Chapter 980

“You are really unkind for being rich and have no sympathy at all.”

When Qi Zhengshan stood up from the window, he looked down on Xie Kai for them.

Xie Kai doesn’t bother to care about him now.

On the first floor, the window sill is only over one meter high from the ground. It is not that the luck is extremely bad and it is impossible to fall.

Just now Fatty Qian was guarding the door because he was afraid that Xie Kai would run outside, while Mo Qi had forgotten the environment. After all, the whole Xiangjiang was full of high-rise buildings.

“What did you say? Say it again?” Xie Kai was really blinded.

They have already given up, and even confessed their losses.

The result tells him that history has not deviated, and the Dow Jones index is still down by more than 500 points compared to when the market opened in the morning.

And it still fell after rising by more than a hundred points.

“The Dow Jones Index plunged more than 600 points from the highest of 2384.13, and closed at 1738.74 in midday. The New York Stock Exchange has announced that the market will be closed in the afternoon…” the reporter quickly said.

Xie Kai was completely blindfolded.

God still favors himself.

“Really fell so much?” Qi Zhengshan dashed forward, and excitedly grabbed the collar of the person who came to report, “Really fell so much?”

“Yes it is……”

The reporting people are almost out of breath.

“Hahaha…” Qi Zhengshan suddenly laughed wildly, “Finally, I don’t have to jump off the building, I’m making a fortune!”

“Xie Kai, it succeeded…” Mo Qi looked at Xie Kai with joy.

Finally, Xie Kai will no longer do stupid things for this loss, so she doesn’t have to worry about that.

“Yeah, finally don’t worry, the dust has settled…” After Xie Kai finished speaking, she passed out.

Fatty Qian, who was still in a daze, jumped up in shock, “Hurry up to the hospital…”

“If you get rich, who would dare to call Lao Tzu the plague god of the investment world! Lao Tzu is the myth of the investment world!” Qi Zhengshan snarled frantically, smiling, and tears came out.

People in their forties have achieved nothing, not even a family.

“Boss, my life will be yours from now on!” He knelt down on his knees in the direction where Xie Kai was sitting, but Xie Kai is no longer here.

This is the opportunity Xie Kai brought him.

In the future, he must hug this thick thigh tightly. When he was at his worst, Xie Kai not only gave him a job, but even allowed him to live with dignity.

More importantly, this young man is the true god!

I don’t know where Xie Kai went, Qi Zhengshan now thinks that he should go back and give those people an explanation.

He thought he was completely lost before and ran to the mainland to find Xie Kai. He always thought that Xie Kai would kill him, but in the end Xie Kai didn’t kill him.

In the end, the New York stock market surprised them on this day as Xie Kai predicted.

For countless international investors, today’s Monday is undoubtedly black.

However, for Qi Zhengshan, this day is a joyous day. On his lucky day, he even made a decision to change this day into his birthday.

Walking on the road where there are not many people, Qi Zhengshan is just like those drunks on the street, floating on the road…

When Qi Zhengshan returned to his own small house of only more than 20 square meters, he was shaken by the sight in front of him.

This is an old building with a bit of history, and the aisles look outdated. This is a house from the 1960s, and it was left by Qi Zhengshan’s parents who had passed away.

Under the dim light, the blood-red paint painted a big “death” on the door of his room, and on both sides of the passage, the red paint painted “If you owe debts, die!”

“Qi Zhengshan, you still have the face to come back!” When Qi Zhengshan was looking at these delicate red paint graffiti outside the door, an old voice sounded.

Then, the whole building became lively.

A group of people of all ages in pajamas and vests were holding pots and pans, kitchen knives, etc. pouring out from all over the stairs.

Even if it was late at night, these people were still not half sleepy.(Read more @

“Repay the money!”

“Yes, return my pension money!”

“Repay my old mother’s dowry money…”

People get closer and closer, and the scene is out of control.

“Get out of it! Your little money is a fart!” When the old people were about to do it, and the scene was about to get out of control, several gangsters with yellow hair appeared, and a tattoo was faintly exposed on the neck of the first one.

The crowd, who was still excited, immediately took a few steps away.

“Qi Wenshen, very good, he still has the courage to come back.” The headed man with tattoos sneered, “Cheated Brother Pheasant US$6 million, so he still has the courage to come back…”

Qi Zhengshan looked calm at the moment, looking at the bully in front of him, “I am lame and bald, why don’t I dare to come back?”

“I admire your courage, brothers, get me away, chop him up and feed the fish.” Lame and bald with a rippling smile, “You spent the money, then you will pay for it with your life…”

“Why use your life? Can’t you use money?” Qi Zhengshan smiled. “Listen to me. At 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, all come to the first floor of the Heji Building to collect the money!”

“Get the money? Do you think we are a fool? The stock market hasn’t fallen sharply. If you go short, where can I get the money to repay it?”

“Yes, don’t believe him…”

“Go and find out, the U.S. stock market plummeted, and the Dow Jones Index fell to more than 1,700!” Qi Zhengshan said triumphantly. “We are rich!”

The crowd obviously didn’t believe him.

