Chapter 928

Xie Kai turned his head and saw that Zheng Yucheng and Wang Guilin and his party were accompanied by them.

The leader is a thin and tall general with glasses and wearing a new 87-style general dress. Xie Kai is very familiar. Next to him is a burly western man with white hair and a suit.

General Zhang of the Ministry of National Defense of China!

US Secretary of Defense Cappers!

Even the commander of the Air Force was accompanied by him. This specification cannot be said to be low.

A two cents and one major ran over quickly and briefly reported the situation to Minister Zhang. General Zhang’s sharp eyes instantly fell on Xie Kai.

Xie Kai was watched by this big boss, and his hair exploded.

Don’t be angry.

It’s such a big boss, and it’s true that he hasn’t scorned in front of these big bosses all the time.

The majesty of this big man is much stronger than that of Long Yaohua and Li Mingshan. He just stared at himself for a few seconds, and Xie Kai was extremely unnatural.

Capers obviously also found the problem, said hello to Minister Zhang, and walked to his own person to understand the situation.

Minister Zhang walked straight towards Xie Kai, staring at Xie Kai with his majestic eyes, making Xie Kai feel a little trembling in his calf.

Mo Qi next to him has never seen Xie Kai behave like this. Even if he stands with the bigwigs of foreign countries, he is not stage fright at all.

How does Mo Qi know what General Zhang means to Xie Kai and the others. This big man has been engaged in the leadership of the defense technology and defense industry front, and he can be regarded as the top leader of 404. Xie Kai is from the heart for him. This respect is even deeper than his respect for Minister Shen Hong, who organized and designed nine sets of domestic industrial equipment and built the foundation of China’s industry.

“Good leader!” Xie Kai shuddered.

Originally, he thought that even when he saw the old man, he would not bend his waist and his legs would not tremble.

I didn’t expect it at all, but seeing the Secretary of Defense did not feel the same mighty and unyielding feeling in the past.

“You know their fighters well?” The general’s voice was full of majesty, and the volume was not high, but Xie Kai didn’t know how to answer for a while.

“It looks like you can here!”

This is wrong, Xie Kai doesn’t feel that he has offended the highest direct leader in any way.

I was unhappy, and hurriedly defended, “The chief, it’s really not our choice. Our bosses stand at the distance they set, and the other party directly pushes our boss. I don’t care about it. After saying a word, the other party will start. Cock your tail…”

“Really?” General Zhang looked at Xie Kai, and he didn’t believe this kid’s words.

People have never seen it, but heard it countless times. 404 has been booming in the past two years, and scientific research results have been continuously released. Although it has not been equipped with its own troops, it has also made an indelible contribution to the national military industry.

I also know that this kid has a bad urination, and his people are reluctant to beat him.

“Reporting chief, I caused the matter…” Huo Haiyuan hurriedly stood up and spoke.

General Zhang glared at him, “It’s not a glorious thing!”

“Chief, Americans, this is obviously when we are being taken advantage of. The mobility of this F-1679 is not as good as our own fighter…” Although Xie Kai knew that General Zhang could not support the purchase of such garbage, his purpose was Forced Americans to fly F-16s to make high-maneuvering maneuvers.

Xie Kai once heard a story and didn’t know whether it was true or false.

When a large number of national defense and military industrial projects were discontinued, General Zhang complained to his father that the military equipment was outdated and backward, meaning that he wanted to keep some of the projects.

And the old man said proudly, when we get the economy up in the future, and we have money, we will give you 20 billion to update the fighter…

Even a courageous decision maker like the old man thinks that 20 billion is a huge sum of money.

It is impossible for General Zhang to agree to use the limited funds of the Air Force for such procurement.(Read more @

This may be the reason why China ultimately did not accept the promotion of the United States and purchase F-1679 garbage.

“Our fighters can make maneuvers that they can’t do?” Air Force Commander Wang Hai was excited. “The one you got?”

Sure enough, these big guys all know Xie Kai.

“No, super -7A.” Zheng Yucheng was afraid that Xie Kai would kick his nose there again for a while. He didn’t know it ashamed. He quickly took the stubbornness and reported the situation in a low voice.

Everyone heard around has an incredible expression.

“Really?” Commander Wang’s eyes beamed, “Finally, I don’t have to be suffocated anymore!”

“Five Super-7s parked at the Xijiao Airport, ready to enter the stadium after the Thunderbirds flight team show.” Long Yaohua said.

Not far away, Capos had already learned the situation.

With a serious face, he asked Lieutenant Colonel Kamal next to him, “Kamel, can F-1679 perform those top projects?”

Obviously, he is going to let the Chinese open their eyes and gain some insights.

