Chapter 908

“Prince Sultan is here? What is he doing? Looking for me?” Xie Kai was interrupted again before leaving.

It is normal for Prince Sultan to come to Oman. Whether he came to Xie Kai or not is not certain.

Xie Kai would welcome each other when it was changed, but now, obviously not.

When the other party comes to him, what else can he have besides urging the delivery?

The situation in the Gulf is getting more and more tense. On the evening of the day before yesterday, when the mercenaries on the Sea Giant were beating the armed speedboats sent by the Persians, the 400,000-ton Kuwaiti oil tanker struck a mine on the waterway next to the Datumb Island and was hit and burned. The news of the fire was also known after Xie Kai reached an agreement with the Persians yesterday.

The Persians did mine.

The mines produced by the North Koreans succeeded in the Persian Gulf.

The Americans did not work hard and asked Kuwait’s oil tankers to give them warships to detect mines. Everyone knew that they were working passively. Such a working attitude is completely incomparable with the River Crab Mercenary Corps.

Therefore, under the current situation, whether it is Saudi Arabia, Iraq, or even Bahrain or Qatar, regardless of whether he has escort needs, Xie Kai asked Liao Dong and the others to send a copy of the edited video tape.

Advertising is indispensable.

Such a video tape alarmed Prince Sultan to come here?

Xie Kai doesn’t think it is possible.

Besides, the other party didn’t know the relationship between him and the river crab mercenary group.

“He did come to see you.” Liao Dong said, “the other party has a good relationship with the Oman royal family.”

In desperation, Xie Kai could only stop and see what the prince asked for himself.

Sultan thought he had heard it wrong, but he didn’t expect to see Xie Kai here.

“Thanks, my friend, you have been here for so long, why don’t you come to me?” Sultan’s attitude towards Xie Kai has improved a lot.

Xie Kai also squeezed a smile, “His Royal Highness, I really didn’t expect to meet you here. I was planning to come to your country to find you!”

Neither party believed this.

Including Xie Kai himself.

“It just so happens that I want you too, thank you, we rented the warships used to train the navy, why haven’t we set sail until now?” The prince asked Xie Kai directly without talking nonsense.

The reason Xie Kai doesn’t want to see him is a big factor.

“His Royal Highness, wasn’t it an agreement before to install an air defense missile system first? I think someone should explain this to your military representative. Now your naval officers and soldiers are already familiar with boarding operations…” Xie Kai cheeked Explained.

Transformation, that takes time.

As for not departing at the agreed time and arriving in the Persian Gulf, there is no alternative.

The Saudi navy officers and soldiers are not familiar with it!

What’s more, at the beginning, what the two parties agreed was that the Chinese instructors took the Saudi navy officers and soldiers to sail through the Chinese Sea and into the Persian Gulf.

“We hope you can speed up the progress of other equipment, and the sooner the delivery, the better.” said the prince.

Xie Kai nodded hurriedly, saying that it will definitely speed up the progress. After all, the faster the delivery, the faster the Saudi money can be paid, right?

This makes Xie Kai puzzled.

Lord Sultan is looking for himself, is it just to increase emotional chat?

its not right.

This is too inconsistent with their style.

“Master, if there is nothing wrong, let’s talk about it later, can’t you? I’ve been out for too long and I have to hurry back as soon as possible…” Since the other party didn’t say anything, Xie Kai wouldn’t be able to continue.

He really didn’t feel in that mood to increase the relationship with Lord Sultan.(Read more @

“It’s not in a hurry at this moment? Thank you, how about I introduce the royal family of Oman to you?” Lord Sultan obviously didn’t want to let Xie Kai leave like this.

Xie Kai was helpless, she had disappeared if she knew it, what happened!

“Master, we are old friends. We can talk about anything except mushroom bombs. If you have any needs, please don’t hesitate to speak.” Xie Kai couldn’t continue.

What exactly does the Saudi royal family want to do?

“What does the river crab mercenary group have to do with you?” Seeing that Xie Kai was indeed anxious, the prince asked slowly.

These words shocked Xie Kai.

I haven’t been overwhelmed these days, right?

Usually, I rarely show up with Liao Dong and the others, just to avoid making more people think of his relationship with the river crab mercenary group.

“It doesn’t matter!” hurriedly denied.

Prince Sultan looked at Xie Kai without speaking, his eyes made Xie Kai a little unbearable, as if there was no secret in front of him.

“It really doesn’t matter.” Xie Kai said that he has nothing to do with the River Crab Mercenary Corps. “If you really want to say there is, at most it is a cooperative relationship. Iraq’s crude oil is part of their purchase of weapons and equipment. We do not have ocean-going fleet escorts , Find them to escort…”

“Really?” Prince Sultan obviously didn’t believe it. “The missiles they use are the same as the avant-garde individual air defense missiles you provide…”

Some things are useless no matter how to deny them.

The Saudi side is very clear about the combat performance of the avant-garde portable individual air defense missiles.

