Chapter 924

Falling a plane is a stage that must go through for the finalization of fighter design and technological improvement.

Especially when it comes to technical verification, no company can guarantee that the aircraft they designed will not have any design flaws after it is launched into the sky.

There are no defects in the design, who can guarantee that there are no defects in the production?

“Old Wang, are you kidding?” Zheng Yucheng looked at Wang Guilin, then Xie Kai, anxious, “You can fool around with other things. This matter is related to the dignity of the country and the face of the entire country’s military industry system. .”

“You look at me like a joke?” Wang Guilin said seriously.

Usually, anyone who wants to use the base’s funds, as long as it doesn’t meet the regulations, don’t want to get a penny from Wang Guilin.

Now this old guy is generous.

The price of Super-7A is a thousand dollars per one!

Although the production cost is not so high.

“Uncle Zheng, I’m not kidding. If you believe me, just listen to me.” Xie Kai also had to pack the ticket, “As long as it can be done, hitting Americans in the face is definitely not a problem. Even if it can’t be done, Tu Lang alone Flying such a maneuver is not a problem.”

Xie Kai didn’t say that when Tu Lang flew alone, he would never be as shocked as a five-plane formation flying a Cobra maneuver at the same time.

What Yue Lin wanted to say, looking at this state, even Wang Guilin, who is the most difficult to talk about, expressed his position. He wanted to oppose it and it would not have much effect, so he simply wouldn’t say anything.

“Let Tu Lang come, it’s okay, but we have to prepare another set of plans, otherwise, when the time comes, to lose face is to lose the face of the entire country.” Yue Lin finally only said this.

Under the current circumstances, no one has a better way.

“What about Tu Lang’s handling? It won’t work if you don’t.” Zheng Yucheng asked.

If the thorn head is not cleaned up, there will be all things to learn from now on, how to manage it?

This is what Zheng Yucheng can’t tolerate the most.

Of course, this is not the case for everyone. He is for Xie Kai. That is the exception. Who told Xie Kai to bring the entire 404 back to life from the brink of dissolution. Now the small days are booming?

As the top leader of the country put forward, white cats and black cats are good cats if they catch mice.

Obviously, Xie Kai is just a cat.

“Punishment is necessary, rewards for merits, and penalties for failures. Under the current circumstances, we can allow him to try first, and even if it can be completed in the end, he still has to be punished for his disobedience and serious violation of discipline. “Xie Kai said firmly.

No rules no standards.

No one is allowed to go beyond the rules.

Even if he, Xie Kai, has earned tens of billions of dollars for the base up to now, the boss above looks at him with a smile. Not only does he have no complacency, but he feels more pressured.

Obviously he had money, he didn’t dare to spend a penny randomly; he knew he could live according to his own ideas, but he didn’t dare to spend a penny indiscriminately.

Even if he took off Moqi’s pants, he weighed it over and over again, and finally convinced himself with the excuse that Moqi was his wife…

If after a few decades, he would have taken off Mo Qi’s pants, disagree?

The overlord chanted his bow.

“Lead several other fighter planes to make this maneuver at the same time?” Tu Lang didn’t understand when Xie Kai went back and forth. After hearing Xie Kai’s request, the whole person jumped up. “You better shoot me, you can’t do this.”

Cobra is mobile, not everyone can fly.

Before Tu Lang did it himself, he considered the consequences. Either his plane was destroyed or killed, and he could ignore the serious consequences; or he would go to a military court and never touch a fighter plane for the rest of his life.

But now he was told to fly the Cobra maneuver with the other four Super-7A, and he felt it was a pleasure to shoot himself.

“You have two choices. The results of these two choices are very different. The first is to refuse. The consequences are not serious. At most, they go to a military court, and then there will be no chance of encountering a battle in a lifetime, or even Opportunity for aircraft; the other, agree to take them to fly, you have three days, no, to be exact, only two and a half days. It is necessary to ensure that the 5 aircraft formation makes the cobra maneuver at the same time. If it is completed, the punishment for violation of the express order is still All are accepted. However, our leaders have specially approved you to drop one fighter each year, not only the current Super-7A, but also the twin-engine Super-7B that has begun prototype trial production. You can seriously consider…”

Xie Kai ignored Tu Lang and prepared to leave after speaking.

time is limited.

He didn’t have any confidence in his heart.

