Chapter 943

“This is Yun-10?”

At the beginning, the Americans thought that this was a new version of the Yun-10 that China had announced to discontinue, but the more it looked like a Soviet plane!

China and the Soviets are also engaged in technical cooperation.

“No, this is the Soviet Il-76. The Yun-10 equipped with JT3D engine is too noisy and not very comfortable. This aircraft has been modified with some private space, which is more suitable for receiving distinguished guests…” Zheng Yucheng said. To.

Did not introduce too much.

After all, it’s easy to make mistakes if you talk too much.

To make Americans completely misunderstood, they have to let them use their imagination.

The Il-76 fuselage is 14.76 meters high, which is a full 2.8 meters higher than the C-141, which is only 11.96 meters. In particular, the Il-76 fuselage is wider, which looks bigger than the C-141.

The wingspan of the two aircraft is more than 50 meters, and the difference is invisible to the naked eye. Even though the length of the Il-76’s fuselage is only 46.6 meters, which is nearly five meters shorter than the 51.29 meters of the C-141, its huge size makes the length indistinguishable.

The excitement of the American faces continued. As a special pilot for Xie Kai, Vtoriak took a few Soviet pilots off the plane, a ticket of American generals and school officers wearing the uniforms of American generals and school officers. An unhappy expression on his face, “Thanks, have you bought an American plane again? Their plane is too rubbish…”

It’s because Long Yaohua and others don’t have Russian translators around the Americans. Otherwise, they have to fight.

The Soviets have always looked down on American planes, thinking that their planes are not resistant to handling, and have the ability to compare their planes to wild landings at field airports?

Xie Kai didn’t expect it to be a messy attitude.

And want to come up with the kind of attitude that can provoke a war between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Quickly stop Fatoriak, “Old Fu, if you chirp, you will deduct this month’s bonus!”

Hearing this, Vitaliak stopped speaking immediately.

The paralyzed and shameless ones are all Davaris, who have to engage in capitalism and threaten themselves with bonus deductions at every turn!

Not socialist at all.

“Isn’t it according to your request to make trouble. What are these Yankees doing?” Even if Vertoriak is no longer serving in the Soviet Union, he is even considered to be a betrayal of the country. For the Soviet’s greatest enemy, the American imperial general They, naturally, are not waiting to be seen.

Xie Kai dare not say that this is the Secretary of Defense of the United States. Otherwise, when the goods arrive, they will kill the Secretary of Defense of the United States and become a superhero respected by the Soviet people. Ready to take off, Fei Rong City 132 Factory. Add $500 bonus!”

“Boss, you are so kind, even though I hate Yankees, I definitely don’t hate American knives…” Ftoriak was overjoyed.

Isn’t it just for the bonus?

His colleagues, there is no increase in wages in the Soviet Union, how can he live well?

Capers and his team saw that Xie Kai was so familiar with the Soviets. Although they didn’t know what they said, they also knew that the relationship between China and the Soviet Union was definitely not so bad on the surface.

This makes their minds heavier.

Even Jonathan felt that the Chinese must have received technical support from the Soviet Union.

Il-76, that is the Soviet strategic transport aircraft.

Appearing in China, this is a bit intriguing. Did China purchase this large strategic military transport aircraft from the Soviet Union, or did it acquire Soviet technology?

No wonder China doesn’t even look at C-141.

Originally wanted to use large aircraft to crush China’s aviation manufacturing industry, who would have thought that the Soviet Il-76 transport aircraft appeared?

This thing is bigger than C-141.

At this time, the Americans were no longer thinking about face issues, and were eager to know what secret cooperation between China and the Soviet Union had.

Even, I have already determined that the Super-7A was designed by China with the help of the Soviet Union, and it is likely to be the single-shot version of the MiG-29.


This kind of fighter must be obtained, whether for the imaginary enemy or for a thorough understanding of the technological development direction of the Chinese and Soviet fighters.

Even if it is just a trainer, many things can be analyzed technically.(Read more @

China really has a bad conscience!

After boarding the Il-76, American talents discovered that there was actually a design of a private plane in the area, which made them even more unsure. How many Il-76s does China have?

If the quantity is small, why would you be willing to do this?

It is not enough for air transportation.

The aircraft quickly landed on the test runway of Factory 132. On the airport runway, there were a few newly produced J-7 and one Super-7A fighters parked.

For the Americans to come to the 132 factory again, the director Xiong Hongyuan and the chief engineer Tu Jida and others showed extraordinary enthusiasm, American customers.

They bought the J-7, and there will be more orders for the J-7.

Americans can appreciate it, so it is natural to advertise. American purchases are the best advertisements. Although at the beginning, Americans are fooled, it takes a larger number to form a scale and produce an effect. After all, the Soviet Union, China and other equipment such as fighters The strategy of many countries is to adopt the strategy of playing more and less when the performance is insufficient…

In the end, the Americans did not purchase as many as the Chinese wanted 40, but only purchased 15 from a squadron.

