Chapter 941

“Pay the full amount first? Are you kidding me?” What the Americans didn’t expect was that they just proposed to purchase the Super-7A developed by this unit that doesn’t know where in China, and the Chinese asked for it.

Jonathan, who had been getting irritable because of all sorts of dissatisfaction, suddenly roared.

The Chinese are too shameless!

Even Capers felt that the other party did not understand the international arms trade, and looked towards Long Yaohua and Li Mingshan who were accompanying them.

Long Yaohua and Li Mingshan had long understood the urination of the 404 group of people who wanted money, and they gave the US Secretary of Defense a faint smile.

Capus almost vomited blood with anger.

Alex also felt that the Chinese were joking. He looked at Xie Kai with a mocking expression, “Sir, do you think we have to buy your fighters?”

Xie Kai didn’t care about the other party’s ridicule, “Mr. Colonel, we have not finished our request. Not only must we pay for the goods first, but in order for us not to lose money, we must sell a hundred…”

“Dreaming!” Jonathan exploded.

The smile on Alex’s face was even better. In his eyes, Xie Kai was a fool, a funny guy who was found by the other party to adjust the atmosphere.

Capers could not sit still, and looked at Long Yaohua and the others, hoping to get a satisfactory answer, “Two, we are preparing to purchase with sincerity.”

Long Yaohua and Li Mingshan don’t know whether the Americans are sincere in purchasing.

But Xie Kai made such a request and caught them off guard.

For countries such as Iraq, which have no military production capacity, are fighting, and are in urgent need of equipment, it is understandable to put it forward in this way.

After all, get the money first, and the interest generated every year is a huge amount of money.

But the opposite is American!

The Americans are not in desperate need of Chinese fighters, even if they want it.

Doesn’t Xie Kai know such a good opportunity?

Zheng Yucheng and Wang Guilin did not stop them. Didn’t they know that the reputation and advertising effect of selling fighters to the United States is far more effective than gaining more profits?

“Your Minister, they operate independently… Our reform and opening up is to learn from Western countries and take market demand as a guide. When it does not endanger the development and security of the country, it is not easy for the higher authorities to intervene too much.” Although I don’t understand, but Faced with the doubts of the Americans, Li Mingshan still unswervingly pushed back.

For a while, Capus’s face turned pale.

Western countries have always accused the Chinese economy of not being a market, and now they are told that this is based on a market economy, and the government cannot interfere too much.

Alex wanted to ask, why did he admit to the superior authority now?

When I asked before, I had to find the relevant department…

But they really couldn’t refute Li Mingshan’s words.

Western countries accuse China of not being a market. Now people follow the market rules. Buyers and sellers must reach an agreement to cooperate successfully. What can they do?

If the supplier’s requirements cannot be met, look for other suppliers.

But at this time, where can I find other suppliers?

Is it to let the Soviet Union sell the most advanced fighters to the United States, let the United States understand the performance of their fighters, and at the same time simulate the combat style of the Soviet military to train the US military?

“Yes, Minister, isn’t this a market rule?” Long Yaohua was about to laugh.

What a market!

“Aren’t we sincere?” Xie Kai was dissatisfied, “Your Excellency, for this fighter, we will not set different additional conditions and set different prices based on who the buyer is. It is completely in accordance with market rules. There are no additional political conditions, and the transfer to a third country is not restricted…”

Xie Kai’s words made the Americans even more unable to sit still.

This is not a roundabout scolding the United States for selling equipment with various additional conditions, and its attitude is still arrogant?(Read more @

“This was originally the most advanced fighter in our country. Now the Sino-U.S. relationship is harmonious and there are many technological cooperations. Therefore, we are willing to sell it. Otherwise, it would be impossible to sell just by leaking national defense technology and threatening national defense security!” Zheng Yucheng added One sentence.

Doesn’t Americans use this as an excuse for advanced technology?

At every turn, if someone buys it back, they will leak their technology and endanger the national security of the United States.


Just to get more benefits.

Long Yaohua didn’t know what Zheng Yucheng and the others wanted to do, and it was hard to say at this moment.

Can only listen on one side.

“Do you think we have to buy your fighters? Or is there no other country in the world that can provide fighters?” Jonathan never expected that they came to sell fighters to China, but instead they were stuffed with a bunch of fighters by the Chinese side. .

If hundreds of them are bought back, isn’t it even more likely to squeeze out the order share of several major military manufacturing companies that are already fiercely competitive in China?

“Mr. Colonel, we don’t think so. After all, we need to measure the cost. This fighter was originally only imported from Egypt, and the research and development investment exceeded one billion US dollars… Our air force is insufficiently funded, and the cost is inherently high… After all, The rack is only 14 million U.S. dollars…” Xie Kai said the price.

