Chapter 905

“I’m too much? General? How did you agree before? You said that you need to explain, you need to act, and we cooperate! The result? It was another F-4 fighter that launched anti-ship missiles, and it was an armed speedboat that bombed my tanker with rocket artillery! Who! Excessive?” Xie Kai’s volume suddenly rose.

It was the first time to quarrel with someone in Persian.

Quick and anxious, Xie Kai almost bit her tongue.

“That’s your problem!” Hazari suddenly felt bad in his heart.

Xie Kai’s strength surpassed their imagination, and the reaction was too much.

“Indeed, this is our problem. For the two C-801 anti-ship missiles, although we used 10 avant-garde air defense missiles, it cost millions of dollars. At least, I saved the hundreds of millions of dollars in crude oil in the Giant of the Sea! Xie Kai sneered, “If you want to come hard, we will accompany you!”

“You threaten me?” Hazari also got angry.

Xie Kai made Hazari anger to the limit by letting people punch the people sent from Tehran in front of him.

In order to get what they want from Xie Kai, he endured it.

But with the current situation, if you bear it, you will lose the face of the country.

“Who is threatening whom? Air force fighters are dispatched to attack oil tankers from other countries, the navy pretends to be pirate armed forces to hijack past merchant ships, the whole country is engaged in terrorist attacks, so that tankers and merchant ships dare not pass the Strait of Hormuz…” Xie Kai was not so anxious Up.

The Persians went too far.

“You are bloody! When did the Navy go to do these things? When did the Air Force go?” How can you admit this kind of thing?

Hazari knew that what Xie Kai said was the truth, but he did not believe that Xie Kai had evidence in his hands.

“Maybe your people are mistaken. It is the Iraqis who pretended to be us and used anti-ship missiles to frame us? They have a lot of French flying fish in their hands, and many oil tankers and merchant ships were sunk by such missiles…”

The anti-ship missile in the hands of the Persians is the C-801 imported from China. This missile is known internationally as the Chinese Flying Fish because the flight mode is very similar to the French Flying Fish.

Now it is obvious that I want to let the Iraqis carry the pot.

“Really? Can the Iraqi Air Force have F-4 Phantom fighters?” Xie Kai admired this product a little.

To such an extent, he didn’t even admit it.

“Can your men be sure that what they saw must be an F-4 ghost fighter?”

You can’t cry if you don’t see the coffin.

“Yes, what are the benefits for the Iraqis? The crude oil has not been shipped out yet, and they have not received the money.” Xie Kai smiled.

If the oil is not sold, Xie Kai cannot get the money, and there are still problems with the Iraqi orders.

With 4.1 million barrels of crude oil, the many oil wells in the silly damu have to be mined for a long time and transported to the oil port. This is more expensive. How can such a thing be done?

“Our patrol boat is only patrolling normally, and your mercenaries not only attack, but also kill people after bombing the ship.” Hazari could not explain, and simply changed the topic. “We must surrender the murderer before we can explain it to our superiors, otherwise we cannot guarantee that the remaining ships of yours can pass safely.”

“He is here, the bombing of the ship and the killing orders were all issued by him. Of course, he represents me, so I bombed the ship, and I ordered the killing of the people! Or, take me to the Ministry of National Defense to explain. ?” Xie Kai asked.

Hazari almost didn’t spray a mouthful of old blood.

Xie Kai is too shameless.

If possible, he really wants to get Xie Kai into their country. When that happens, let the Chinese military use the land red flag technology in exchange for other weapon technology.

This kid is young and is definitely worth the money of the old nose.

Unfortunately, Hazari did not dare.

Persia is now competing with Europe and the United States and is still at war with the Arab world. The Soviets also think that they have no money and can be friends with China.

As for the small countries in Africa, the Persians do not look down upon them.

In a country, there must be one or two powerful friends, right?

“Mullah, I think this is not conducive to friendship. Let’s watch a video and relax first…” Xie Kai didn’t say a word when seeing Hazari, her eyes flickering, but her face was so gloomy that it was dripping. Speaking of it.(Read more @

Liao Dong had been waiting for Xie Kai to say this, and immediately asked someone to pick up the edited video tape.

Hazari endured the thought of beating people with his own hands, and sat there waiting to see what Xie Kai wanted to show him.

The middle-aged man beaten by the dunzi didn’t pay much attention from the beginning.

This guy got up on his own, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and stared at Xie Kai and beat him with a grimace, even resenting Hazari a little bit.

Everyone treats him as air.

The videotape came quickly, and I didn’t know if there was a player in the conference room or Liao Dong and others prepared it.

The picture is very poor, but the surrounding environment can be clearly seen. At first, it appeared as a spectacular sea surface. Then, the air defense sirens sounded inside, and the picture turned into a rapidly magnified object facing the sky…

The F-4 fighter flew over the deck of the tanker, and then the ship launched missiles. Then, the picture of the fighter launching two anti-ship missiles in succession was not very clear, but it was possible to see what the fighter was doing.

