Chapter 932

“Chief, do you need a quick-acting heart-saving pill? I have it here…” Xie Kai grinned, but his white teeth gave Commander Wang the urge to punch him all…

“Can you speak well?” Long Yaohua gently rubbed his chest.

I didn’t say that there was such a thrill before.

Xie Kai looked at his hands with a helpless expression, “Chief, this is true. This is just an appetizer…”

“In the future, you must tell the designer that these dangerous actions are restricted technically!” Li Mingshan touched the cold sweat on his forehead.

Zheng Yucheng didn’t expect that this would be the case. Hearing Xie Kai said that he had prepared quick-acting heart-saving pills, he quickly ordered a few of them. His old heart couldn’t bear such a toss.

“Okay, hurry up and watch. If these planes can pull cigarettes, they will be better.” Although Minister Zhang was also frightened, his psychological quality is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

Now he even a little expects this fighter jet improved from the J-9 to continue its wonderful performance.

The 404 person is not afraid of embarrassment, but he can’t help them.

There were a few fighter planes in the sky that dived and pulled up. Even Tu Lang felt that he had walked away from the ghost door. The shirt inside the flight jacket was soaked, not to mention the other pilots.

Five fighters were lifted up vertically, fully demonstrating the excellent aerodynamic layout and power performance of this fighter.

The American face became serious.

They did not expect that China would have such an excellent fighter jet.

“Is all okay?” When the fighter plane was changed to a level flight state and re-formed, Tu Lang asked several other comrades in arms.

Everyone said it was okay, they were still breathing quickly, and their voices were still a little trembling, which could reflect everyone’s current situation.

“Then make a formation and circle around the field again, and then expand the formation, flying the cobra maneuver.” Tu Lang also squeezed a sweat before.

If he is playing like this, there is absolutely no problem, but if he takes a few fighters to make it together, the responsibility is great.

No problems are allowed.

The five fighters began to form again, this time not in the original arrow attack formation, but in a diamond shape.

The three Super -7A appear horizontally and move closer to the center, with one fighter in front and one in the back.

“Oh, the five-plane flying diamond shape is still not as good as the four-plane flying diamond shape.” Xie Kai looked at the five fighter planes in the sky that were almost stuck together, shaking his head and said.

The rhombus did not appear, it looked like a cross.

“that’s all?”

Li Mingshan had already calmed down at this moment, seeing that the fighters in the sky had only changed one or two formations to fly around the field, and couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

Fortunately, Xie Kai said that he prepared quick-acting heart-saving pills.

How can people scare people out of heart disease?

Xie Kai didn’t explain either, just let everyone keep watching.

“General, there is nothing to look good. The performance of Chinese fighters is not good. They use such thrilling actions to make people nervous to make up for the lack of fighter performance…” The colonel, who had no self-knowledge, said to Capus.

Capers has the same idea.

Although the five fighters showed good performance in the final vertical climb, it does not represent how strong the actual combat performance is.

“Indeed, China’s aviation technology is very good to be able to design and manufacture such a fighter.” Capers saw that the planes in the sky did not perform any major maneuvers, and some of the conventional maneuvers were not performed. Obviously his own. The man told the truth.

“Let them leave the field and our fighter planes take off. It’s time for them to see what a truly outstanding fighter plane looks like!” The colonel was sad.

It seems that the F-1679 junk cargo can far surpass the Chinese fighter.

Hearing this, Long Yaohua and Li Mingshan were dissatisfied.

I expected Xie Kai to continue, but Xie Kai ignored it at all, as if the impulsive young man had become a master monk now, and the old god was looking at the sky with only slap-sized fighters.

“Time is almost up.” Xie Kai raised his wrist and looked at the time.

Long Yaohua and the others were puzzled, and were about to ask, they discovered that the formation of the five fighter planes that had changed their formation in the sky had changed again.

This time, the five fighters just flew in a row.

“Attention, our fighter does not have a smoke pulling device, and no traces can be left in the air. It must be tidy so that the people below can see it!” Tu Lang warned everyone before showing the maneuver of the Cobra.(Read more @

Everyone knows the situation.

In the past few days, not only are they tired, but their fighter planes have been flying in the sky for seven or eight hours a day.

Compared with before, it takes only so little time to fly in a month.

Fortunately, the structural strength of these fighters is not small, and there are no malfunctions.

“Prepare to lower altitude, target altitude, 1200, slow down…”

Tu Lang once again ignored the 1,400-meter height requirement, and did not perform according to the original planned height of 1,700 meters.

At 1200 meters, with a small physique like Super-7A, it doesn’t look too big.