This is different from the normal number of squadrons in the United States, which are purchased according to the Soviet organization.

“Chief, is the U.S. military changed its mind and plans to expand the scale of the J-7 procurement?” Xiong Hongyuan asked Long Yaohua hopefully.

Long Yaohua shook his head, “They came to see Super-7A.”

“Director Xiong, are you ready?” Zheng Yucheng asked Xiong Hongyuan with a smile on his face.

When Xiong Hongyuan saw Zheng Yucheng’s old face, he felt helpless.

It seems that the shadows of 404 people are indispensable everywhere now.

404 is everywhere.

“Don’t worry, I have done everything according to your requirements. There will be absolutely no problems and no one will see the real situation.” Xiong Hongyuan originally thought it was the Americans who would visit their factory again and increase the J-7’s purchase.

Unexpectedly, it was actually a Super-7A that purchased 404.

The J-7 just came out before, how many years has it been equipped with less than a hundred aircraft?

It’s okay now. The 404 people mess up a project, and they are all major foreign customers, earning a lot of foreign exchange.

Capers and others did not stay too much. Their time was very tight. According to the original plan, they should have arrived in Japan yesterday afternoon.

At present, we are waiting to transport the wreckage of the crashed F-1679 fighter jet back to GM’s technicians to analyze the cause of the failure. On the other hand, we have to wait for the replacement of the standard F-16 fighter jet to perform aerial shows in Japan, but the F-1679 cannot be used. If something happens again, there is no way to explain it.

After all, Japan is considered a vassal state of the United States, and the United States is not prepared to use this garbage fighter for their loyal little brothers.

Therefore, I directly proposed to visit the production workshop of Super-7A and understand the specific technical performance.

Huo Haiyuan had received Zheng Yucheng’s telephone instruction before, and he didn’t get too twitchy. Together with Xiong Hongyuan, he took Capus and his party to the Super-7A production workshop.

“This is not the J-7 production workshop?” The Americans obviously felt that the Chinese were fooling them.

“Your Excellency, the number of orders for Super-7A has not yet begun production, and it has just been finalized… To build a new production line, the cost is too high, so it can be shared with the J-7, we will use it with the production of fighters such as the J-7. Save production costs…” Xiong Hongyuan explained.

The Super-7A and Super-7B are both assembled in Factory 132.

“Why didn’t we see it the last time we came?” Jonathan asked dissatisfiedly.

No one answered.

The answer is obvious.

The Americans did not continue to ask questions about this matter. If they have said so, naturally they will not be allowed to understand too much that they shouldn’t understand.

At least the Chinese are more authentic than they are, and there is no direct people to stop the Chinese visiting team in the factory area, telling them that this is related to the national security of the United States, please do not approach.

“Super-7 fighter, empty weight 3984 kilograms, maximum take-off weight 7900 kilograms…without the auxiliary fuel tank, under the maximum weapon load, the range is 1,200 kilometers…” Huo Haiyuan saw the Americans surrounding the supercar that had already been assembled on the production line. -7A watch.

Americans couldn’t help being speechless.

I won’t introduce the structure at this moment, I have to introduce the voyage or something.

“The shape and aerodynamic layout adopts a canard + delta wing layout, with side strips in the middle, so that the fighter can get better lift…”

Huo Haiyuan followed the introduction given by Zheng Yucheng before.

Not afraid of shame or anything.

The Americans originally wanted to search for the shadow of the Soviets in the design team, or find the shadow of the Soviets to help China design fighter planes.

“How about the experiment?” Jonathan asked after learning about performance and other aspects.

For the Super-7A fire control radar that can track 8 targets at the same time and attack 4 targets at the same time, they sneered, after all, the number of targets tracked and locked by any US fighter plane far exceeds this.

Anyway, specific performance indicators can be seen with text.

Huo Haiyuan gave an introduction to the experiment, but the Americans did not give up. Reluctantly, Zheng Yucheng reluctantly asked Huo Haiyuan to take the Americans to another workshop to see a Super-7A that was undergoing ground testing… …

That is the assembly workshop of the Super-7A prototype.

A group of staff in white coats gathered around a completed Super-7A and was conducting the final inspection before the test flight.

However, the Americans’ eyes were attracted by a figure on the side of the workshop who was covered in a military green tarp!

Sure enough, China’s most advanced fighter plane is still not Super-7A!

“What’s in there?” Jonathan asked after understanding the specific situation of Super-7A.

The panic on Huo Haiyuan’s face flashed past. Although he quickly recovered his composure, he was caught by the Americans.

“Why is it still in here?” Zheng Yucheng was furious, “Didn’t you say that you don’t want to put such garbage in here?”

When the Americans heard this, they even wanted to know what was hidden under the tarp.

Just by looking at the appearance, you know that it is definitely a fighter plane!

The key is what kind of fighter is this?

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