The more I look, the uglier Hazari’s face becomes.

Especially after seeing the scene of several missiles flying towards the anti-ship missile with incomparable maneuverability, Hazari’s face was so gloomy that he could squeeze out water.

Immediately afterwards, two armed patrol ships approached at high speed, and they didn’t even call for the ship to stop for inspection. They fired rockets directly, making the picture a little shaky…

“Mullah, how about this video?” Xie Kai asked Hazari with a smile on his face, “This is a video of the Giant of the Sea.”

“So what? There is no sign of us on it!” Hazari denied.

Xie Kai smiled even more.

He shook his head and said, “There is no sign, Mullah. Our security personnel only encountered pirates while protecting the tanker. In order to avoid hijacking, they opened fire…”

What if you don’t admit it?

Everyone knows it well.

“Now, do you want me to explain it?” Xie Kai forced to ask when the other party was silent.

Hazari stopped speaking.

The middle-aged man, who was still arrogant just now, also stopped talking.

Xie Kai’s move completely disrupted the opponent’s rhythm. No one thought that after they dispatched mercenaries, they would arrange for someone to special video and take photos.

“Mullah, I think these are enough for you to explain. Right now, the outside world hasn’t got these things.” Liao Dong handed a bunch of photos to Hazari.

The image on the photo is much clearer than the one in the video.

As long as you watch the video and then look at the photos, you will know that the stuff in the video is this stuff.

“What do you want?” The middle-aged man couldn’t help but said angrily.

He knows what impact these photos and videos will have if they are made public internationally.

In the Strait of Hormuz, they were mine-laying, and many cargo ships and oil tankers had been damaged or sunk by mine; and they dispatched the air force to bomb the oil tankers and merchant ships, and also sent naval warships…

Xie Kai didn’t even look at him, and the kid probably couldn’t be a big master.

Didn’t Hazari even express his opinion without seeing him being beaten?

Looking at Hazari in this way, even the look in his eyes made Hazari a little unbearable.

“What do you want?” Hazari knew that Xie Kai was showing him videos and taking photos, instead of directly disclosing it to the world. There must be a purpose. “You are too shameless! Saying yes is just for us to explain…”

He hit the door, thinking that he could knock on Xie Kai. Unexpectedly, his methods were even more insidious.

Xie Kai’s evidence is something they don’t want to be seen internationally.

He didn’t know what else he could do except scold Xie Kai for being cunning. He even wanted to know where Xie Kai thought of such a hand.

The only thing they said was acting, so that they could explain, but it turned out to be good, behind the scenes!

Xie Kai came from an era when grandparents who wanted to help fall to the ground had to have video testimony to prove that they weren’t knocking down people. Without evidence, they would bankrupt their family, and naturally they would not fail to guard against each other.

“Is this really just a show?” Xie Kai snorted coldly, “If we don’t have enough avant-garde air defense missiles above us, two! I have hundreds of thousands of tons of oil worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and all of it will flow into the Persian Gulf. On the sea!”

The more you say it, the more popular Xie Kai becomes.

Liao Dong and others have not spoken.

“We didn’t do anything. Thanks, we have been working together for so long, you should be clear.”

Xie Kai is noncommittal.

Whether it was intentional or not, his tanker has left the Strait of Hormuz, and there are dozens of ships behind.

The loss of one ship is tens of millions.

“Let’s talk, as long as the conditions are not too excessive, we will accept it.” Hazari wanted to kill people in his heart, and now the handle is in Xie Kai’s hands, and he doesn’t dare to have any tough attitude.

Xie Kai shook his head, “Mullah, you are not keeping promises, I dare not make any terms. I am afraid that you will kill you even before my plane takes off…”

Liao Dong put his head aside, turned his head to prevent the Persians from seeing his forced smile.

Hazari was almost gone.

But he couldn’t attack.

“What do you want?” The anger of the middle-aged man was about to burn himself to ashes.

“First, in order to intercept the anti-ship missiles launched by you, we wasted 10 avant-garde air defense missiles, a million dollars!” Xie Kai began to settle the accounts, “In addition, I also used bullets and rocket launchers. This money, you Have to pay!”

Hazari gritted his teeth and agreed.

Even if he knew that Xie Kai was blackmailing them, he accepted it.

“In addition, your behavior has caused serious psychological trauma to the crew on the Sea Giant, and our mercenaries have a big shadow…” Xie Kai completely put on a blackmail appearance, “This is not A lot of money, for a compensation of five, six, seven or eight million US dollars for mental damage…”

“Also, in the future, as long as there are boats with crab flags, I hope you can all stay away.” Xie Kai did not wait for a reply from the other party at all, and continued to make his own demands.

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