To make the cobra maneuver, it must be neat and uniform, and it is too small to see it.

Others have no opinion, anyway, just follow the original plan.

The height issue is not that important.

They are all pilots of the Super-7A flight test team, with rich experience and strong ability to deal with emergencies, and they don’t think this is a problem.

In just two days, everyone made no less than ten cobra maneuvers.

“The altitude has been reached, slow down, the target speed, 425.” Tu Lang heard that the other fighters had reached an altitude of 1200 meters, took a deep breath, and began to prepare to enter the Cobra maneuver.

“Deceleration rate is 160, keep it!” After the speed is reduced, in order to make the whole movement neat, and at the same time, for the people below to see clearly, the fighter plane that has to pull the joystick when it enters the speed of 425 kilometers per hour, can only The deceleration rate is unified, so as to ensure the same time of entry.

“Are they slowing down?”

This is something everyone can see.

The speed of the fighter jets before was very fast, but now it has been reduced to more than 400 kilometers per hour, which is at least doubled. It is easy to see.

“Prepare, three, two, one, enter!” Tu Lang counted down the time, already holding the joystick in his hand.

At this time, the other fighters also pulled up the joystick.

“Continue to slow down!”

The five neatly arranged fighter planes were originally flying in the sky while slowing down. At this moment, they raised their heads neatly, like a cobra about to attack…

“A fighter equipped with a piston engine can fly slower than this. All fighters at low altitude and low speed are fine. What about maneuverability and maneuverability? A large delta fighter, in terms of low altitude performance and maneuverability…” the colonel A look of contempt.

Playing low altitude and low speed?

Since the use of aircraft in warfare, it has always developed from low altitude and low speed.

What is the use without good low-altitude maneuverability?

At present, no fighter jet in China has strong maneuverability and almost no air combat capability.

It is a fart to show low altitude and low speed, and you have the ability to show the complex maneuvers of fighter maneuverability at low altitude and low speed.

Before he finished speaking, he heard the exclamation from the side and looked up, and saw that the five fighter planes in the sky were neatly and uniformly changed from the original level flying state to vertical to the ground.

The vertical at this time was completely different from the previous vertical climb. The entire fighter plane seemed to have stopped in the air, standing vertically in the air like this, almost without any movement.

“It’s almost falling!”

“Oh my God!”

People who watch the excitement always make a fuss.

Especially after the fighter’s nose was vertical to the ground, not only did it not return to its horizontal state, but it continued to raise it backward.

Those who are knowledgeable also become nervous.

Once in the tail spin state, the possibility of crashing will become greater and greater!

No one thought that such a maneuverability could be seen in a country like China that has backward fighter design capabilities and a backward aviation manufacturing industry, and even a second-generation fighter with excellent performance.

If it were a fighter plane, some would think it was an accident and a coincidence.

Five fighters make this action at the same time, just like five cobras raising their heads before attacking!

This can only prove that this kind of performance was prepared through experience.

What is shown is the super maneuverability at low altitude and low speed!

Precisely, this kind of mobility is a cutting-edge technology currently being studied by all countries in the world.

Americans have a clearer and better understanding of this aspect.

Ever since, the Americans were silent.

As if I heard the exclamation of the audience below, I saw that the five fighter planes in the sky had their noses back and their tails in front. The five fighter planes in the sky stopped at the level for about four seconds. When it fell down, suddenly the nose began to press down again, and quickly entered the level flight state from the original vertical state…

Seeing this, the scene became quiet.

“Give me one of your quick-acting heart-saving pills.” Long Yaohua clutched his chest and understood why Xie Kai had this thing. Even if they knew the situation, they didn’t expect to perform so thrillingly.

“Such a maneuver has never been heard in the world!” Commander Wang turned to ask Long Yaohua and the others.

Even Capus asked what kind of maneuver this is.

The colonel who was still talking about the garbage of Chinese fighter planes just now didn’t know what to say at all.

Insufficient maneuverability?

Is it really bad maneuverability to make such a maneuver at an altitude of one thousand meters?

not bad!

Not bad at all.

“Then who, didn’t you say that our fighter planes are garbage? Come on, let your Thunderbirds team make your kind of garbage F-1679, which has a much better performance than our national fighter planes, make such maneuvers to open our eyes. Phew. Let’s see, what is a real fighter with excellent performance?” Xie Kai is not silent for the moment.

Seeing that the American colonel stopped speaking, he began to get into trouble.

Don’t you look down on our fighters?

Come, you guys will show it to us and let us open our eyes.

For a while, the American colonel’s complexion turned into a pig liver color.

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