Unexpectedly, this makes Americans feel that they are too much.

“Why are these fighters so expensive? You sold them to Egypt for only 10 million U.S. dollars each!” Alex went on fire.

They also said that they would not ask for different prices based on different customers.

Just when the U.S. government is being taken advantage of?

“Colonel, when we first sold it to Egypt, we did not expect the cost to rise so much. In recent years, my country’s economy has developed rapidly and prices have risen rapidly… At the same time, the price of engines in the Soviet Union has doubled… After all, this is from the Soviet Union. The engine used in the MiG-29 is exactly the same as the MiG-29. If we know that it will be sold to your country, it will be more difficult to obtain in the future…” Xie Kai was not worried about revealing the news to the Americans.

Sure enough, when they heard that it was using the same engine as the MiG-29, the Americans began to make eye contact.

“The reason for this requirement is nothing we can do. We only have 200 RD-33 engines, and the performance of the entire fighter is comparable to that of the MiG-29…”

“In addition, although this is only a light fighter, our primary position is to be designed entirely in accordance with the trainer aircraft! A general-purpose advanced trainer aircraft, for pilots who have just gained a basic flight experience, whether it is an avionics system or a fire control system. Radar is enough. Our design fully considers the design style of Western fighters and Soviet fighters…” Xie Kai began to introduce the related technology of Super-7A.

Regarding the engine, it is completely fooling the Americans. But the latter is really not.

Super-7A reserves the upgrade space for the installation of more than four-degree fly-by-wire system. The layout of the cockpit is not only designed according to the domestic basis based on the Soviet fighter aircraft, but also based on the design of the F-14 cockpit obtained by integrating the 404 base. .

Although Super-7A was made indiscriminately, there are a lot of things that are integrated. At first, it was just for selling to small countries that are accustomed to Western standard fighters and operating habits.

Unexpectedly, it can still be used to fool Americans now!

The Americans have absolutely nothing to do with such a situation.

Although I didn’t see the real thing, the more I understand it, the more I want it.

Most likely, this was done with the help of the Soviets.


Not either?

For a while, the Americans became embarrassed and couldn’t talk about it, so they had to go home first.

Now that the relations between China and the Soviet Union are gradually returning to normal, the Americans do not know it.

What if you know?

People are also a sovereign country and a big country.

A big country that the United States must win over and help share the pressure of the Soviet Union.

You can’t ask China. You are not allowed to have a good relationship with the Soviet Union, right?

Now the Chinese are focused on making small money, and they have thrown aside national defense construction. The United States can only be anxious on one side, isn’t it?

If China desperately expands its military strength, the Soviet Union at sunset will naturally not dare to withdraw the elite troops from the border. For the U.S. government, what is most in line with their interests is that China fight with the Soviet Union, and then the U.S. desperately sells weapons to China and supports them in doing it with the Soviet Union.

However, one can only think about it.

China now only wants to earn a small amount of money, to solve the food and clothing problem of the people across the country, to become rich, to be well-off, and not willing to fight…

As for the fighting on the southwest border?

Is that called a war?

The two sides are nothing more than a confrontation at best. The Chinese army went to train in different batches, and neither side wasted much bullets or shells!

“They are retaliating! We require the Chinese to pay for the 82nd project!” After coming down, Alex said affirmatively.

When the United States and China cooperated to improve the 82 project of the Chinese J-8 fighter because China’s military expenditure was too low and foreign exchange was in short supply, the Americans did not have any interest in the beginning.

China is too petty. From the very beginning, it hoped that the Americans would help design things.

In the end, the United States requested that a certain amount must be reached!

Since then, after several rounds of negotiations, China finally signed a contract with the United States to improve 50 J-8IIs. Each set of avionics and fire control radar systems was US million. China purchased a total of 55 sets, five of them. Standby, the total contract value is 550 million U.S. dollars.

No one thought that now the Chinese side would demand the U.S. in turn…

“We must first see their fighter planes and understand the specific situation!” Jonathan is now beginning to worry.

As a strategic analysis department, no one wants to see that China’s military technology exceeds their knowledge.

“Yes, we can take this opportunity to thoroughly understand China’s aviation manufacturing level. We must comprehensively reassess China’s technological level and limit the technology we export to China!” Alex also deeply agreed with Jonathan’s statement.

Jonathan is selfish, but Alex is for the benefit of the United States of America.

“If this is the case, do you really buy 100 from China? What are you buying these fighters that cannot be used in combat?” Capus asked the two.

“For national security, spending more than one billion dollars is totally worth it!” Alex said firmly, “Understand clearly, we can sell these fighters to Indians, or those countries in the Middle East that have money but no technology. !”

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