Even if Tu Lang agreed, and in the end he couldn’t see the shocking movements of the 5 Super-7A cobra maneuvers at the same time, it was all in vain.

Who would have thought that the Super-7A, which is classified as a non-fighter fighter by Xie Kai, would have such mobility?

“Wait!” Tu Lang was anxious when Xie Kai was about to leave.

Xie Kai stopped and turned to look at him, “What?”

“Really let me fly Super-7B?” Tu Lang obviously knew Super-7B and even saw the model.

“It depends on your performance.” Xie Kai sighed. For some people, life is not necessary, and challenge is more important.

“Can I come for the first flight?”(Read more @


Xie Kai refused without even thinking about it.

The first flight of a fighter plane was extremely serious, and it was impossible for a person like Tu Lang to fool around at every turn to allow him to go for the first flight.

The failure of the first flight will severely impact the confidence of the entire R&D team.

The influence of human factors will be completely reduced to a minimum.

“Flying any maneuver, there is no problem?” Tu Lang also knew that the first flight has nothing to do with him in this life.

“It depends on your performance. Of course, even if you fly various maneuvers, you must discuss with the flight test team before taking off. It is absolutely not allowed to violate orders.” Xie Kai is very serious.

Tu Lang smiled bitterly, “If the superior can agree, am I taking such a risk!”

Xie Kai was about to leave again, and this time he walked a long way before he was stopped by Tu Lang.

He did not guarantee success, only said that he could give it a try.

Xie Kai was very satisfied with his answer. If Tu Lang said at the beginning that he could guarantee, Xie Kai would not be so relieved.

When Tu Lang appeared in front of his four colleagues again, the others were obviously shocked, even showing contempt on their faces.

Xie Kai did not interfere with their internal problems, but followed Zheng Yucheng and the others. A serious-faced Yue Lin gave orders to the four Super-7A pilots with different expressions to let them fly the cobra with Tu Lang.

Yes, this maneuver has been named Cobra Maneuver by Xie Kai.

As for whether it is called Tu’s Cobra Maneuver, it depends on the effect.

“You guys, I know that everyone is very unwelcome to me. Super-7A, you all fly longer than me. This is an excellent fighter, and its maneuverability is beyond our imagination…” Tu Lang didn’t talk too much nonsense. “Of course, you are all better than me. This time it is not for my personal honor, but to win glory for the country. Everyone knows that we will be on the same stage as the world’s best aerial performance team. If there is nothing new Tricks…”

“Why is he talking so much nonsense?” Zheng Yucheng asked Xie Kai.

Xie Kai shrugged, spreading his hands, expressing that he didn’t understand at all.

In the end, I don’t know how long Tu Lang had said. The other pilots were all Hache, and Tu Lang was over. He turned to the direct leader Yue Lin to apply. He would fly a few more times to make sure that he needed to enter this kind of maneuver. Of the various parameters.

Yue Lin didn’t talk nonsense, and directly asked the ground crew to refuel and agreed to release.

When the ground crew refueled, Tu Lang took the initiative to request that he could only add one-third of the fuel to the fighter. The reason was that too much fuel would affect the fighter’s maneuverability.

Everything depends on him.

“Can he still make it?” Zheng Yucheng now doesn’t have the courage to put all the bets on Xie Kai.

Give him another chance, he will not necessarily pour the limited funds that the base does not even have enough wages into the research and development of the CNC system, and further agree to Xie Kai to go to Xiangjiang to find Pakistan by himself and cut off Hu 617’s order.

At that time, 404 was on the verge of disbanding. Even if the bet was lost, the ultimate consequence would be disbandment. Zheng Yucheng is even ready to die at the same time as 404.

Now, it’s different.

Although this time will not be as related to the life and death of the entire base as it was when betting on Xie Kai, for people like Zheng Yucheng, national honor and dignity trumps everything.

The country is humiliated, and the people are not bright!

What’s more, people are opening the door openly, because China can’t come up with a fighter with good performance.

Use technical prowess to tell the Americans that you Chinese uncle does not need your junk fighter plane, and the trainer plane we casually made is better than your fighter plane!

Zheng Yucheng looks forward to this.

“Look at it.” Xie Kai also had no bottom in his heart.

You can only watch Tu Lang climb into the cockpit of the fighter plane. From the moment the Super-7A engine ignites, Xie Kai’s line of sight has not left the F-Super-7A piloted by Tu Lang.

