquarters as soon as possible.” The F-4 pilots were afraid to go down. Although ten of them had been launched on this tanker, who can guarantee that there are none?

What if he is shot down too?

The maneuverability of the F-4, when operated by humans, the flight trajectory is not as coquettish as the C-801 anti-ship missile.

The pilot turned his head again, and glanced from a distance at the crab flag that he couldn’t see clearly.

No need to look again, this crab is already deeply ingrained in his mind, and when he encounters such a flag, he should launch anti-ship missiles dozens of kilometers away.

“Has been intercepted? Did they install an air defense missile system? They actually launched ten air defense missiles to intercept C-801 anti-ship missiles!”

The first to know the news was from the Persian Southern Front Command. Ihor did not expect Xie Kai to have such a big hand.

“The follow-up plan is cancelled, let them leave safely.” Hazari sighed, “This time is enough to explain to the superiors. If we continue to send fighters, the Chinese boy will go violently.”

Ihor is a little unwilling, but what if he is unwilling?

“We need their kind of defense system.”

Persia does need it. The performance of C-801 is better understood by Persians than anyone else.

So far, several rounds have been fired, and several huge oil tankers and merchant ships have been sunk and injured. It was intercepted for the first time!

“Intercepted! We can prepare to negotiate with the CIA!” Liao Dong rushed into Xie Kai’s room excitedly, but when he could see the situation in the room clearly, he couldn’t help being a little embarrassed and hurriedly backed out…

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