Chapter 978

“It’s up again. The Dow Jones index in New York stock market has risen by more than 6%…”

A woman in her twenties wearing professional attire happily said to Sun Juan, who was lying on the sofa with her pregnant belly.

“Why are you happy? Isn’t it just going up.” Sun Juan’s complexion changed, she stood up abruptly, and coldly scolded the woman in professional attire.

Xie Kai shorted the Dow Jones Index. The more it rose, the more hopeless it was.

Three hundred million dollars.

How long does it take to earn? Even the clothing factory will take years to make money back.

It will take more than a year for Kaisheng to earn it back.


This one stood up and got up fiercely, and her stomach suddenly ache. The woman in professional attire saw Sun Juan bleeding from her thigh, and she rolled her eyes and fell down like this.

She was fainted with blood.

Sun Juan, who was in pain in her abdomen, could no longer say anything to her at this time. The severe pain made her collapse on the sofa.

“Baby, wait a minute, now is your dad’s crucial moment, wait until he gets through you before you come out!” Sun Juan was about to cry.

At this time, perhaps only the child can save Xie Kai.

What kind of person Xie Kai is, he grew up with him, and Sun Juan, who has followed him since childhood, knows better than anyone else.

A person who will not admit failure, once he really fails, he will be beaten so he can’t get up again. Just like his academic performance, he has been the number one since elementary school. Later, he failed to pass the test once. First, it started to break the jar…

As for why Xie Kai suddenly worked hard, Sun Juan never figured it out.

Because of Mozi? Also a possibility.

That’s why she would take the initiative to withdraw, otherwise, there would be no chance for Mo Qi at all.

Now, the child is born prematurely.

“What’s the matter?” Li Li opened the door and saw Sun Juan who was sweating profusely on the sofa. She was also anxious. “Have you called the emergency call?”

“Sister Li, I’m going to give birth, quickly call the hospital for me…” Sun Juan said with a sweat, enduring pain.

Li Li ignored the others and quickly called the nearby hospital.

Then I saw the woman lying on the ground.

“What happened to Yang Qian?”

Sun Juan was so painful that she couldn’t speak, she pointed to the blood on her leg, and then pointed to Yang Qian.

Li Li was sweating profusely and wanted to hug Sun Juan. She couldn’t hug her at all, and she was afraid of hurting the child in her stomach, so anxious tears flowed out.

“Sister, how is Brother Kai?” Sun Juan endured the pain and asked Li Li.

Li Li and Fatty Qian went to Xie Kai, and Sun Juan knew it.

“He’s okay, you…” Li Li has never given birth to a child and has no experience. At this time, he is too anxious. Where can he care about Xie Kai?

“I’m okay, I’m waiting for the ambulance to come, you stare at him, he lost 300 million US dollars, he must not be able to live. The money he earns, he is reluctant to eat, reluctant to spend, and he doesn’t even have a decent clothes. Liu Ma opened a garment factory…” Sun Juan endured the pain and told Li Li to stare at Xie Kai, “Don’t let him do stupid things, the money is gone, as long as someone is there, you can earn it back…”

“Where can you go like this!” Where did Li Li dare to go.

“Sister, you can help me get everything out…” Sun Juan had already prepared the baby stuff.

Li Li has never given birth to a child and has no experience, but Sun Juan learned from her mother. She often communicates with the pregnant women around her, and she is equipped with all kinds of things.

“Unless he does something stupid, he can’t tell him…” Sun Juan said to Li Li.

Li Li didn’t want to leave at all, and Sun Juan was going to die.

Finally waited for the ambulance of the hospital near the community.

“Stop talking, save energy, give birth prematurely, put on oxygen first…” the emergency doctor said quickly, and then they were put on a stretcher, and Li Li could only carry things in a hurry…

The stock market is still rising.

Xie Kai took out the cigarette he hadn’t smoked for several days and stuffed it in his mouth.

Upon seeing this, Mo Qi hurriedly lit the cigarette for him, and did not dare to speak.

Fatty Qian had closed all the windows, and he was guarding the door, afraid that Xie Kai would not be able to open it. I kept complaining in my heart, why didn’t Li Li bring Sun Juan?(Read more @

The community where the company is located and they live is only a ten-minute walk away.

“Aren’t you going to jump off the building, don’t you go?” Xie Kai smoked a third of a cigarette in one breath and looked at Qi Zhengshan with a smile on his face.

“Aren’t you saying that you can jump when you are full? It makes sense.” Qi Zhengshan smiled miserably.

“Isn’t it more than ten million dollars, as for jumping off the building? I didn’t look, the three hundred million dollars are gone…” Xie Kai was still calm.

A sense of frustration really emerged in his heart.

He thought that if he knew the history and knew the development of history, he would be safe and secure, and now God slapped him directly.

The only thing I can be grateful for is that Song Yanjin didn’t listen to him and spent more money in the base.

“Xie Kai, if it’s gone, it’s gone…you have to think about thanking Dad, think about Liu Ma…”

As soon as Fatty Qian heard this, he was immediately anxious.