Super-7A glided slowly from the apron to the runway, and then waited for the terminal’s order on the runway.

The aircraft slowly began to slide on the runway, getting faster and faster, and it ran a distance of less than two hundred meters. The nose began to rise suddenly. As the speed became faster and faster, the nose was just as far away from the runway. Getting farther and farther, in the end, in less than 500 meters, the Super-7A main rear wheels left the runway, and the entire aircraft continued to climb into the sky at a 45° angle.

The higher the fighter plane is, the smaller the size you see.

But Xie Kai didn’t dare to let Tu Lang take risks. When Tu Lang did this action before, the altitude of the plane was only 800 meters. This time, the flying altitude was determined to 1,800 meters after being discussed by everyone.

If it succeeds, lower the height.

It’s not that Xie Kai doesn’t want to set the altitude too high, but at an altitude of 3,000 meters, the fighter planes are basically difficult to see clearly.

Tu Lang also assured that an altitude above 1,000 meters is sufficient.

At 1800 meters, if the fighter cannot make a maneuver and enters a spin state, there will be more time to figure out a solution.

Super-7A continuously climbed towards the sky, and finally began to circle at an altitude of 1,800 meters.

Without a telescope, it is not very clear with the naked eye.

This time, Tu Lang did not play any more maneuvers, and flew directly, and then slowly reduced the speed… Everyone on the ground looked at the fighter plane in the sky, and the nose was raised several times in succession, but in the end he could not complete the Cobra. Maneuver.

“Can you do it? If you can’t, let him get off. The plane and people can’t afford to lose.” Wang Guilin sighed.

Or they think too much and expect too much.

Even Xie Kai was a little disappointed.

Looking at this situation, Tu Lang seemed unsure.

“The nose is up again, my God, he succeeded…” After Xie Kai put down the binoculars in disappointment, Mo Qi, who had been holding the binoculars and watching the actions of Super-7A in the sky, suddenly jumped happily. stand up.

Xie Kai hurriedly raised his binoculars to look.

But I didn’t see that the nose of the plane had begun to press down toward the horizontal direction.

However, without letting Xie Kai wait for long, the nose of the plane was pulled up again, and the entire fighter remained vertical to the ground, even exceeding 90°, showing the state of the tail in front and the nose in the back. The whole state lasted for a few seconds. , Seeing that the fighter plane will fall like this.

When the heart of the person on the ground mentioned his throat, the nose of the fighter plane began to descend again, and then it changed to level flight.

I did a number of Cobra maneuvers in a row, and some were unsuccessful during the period, but afterwards, almost every time I exceed -7A, I can successfully enter this maneuver.

“The speed at which the aircraft enters is between 424 kilometers and 428 kilometers. It is best to pull the joystick at 425 kilometers per hour. The action must be fast… At the same time, during the entire operation, let the fighter jet at a speed of more than 152 kilometers per hour. The speed decelerated at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour, and the thruster slammed the nose…” After dozens of experiments, Tu Lang finally succeeded every time before he began to explain to the other pilots how to get in. This maneuver.

In the evening, the other four Super-7A fighters all followed Tu Lang’s fighter into the air.

This time, the height of their experiment reached 3000 meters.

Although it is not clear to the naked eye on the ground, the situation can be understood through the terminal building.

All pilots are among the elites in the country. Those who can serve as seed pilot instructors are definitely not ordinary people, with excellent psychological quality and superb skills.

In addition to worrying about the warplane’s tail spin due to a stall at first, later, the pilots of several warplanes successfully made a Cobra maneuver at an altitude of 3000 meters…

“Yes, not bad!” Xie Kai has been waiting at the airport.

After learning that other pilots can complete this maneuver, he sighed.

After the plane got off, Yue Lin immediately arranged the ground crew to conduct a comprehensive overhaul of all the fighters. This kind of maneuver is a very severe test for the structural strength of the fighters.

“Xie Kai, discuss something with you. I think we can do something more complicated in front of the Americans…” Tu Lang flew for a few hours and didn’t feel tired at all. Seeing Xie Kai next to the airport, he didn’t feel tired at all. Regardless of whether the relationship between the two is too familiar, he puts his arms around Xie Kai’s shoulders, with a pleasing smile on his face…

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