I didn’t ask for it before, because they had a more advanced Flying Shield-359, and the integrated missile was more ideal than using soldiers to launch avant-garde air defense missiles.

As a result, up to now, they have discovered that the performance of the vanguard individual man-portable air defense missile seems to be better than they thought.

When Xie Kai heard this, he quickly said, “His Royal Highness, if you are interested in avant-garde individual portable air defense missiles, we can provide them. The equipment is advanced in performance, simple in operation, and more importantly, low in price. 88,000 U.S. dollars, even with the missile launcher, a set is only 120,000 U.S. dollars…”

“Thanks, you know that I didn’t come to you to buy weapons. We’d better talk about the river crab mercenary group.” Wang Ye said coldly to Xie Kai.

“His Royal Highness, I really don’t know what you want to say. The relationship with the river crab mercenary group, except that I sold weapons to them, that is, this time I asked them to escort. You know, every barrel of crude oil, I am A security fee of 50 cents was given!” Xie Kai would never admit to the Saudi prince that he had anything to do with the crab mercenary group.

Even if I asked Ibrahim, they couldn’t say that they were related to the river crab mercenary group.

There is no share yet.

“How did you get on the line with them? Thanks, I thought we were friends, and you wouldn’t hide anything from friends.” Wang Ye was very disappointed.

The consequences are not necessarily serious.

Xie Kai repeatedly stated that it had nothing to do with the crab mercenary group, and he didn’t understand what the Saudi royal family wanted to do.

The other party started going around in circles, but now he is asking himself what is the relationship with the crab mercenary group, is it to help the Americans inquire about the background of the crab mercenary group?

At the thought of this, Xie Kai felt a little creepy.

Are the Americans going to take action on the river crab mercenary group?

“According to our intelligence, the head of the crab mercenary regiment and the backbone of the gang are all retired officers from your country.” The prince still has the evidence in his hands.

It’s useless to hide Liao Dong’s identities.

Among the most elite armies in the world, the identity of Chinese soldiers is not visible.

Liao Dong’s Chinese identity cannot be concealed.

“Indeed, they used to be our soldiers. Your Highness, but they are not veterans, but deserters who are afraid of war! Deserters who fled from our battlefield!” Xie Kai felt a little painful when he said this.

Liao Dong and the others obviously got a special task before leaving the army.

If possible, no one is willing to go incognito and go abroad with the bad reputation of deserters.

When I first met Liao Dong through his brother-in-law Liu Dongsheng, he was just a small boss under Zheng Quan, Xiangjiang bastard!

It was also after learning that Zheng Quan was Zheng Yucheng’s nephew, that Xie Kai learned about these things.

But now, none of this can be explained to the outside world.

“Destroyer?” The prince didn’t believe it.

“Yes, former deserters. So they dare not return. Your Highness, know them, and because I have a good relationship with the Tanzanian military and have some business contacts… It just happened that the situation in the Persian Gulf was not optimistic, and the Persians were wanton. Attacking merchant ships and oil tankers, and our unit is short of money…”

Xie Kai’s explanation is reasonable.

Even Prince Sultan felt invulnerable.

Even if there is a suspicion that this mercenary group was made by the kid Xie Kai or the mysterious Chinese military-industrial unit they belonged to, at this moment, there is no reason to expose Xie Kai’s lies.

Everything is too coincidental.

The business of the crab mercenary group started in the Middle East, and Xie Kai went to the Middle East and stayed here for so many days.

For the river crab mercenary group, Prince Sultan is naturally no stranger.

The previous task of finding a missile launch base in South Yemen was given to this mercenary regiment. For this reason, the Saudi Ministry of Defense paid a high employment fee of 60 million U.S. dollars. In addition to some subsequent tasks, the crab mercenary regiment from the Saudi Ministry of Defense He received a huge reward of more than 100 million U.S. dollars.

The Sultan team hopes to have such a good soldier in their hands, but unfortunately, the head of this mercenary group and the backbone members are not so easy to buy. Cooperation can be done, but people need to be digging, but not.

If they belong to Xie Kai, they can either help with training or simply become a foreign mercenary group in Saudi Arabia and help Saudi Arabia fight wars.

“Originally, I thought you had a relationship with them. I hope you can match up with them and help us explain the introduction.” Wang Ye said, shaking his head.

Xie Kai came to be interested, “I don’t know what business your Royal Highness has. Although I don’t know them very well, I have business dealings. I can help matchmaking and help my Royal Highness keep the service cost down.”

“Really?” The prince looked contemptuously.

Didn’t it mean it’s okay?

“That’s right! Although we are hired this time out of helplessness, we may cooperate with them for a long time to come.” Xie Kai nodded and said, “If you have any needs, you can say it, you don’t say it. I don’t know. If I don’t know, I can’t help you get more benefits, right?”

“We need them to escort, not only our country, but also Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar…” Wang Ye said, “I don’t know if they have the ability.”

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