“You are lame and bald, you stand against him, let them take us to get the money tomorrow, and if you don’t give it, you will hack him to death!”

“That’s, lame and bald, he won’t pay tomorrow, let the pheasant chop him up and feed the fish…”

Who doesn’t want to get the money?

Lame and bald, they were arranged to guard here. Once Qi Zhengshan came back, they would take him back, and he had to make him compensate the boss.

6 million dollars.

That is not only the money of their boss, but also the money of their little brothers.

I don’t know what method Qi Zhengshan used to get Brother Pheasant to give him such a large sum of money.

In a nightclub, when Qi Zhengshan was escorted by a lame baldness, the pheasant whose hair was cut into a cockscomb was gnawing with a exposed woman.

“Pheasant, your quality is getting worse and worse.”

Qi Zhengshan is not the original him now. With more than 10 million U.S. dollars, with 50 times leverage, it becomes 650 million U.S. dollars, and 20% of the profit is 130 million U.S. dollars.

With hundreds of millions of dollars in his hand, why would he be afraid of these little pheasants?

“How dare you come back…” When the pheasant saw that it was Qi Zhengshan, he pushed away the woman he was hugging.

“Twenty million dollars, I’ll give it to you at ten tomorrow morning.” Qi Zhengshan’s words immediately made the pheasant cast aside his anger.

“You said that 20 million is 20 million! What about the money? I want to see the money now!” Pheasant roared.

In his early thirties, he has never seen so much money.

In recent years, the money on the road has been difficult to deal with, and many people who have obtained the money have begun to go ashore to launder it. After the “Sino-British Joint Declaration” was announced, there are still ten years before Xiangjiang will return.

The wealthy people in Xiangjiang are worried, not to mention the people who live on shady business—the Chinese government is not the kind of Britain, and it will never allow the existence of these gangs.

Bleaching, this is what many gangs are doing.

“You’re so stupid, it’s already early in the morning, which bank can withdraw money?” Qi Zhengshan looked contemptuous, and then sat opposite the pheasant, raising Erlang’s legs, “The God of Wealth is here, don’t you want to wait?”

The others were at a loss, but the pheasant was not afraid that Qi Zhengshan would lie to him, “Serve the wine, and arrange two beautiful horses for Qi Caishen!”

The hospital Xie Kai was sent to was the hospital where Sun Juan was located.

However, Xie Kai does not need to enter the emergency room.

When Xie Kai was taken to the hospital, there was a loud cry in the emergency room.

“Congratulations, mother and child are safe.” The emergency doctor said to Li Li who had been standing by with sweat on his head.

Li Li cried with joy.

Finally, she didn’t have to let her choose who Sun Juan was alive with her child.

I don’t know what happened to Xie Kai.

At this moment, Sun Juan’s mother and child both need someone to take care of, and she can’t leave, so she can only continue to stay here.

“Why did I get to the hospital?” Xie Kai quickly woke up, seeing a drip on his arm, and asked Mo Qi, who was worried on the side.

“Excessive fatigue and too much mood swings lead to coma, and need to rest well.”

“What are you doing in the hospital? Going back, there are still a lot of things to deal with.” Xie Kai was about to remove the needle from his wrist.

Mo Qi hurriedly stopped, but he couldn’t stop it at all, because he was afraid that something might happen again, so he simply relied on him.

“You are…” Fatty Qian just finished his hospitalization and saw Xie Kai and Mo Qi appearing, not wondering.

After talking about the matter, Fatty Qian’s things are still in the upper ward, so the two of them can only wait for a while and get the things by themselves.

Upon going up, she happened to meet Sun Juan who had been transferred from the emergency room.

“Why are you here?” Almost at the same time, the two asked the same question together.

“Juan’er was born?” Fatty Qian was about to jump up with joy.

“The Dow Jones Index has fallen?” Li Li is also incredible, and it has skyrocketed before.

Later, the two faced a problem-tell Xie Kai or not.

“Let’s not talk about it, wait for an opportunity later. It is obvious that between him and Mo Qi…otherwise, we will not be people inside and outside, so we will not talk for so long…” Fatty Qian patted his head.

Xie Kai and Mo Qi got off their sheets. As someone who came by, Fatty Qian naturally knew.

If you told Xie Kai earlier, he wouldn’t be entangled…

Li Li didn’t want to tell Xie Kai, because Sun Juan agreed to raise the children with them at first. If Xie Kai knows about it and get back to the base, will she dare to go back to the base?

Fatty Qian sent Xie Kai and the others to settle down, and went back to the hospital to accompany Li Li to take care of Sun Juan. When Sun Juan woke up, listening to the New York stock market finally crashed, she cried with joy.

Early the next morning, in newspapers all over the world, almost the headlines were headlines of the New York stock market crash, Black Monday headlines and so on.

In particular, Xiangjiang has more reports, more often, with “Xiangjiang Thrilling Stocks, Predicting the Realization of New York Stock Market Disaster before March”, “Black Monday, U.S. investors have suffered heavy losses and stocks have made great profits”, and “From the God of Plague Go to headlines like “The God of Stocks”.

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