It was too late to stop Mo Qi, so he could only stare at Xie Kai closely.

“Yeah, I should think about my dad before, think about my mother… They have never seen much money in their lives. Every time my dad works overtime, he asks his subordinates to drink, and he has to ask me to borrow pocket money, and I have to talk to me. Let’s pit my mother’s pocket money together… My mother has always been reluctant to spend money, always saying that she saves all the money and saves it for me to marry a daughter-in-law in the future…” Xie Kai said as she talked, she burst into tears.

Three hundred million dollars!

There was no such thing, although he had no idea about money all the time.

Even if the arms contracts with various countries are billions of dollars, the importance of these 300 million dollars is absolutely no less important than those contracts.

This is related to aircraft carriers and some technologies.

It is necessary to use this money to open up relations with the Soviet Union, and to use this money to buy off the bastards of Turkey. Otherwise, they will not let the aircraft carrier cross the strait at that time, which will be troublesome.

Xie Kai has always been very cautious. If he didn’t think about it, he would not touch finance at all.

The Plaza Agreement was signed. He knew what would happen to the domestic capital market in Japan, but he still seldom let people operate and collect money…

Even the money invested in the base, he was worried about the loss.

Mo Qi wanted to make Xie Kai think about his parents, but what he thought was counterproductive.

Can’t help but remember to cry.

At this time, Sun Juan had already been sent to the emergency room. Soon, the attending doctor told Li Li who followed in and said that she must let her family members come. It is very likely that only one adult and child can be guaranteed.

I remember Li Li Liushen Wuzhu.

“Doctor, protect the child!” Sun Juan’s weak voice passed into Li Li’s ears.

“No! I have to go to Xie Kai. No matter whether it is an adult or a child, I have no right to make a choice.” Li Li gritted her teeth and was about to leave, but was held tightly by Sun Juan.

Sun Juan pleaded, “Sister, I can only do so much for my brother…”

Sun Juan knows very well that if Xie Kai knows that she has a child, she will take her own responsibilities, but what he really likes is Mo Qi, even if Mo Qi is not necessarily suitable for Xie Kai.

In this way, Xie Kai will be in a dilemma.

Whether it is for Xie Kai or the base, it is not a good thing.

“Doctor, please, protect both, okay?” Li Li begged the doctor.

“She is in a very dangerous situation. She has not reached the expected date of delivery due to mood swings… Only a cesarean section can be performed, which is very risky…” the doctor emphasized.

“Then choose surgery, doctor, please!” Li Li ignored other things at this time, and directly took out a thick stack of Hong Kong dollars in the operating room and stuffed it into the doctor’s hand.

The doctor silently accepted the money, “I can only do my best. Once there is an emergency, I must make a choice…”

“Good! Good…” Li Li nodded hurriedly.

Li Li was going to find Xie Kai, but the doctor didn’t let him go. After all, he had to sign for a while.

Xie Kai kept talking, and Mo Qi became more anxious as he listened.

I want to comfort Xie Kai. There is still a chance to use what Xie Kai said. It does not end until the end of the afternoon, but she can’t say it herself.

It’s already 11:22 in the morning, and it’s only eight minutes before the market closes.

On Wall Street in New York, almost everyone has a smile on their faces.

Only some people with bad luck still have red stocks in their hands.

This morning was a good time.

Many people have gained a lot and some of the most ferocious stocks have even exceeded 15%.

Countless investors have made a fortune.

There are still 8 minutes, and the market will be closed. Everyone thinks that this morning will end like this.

Himmlet looked at such a crazy rise, and even if he didn’t believe it, he had to accept such a result. This was the most misjudgment he has ever made since his career.

Up to now, he still can’t figure out what is supporting such a big increase.

It can be said that this is the biggest one-day increase in recent months.

In the past few months, it hasn’t moved. Many funds and investment institutions believe that the stock market has reached its peak. It is not unreasonable for a lunatic in Asia to short the market madly.

It has been rising for several years, and the economic situation is not good.

How could it continue to skyrocket like this?

No one cares about Himmlet, who is desperate in the trading floor. Many people have begun to call friends and friends to prepare for lunch together to celebrate.

Most investors use leveraged financing. Compared with the return on investment, it is definitely worth celebrating.

Soros has always been paying attention to the Quantum Fund.

When I saw the Dow Jones Index rose to 6.1%, I stopped moving. After waiting for a minute or two, my expression instantly fused and rushed towards the outside: “Sell all the stocks, quickly, sell them at a price below the market!”

The subordinates were stunned.

The market will be closed immediately, so why do you sell it?

The market pays so much…

“Hurry up, don’t froze! We all have to jump off the building when it’s late!”

When the traders of Quantum Fund threw out the selling orders, they found that the original large number of buying orders seemed to have disappeared.

“Price reduction! Must be thrown out quickly!”

In this way, not only the Quantum Fund is the only one that has been contacted, a large number of sell orders continue to emerge, and at the beginning they are also eaten by small investors who have been unable to buy by placing orders.

But when they saw that the stock price was like diarrhea, they vented like a note, and suddenly became panicked…

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