“Some of them are okay. Two aircrafts can go through the field with one forward and one inverted formation. The minimum radius is circling, and the four-machine diamond formation rolls synchronously. However, the four-machine column somersaults change into the diamond formation, and the five-machine upward blooming cannot be done…” As the captain, Kamal naturally understands what maneuvers can be accomplished by their current fighter performance.

If the four-machine column somersault changes into a diamond shape, problems are likely to occur.

“Then change the established plan and let the Chinese who have never seen the world have a better understanding.” Capers’ tone was full of dissatisfaction.

These dissatisfaction is mainly directed at the attitude of China.

Exporting fighters like their F-1679, although not too advanced, at least it is much easier to use than the domestic ones. The Chinese are better. They have been chirping and crooked, even if they don’t buy it, they also question the performance of these fighters.

Obviously, China did not make up its mind to buy it because they felt that the performance of this fighter was lagging behind.

Capers found the crux of the matter.

“General, isn’t this bad?” Kamal was anxious. “Although some top-level projects can be made, this kind of fighter has insufficient thrust and worse low-altitude performance, or it is performing at a very high altitude, and it is not visible at all. What? The height is not enough, it is easy to go wrong.”

The turbojet engine is different from the turbofan engine. The turbojet engine has good high-altitude and high-speed performance, but not very good low-altitude performance.

Therefore, fighters equipped with this engine are not outstanding in fighting ability.

“Didn’t you say it’s OK?” The Defense Ministry’s face was a bit ugly.

Now China has fighter planes to perform together. If the performance of the Chinese fighter planes is not better displayed at that time, it will even affect the export of U.S. fighter planes.

This is not conducive to expanding American influence.

“…” Kamal really didn’t know how to explain.

The Ministry of Defense does not seem to understand the performance gap of these fighters.

“The Chinese side will arrange fighter planes to perform with us. If they don’t show some of the more difficult fighters, they won’t know the difference between fighter planes.” Capos seriously emphasized that the Chinese must be made aware of their outstanding fighter planes. Compared with the U.S. fighter jets with reduced allocations, there is a big performance gap.

“General, to use this kind of fighter, we must be above 3000 meters in the air. If we don’t use a telescope, we can hardly see the movement…” Kamal really didn’t know how to explain.

Now tell the Chinese that we are going to perform some difficult moves for you to see, but there are some problems with the performance of our fighter aircraft, each of you is equipped with a binoculars?

“Then let them look through the binoculars! You prepare first, and I will communicate with them!” Capus thought that was not a problem.

Just show performance.

Kamal and others have no choice but to do so.

Seeing that Capers walked towards General Zhang and other people who were still understanding the situation not far away, he told General Zhang that they were going to change the performances. It was difficult. However, for safety, they need to be at an altitude of 3,000 meters. For the performance, I hope that each Chinese party will distribute a pair of binoculars.

Xie Kai had just been scolded before, and his anger was not vented. Seeing that General Zhang and the others did not change their expressions, the anger in their hearts had been transmitted through their eyes, regardless of whether they were in line with the rules, and immediately sneered.” Mr. Ministry of National Defense, are you kidding? In order to watch your performance, we have to distribute binoculars on the spot? Isn’t the F-16’s low-altitude performance very good? Why can even our fighters do it, and your famous F-16 Can’t it?”

General Zhang and others were indeed uncomfortable by such rude remarks and actions by the Americans.

If the binoculars are allotted, what kind of show do you watch?

Where can I get so many telescopes at this time?

“Or, let’s get two air defense radars. You fly higher?” Xie Kai teased.

At this time, Long Yaohua, Li Mingshan and the others both lowered their heads, but did not speak, as if they didn’t even know this kid.

“Can your fighter do it?” A colonel next to Capus sneered. “Is the J-7 that is an imitation of the MiG-21 or the J-8II that we can help modify the design? Or the J-8II of your performance team? ?”

No matter whether it is words or demeanor, there is no such thing as a Chinese fighter.

Everyone who heard this, except General Zhang, the faces of everyone else became angry.

Even the commander-in-chief of the Air Force, his face turned pale.

Even, he expects the 404 person to hit each other in the face fiercely!

The Chinese Air Force’s equipment is indeed backward, it is a fact, but it absolutely cannot tolerate being so underestimated.

“Yes! It’s not the J-7, nor the J-8II, let alone the J-T-5. Of course, ours is also a trainer, at best a light fighter! And we are planning to fly at an altitude of 1400 meters this time. Play something difficult…” Xie Kai looked at the US Secretary of Defense with a defiant look.

Just wait for the other party to accept the move.

The original plan was to perform a flight show at an altitude of 1,700 meters, but Tu Lang felt that 1,200 meters would be enough, just to be safe.

Now, in order to cheat the Americans, Xie Kai simply comes up with a compromise plan.

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